예제 #1
            static CopyOperation()
                if (Platform.IsMac)
                    RTF_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern("NSRTFPboardType", false);                      //TODO: use public.rtf when dep on MacOS 10.6
                    const string NSHTMLPboardType = "Apple HTML pasteboard type";
                    HTML_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern(NSHTMLPboardType, false);
                    RTF_ATOM  = Gdk.Atom.Intern("text/rtf", false);
                    HTML_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern("text/html", false);

                targetList = new Gtk.TargetList();
                targetList.Add(HTML_ATOM, /* FLAGS */ 0, HTMLTextType);
                targetList.Add(RTF_ATOM, /* FLAGS */ 0, RichTextType);
                targetList.Add(MD_ATOM, /* FLAGS */ 0, MonoTextType);

                //HACK: work around gtk_selection_data_set_text causing crashes on Mac w/ QuickSilver, Clipbard History etc.
                if (Platform.IsMac)
 static CopyOperation()
     targetList = new Gtk.TargetList();
     targetList.Add(RTF_ATOM, /* FLAGS */ 0, RichTextType);
     targetList.Add(MD_ATOM, /* FLAGS */ 0, MonoTextType);
예제 #3
 public PlaysTreeView()
     enableCategoryMove = true;
     SetCategoriesMenu ();
     targetEntry = new TargetEntry [] { new TargetEntry ("event-type-dnd", TargetFlags.Widget, 0) };
     targetList = new TargetList (targetEntry);
     this.EnableModelDragDest (targetEntry, DragAction.Move);
예제 #4
 public PlaysTreeView()
     enableCategoryMove = true;
     targetEntry = new TargetEntry [] { new TargetEntry ("event-type-dnd", TargetFlags.Widget, 0) };
     targetList = new TargetList (targetEntry);
     this.EnableModelDragDest (targetEntry, DragAction.Move);
     eventTypeMenu = new EventTypeMenu ();
     eventTypeMenu.EditProperties += (cat) => EditProperties (cat);
     eventTypeMenu.SortEvent += (sender, e) => modelSort.SetSortFunc (0, SortFunction);
예제 #5
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("sl-SI");
			Application.Init ();
			TargetList lst = new TargetList();
			System.Console.WriteLine(((TargetEntry[]) lst).Length);
			foreach(TargetEntry t in ((TargetEntry[]) lst))
			MainWindow win = new MainWindow ();
			win.Show ();
			Application.Run ();
예제 #6
        public EditModsDialog(Window parent, Instance inst)
            : base("Edit Mods", parent)
            this.inst = inst;

            XML gxml = new XML(null, "MultiMC.GTKGUI.EditModsDialog.glade",
                "vboxEditMods", null);


            this.AddButton("_Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel);
            this.AddButton("_OK", ResponseType.Ok);

            WidthRequest = 600;
            HeightRequest = 500;

            modStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(Mod));
            jarModList.Model = modStore;
            jarModList.AppendColumn("Mod Name", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);

            mlModStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(Mod));
            mlModList.Model = mlModStore;
            mlModList.AppendColumn("Mod Name", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);

            //mlModList.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Multiple;

            inst.InstMods.ModFileChanged += (o, args) => LoadModList();

            // Listen for key presses
            jarModList.KeyPressEvent += new KeyPressEventHandler(jarModList_KeyPressEvent);
            mlModList.KeyPressEvent += new KeyPressEventHandler(mlModList_KeyPressEvent);
            TargetEntry te = new TargetEntry ();
            te.Flags = TargetFlags.Widget;
            te.Target = "STRING";
            TargetEntry[] tes = new TargetEntry[1];
            Gtk.TargetList tel = new Gtk.TargetList(tes);
            Gtk.Drag.SourceSet (jarModList, Gdk.ModifierType.Button1Mask, tes, Gdk.DragAction.Move);
            Gtk.Drag.DestSetTargetList (jarModList, tel);
            jarModList.DragDataGet += new DragDataGetHandler (ddgh);
            jarModList.DragDataReceived += new DragDataReceivedHandler (ddrh);
예제 #7
			static CopyOperation ()
				if (Platform.IsMac) {
					RTF_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("NSRTFPboardType", false); //TODO: use public.rtf when dep on MacOS 10.6
					const string NSHTMLPboardType = "Apple HTML pasteboard type";
					HTML_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern (NSHTMLPboardType, false);
				} else {
					RTF_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("text/rtf", false);
					HTML_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("text/html", false);

				targetList = new Gtk.TargetList ();
				targetList.Add (HTML_ATOM, /* FLAGS */0, HTMLTextType);
				targetList.Add (RTF_ATOM, /* FLAGS */0, RichTextType);
				targetList.Add (MD_ATOM, /* FLAGS */0, MonoTextType);
				targetList.AddTextTargets (TextType);

