void BuildLayout () { primary_vbox = new VBox (); var label = new Label ("Super duper test UI!"); label.Show (); primary_vbox.Add (label); var button_box = new HButtonBox (); button_box.Show (); primary_vbox.Add (button_box); var folder_button = new FileChooserButton ("Select import folder", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); folder_button.FileSet += delegate { folder = folder_button.Uri; Log.Information ("Selected " + folder); }; folder_button.Show (); button_box.Add (folder_button); var import_button = new Button { Label = "Start Import" }; import_button.Activated += StartImport; import_button.Clicked += StartImport; import_button.Show (); button_box.Add (import_button); primary_vbox.Show (); Add (primary_vbox); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Sharpend.GtkSharp.FileChooserWrapper"/> class. /// /// </summary> /// <param name='title'> /// Title. /// </param> /// <param name='chooser'> /// Chooser. /// </param> /// <param name='entryPath'> /// Entry to display selected path (optional, can be null) /// </param> /// <param name='action'> /// Action. /// </param> public FileChooserButtonWrapper(String title, FileChooserButton chooser, Entry entryPath,FileChooserAction action) { Chooser = chooser; EntryPath = entryPath; Chooser.Action = action; ConfigFile = null; CurrentFilter = null; Chooser.Title = title; init(); }
public FormDatabasePreferences() : base(7, 3, false) { typeLabel = new Gtk.Label("Type :"); serverLabel = new Gtk.Label("Server :"); portLabel = new Gtk.Label("Port :"); userLabel = new Gtk.Label("Username :"******"Password :"******"Database :"); mediaLabel = new Gtk.Label("Medias path :"); typeCombo = ComboBox.NewText(); serverEntry = new Entry(); portSpinButton = new SpinButton(0f,65536f,1f); userEntry = new Entry(); passEntry = new Entry(); dbEntry = new Entry(); passCheck = new CheckButton("Save password"); dbButton= new Button(Stock.Open); mediaButton= new FileChooserButton("Choose the media directory", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); typeLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); serverLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); portLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); userLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); passLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); dbLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); mediaLabel.SetAlignment(0, (float)0.5); typeCombo.AppendText("SQLite"); typeCombo.AppendText("PostgreSQL"); typeCombo.Changed += OnTypeComboChanged; passEntry.Visibility = false; dbButton.Clicked += OnDbButton; this.Attach(typeLabel, 0, 1, 0, 1); this.Attach(serverLabel, 0, 1, 1, 2); this.Attach(portLabel, 0, 1, 2, 3); this.Attach(userLabel, 0, 1, 3, 4); this.Attach(passLabel, 0, 1, 4, 5); this.Attach(dbLabel, 0, 1, 5, 6); this.Attach(mediaLabel, 0, 1, 6, 7); this.Attach(typeCombo, 1, 3, 0, 1); this.Attach(serverEntry, 1, 3, 1, 2); this.Attach(portSpinButton, 1, 3, 2, 3); this.Attach(userEntry, 1, 3, 3, 4); this.Attach(passEntry, 1, 2, 4, 5); this.Attach(dbEntry, 1, 2, 5, 6); this.Attach(passCheck, 2, 3, 4, 5); this.Attach(dbButton, 2, 3, 5, 6); this.Attach(mediaButton, 1, 3, 6, 7); }
public CreateTorrentDialog(TorrentController torrentController) { this.Build(); this.torrentController = torrentController; newTorrentLocationButton = new FileChooserButton(_("Select file"), FileChooserAction.Open); selectFileHbox.Add(newTorrentLocationButton); newTorrentLocationButton.Show(); BuildTrackerWidgets(); }
FileChooserButton CreateTestDllButton() { var entry = new FileChooserButton(_("Open..."), FileChooserAction.Open); var testDll = GetVariable<string>("test_dll"); entry.SetFilename(testDll.Value); entry.SelectionChanged += delegate { testDll.Value = entry.Filename ?? testDll.Value; }; return entry; }
private void on_dialog_response (object sender, ResponseArgs args) { if (args.ResponseId != Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { // FIXME this is to work around a bug in gtk+ where // the filesystem events are still listened to when // a FileChooserButton is destroyed but not finalized // and an event comes in that wants to update the child widgets. uri_chooser.Dispose (); uri_chooser = null; } else if (args.ResponseId == Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { zip (); } zipdiag.Destroy (); }
public Dialog(VariableSet variables) : base("Picture Frame", variables) { var vbox = new VBox(false, 12) {BorderWidth = 12}; VBox.PackStart(vbox, true, true, 0); var entry = new FileChooserButton(_("Load Frame..."), FileChooserAction.Open); entry.SelectionChanged += delegate { GetVariable<string>("image_path").Value = entry.Filename; }; vbox.PackStart(entry, false, false, 0); }
public DruidStoragePage() { this.Build(); torrentButton = new FileChooserButton("Select torrent storage directory...", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); dataButton = new FileChooserButton("Select default download directory...", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); torrentButton.ShowAll(); dataButton.ShowAll(); storageTable.Attach(dataButton, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); storageTable.Attach(torrentButton, 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); torrentButton.SetCurrentFolder(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData),"monotorrent"), "torrents")); dataButton.SetCurrentFolder(Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal)); }
private void on_dialog_response(object sender, ResponseArgs args) { if (args.ResponseId != Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { // FIXME this is to work around a bug in gtk+ where // the filesystem events are still listened to when // a FileChooserButton is destroyed but not finalized // and an event comes in that wants to update the child widgets. uri_chooser.Dispose(); uri_chooser = null; } else if (args.ResponseId == Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { zip(); } zipdiag.Destroy(); }
public MainWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { Build (); Catalog.Init("gpdfsplitter", "/usr/share/locale"); //LOCALIZATION Title = Catalog.GetString("gPDFsplitter"); table = new Table(4,5,false); table.BorderWidth = 5; table.Attach( new Label( Catalog.GetString("1. Select the file:") ), 0, 1, 0, 1 ); table.Attach( new Label( Catalog.GetString("2. Select a range:") ), 0, 1, 1, 3 ); table.Attach( new Label( Catalog.GetString("3. Output file name:") ), 0, 1, 3, 4); table.Attach( new Label( Catalog.GetString("4. Split:") ), 0, 1, 4, 5 ); inputBut = new FileChooserButton("Select file", FileChooserAction.Open); inputBut.Filter = new FileFilter(); inputBut.Filter.AddMimeType( "application/pdf" ); inputBut.FileSet += OnFileSelect; table.Attach( inputBut, 1, 4, 0, 1); outputBut = new Entry( Catalog.GetString("output.pdf") ); outputBut.MaxLength = 15; outputBut.TooltipText = Catalog.GetString("Directory is home or actual"); table.Attach( outputBut, 1, 4, 3,4); done = new Button("done"); done.Clicked += OnDone; table.Attach( done, 1,4,4,5); start = new SpinButton(0,1,1); end = new SpinButton(0,1,1); table.Attach( start, 2,3, 1,2); table.Attach( end, 3,4, 1,2); rb1 = new RadioButton( Catalog.GetString("interval") ); rb2 = new RadioButton( rb1, Catalog.GetString("chapter") ); table.Attach( rb1 , 1, 2, 1, 2); table.Attach( rb2 , 1, 2, 2, 3); table.Attach( new Label( Catalog.GetString("Not implemented yet") ), 2,4,2,3 ); Add( table ); ShowAll(); }
private void Init () { btnFileChooser = new Gtk.FileChooserButton ( "Please choose a file!", Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open); btnFileChooser.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged; var label = new Gtk.Label (); label.Text = "Please choose config file:"; var hbox = new HBox(); hbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 10); hbox.PackStart(btnFileChooser, true, true, 10); var vbox = new VBox(); vbox.PackStart(hbox, true, true, 2); this.Add (vbox); }
public void ShowDialog () { Glade.XML xml = new Glade.XML (null, "ZipExport.glade", "zipdiag", "f-spot"); xml.Autoconnect (this); zipdiag.Modal = false; zipdiag.TransientFor = null; uri_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserButton (Catalog.GetString ("Select export folder"), Gtk.FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); uri_chooser.LocalOnly = true; uri_chooser.SetFilename (System.IO.Path.Combine (FSpot.Global.HomeDirectory, "Desktop")); dirchooser_hbox.PackStart (uri_chooser, false, false, 2); filename.Text = "f-spot_export.zip"; zipdiag.Response += on_dialog_response; filename.Changed += on_filename_change; scale_check.Toggled += on_scalecheck_change; on_scalecheck_change (null, null); zipdiag.ShowAll (); }
public void ShowDialog() { Glade.XML xml = new Glade.XML(null, "ZipExport.glade", "zipdiag", "f-spot"); xml.Autoconnect(this); zipdiag.Modal = false; zipdiag.TransientFor = null; uri_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserButton(Catalog.GetString("Select export folder"), Gtk.FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); uri_chooser.LocalOnly = true; uri_chooser.SetFilename(System.IO.Path.Combine(FSpot.Global.HomeDirectory, "Desktop")); dirchooser_hbox.PackStart(uri_chooser, false, false, 2); filename.Text = "f-spot_export.zip"; zipdiag.Response += on_dialog_response; filename.Changed += on_filename_change; scale_check.Toggled += on_scalecheck_change; on_scalecheck_change(null, null); zipdiag.ShowAll(); }
private void Init() { btnFileChooser = new Gtk.FileChooserButton( "Please choose a file!", Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open); btnFileChooser.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged; var label = new Gtk.Label(); label.Text = "Please choose config file:"; var hbox = new HBox(); hbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 10); hbox.PackStart(btnFileChooser, true, true, 10); var vbox = new VBox(); vbox.PackStart(hbox, true, true, 2); this.Add(vbox); }
public MainWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { SetDefaultSize(200, -1); var table = new Gtk.Table(5, 5, true); var separator = new Gtk.HSeparator(); var label0 = new Gtk.Label("Select file to copy/move"); _fileCopy = new Gtk.FileChooserButton("Select A File", Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open); _radioCopy = new Gtk.RadioButton("Copy"); _radioMove = new Gtk.RadioButton(_radioCopy, "Move"); var copyButton = new Gtk.Button("Copy"); Add(table); table.Attach(label0, 0, 4, 0, 1); table.Attach(_fileCopy, 0, 1, 1, 2); table.Attach(_radioCopy, 1, 2, 1, 2); table.Attach(_radioMove, 2, 3, 1, 2); table.Attach(copyButton, 3, 4, 1, 2); table.Attach(separator, 0, 4, 2, 3); var label1 = new Gtk.Label("Select destination for file(s)"); _folder = new Gtk.FileChooserButton("Select A File", Gtk.FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); var pasteButton = new Gtk.Button("Paste"); table.Attach(label1, 0, 4, 3, 4); table.Attach(_folder, 0, 1, 4, 5); table.Attach(pasteButton, 3, 4, 4, 5); DeleteEvent += OnDeleteEvent; copyButton.Clicked += OnCopyButtonClick; pasteButton.Clicked += OnPasteButtonClick; ShowAll(); }
public ProfileSetupDialog(Gtk.Window parent) : base("Profile Options", parent, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel, Stock.Execute, ResponseType.Accept) { config = new ProfileConfiguration (); HBox box = new HBox (false, 6); box.PackStart (new Label ("Application:"), false, false, 0); FileChooserButton target_button = new FileChooserButton ("Select Application", FileChooserAction.Open); FileFilter filter = new FileFilter (); filter.AddPattern ("*.exe"); filter.AddPattern ("*.aspx"); target_button.Filter = filter; target_button.SelectionChanged += delegate { config.TargetPath = target_button.Filename; SetResponseSensitive (ResponseType.Accept, !String.IsNullOrEmpty (target_button.Filename)); }; box.PackStart (target_button, true, true, 0); box.ShowAll (); VBox.PackStart (box, false, false, 3); Widget editor = new ProfileOptionsEditor (config); editor.ShowAll (); VBox.PackStart (editor, false, false, 3); SetResponseSensitive (ResponseType.Accept, false); }
