public ActionResult Sample44() { // Check is data posted if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST") { //### Set variables and get POST data System.Collections.Hashtable result = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); string message = null; //Get post data String clientId = Request.Form["clientId"]; String privateKey = Request.Form["privateKey"]; String firstEmail = Request.Form["firstEmail"]; String firstName = Request.Form["firstName"]; String lastName = Request.Form["lastName"]; String secondEmail = Request.Form["secondEmail"]; String basePath = Request.Form["basePath"]; //Set second signer name. Can be obtained in the same manner as first signer name. String secondName = firstName + "2"; String gender = Request.Form["gender"]; var file = Request.Files["file"]; String uploadedGuid = ""; String iframe = ""; String secondIframe = ""; // Check is all requered fields are entered if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientId) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstEmail) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(secondEmail) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(secondName)) { // If not all fields entered send error message message = "Please enter all parameters"; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample44", null, result); } else { if (basePath.Equals("")) { basePath = ""; } // Create service for Groupdocs account GroupdocsService service = new GroupdocsService(basePath, clientId, privateKey); //Upload local file Groupdocs.Api.Contract.UploadRequestResult upload = service.UploadFile(file.FileName, String.Empty, file.InputStream); if (upload.Guid != null) { //If file uploaded return it's guid uploadedGuid = upload.Guid; //Check is file uploaded if (!uploadedGuid.Equals("")) { //Created array with data for merging System.Collections.Hashtable enteredData = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); enteredData.Add("gender", gender); enteredData.Add("name", firstName); //Set fields counter Int32 count = enteredData.Count; //Create Datasource object Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.Datasource dataSource = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.Datasource(); //Create array of DatasourceField objects Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField[] fieldArray = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField[count]; //Set DatasourceFiled data Int32 counter = 0; foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry fields in enteredData) { //Set object array content string[] values = new string[1]; values.SetValue(System.Convert.ToString(fields.Value), 0); Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField field = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField(); Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType type = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType(); type = 0; field.Name = System.Convert.ToString(fields.Key); field.Type = type; field.Values = values; //Push DatasourceField to array of DatasourceField objects fieldArray.SetValue(field, counter); counter++; } //Set fields array to the Datasource dataSource.Fields = fieldArray; //Add new Datasource to GroupDocs decimal addDataSource = service.AddDataSource(dataSource); //Check is not empty addDataSource if (!addDataSource.Equals("")) { //If status ok merge Datasource to new pdf file decimal job = service.MergeTemplate(uploadedGuid, addDataSource, "pdf", false); if (!job.Equals("")) { //Delay necessary that the inquiry would manage to be processed System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); //Create Job info object Groupdocs.Api.Contract.GetJobDocumentsResult jobInfo = new Groupdocs.Api.Contract.GetJobDocumentsResult(); //Make request to api for get document info by job id jobInfo = service.GetJobDocuments(job); //Get guid String guid = jobInfo.Inputs[0].Outputs[0].Guid; //Get name String fileName = jobInfo.Inputs[0].Outputs[0].Name; //Create envelope Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeResponse envelop = service.CreateEnvelope("", "", fileName, guid, false); if (envelop.Status.Equals("Ok")) { decimal dec = new decimal(); //Get role list for curent user Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureRolesResponse roles = service.GetSignatureRoles(""); String roleId = ""; //Get id of role which can sign for (int i = 0; i < roles.Result.Roles.Length; i++) { if (roles.Result.Roles[i].Name.Equals("Signer")) { roleId = roles.Result.Roles[i].Id; break; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName)) { lastName = "Empty Last Name"; } //Add recipient to envelope Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeRecipientResponse addFirstRecipient = service.AddEnvelopeRecipient(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id, firstEmail, firstName, lastName, roleId, dec); if (addFirstRecipient.Status.Equals("Ok")) { //Add second recipient to envelope Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeRecipientResponse addSecondRecipient = service.AddEnvelopeRecipient(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id, secondEmail, secondName, lastName + "2", roleId, dec); if (addSecondRecipient.Status.Equals("Ok")) { //Get document from envelop Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeDocumentsResponse getDocuments = service.GetEnvelopeDocuments(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id); if (getDocuments.Status.Equals("Ok")) { System.Random rand = new System.Random(); String fieldName = "singlIndex1" + rand.Next(0, 1000); //Create envelop field settings object (LocationsX,Y max value can bee 1.0) Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeFieldSettingsInfo envelopFieldSettings = new Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeFieldSettingsInfo(); envelopFieldSettings.LocationX = new decimal(0.15); envelopFieldSettings.LocationY = new decimal(0.23); envelopFieldSettings.LocationWidth = 150; envelopFieldSettings.LocationHeight = 50; envelopFieldSettings.Name = fieldName; envelopFieldSettings.ForceNewField = true; envelopFieldSettings.Page = 1; //Add envelop field to the document Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeFieldResponse addFirstField = service.AddEnvelopeField(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id, getDocuments.Result.Documents[0].DocumentId, addFirstRecipient.Result.Recipient.Id, "0545e589fb3e27c9bb7a1f59d0e3fcb9", envelopFieldSettings); //Updated field settings for the second signer fieldName = "singlIndex2" + rand.Next(0, 1000); envelopFieldSettings.LocationX = new decimal(0.35); envelopFieldSettings.LocationY = new decimal(0.23); envelopFieldSettings.LocationWidth = 150; envelopFieldSettings.LocationHeight = 50; envelopFieldSettings.Name = fieldName; envelopFieldSettings.ForceNewField = true; envelopFieldSettings.Page = 1; //Add envelop field for the second signer Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeFieldResponse addSecondField = service.AddEnvelopeField(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id, getDocuments.Result.Documents[0].DocumentId, addSecondRecipient.Result.Recipient.Id, "0545e589fb3e27c9bb7a1f59d0e3fcb9", envelopFieldSettings); //Send envelop Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeSendResponse send = service.SendEnvelope(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id, String.Empty); //Check envelope send status if (send.Status.Equals("Ok")) { // Generate Embed viewer url with entered file id iframe = "" + envelop.Result.Envelope.Id + "/" + addFirstRecipient.Result.Recipient.Id; iframe = Groupdocs.Security.UrlSignature.Sign(iframe, privateKey); // Generate Embed viewer url for second signer secondIframe = "" + envelop.Result.Envelope.Id + "/" + addSecondRecipient.Result.Recipient.Id; secondIframe = Groupdocs.Security.UrlSignature.Sign(secondIframe, privateKey); result.Add("iframe1", iframe); result.Add("iframe2", secondIframe); return View("Sample44", null, result); } //If status failed set error for template else { message = send.ErrorMessage; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample44", null, result); } } //If get document from envelop is failed return error else { message = getDocuments.ErrorMessage; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample44", null, result); } } //If add recipient is failed return error else { message = addSecondRecipient.ErrorMessage; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample44", null, result); } } //If add recipient is failed return error else { message = addFirstRecipient.ErrorMessage; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample44", null, result); } } //If envelope wasn't created send error else { message = envelop.ErrorMessage; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample44", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", "MargeTemplate is fail"); return View("Sample44", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", "AddDataSource returned empty job id"); return View("Sample44", null, result); } } // If request return's null return error to the template else { message = "Upload is failed"; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample44", null, result); } } else { //If file wasn't uploaded return error message = "Something wrong with upload"; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample44", null, result); } } } // If data not posted return to template for filling of necessary fields else { return View("Sample44"); } }
public ActionResult Sample31() { // Check is data posted if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST") { //### Set variables and get POST data System.Collections.Hashtable result = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); String clientId = Request.Form["clientId"]; String privateKey = Request.Form["privateKey"]; String email = Request.Form["email"]; String name = Request.Form["name"]; String country = Request.Form["country"]; String callbackUrl = Request.Form["callbackUrl"]; String templateGuid = Request.Form["templateGuid"]; String city = Request.Form["city"]; String street = Request.Form["street"]; String guid = ""; String iframe = ""; String basePath = Request.Form["basePath"]; // Set entered data to the results list