				//HACK: work around gtk_selection_data_set_text causing crashes on Mac w/ QuickSilver, Clipbard History etc.
				if (Platform.IsMac) {
					targetList.Remove ("COMPOUND_TEXT");
					targetList.Remove ("TEXT");
					targetList.Remove ("STRING");
 public void CopyLyricsToClipboard()
     Clipboard clipboard = Clipboard.Get (CLIPBOARD_ATOM);
     var targets = new TargetList ();
     targets.AddTextTargets (TextType);
     clipboard.SetWithData ((Gtk.TargetEntry[])targets, ClipboardGetFunc, ClipboardClearFunc);
예제 #9
			static CopyOperation ()
				targetList = new Gtk.TargetList ();
				targetList.Add (RTF_ATOM, /* FLAGS */0, RichTextType);
				targetList.Add (MD_ATOM, /* FLAGS */0, MonoTextType);
				targetList.AddTextTargets (TextType);
예제 #10
			static CopyOperation ()
				if (Platform.IsMac) {
					RTF_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("NSRTFPboardType", false); //TODO: use public.rtf when dep on MacOS 10.6
					const string NSHTMLPboardType = "Apple HTML pasteboard type";
					HTML_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern (NSHTMLPboardType, false);
				} else if (Platform.IsWindows) {
					RTF_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("Rich Text Format", false);
					HTML_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("HTML Format", false);
				} else {
					RTF_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("text/rtf", false);
					HTML_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("text/html", false);

				var newTargets = new List<TargetEntry> ();

				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("SAVE_TARGETS", TargetFlags.App, TextType));

				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry (HTML_ATOM.Name, TargetFlags.OtherApp, HTMLTextType));
				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("UTF8_STRING", TargetFlags.App, TextType));

				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry (RTF_ATOM.Name, TargetFlags.OtherApp, RichTextType));
				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry (MD_ATOM.Name, TargetFlags.App, MonoTextType));

				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("text/plain;charset=utf-8", TargetFlags.App, TextType));
				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("text/plain", TargetFlags.App, TextType));

				//HACK: work around gtk_selection_data_set_text causing crashes on Mac w/ QuickSilver, Clipbard History etc.
				if (!Platform.IsMac) {
					newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("COMPOUND_TEXT", TargetFlags.App, TextType));
					newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("STRING", TargetFlags.App, TextType));
					newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("TEXT", TargetFlags.App, TextType));
				TargetEntries = newTargets.ToArray ();
				TargetList = new TargetList (TargetEntries);
예제 #11
        public SingleView(SafeUri [] uris)
            this.uri = uris [0];
            Log.Debug ("uri: " + this.uri);

            GtkBeans.Builder builder = new GtkBeans.Builder ("single_view.ui");
            builder.Autoconnect (this);

            LoadPreference (Preferences.VIEWER_WIDTH);
            LoadPreference (Preferences.VIEWER_MAXIMIZED);

            Gtk.Toolbar toolbar = new Gtk.Toolbar ();
            toolbar_hbox.PackStart (toolbar);

            rl_button = GtkUtil.ToolButtonFromTheme ("object-rotate-left", Catalog.GetString ("Rotate Left"), true);
            rl_button.Clicked += HandleRotate270Command;
            rl_button.TooltipText = Catalog.GetString ("Rotate photo left");
            toolbar.Insert (rl_button, -1);

            rr_button = GtkUtil.ToolButtonFromTheme ("object-rotate-right", Catalog.GetString ("Rotate Right"), true);
            rr_button.Clicked += HandleRotate90Command;
            rr_button.TooltipText = Catalog.GetString ("Rotate photo right");
            toolbar.Insert (rr_button, -1);

            toolbar.Insert (new SeparatorToolItem (), -1);

            ToolButton fs_button = GtkUtil.ToolButtonFromTheme ("view-fullscreen", Catalog.GetString ("Fullscreen"), true);
            fs_button.Clicked += HandleViewFullscreen;
            fs_button.TooltipText = Catalog.GetString ("View photos fullscreen");
            toolbar.Insert (fs_button, -1);

            ToolButton ss_button = GtkUtil.ToolButtonFromTheme ("media-playback-start", Catalog.GetString ("Slideshow"), true);
            ss_button.Clicked += HandleViewSlideshow;
            ss_button.TooltipText = Catalog.GetString ("View photos in a slideshow");
            toolbar.Insert (ss_button, -1);

            collection = new UriCollection (uris);