public ProfileSetupDialog (Gtk.Window parent) : base ("Profile Options", parent, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel, Stock.Execute, ResponseType.Accept) { config = new ProfileConfiguration (); HBox box = new HBox (false, 6); box.PackStart (new Label ("Assembly:"), false, false, 0); FileChooserButton assembly_button = new FileChooserButton ("Select Assembly", FileChooserAction.Open); FileFilter filter = new FileFilter (); filter.AddPattern ("*.exe"); assembly_button.Filter = filter; assembly_button.SelectionChanged += delegate { config.AssemblyPath = assembly_button.Filename; SetResponseSensitive (ResponseType.Accept, !String.IsNullOrEmpty (assembly_button.Filename)); }; box.PackStart (assembly_button, true, true, 0); box.ShowAll (); VBox.PackStart (box, false, false, 3); box = new HBox (false, 6); box.PackStart (new Label ("Type:"), false, false, 0); ComboBox type_combo = ComboBox.NewText (); type_combo.AppendText ("Allocations"); type_combo.AppendText ("Calls/Instrumented"); type_combo.AppendText ("Statistical"); type_combo.Active = 2; type_combo.Changed += delegate { config.Mode = (ProfileMode) (1 << type_combo.Active); }; box.PackStart (type_combo, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); VBox.PackStart (box, false, false, 3); box = new HBox (false, 6); CheckButton start_enabled_chkbtn = new CheckButton ("Enabled at Startup"); start_enabled_chkbtn.Active = true; start_enabled_chkbtn.Toggled += delegate { config.StartEnabled = start_enabled_chkbtn.Active; }; box.PackStart (start_enabled_chkbtn, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); VBox.PackStart (box, false, false, 3); SetResponseSensitive (ResponseType.Accept, false); }
public bool Execute (Tag t) { this.CreateDialog ("edit_icon_dialog"); this.Dialog.Title = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Edit Icon for Tag {0}"), t.Name); PreviewPixbuf = t.Icon; query = new FSpot.PhotoQuery (db.Photos); if (db.Tags.Hidden != null) query.Terms = FSpot.OrTerm.FromTags (new Tag []{ t, db.Tags.Hidden }); else query.Terms = new FSpot.Literal (t); image_view = new FSpot.PhotoImageView (query); image_view.SelectionXyRatio = 1.0; image_view.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged; image_view.PhotoChanged += HandlePhotoChanged; external_photo_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserButton (Catalog.GetString ("Select Photo from file"), Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open); external_photo_chooser.Filter = new FileFilter(); external_photo_chooser.Filter.AddPixbufFormats(); external_photo_chooser.LocalOnly = false; external_photo_chooser_hbox.PackStart (external_photo_chooser); Dialog.ShowAll (); external_photo_chooser.SelectionChanged += HandleExternalFileSelectionChanged; photo_scrolled_window.Add (image_view); if (query.Count > 0) { photo_spin_button.Wrap = true; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.Lower = 1.0; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.Upper = (double) query.Count; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.StepIncrement = 1.0; photo_spin_button.ValueChanged += HandleSpinButtonChanged; image_view.Item.Index = 0; } else { from_photo_label.Markup = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ( "\n<b>From Photo</b>\n" + " You can use one of your library photos as an icon for this tag.\n" + " However, first you must have at least one photo associated\n" + " with this tag. Please tag a photo as '{0}' and return here\n" + " to use it as an icon."), t.Name); photo_scrolled_window.Visible = false; photo_label.Visible = false; photo_spin_button.Visible = false; } icon_store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf)); icon_view = new Gtk.IconView (icon_store); icon_view.PixbufColumn = 1; icon_view.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single; icon_view.SelectionChanged += HandleIconSelectionChanged; icon_scrolled_window.Add (icon_view); icon_view.Show(); image_view.Show (); FSpot.Delay fill_delay = new FSpot.Delay (FillIconView); fill_delay.Start (); ResponseType response = (ResponseType) this.Dialog.Run (); bool success = false; if (response == ResponseType.Ok) { try { if (IconName != null) { t.ThemeIconName = IconName; } else { t.ThemeIconName = null; t.Icon = PreviewPixbuf_WithoutProfile; } //db.Tags.Commit (t); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME error dialog. Console.WriteLine ("error {0}", ex); } } else if (response == (ResponseType) (1)) { t.Icon = null; success = true; } this.Dialog.Destroy (); return success; }
private void BuildFilterPage() { TreeViewColumn filterColumn = new TreeViewColumn(); filterListStore = new ListStore(typeof(RssFilter)); CellRendererText textRenderer = new CellRendererText(); filterFeedCombobox.PackStart(textRenderer, true); filterFeedCombobox.AddAttribute(textRenderer, "text", 0); filterFeedListStore = new ListStore(typeof(string)); allIter = filterFeedListStore.AppendValues("All"); filterFeedCombobox.Model = filterFeedListStore; filterFeedCombobox.SetActiveIter(allIter); filterColumn.Title = "Filter"; Gtk.CellRendererText filterCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText (); filterColumn.PackStart (filterCell, true); filterColumn.SetCellDataFunc (filterCell, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc (RenderFilter)); filterTreeView.AppendColumn(filterColumn); filterTreeView.Model = filterListStore; savePathChooserButton = new FileChooserButton("Select a Save Path", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); savePathChooserButton.SetCurrentFolder(controller.TorrentController.engine.Settings.SavePath); savePathChooserButton.ShowAll(); filterTable.Attach(savePathChooserButton, 1, 2, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); foreach(RssFilter filter in controller.Filters){ filterListStore.AppendValues(filter); } foreach(string feed in controller.Feeds){ filterFeedListStore.AppendValues(feed); } filterTreeView.Selection.Changed += OnFilterTreeViewSelectionChanged; }