result.Add("clientId", clientId); result.Add("privateKey", privateKey); result.Add("email", email); result.Add("name", name); result.Add("street", street); result.Add("country", country); result.Add("city", city); // Check if callbackUrl is not empty if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(callbackUrl)) { result.Add("callbackUrl", callbackUrl); } String message = null; // Check is all needed fields are entered if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientId) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey)) { // If not all fields entered send error message message = "Please enter all parameters"; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample31", null, result); } else { //path to settings file - temporary save clientId and apiKey like to property file create_info_file(clientId, privateKey, ""); if (basePath.Equals("")) { basePath = ""; } result.Add("basePath", basePath); // Create service for Groupdocs account GroupdocsService service = new GroupdocsService(basePath, clientId, privateKey); if (!templateGuid.Equals("")) { guid = templateGuid; } //Create Hashtable with entere data if (!guid.Equals("")) { System.Collections.Hashtable enteredData = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); enteredData.Add("street", street); enteredData.Add("city", city); enteredData.Add("country", country); enteredData.Add("name", name); enteredData.Add("email", email); //Create Datasource object Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.Datasource dataSource = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.Datasource(); //Create array of DatasourceField objects Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField[] fieldArray = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField[5]; //Filing DataSource object with user data int index = 0; foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry value in enteredData) { //Create object with value string[] values = new string[1]; values.SetValue(value.Value.ToString(), 0); //Create DataSourceField object Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField field = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField(); //Create DataSource Field type Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType type = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType(); //Set field type to "text" type = 0; field.Name = value.Key.ToString(); field.Type = type; field.Values = values; //Push DatasourceField to array of DatasourceField objects fieldArray.SetValue(field, index); index = index + 1; } //Set feilds array to the Datasource dataSource.Fields = fieldArray; //Add new Datasource to GroupDocs decimal addDataSource = service.AddDataSource(dataSource); //Check is not empty addDataSource if (!addDataSource.Equals("")) { //If status ok merge Datasource to new pdf file decimal job = service.MergeTemplate(guid, addDataSource, "pdf", false); if (!job.Equals("")) { Groupdocs.Api.Contract.GetJobDocumentsResult jobInfo = new Groupdocs.Api.Contract.GetJobDocumentsResult(); //### Check job status for (int n = 0; n <= 5; n++) { //Delay necessary that the inquiry would manage to be processed System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); //Make request to api for get document info by job id jobInfo = service.GetJobDocuments(job); //Check job status, if status is Completed or Archived exit from cycle if (jobInfo.JobStatus.Equals("Completed") || jobInfo.JobStatus.Equals("Archived")) { break; //If job status Postponed throw exception with error } else if (jobInfo.JobStatus.Equals("Postponed")) { result.Add("error", "Job is fail"); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } //Create envilope using entered by user name Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeResponse envelop = service.CreateEnvelope("", "", name, "", false); if (envelop.Status.Equals("Ok")) { //Add selected document to the envelop decimal order = new decimal(); Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeDocumentResponse addDocument = service.AddEnvelopeDocument(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id, guid, order, true); if (addDocument.Status.Equals("Ok")) { decimal dec = new decimal(); //Get role list for curent user Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureRolesResponse roles = service.GetSignatureRoles(""); String roleId = ""; //Get id of role which can sign for (int i = 0; i < roles.Result.Roles.Length; i++) { if (roles.Result.Roles[i].Name.Equals("Signer")) { roleId = roles.Result.Roles[i].Id; break; } } //Create Field settings object and set field name (which must be unique) Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureFieldSettingsInfo fieldSettings = new Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureFieldSettingsInfo(); System.Random rand = new System.Random(); String fieldName = "singlSample" + rand.Next(0, 1000); fieldSettings.Name = fieldName; //Add created field to the Gd account Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureFieldResponse createField = service.AddSignatureField(fieldSettings); if (createField.Status.Equals("Ok")) { //Add recipient to envelope Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeRecipientResponse addRecipient = service.AddEnvelopeRecipient(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id, email, name, "Last", roleId, dec); if (addRecipient.Status.Equals("Ok")) { //Get recipients from envelop Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeRecipientsResponse getRecipient = service.GetEnvelopeRecipients(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id); if (getRecipient.Status.Equals("Ok")) { //Get recipient id String recipientId = getRecipient.Result.Recipients[0].Id; //Get documents from envelop Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeDocumentsResponse getDocuments = service.GetEnvelopeDocuments(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id); if (getDocuments.Status.Equals("Ok")) { //Create envelop field settings object (LocationsX,Y max value can bee 1.0) Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeFieldSettingsInfo envelopFieldSettings = new Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeFieldSettingsInfo(); envelopFieldSettings.LocationX = new decimal(0.15); envelopFieldSettings.LocationY = new decimal(0.73); envelopFieldSettings.LocationWidth = 150; envelopFieldSettings.LocationHeight = 50; envelopFieldSettings.Name = fieldName; envelopFieldSettings.ForceNewField = true; envelopFieldSettings.Page = 1; //Add created field to the envelop Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeFieldResponse addField = service.AddEnvelopeField(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id, getDocuments.Result.Documents[0].DocumentId, recipientId, "0545e589fb3e27c9bb7a1f59d0e3fcb9", envelopFieldSettings); if (addField.Status.Equals("Ok")) { //Send envelop with callbackUrl url Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Signature.SignatureEnvelopeSendResponse send = service.SendEnvelope(envelop.Result.Envelope.Id, callbackUrl); //Check is envelope send status if (send.Status.Equals("Ok")) { // Generate Embed viewer url with entered file id if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + envelop.Result.Envelope.Id + "/" + addRecipient.Result.Recipient.Id; } if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + envelop.Result.Envelope.Id + "/" + addRecipient.Result.Recipient.Id; } if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + envelop.Result.Envelope.Id + "/" + addRecipient.Result.Recipient.Id; } if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + envelop.Result.Envelope.Id + "/" + addRecipient.Result.Recipient.Id; } iframe = Groupdocs.Security.UrlSignature.Sign(iframe, privateKey); result.Add("iframe", iframe); //Set data for template result.Add("envelop", envelop.Result.Envelope.Id); result.Add("recipient", addRecipient.Result.Recipient.Id); return View("Sample31", null, result); } //If status failed set error for template else { result.Add("error", send.ErrorMessage); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", addField.ErrorMessage); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", getDocuments.ErrorMessage); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", getRecipient.ErrorMessage); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", addRecipient.ErrorMessage); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", createField.ErrorMessage); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", addDocument.ErrorMessage); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } //If envelope wasn't created send error else { result.Add("error", envelop.ErrorMessage); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } // If request return's null return error to the template else { result.Add("error", "mergeTemplate is failed"); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } // If request return's null return error to the template else { result.Add("error", "addDataSource is failed"); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", "GUID is empty"); return View("Sample31", null, result); } } } // If data not posted return to template for filling of necessary fields else { return View("Sample31"); } }
public ActionResult Sample35() { // Check is data posted if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST") { //### Set variables and get POST data System.Collections.Hashtable result = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); String clientId = Request.Form["clientId"]; String privateKey = Request.Form["privateKey"]; // Set entered data to the results list result.Add("clientId", clientId); result.Add("privateKey", privateKey); String message = null; // Check is all needed fields are entered if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientId) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey)) { // If not all fields entered send error message message = "Please enter all parameters"; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample35", null, result); } else { String basePath = Request.Form["basePath"]; //Check is base path entered if (basePath.Equals("")) { //If base path empty set base path to the dev server basePath = ""; } //Make propper URL for basePath if (!basePath.Substring(basePath.Length - 3, 3).Equals("2.0")) { if (!basePath.Substring(basePath.Length - 1, 1).Equals("/")) { basePath = basePath + "/v2.0"; } else { basePath = basePath + "v2.0"; } } result.Add("basePath", basePath); // Create service for Groupdocs account GroupdocsService service = new GroupdocsService(basePath, clientId, privateKey); //Check which form is used (if Request.Form["guid"] that meens that this is second form with merge data) if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["guid"])) { //Get data from first form String fileId = Request.Form["guidField"]; String url = Request.Form["url"]; String fileGuId = ""; var file = Request.Files["file"]; //if URL to web file was provided - upload the file from Web and get it's GUID if (url != "") { //Make request to upload file from entered Url String guid = service.UploadUrl(url); if (guid != null) { //If file uploaded return his GuId fileGuId = guid; } //If file wasn't uploaded return error else { result.Add("error", "Something wrong with entered data"); return View("Sample35", null, result); } } //if file was uploaded locally - upload the file and get it's GUID if (file.FileName != "") { //Upload local file Groupdocs.Api.Contract.UploadRequestResult upload = service.UploadFile(file.FileName, "uploaded", file.InputStream); if (upload.Guid != null) { //If file uploaded return his guid fileGuId = upload.Guid; } else { //If file wasn't uploaded return error result.Add("error", "Something wrong with entered data"); return View("Sample35", null, result); } } //If user choose file guid if (!fileId.Equals("")) { //Set file guid as entered by user file guid fileGuId = fileId; } //Get all fields from selected document Groupdocs.Assembly.Contract.TemplateFieldsResult getFields = service.GetTemplateFields(fileGuId); if (getFields.Fields.Length != 0) { //Create support variables and counters String element = ""; Int32 countRadio = 0; Int32 countCheckBox = 0; String fieldName = ""; Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.TemplateField[] fields = getFields.Fields; //Create second form for entering data for merge for (Int32 i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { fieldName = fields[i].Name; if (fields[i].Type == "Text") { element += "<br /><label for=\"" + fieldName + "\">" + fields[i].Name + "</label>" + "<br /><input type=\"text\" name=\"" + fieldName + "\" value=\"\" /><br />"; } else if (fields[i].Type == "Checkbox") { element += "<br /><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + fieldName + "\" value=\"" + countCheckBox + "\" >" + fields[i].Name + "</input><br />"; countCheckBox = countCheckBox + 1; } else if (fields[i].Type == "RadioButton") { element += "<br /><input type=\"radio\" name=\"" + fieldName + "\" value=\"" + countRadio + "\" >" + fields[i].Name + "</input><br />"; countRadio = countRadio + 1; } else if (fields[i].Type == "MultiLineText") { element += "<br /><label for=\"" + fieldName + "\">" + fields[i].Name + "</label>" + "<br /><input type=\"textarea\" name=\"" + fieldName + "\" value=\"\" >" + fields[i].Name + "</input><br />"; countCheckBox = countCheckBox + 1; } } result.Add("newForm", element); result.Add("fileId", fileGuId); return View("Sample35", null, result); } else { //If get fields failed result.Add("error", "Something wrong with get fields from template"); return View("Sample35", null, result); } } //If second form with merge data else { //Get file GUID from hidden input String fileGuId = Request.Form["guid"]; string iframe = ""; //Create empty Value collection System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection postData = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(); //Get all POST data postData = Request.Form; //Create empty HashTable System.Collections.Hashtable enteredData = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); //Select data from POST foreach (String elementName in postData) { if (elementName == "clientId") { clientId = postData[elementName]; } else if (elementName == "privateKey") { privateKey = postData[elementName]; } else if (elementName == "basePath") { basePath = postData[elementName]; } else if (elementName == "guid") { fileGuId = postData[elementName]; } else { enteredData.Add(elementName, postData[elementName]); } } //Get all fields from document Groupdocs.Assembly.Contract.TemplateFieldsResult templateFields = service.GetTemplateFields(fileGuId); if (templateFields.Fields.Length != 0) { //Set fileds counter Int32 count = enteredData.Count; //Create Datasource object Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.Datasource dataSource = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.Datasource(); //Create array of DatasourceField objects Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField[] fieldArray = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField[count]; Int32 counter = 0; //Create DataSourceFieldType object Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType type = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType(); //Create counters for RadioButtons and CheckBoxes Int32 counteRadio = -1; Int32 counteCheckBox = -1; //Create DataSourceField for (Int32 n = 0; n < templateFields.Fields.Length; n++) { foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry fields