            TargetList targetList = new TargetList();

            directory_view = new SelectionCollectionGridView (collection);
            directory_view.Selection.Changed += HandleSelectionChanged;
            directory_view.DragDataReceived += HandleDragDataReceived;
            Gtk.Drag.DestSet (directory_view, DestDefaults.All, (TargetEntry[])targetList,
                    DragAction.Copy | DragAction.Move);
            directory_view.DisplayTags = false;
            directory_view.DisplayDates = false;
            directory_view.DisplayRatings = false;

            directory_scrolled = new ScrolledWindow();
            directory_scrolled.Add (directory_view);

            sidebar = new Sidebar ();

            info_vbox.Add (sidebar);
            sidebar.AppendPage (directory_scrolled, Catalog.GetString ("Folder"), "gtk-directory");

            AddinManager.AddExtensionNodeHandler ("/FSpot/Sidebar", OnSidebarExtensionChanged);

            sidebar.Context = ViewContext.Single;

            sidebar.CloseRequested += HandleHideSidePane;
            sidebar.Show ();

            ThumbnailLoader.Default.OnPixbufLoaded += delegate { directory_view.QueueDraw (); };

            image_view = new PhotoImageView (collection);
            GtkUtil.ModifyColors (image_view);
            GtkUtil.ModifyColors (image_scrolled);
            image_view.ZoomChanged += HandleZoomChanged;
            image_view.Item.Changed += HandleItemChanged;
            image_view.ButtonPressEvent += HandleImageViewButtonPressEvent;
            image_view.DragDataReceived += HandleDragDataReceived;
            Gtk.Drag.DestSet (image_view, DestDefaults.All, (TargetEntry[])targetList,
                    DragAction.Copy | DragAction.Move);
            image_scrolled.Add (image_view);

            Window.ShowAll ();

            zoom_scale.ValueChanged += HandleZoomScaleValueChanged;

            LoadPreference (Preferences.VIEWER_SHOW_TOOLBAR);
            LoadPreference (Preferences.VIEWER_INTERPOLATION);
            LoadPreference (Preferences.VIEWER_TRANSPARENCY);
            LoadPreference (Preferences.VIEWER_TRANS_COLOR);

            ShowSidebar = collection.Count > 1;

            LoadPreference (Preferences.VIEWER_SHOW_FILENAMES);

            Preferences.SettingChanged += OnPreferencesChanged;
            Window.DeleteEvent += HandleDeleteEvent;

            collection.Changed += HandleCollectionChanged;

            // wrap the methods to fit to the delegate
            image_view.Item.Changed += delegate (object sender, BrowsablePointerChangedEventArgs old) {
                    BrowsablePointer pointer = sender as BrowsablePointer;
                    if (pointer == null)
                    IPhoto [] item = {pointer.Current};
                    sidebar.HandleSelectionChanged (new PhotoList (item));

            image_view.Item.Collection.ItemsChanged += sidebar.HandleSelectionItemsChanged;

            UpdateStatusLabel ();

            if (collection.Count > 0)
                directory_view.Selection.Add (0);

            export.Submenu = (Mono.Addins.AddinManager.GetExtensionNode ("/FSpot/Menus/Exports") as FSpot.Extensions.SubmenuNode).GetMenuItem (this).Submenu;
            export.Submenu.ShowAll ();
            export.Activated += HandleExportActivated ;
예제 #12
 void Toolbox_DragSourceSet(object sender, Gtk.TargetEntry [] e)
     targets = new Gtk.TargetList();
예제 #13
파일: MainWindow.cs 프로젝트: mono/f-spot
		public void HandleCopy (object sender, EventArgs args)
			Clipboard primary = Clipboard.Get (Atom.Intern ("PRIMARY", false));
			Clipboard clipboard = Clipboard.Get (Atom.Intern ("CLIPBOARD", false));

			if (Window.Focus is Editable) {
				(Window.Focus as Editable).CopyClipboard ();

			TargetList targetList = new TargetList ();
			targetList.AddTextTargets ((uint)DragDropTargets.TargetType.PlainText);
			targetList.AddUriTargets ((uint)DragDropTargets.TargetType.UriList);
			targetList.Add (