public EditTagIconDialog(Db db, Tag t, Gtk.Window parent_window) : base("EditTagIconDialog.ui", "edit_tag_icon_dialog") { this.db = db; TransientFor = parent_window; Title = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Edit Icon for Tag {0}"), t.Name); preview_pixbuf = t.Icon; Cms.Profile screen_profile; if (preview_pixbuf != null && FSpot.ColorManagement.Profiles.TryGetValue (Preferences.Get<string> (Preferences.COLOR_MANAGEMENT_DISPLAY_PROFILE), out screen_profile)) { preview_image.Pixbuf = preview_pixbuf.Copy (); ColorManagement.ApplyProfile (preview_image.Pixbuf, screen_profile); } else preview_image.Pixbuf = preview_pixbuf; query = new FSpot.PhotoQuery (db.Photos); if (db.Tags.Hidden != null) query.Terms = FSpot.OrTerm.FromTags (new Tag [] {t}); else query.Terms = new FSpot.Literal (t); image_view = new PhotoImageView (query) {CropHelpers = false}; image_view.SelectionXyRatio = 1.0; image_view.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged; image_view.PhotoChanged += HandlePhotoChanged; external_photo_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserButton (Catalog.GetString ("Select Photo from file"), Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open); external_photo_chooser.Filter = new FileFilter(); external_photo_chooser.Filter.AddPixbufFormats(); external_photo_chooser.LocalOnly = false; external_photo_chooser_hbox.PackStart (external_photo_chooser); external_photo_chooser.Show (); external_photo_chooser.SelectionChanged += HandleExternalFileSelectionChanged; photo_scrolled_window.Add (image_view); if (query.Count > 0) { photo_spin_button.Wrap = true; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.Lower = 1.0; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.Upper = (double) query.Count; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.StepIncrement = 1.0; photo_spin_button.ValueChanged += HandleSpinButtonChanged; image_view.Item.Index = 0; } else { from_photo_label.Markup = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ( "\n<b>From Photo</b>\n" + " You can use one of your library photos as an icon for this tag.\n" + " However, first you must have at least one photo associated\n" + " with this tag. Please tag a photo as '{0}' and return here\n" + " to use it as an icon."), t.Name); photo_scrolled_window.Visible = false; photo_label.Visible = false; photo_spin_button.Visible = false; } icon_store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf)); icon_view = new Gtk.IconView (icon_store); icon_view.PixbufColumn = 1; icon_view.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single; icon_view.SelectionChanged += HandleIconSelectionChanged; icon_scrolled_window.Add (icon_view); icon_view.Show(); image_view.Show (); FSpot.Delay fill_delay = new FSpot.Delay (FillIconView); fill_delay.Start (); }
public FirstRun() : base(WindowType.Toplevel) { IconName = Stock.Convert; Title = "Import OPML file"; Resizable = false; BorderWidth = 6; vbox = new VBox(false, 6); Add(vbox); hbox = new HBox(false, 6); vbox.PackStart(hbox); image = new Image("dialog-question", IconSize.Dialog); hbox.PackStart(image); table = new Table(2, 3, false); table.RowSpacing = 6; hbox.PackStart(table); label = new Label("To import feeds, select an OPML file."); label.LineWrap = true; table.Attach(label, 1, 2, 0, 1); fcdialog = new OpmlDialog(); fcbutton = new FileChooserButton(fcdialog); table.Attach(fcbutton, 1, 2, 1, 2); bbox = new HButtonBox(); vbox.PackEnd(bbox); cancel_button = new Button(Stock.Cancel); cancel_button.Clicked += OnCancel; bbox.PackEnd(cancel_button); add_button = new Button(Stock.Convert); add_button.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnImport); bbox.PackEnd(add_button); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a Gtk.Widget that's used to configure the service. This /// will be used in the Synchronization Preferences. Preferences should /// not automatically be saved by a GConf Property Editor. Preferences /// should be saved when SaveConfiguration () is called. /// </summary> public override Gtk.Widget CreatePreferencesControl() { Gtk.Table table = new Gtk.Table (1, 2, false); table.RowSpacing = 5; table.ColumnSpacing = 10; // Read settings out of gconf string syncPath; if (GetConfigSettings (out syncPath) == false) syncPath = string.Empty; Label l = new Label (Catalog.GetString ("_Folder Path:")); l.Xalign = 1; table.Attach (l, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); pathButton = new FileChooserButton (Catalog.GetString ("Select Synchronization Folder..."), FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); l.MnemonicWidget = pathButton; pathButton.SetFilename (syncPath); table.Attach (pathButton, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, Gtk.AttachOptions.Expand | Gtk.AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); table.ShowAll (); return table; }
