public static void Copy() { DataSet DS = new DataSet(); string ConnectionString = "Data Source=" + CalibrationSettings.Default.ConnectionDir + "Users.db;Version=3;New=False;Compress=True;"; string LoadCommand = "SELECT * FROM users"; DS.Clear(); SQLiteConnection Connection = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionString); //SQLiteCommand Query = new SQLiteCommand(LoadCommand, Connection); SQLiteDataAdapter DataAdaptor = new SQLiteDataAdapter(LoadCommand, Connection); DataAdaptor.Fill(DS); foreach (DataRow dRow in DS.Tables[0].Rows) { DataClasses.UserProfile CopyUser = new UserProfile(); CopyUser.Gender = dRow[0].ToString(); CopyUser.Name = dRow[2].ToString(); CopyUser.Surname = dRow[3].ToString(); CopyUser.Weight = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[5]); CopyUser.Password = dRow[6].ToString() + "000"; if (dRow[1].ToString() == "255") CopyUser.Name = "Richard"; CopyUser.Name = new String(CopyUser.Name.Where(x => x != ' ' && x != '\r' && x != '\n').ToArray()); CopyUser.EmailAddress = CopyUser.Name + dRow[1].ToString() + ""; AccessorUsers.RegisterNewUser(CopyUser); } }
//Button - Next private void btnNext_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (CalibrationSettings.Default.SoundEnabled == true) GlobalFunctions.PlayClickSound(); if (backgroundWorker_CheckUserEmail.IsBusy != true) { backgroundWorker_CheckUserEmail.RunWorkerAsync(); // Start the asynchronous operation. } FormMessageDialog = new frmMessageDialog("Validating User E-mail Address...", MessageBoxButtons.OK); FormMessageDialog.btnOK.Visible = false; FormMessageDialog.ShowDialog(); switch (VerifyUserResponse) { case "UserNotFound": break; case "VerifyUserFailed": break; case "UserFound": GlobalVariables.WriteToRemoteServer = true; SelectedUser = new DataClasses.UserProfile(); SelectedUser.EmailAddress = tbUserEmailAddress.Text; string lblDialogText = "Please enter the Password for user: "******""; ShowFormPassCodeCheck(lblDialogText, SelectedUser); //((frmPassCodeCheck)Application.OpenForms["frmPassCodeCheck"]).SelectedUser.EmailAddress = tbUserEmailAddress.Text; break; case "ConnectionToServerFailed": if (SelectedUser != null) { GlobalVariables.WriteToRemoteServer = false; string lblDialogText1 = "Please enter the Password for user: "******""; ShowFormPassCodeCheck(lblDialogText1, SelectedUser); } break; case "SystemInOfflineMode": if (SelectedUser != null) { GlobalVariables.WriteToRemoteServer = false; string lblDialogText1 = "Please enter the Password for user: "******""; ShowFormPassCodeCheck(lblDialogText1, SelectedUser); } break; default: break; } }
//System in Offline Mode private void SystemOfflineMode() { VerifyUserResponse = "SystemInOfflineMode"; FormMessageDialog.UpdateTextSleep("System is configured to off-line mode", 2000); SelectedUser = DataClasses.AccessorUsers.GetUserByEmail(tbUserEmailAddress.Text); if (SelectedUser == null) { FormMessageDialog.UpdateTextSleepAndClose("User Profile not found on local server.\nPlease register a new profile.", 2000); } else FormMessageDialog.Close(); }
//Switch to Offline Mode private void SwitchOfflineMode() { VerifyUserResponse = "ConnectionToServerFailed"; FormMessageDialog.UpdateTextSleep("Connection to server could not be established", 2500); FormMessageDialog.UpdateTextSleep("Switching to off-line mode...\nSession Data will only be recorded to the local profile", 2500); SelectedUser = DataClasses.AccessorUsers.GetUserByEmail(tbUserEmailAddress.Text); if (SelectedUser == null) { FormMessageDialog.UpdateTextSleepAndClose("User Profile not found on local server.\nPlease register a new profile", 2500); } else FormMessageDialog.Close(); }
//Verify/Register local user - move to controller? private bool VerifyRegisterLocalUser(out string LocalRegisterResult) { LocalRegisterResult = "User Registration Failed"; NewUser = new DataClasses.UserProfile(); NewUser.Name = tbName.Text; NewUser.Surname = tbSurname.Text; NewUser.Weight = Convert.ToInt32(tbWeight.Text); NewUser.EmailAddress = tbEmail.Text; NewUser.Password = tbPassword.Text; DataClasses.UserProfile ExistingUser = DataClasses.AccessorUsers.GetUserByEmail(NewUser.EmailAddress); if (ExistingUser == null) { bool result = DataClasses.AccessorUsers.RegisterNewUser(NewUser); if (result == false) { LocalRegisterResult = "LocalUserRegistrationFailed"; return false; } else { LocalRegisterResult = "UserRegisteredToLocalDB"; return true; } } else { NewUser = ExistingUser; LocalRegisterResult = "UserAlreadyRegisteredToLocalDB"; return false; } }
partial void DeleteUserProfile(UserProfile instance);
partial void UpdateUserProfile(UserProfile instance);
partial void InsertUserProfile(UserProfile instance);
private void textBoxFirstName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { FilterResults(); SelectedUser = null; tbUserID.Text = ""; }
private void DgvUserProfiles_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { tbUserID.Text = null; int currentRow = int.Parse(e.RowIndex.ToString()); if (currentRow >= 0) { if (CalibrationSettings.Default.IsInternetConfigured == true) { SelectedUser = new DataClasses.UserProfile(); string SelectedEmail = DgvUserProfiles["Email", currentRow].Value.ToString(); SelectedUser.EmailAddress = (from users in RegisteredRemoteUsers where users.Email == SelectedEmail select users).FirstOrDefault<DataClasses.User>().Email.ToString(); = (from users in RegisteredRemoteUsers where users.Email == SelectedEmail select users).LastOrDefault<DataClasses.User>().UserID; tbUserID.Text = SelectedUser.EmailAddress.ToString(); } else { SelectedUser = DataClasses.AccessorUsers.GetUserByEmail(DgvUserProfiles[7, currentRow].Value.ToString()); tbUserID.Text = SelectedUser.EmailAddress.ToString(); } } }