in enteredData) { string[] values = new string[1]; //Check is field name from document equal to field name from merge data if (fields.Key.ToString().Equals(templateFields.Fields[n].Name)) { //Set field type and value if (templateFields.Fields[n].Type.Equals("RadioButton")) { counteRadio = counteRadio + 1; Int32 value; int.TryParse(fields.Value.ToString(), out value); if (counteRadio == value) { values.SetValue(System.Convert.ToString(fields.Value), 0); type = Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType.Text; } else { continue; } } else if (templateFields.Fields[n].Type.Equals("MultiLineText")) { //Set object array content values.SetValue(System.Convert.ToString(fields.Value), 0); type = Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType.Text; } else if (templateFields.Fields[n].Type.Equals("Checkbox")) { counteCheckBox = counteCheckBox + 1; Int32 value; int.TryParse(fields.Value.ToString(), out value); if (counteCheckBox == value) { values.SetValue(System.Convert.ToString("true"), 0); type = Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType.Text; } else { continue; } } else { values.SetValue(System.Convert.ToString(fields.Value), 0); type = Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType.Text; } //Add merge data to field object Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField field = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField(); field.Name = System.Convert.ToString(fields.Key); field.Type = type; field.Values = values; //Push DatasourceField to array of DatasourceField objects fieldArray.SetValue(field, counter); counter++; } } } //Set feilds array to the Datasource dataSource.Fields = fieldArray; //Add new Datasource to GroupDocs decimal addDataSource = service.AddDataSource(dataSource); //Check is not empty addDataSource if (!addDataSource.Equals("")) { //If status ok merge Datasource to new pdf file decimal job = service.MergeTemplate(fileGuId, addDataSource, "pdf", false); if (!job.Equals("")) { Groupdocs.Api.Contract.GetJobDocumentsResult jobInfo = new Groupdocs.Api.Contract.GetJobDocumentsResult(); //### Check job status for (int n = 0; n <= 5; n++) { //Delay necessary that the inquiry would manage to be processed System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); //Make request to api for get document info by job id jobInfo = service.GetJobDocuments(job); //Check job status, if status is Completed or Archived exit from cycle if (jobInfo.JobStatus.ToString().Equals("Completed") || jobInfo.JobStatus.ToString().Equals("Archived")) { break; } else if (jobInfo.JobStatus.ToString().Equals("Postponed")) { result.Add("error", "Job is fail"); return View("Sample35", null, result); } } //Get guid String guid = jobInfo.Inputs[0].Outputs[0].Guid; // Generate Embed viewer url with entered file id if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + guid; } if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + guid; } if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + guid; } if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + guid; } iframe = Groupdocs.Security.UrlSignature.Sign(iframe, privateKey); result.Add("iframe", iframe); // Return to the template return View("Sample35", null, result); } else { result.Add("error", "MargeTemplate is fail"); return View("Sample35", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", "AddDataSource returned empty job id"); return View("Sample35", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", "Get template fields is failed"); return View("Sample35", null, result); } } } } // If data not posted return to template for filling of necessary fields else { return View("Sample35"); } }
public ActionResult Sample27() { // Check is data posted if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST") { //### Set variables and get POST data System.Collections.Hashtable result = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); String clientId = Request.Form["clientId"]; String privateKey = Request.Form["privateKey"]; String fileId = Request.Form["fileId"]; String url = Request.Form["url"]; String name = Request.Form["name"]; String sex = Request.Form["sex"]; String age = Request.Form["age"]; String sunrise = Request.Form["sunrise"]; String resultType = Request.Form["type"]; String fileGuId = ""; var file = Request.Files["file"]; // Set entered data to the results list result.Add("clientId", clientId); result.Add("privateKey", privateKey); result.Add("name", name); result.Add("sex", sex); result.Add("age", age); result.Add("sunrise", sunrise); result.Add("type", resultType); String iframe = ""; String message = null; // Check is all needed fields are entered if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clientId) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey)) { // If not all fields entered send error message message = "Please enter all parameters"; result.Add("error", message); return View("Sample27", null, result); } else { String basePath = Request.Form["basePath"]; //Check is base path entered if (basePath.Equals("")) { //If base path empty set base path to the dev server basePath = ""; } result.Add("basePath", basePath); // Create