static void start_import(Gtk.FileChooserButton widget) { string type = widget.Title; string path = widget.Filename; GLib.IFile old = GLib.FileFactory.NewForPath(path); GLib.IFile news = GLib.FileFactory.NewForPath("./gtml" + old.Basename); GLib.KeyFile programs = new GLib.KeyFile(); if (GLib.FileFactory.NewForPath("./data/programs.gkf").Exists) { programs.LoadFromFile("./data/programs.gkf", gkfflags); } if (type.Equals("Full")) { old.Move(news, fcflags, null, null); GLib.FileFactory.NewForPath(news.Path + "/profile").MakeDirectoryWithParents(null); create_stacks(news.Basename, news.Path); } else if (type.Equals("Partial")) { /* * g_file_copy (old, new,cflags,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); * GFileEnumerator *ennew = g_file_enumerate_children (old,"*",G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE,NULL,NULL); * while (TRUE) { * GFile *out; * GFileInfo *info; * if (!g_file_enumerator_iterate(ennew,&info,&out,NULL,NULL)) { * g_object_unref(ennew); * break; * } else { * if (!info) break; * gchar *name = g_file_info_get_attribute_as_string (info,G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_NAME); * if ((g_strcmp0(name,".") && g_strcmp0(name,"..")) && name[0] != '.') { * gchar *path = g_file_get_path (out); * GString *n = g_string_new (name); * if (g_file_test(path,G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)){ * * if (!gtk_stack_get_child_by_name (GTK_STACK(stack),n->str)) { * g_print("%s\n",n->str); * //gtk_stack_add_titled (GTK_STACK(stack),create_tabs(),n->str,n->str); * } * //gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK(stack),n->str); * } * } * } * if (!info) break; * } * g_file_make_directory_with_parents (g_file_new_for_path(g_strdup_printf("%s/profile",g_file_get_path(new))),NULL,NULL); */ } else if (type.Equals("Link")) { programs.SetString("Programs", old.Basename, old.Path); GLib.FileFactory.NewForPath(news.Path + "/profile").MakeDirectoryWithParents(null); create_stacks(old.Basename, old.Path); } programs.Save("./data/programs.gkf"); /* * GNotification *inotification = g_notification_new ("Import Complete"); * g_notification_set_priority (inotification,G_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_NORMAL); * ... Data was here ... * g_notification_set_body (inotification,g_strdup_printf ("The %s import of the file located at %s is now complete.\nReturn to Mozilla Launcher to secure and launch it.", type,path)); * g_application_send_notification (G_APPLICATION(app),"import-complete",inotification); */ }
private void buildImportPanel() { importLocationButton = new FileChooserButton("Import folder to scan", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); importLocationButton.SetCurrentFolder(prefSettings.ImportLocation); importLocationButton.CurrentFolderChanged += OnImportLocationFolderChanged; importDirectoryHbox.Add(importLocationButton); if(!importTorrentsCheckBox.Active) importLocationButton.Sensitive = false; importLocationButton.Show(); }
private void Init() { Logger.Debug("Called Init"); this.Icon = Utilities.GetIcon ("giver-48", 48); // Update the window title this.Title = string.Format ("Giver Preferences"); //this.DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size (300, 500); this.VBox.Spacing = 0; this.VBox.BorderWidth = 0; this.SetDefaultSize (450, 100); this.AddButton(Stock.Close, Gtk.ResponseType.Ok); this.DefaultResponse = ResponseType.Ok; // Start with an event box to paint the background white EventBox eb = new EventBox(); eb.Show(); eb.BorderWidth = 0; eb.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(255,255,255)); eb.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(255,255,255)); VBox mainVBox = new VBox(); mainVBox.BorderWidth = 10; mainVBox.Spacing = 5; mainVBox.Show (); eb.Add(mainVBox); this.VBox.PackStart(eb); Label label = new Label(); label.Show(); label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left; label.SetAlignment (0.0f, 0.5f); label.LineWrap = false; label.UseMarkup = true; label.UseUnderline = false; label.Markup = "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"large\">Your Name</span>"; mainVBox.PackStart(label, true, true, 0); // Name Box at the top of the Widget HBox nameBox = new HBox(); nameBox.Show(); nameEntry = new Entry(); nameEntry.Show(); nameBox.PackStart(nameEntry, true, true, 0); nameBox.Spacing = 10; mainVBox.PackStart(nameBox, false, false, 0); label = new Label(); label.Show(); label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left; label.SetAlignment (0.0f, 0.5f); label.LineWrap = false; label.UseMarkup = true; label.UseUnderline = false; label.Markup = "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"large\">Your Picture</span>"; mainVBox.PackStart(label, true, true, 0); Gtk.Table table = new Table(4, 3, false); table.Show(); // None Entry noneButton = new RadioButton((Gtk.RadioButton)null); noneButton.Show(); table.Attach(noneButton, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); VBox vbox = new VBox(); vbox.Show(); Gtk.Image image = new Image(Utilities.GetIcon("computer", 48)); image.Show(); vbox.PackStart(image, false, false, 0); label = new Label("None"); label.Show(); vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); table.Attach(vbox, 1, 2, 0 ,1, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); vbox = new VBox(); vbox.Show(); table.Attach(vbox, 2,3,1,2, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); // Local Entry localButton = new RadioButton(noneButton); localButton.Show(); table.Attach(localButton, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); vbox = new VBox(); vbox.Show(); localImage = new Image(Utilities.GetIcon("stock_person", 48)); localImage.Show(); vbox.PackStart(localImage, false, false, 0); label = new Label("File"); label.Show(); vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); table.Attach(vbox, 1, 2, 1 ,2, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); photoButton = new Button("Change Photo"); photoButton.Show(); table.Attach(photoButton, 2,3,1,2, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); // Web Entry webButton = new RadioButton(noneButton); webButton.Show(); table.Attach(webButton, 0, 1, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); vbox = new VBox(); vbox.Show(); image = new Image(Utilities.GetIcon("web-browser", 48)); image.Show(); vbox.PackStart(image, false, false, 0); label = new Label("Web Link"); label.Show(); vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); table.Attach(vbox, 1, 2, 2 ,3, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); webEntry = new Entry(); webEntry.Show(); table.Attach(webEntry, 2,3,2,3, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); // Gravatar Entry gravatarButton = new RadioButton(noneButton); gravatarButton.Show(); table.Attach(gravatarButton, 0, 1, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); vbox = new VBox(); vbox.Show(); image = new Image(Utilities.GetIcon("gravatar", 48)); image.Show(); vbox.PackStart(image, false, false, 0); label = new Label("Gravatar"); label.Show(); vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); table.Attach(vbox, 1, 2, 3 ,4, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); gravatarEntry = new Entry(); gravatarEntry.Show(); table.Attach(gravatarEntry, 2,3,3,4, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); mainVBox.PackStart(table, true, true, 0); label = new Label(); label.Show(); label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left; label.SetAlignment (0.0f, 0.5f); label.LineWrap = false; label.UseMarkup = true; label.UseUnderline = false; label.Markup = "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"large\">Your File Location</span>"; mainVBox.PackStart(label, true, true, 0); fileLocationButton = new FileChooserButton("Select storage location", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); fileLocationButton.Show(); mainVBox.PackStart(fileLocationButton, true, true, 0); table = new Table(2, 3, false); table.Show(); // Port number section label = new Label(); label.Show(); label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left; label.SetAlignment (0.0f, 0.5f); label.LineWrap = false; label.UseMarkup = true; label.UseUnderline = false; label.Markup = "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"large\">Port Number</span>"; mainVBox.PackStart(label, true, true, 0); // any port Entry anyPortButton = new RadioButton((Gtk.RadioButton)null); anyPortButton.Show(); table.Attach(anyPortButton, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); vbox = new VBox(); vbox.Show(); label = new Label (); label.Show (); label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left; label.SetAlignment (0.0f, 0.5f); label.LineWrap = false; label.UseMarkup = true; label.UseUnderline = false; label.Markup = "Any available port"; vbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); table.Attach(vbox, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); // fixed port Entry fixedPortButton = new RadioButton(anyPortButton); fixedPortButton.Show(); table.Attach(fixedPortButton, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); label = new Label (); label.Show (); label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left; label.SetAlignment (0.0f, 0.5f); label.LineWrap = false; label.UseMarkup = true; label.UseUnderline = false; label.Markup = "Use a fixed port"; table.Attach(label, 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); portNumberEntry = new Entry(); portNumberEntry.Show(); table.Attach(portNumberEntry, 2, 3, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); mainVBox.PackStart(table, true, true, 0); DeleteEvent += WindowDeleted; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Sharpend.GtkSharp.FileChooserWrapper"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name='title'> /// Title. /// </param> /// <param name='chooser'> /// Chooser. /// </param> /// <param name='action'> /// Action. /// </param> public FileChooserButtonWrapper(String title, FileChooserButton chooser,FileChooserAction action) : this(title,chooser,null,action) { }
#pragma warning restore 649 public EditTagIconDialog(Db db, Tag t, Gtk.Window parent_window) : base("EditTagIconDialog.ui", "edit_tag_icon_dialog") { TransientFor = parent_window; Title = Strings.EditIconForTagName(t.Name); // FIXME, Icon //preview_pixbuf = t.Icon; if (preview_pixbuf != null && ColorManagement.Profiles.TryGetValue(Preferences.Get <string> (Preferences.COLOR_MANAGEMENT_DISPLAY_PROFILE), out var screen_profile)) { preview_image.Pixbuf = preview_pixbuf.Copy(); ColorManagement.ApplyProfile(preview_image.Pixbuf, screen_profile); } else { preview_image.Pixbuf = preview_pixbuf; } query = new PhotoQuery(db.Photos); if (db.Tags.Hidden != null) { query.Terms = OrTerm.FromTags(new[] { t }); } else { query.Terms = new Literal(t); } image_view = new PhotoImageView(query) { CropHelpers = false }; image_view.SelectionXyRatio = 1.0; image_view.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged; image_view.PhotoChanged += HandlePhotoChanged; external_photo_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserButton(Strings.SelectPhotoFromFile, Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open) { Filter = new FileFilter() }; external_photo_chooser.Filter.AddPixbufFormats(); external_photo_chooser.LocalOnly = false; external_photo_chooser_hbox.PackStart(external_photo_chooser); external_photo_chooser.Show(); external_photo_chooser.SelectionChanged += HandleExternalFileSelectionChanged; photo_scrolled_window.Add(image_view); if (query.Count > 0) { photo_spin_button.Wrap = true; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.Lower = 1.0; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.Upper = query.Count; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.StepIncrement = 1.0; photo_spin_button.ValueChanged += HandleSpinButtonChanged; image_view.Item.Index = 0; } else { from_photo_label.Markup = string.Format($"\n<b>{Strings.FromPhoto}</b>\n{Strings.TagFromPhotoLabelMessage}", t.Name); photo_scrolled_window.Visible = false; photo_label.Visible = false; photo_spin_button.Visible = false; } icon_store = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf)); icon_view = new Gtk.IconView(icon_store) { PixbufColumn = 1, SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single }; icon_view.SelectionChanged += HandleIconSelectionChanged; icon_scrolled_window.Add(icon_view); icon_view.Show(); image_view.Show(); //var fill_delay = new DelayedOperation (FillIconView); //fill_delay.Start (); }