			// use eager evaluation, because we want to copy the photos which are currently selected ...
			var uris = new UriList (from p in SelectedPhotos ()
			                                 select p.DefaultVersion.Uri);
			var paths = String.Join (" ",
				                     (from p in SelectedPhotos ()
				                                  select p.DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath).ToArray ()

			clipboard.SetWithData ((TargetEntry[])targetList, delegate (Clipboard clip, SelectionData data, uint info) {

				if (info == (uint)DragDropTargets.TargetType.PlainText) {
					data.Text = paths;

				if (info == (uint)DragDropTargets.TargetType.UriList) {
					data.SetUriListData (uris);

				if (info == DragDropTargets.CopyFilesEntry.Info) {
					data.SetCopyFiles (uris);

				Log.DebugFormat ("Unknown Selection Data Target (info: {0})", info);
			}, delegate {

			primary.Text = paths;
예제 #14
        protected override void Initialize(IPadWindow window)
            this.window = window;
            dragPad     = new FigmaDragAndDropContent();

            window.PadContentHidden += Container_PadHidden;
            window.PadContentShown  += Container_PadShown;

            widget = new Gtk.GtkNSViewHost(dragPad);

            widget.DragBegin += (o, args) => {
                if (!isDragging)
                    DesignerSupport.DesignerSupport.Service.ToolboxService.DragSelectedItem(widget, args.Context);
                    isDragging = true;

            widget.DragDataGet += (object o, DragDataGetArgs args) => {
                if (selectedNode is IDragDataToolboxNode node)
                    foreach (var format in node.Formats)
                        args.SelectionData.Set(Gdk.Atom.Intern(format, false), 8, node.GetData(format));

            widget.DragEnd += (o, args) => {
                isDragging = false;

            dragPad.SelectCode += (sender, e) =>
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e))
                    var selected = new TextToolboxNode(e);

            dragPad.DragSourceSet += (s, e) => {
                targets = CreateDefaultTargeList();

            dragPad.DragBegin += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                var code = dragPad.GetCode(dragPad.SelectedNode);
                selectedNode = new TextToolboxNode(code);

                if (selectedNode is IDragDataToolboxNode node)
                    foreach (var format in node.Formats)
                        targets.Add(format, 0, 0);
                // Gtk.Application.CurrentEvent and other copied gdk_events seem to have a problem
                // when used as they use gdk_event_copy which seems to crash on de-allocating the private slice.
                IntPtr currentEvent = Components.GtkWorkarounds.GetCurrentEventHandle();
                Gtk.Drag.Begin(widget, targets, Gdk.DragAction.Copy | Gdk.DragAction.Move, 1, new Gdk.Event(currentEvent, false));

                // gtk_drag_begin does not store the event, so we're okay


            if (IdeApp.Workbench != null)
                //IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocumentChanged += Workbench_ActiveDocumentChanged;
                IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocumentChanged += onActiveDocChanged;  // += new EventHandler(onActiveDocChanged);
                onActiveDocChanged(null, null);
			static CopyOperation ()
				if (Platform.IsMac) {
					RTF_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("NSRTFPboardType", false); //TODO: use public.rtf when dep on MacOS 10.6
					const string NSHTMLPboardType = "Apple HTML pasteboard type";
					HTML_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern (NSHTMLPboardType, false);
				} else if (Platform.IsWindows) {
					RTF_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("Rich Text Format", false);
					HTML_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("HTML Format", false);
				} else {
					RTF_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("text/rtf", false);
					HTML_ATOM = Gdk.Atom.Intern ("text/html", false);

				var newTargets = new List<TargetEntry> ();

				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("SAVE_TARGETS", TargetFlags.App, TextType));

				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry (HTML_ATOM.Name, TargetFlags.OtherApp, HTMLTextType));
				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("UTF8_STRING", TargetFlags.App, TextType));

				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry (RTF_ATOM.Name, TargetFlags.OtherApp, RichTextType));

				if (!Platform.IsWindows) {
					// This seems to randomly break pasting on Windows. We'll disable it
					// for now until we find a better solution
					// https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=23036
					newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry (MD_ATOM.Name, TargetFlags.App, MonoTextType));

				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("text/plain;charset=utf-8", TargetFlags.App, TextType));
				newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("text/plain", TargetFlags.App, TextType));

				//HACK: work around gtk_selection_data_set_text causing crashes on Mac w/ QuickSilver, Clipbard History etc.
				if (!Platform.IsMac) {
					newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("COMPOUND_TEXT", TargetFlags.App, TextType));
					newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("STRING", TargetFlags.App, TextType));
					newTargets.Add (new TargetEntry ("TEXT", TargetFlags.App, TextType));
				TargetEntries = newTargets.ToArray ();
				TargetList = new TargetList (TargetEntries);