service for Groupdocs account GroupdocsService service = new GroupdocsService(basePath, clientId, privateKey); //Make request to get document pages as images //if URL to web file was provided - upload the file from Web and get it's GUID if (url != "") { //Make request to upload file from entered Url String guid = service.UploadUrl(url); if (guid != null) { //If file uploaded return his GuId fileGuId = guid; } //If file wasn't uploaded return error else { result.Add("error", "Something wrong with entered data"); return View("Sample27", null, result); } } //if file was uploaded locally - upload the file and get it's GUID if (file.FileName != "") { //Upload local file Groupdocs.Api.Contract.UploadRequestResult upload = service.UploadFile(file.FileName, "uploaded", file.InputStream); if (upload.Guid != null) { //If file uploaded return his guid fileGuId = upload.Guid; } else { //If file wasn't uploaded return error result.Add("error", "Something wrong with entered data"); return View("Sample27", null, result); } } //If user choose file guid if (!fileId.Equals("")) { //Set file guid as entered by user file guid fileGuId = fileId; } System.Collections.Hashtable enteredData = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); enteredData.Add("sex", sex); enteredData.Add("age", age); enteredData.Add("sunrise", sunrise); enteredData.Add("name", name); //Set fileds counter Int32 count = enteredData.Count; //Create Datasource object Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.Datasource dataSource = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.Datasource(); //Create array of DatasourceField objects Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField[] fieldArray = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField[count]; //Create array od objects with string[] values = new string[1]; //Set DatasourceFiled data Int32 counter = 0; foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry fields in enteredData) { //Set object array content values.SetValue(System.Convert.ToString(fields.Value), 0); Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField field = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceField(); Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType type = new Groupdocs.Assembly.Data.DatasourceFieldType(); type = 0; field.Name = System.Convert.ToString(fields.Key); field.Type = type; field.Values = values; //Push DatasourceField to array of DatasourceField objects fieldArray.SetValue(field, counter); counter++; } //Set feilds array to the Datasource dataSource.Fields = fieldArray; //Add new Datasource to GroupDocs decimal addDataSource = service.AddDataSource(dataSource); //Check is not empty addDataSource if (!addDataSource.Equals("")) { //If status ok merge Datasource to new pdf file decimal job = service.MergeTemplate(fileGuId, addDataSource, resultType, false); if (!job.Equals("")) { Groupdocs.Api.Contract.GetJobDocumentsResult jobInfo = new Groupdocs.Api.Contract.GetJobDocumentsResult(); //### Check job status for (int n = 0; n <= 5; n++) { //Delay necessary that the inquiry would manage to be processed System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); //Make request to api for get document info by job id jobInfo = service.GetJobDocuments(job); //Check job status, if status is Completed or Archived exit from cycle if (jobInfo.JobStatus.Equals("Completed") || jobInfo.JobStatus.Equals("Archived")) { break; //If job status Postponed throw exception with error } else if (jobInfo.JobStatus.Equals("Postponed")) { result.Add("error", "Job is fail"); return View("Sample27", null, result); } } //Get guid String guid = jobInfo.Inputs[0].Outputs[0].Guid; //Get name String fileName = jobInfo.Inputs[0].Outputs[0].Name; // Definition of folder where to download file String LocalPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "downloads/"; if (!Directory.Exists(LocalPath)) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(LocalPath); } //### Make a request to Storage Api for dowloading file // Download file bool download = service.DownloadFile(guid, LocalPath + fileName); // If file downloaded successful if (download != false) { // Generate Embed viewer url with entered file id if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + guid; } if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + guid; } if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + guid; } if (basePath.Equals("")) { iframe = "" + guid; } iframe = Groupdocs.Security.UrlSignature.Sign(iframe, privateKey); result.Add("iframe", iframe); // Put file info to the result's list result.Add("message", "File was converted and downloaded to the " + LocalPath + "/" + fileName); result.Add("fileId", guid); // Return to the template return View("Sample27", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", "MargeTemplate is fail"); return View("Sample27", null, result); } } else { result.Add("error", "AddDataSource returned empty job id"); return View("Sample27", null, result); } return View("Sample27", null, result); } } // If data not posted return to template for filling of necessary fields else { return View("Sample27"); } }