private void buildFoldersPanel() { downloadLocationButton = new FileChooserButton("Download location", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); downloadLocationButton.SetCurrentFolder(userEngineSettings.SavePath); downloadLocationButton.CurrentFolderChanged += OnDownloadLocationButtonFolderChanged; foldersTable.Attach(downloadLocationButton, 1, 2, 0, 1); downloadLocationButton.Show(); torrentStorageLocationButton = new FileChooserButton("Torrage storage location", FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); torrentStorageLocationButton.SetCurrentFolder(prefSettings.TorrentStorageLocation); torrentStorageLocationButton.CurrentFolderChanged += OnTorrentStorageLocationFolderChanged; foldersTable.Attach(torrentStorageLocationButton, 1, 2, 1, 2); torrentStorageLocationButton.Show(); }
public bool Execute(Tag t) { this.CreateDialog("edit_icon_dialog"); this.Dialog.Title = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Edit Icon for Tag {0}"), t.Name); PreviewPixbuf = t.Icon; query = new FSpot.PhotoQuery(db.Photos); if (db.Tags.Hidden != null) { query.Terms = FSpot.OrTerm.FromTags(new Tag [] { t, db.Tags.Hidden }); } else { query.Terms = new FSpot.Literal(t); } image_view = new FSpot.PhotoImageView(query); image_view.SelectionXyRatio = 1.0; image_view.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged; image_view.PhotoChanged += HandlePhotoChanged; external_photo_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserButton(Catalog.GetString("Select Photo from file"), Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open); external_photo_chooser.Filter = new FileFilter(); external_photo_chooser.Filter.AddPixbufFormats(); external_photo_chooser.LocalOnly = false; external_photo_chooser_hbox.PackStart(external_photo_chooser); Dialog.ShowAll(); external_photo_chooser.SelectionChanged += HandleExternalFileSelectionChanged; photo_scrolled_window.Add(image_view); if (query.Count > 0) { photo_spin_button.Wrap = true; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.Lower = 1.0; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.Upper = (double)query.Count; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.StepIncrement = 1.0; photo_spin_button.ValueChanged += HandleSpinButtonChanged; image_view.Item.Index = 0; } else { from_photo_label.Markup = String.Format(Catalog.GetString( "\n<b>From Photo</b>\n" + " You can use one of your library photos as an icon for this tag.\n" + " However, first you must have at least one photo associated\n" + " with this tag. Please tag a photo as '{0}' and return here\n" + " to use it as an icon."), t.Name); photo_scrolled_window.Visible = false; photo_label.Visible = false; photo_spin_button.Visible = false; } icon_store = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf)); icon_view = new Gtk.IconView(icon_store); icon_view.PixbufColumn = 1; icon_view.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single; icon_view.SelectionChanged += HandleIconSelectionChanged; icon_scrolled_window.Add(icon_view); icon_view.Show(); image_view.Show(); FSpot.Delay fill_delay = new FSpot.Delay(FillIconView); fill_delay.Start(); ResponseType response = (ResponseType)this.Dialog.Run(); bool success = false; if (response == ResponseType.Ok) { try { if (IconName != null) { t.ThemeIconName = IconName; } else { t.ThemeIconName = null; t.Icon = PreviewPixbuf_WithoutProfile; } //db.Tags.Commit (t); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME error dialog. Console.WriteLine("error {0}", ex); } } else if (response == (ResponseType)(1)) { t.Icon = null; success = true; } this.Dialog.Destroy(); return(success); }
public EditTagIconDialog(Db db, Tag t, Gtk.Window parent_window) : base("EditTagIconDialog.ui", "edit_tag_icon_dialog") { TransientFor = parent_window; Title = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Edit Icon for Tag {0}"), t.Name); preview_pixbuf = t.Icon; Cms.Profile screen_profile; if (preview_pixbuf != null && ColorManagement.Profiles.TryGetValue(Preferences.Get <string> (Preferences.COLOR_MANAGEMENT_DISPLAY_PROFILE), out screen_profile)) { preview_image.Pixbuf = preview_pixbuf.Copy(); ColorManagement.ApplyProfile(preview_image.Pixbuf, screen_profile); } else { preview_image.Pixbuf = preview_pixbuf; } query = new PhotoQuery(db.Photos); if (db.Tags.Hidden != null) { query.Terms = OrTerm.FromTags(new [] { t }); } else { query.Terms = new Literal(t); } image_view = new PhotoImageView(query) { CropHelpers = false }; image_view.SelectionXyRatio = 1.0; image_view.SelectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged; image_view.PhotoChanged += HandlePhotoChanged; external_photo_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserButton(Catalog.GetString("Select Photo from file"), Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open); external_photo_chooser.Filter = new FileFilter(); external_photo_chooser.Filter.AddPixbufFormats(); external_photo_chooser.LocalOnly = false; external_photo_chooser_hbox.PackStart(external_photo_chooser); external_photo_chooser.Show(); external_photo_chooser.SelectionChanged += HandleExternalFileSelectionChanged; photo_scrolled_window.Add(image_view); if (query.Count > 0) { photo_spin_button.Wrap = true; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.Lower = 1.0; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.Upper = (double)query.Count; photo_spin_button.Adjustment.StepIncrement = 1.0; photo_spin_button.ValueChanged += HandleSpinButtonChanged; image_view.Item.Index = 0; } else { from_photo_label.Markup = String.Format(Catalog.GetString( "\n<b>From Photo</b>\n" + " You can use one of your library photos as an icon for this tag.\n" + " However, first you must have at least one photo associated\n" + " with this tag. Please tag a photo as '{0}' and return here\n" + " to use it as an icon."), t.Name); photo_scrolled_window.Visible = false; photo_label.Visible = false; photo_spin_button.Visible = false; } icon_store = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf)); icon_view = new Gtk.IconView(icon_store); icon_view.PixbufColumn = 1; icon_view.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single; icon_view.SelectionChanged += HandleIconSelectionChanged; icon_scrolled_window.Add(icon_view); icon_view.Show(); image_view.Show(); DelayedOperation fill_delay = new DelayedOperation(FillIconView); fill_delay.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the file chooser action and changes title and corresponding radiogroup state /// </summary> /// <param name='fc'> /// File chooser button. /// </param> /// <param name='action'> /// Action to set. /// </param> protected void SetFileChooserAction(FileChooserButton fc, FileChooserAction action) { fc.Action = action; if (fc.Action == FileChooserAction.Open) { radioFile.Active = true; fc.Title = Catalog.GetString ("Select a file"); } else { radioFolder.Active = true; fc.Title = Catalog.GetString ("Select a folder"); } }
void SetFileEntry(bool isDir) { if (_choose != null) { _choose.Hide(); } if (isDir) { _choose = new FileChooserButton(_("Open..."), FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); _choose.SelectionChanged += delegate { string directory = _choose.Filename; if (directory.Length > 0) { _loader.Value = new DirImageProviderFactory(directory, _recursive.Value); } }; } else { _choose = new FileChooserButton(_("Open..."), FileChooserAction.Open); _choose.SelectionChanged += delegate { string fileName = _choose.Filename; if (fileName.Length > 0) { _loader.Value = new FileImageProviderFactory(fileName); } }; } _choose.Show(); Table.Attach(_choose, 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); }
public void InitializeGui() { m_MainPanel = new Fixed(); m_OutConnectionStatus = new Label("Jaco is not connected."); m_GeneralPanel = new Fixed(); m_TxtSerial = new Label("Jaco serial # :"); m_TxtModel = new Label("Jaco model :"); m_TxtSoftwareVersion = new Label("Software version :"); m_TxtClientID = new Label("Client ID :"); m_TxtClientName = new Label("Client name :"); m_TxtClientOrganization = new Label("Client organization :"); m_OutSerial = new Label("????"); m_OutModel = new Label("????"); m_OutSoftwareVersion = new Label("????"); m_InClientID = new Entry(""); m_InClientName = new Entry(""); m_InClientOrganization = new Entry(""); m_BTNUpdateGeneral = new Button("Update Jaco"); m_BTNUpdateGeneral.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_UpdateClick); m_BTNReadGeneral = new Button("Read from Jaco"); m_BTNReadGeneral.Clicked += new EventHandler (BTN_ReadClick); m_ConfigurationPanel = new Fixed(); m_TxtSensitivity = new Label("Control's sensitivity :"); m_TxtMaxSpeed = new Label("Permitted max speed :"); m_TxtDrinkingHeight = new Label("Drinking height :"); m_TxtDrinkingDistance = new Label("Drinking distance :"); m_TxtLaterality = new Label("Laterality :"); m_TxtFingersInverted = new Label("Fingers inverted :"); m_TxtRetractAngle = new Label("Retracted position angle :"); m_InSensitivity = new Entry(""); m_InMaxSpeed = new Entry(""); m_InDrinkingHeight = new Entry(""); m_InDrinkingDistance = new Entry(""); m_RadioRightHanded = new RadioButton("Righthanded"); m_RadioLeftHanded = new RadioButton("Lefthanded"); m_RadioLeftHanded.Group = m_RadioRightHanded.Group; m_CheckFingersInverted = new CheckButton("Invert fingers"); m_InRetractAngle = new Entry(""); m_BTNUpdateConfig = new Button("Update Jaco"); m_BTNUpdateConfig.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_UpdateClick); m_BTNReadConfig = new Button("Read from Jaco"); m_BTNReadConfig.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_ReadClick); m_DiagnosisPanel = new Fixed(); m_TxtAxis1Version = new Label("Axis 1 version :"); m_TxtAxis2Version = new Label("Axis 2 version :"); m_TxtAxis3Version = new Label("Axis 3 version :"); m_TxtAxis4Version = new Label("Axis 4 version :"); m_TxtAxis5Version = new Label("Axis 5 version :"); m_TxtAxis6Version = new Label("Axis 6 version :"); m_TxtFinger1Version = new Label("Finger 1 version :"); m_TxtFinger2Version = new Label("Finger 2 version :"); m_TxtFinger3Version = new Label("Finger 3 version :"); m_TxtMainCANVersion = new Label("Main CAN version :"); m_TxtExtCANVersion = new Label("Ext CAN Version :"); m_OutAxis1Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis2Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis3Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis4Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis5Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis6Version = new Label("????"); m_OutFinger1Version = new Label("????"); m_OutFinger2Version = new Label("????"); m_OutFinger3Version = new Label("????"); m_OutMainCANVersion = new Label("????"); m_OutExtCANVersion = new Label("????"); m_TxtInfo = new Label(""); m_InFileReprogram = new FileChooserButton("Select a file", FileChooserAction.Open); m_InFileReprogram.WidthRequest = 440; m_BTNReprogram = new Button("Reprogram Jaco"); m_BTNReprogram.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_ReprogramClick); m_BTNReadDiagnosis = new Button("Read from Jaco"); m_BTNReadDiagnosis.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_ReadClick); m_MainTitle = new Label("Kinova software example"); Pango.FontDescription fontMaintTile = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Garamond 30"); m_MainTitle.ModifyFont(fontMaintTile); m_TabGeneral = new Label("General"); m_TabConfiguration = new Label("Configuration"); m_TabDiagnosis = new Label("Diagnosis"); m_MainTab = new Notebook(); m_MainTab.WidthRequest = 500; m_MainTab.HeightRequest = 500; m_MainTab.AppendPage(m_GeneralPanel, m_TabGeneral); m_MainTab.AppendPage(m_ConfigurationPanel, m_TabConfiguration); m_MainTab.AppendPage(m_DiagnosisPanel, m_TabDiagnosis); }