public override void OnStart(StartState startState) { base.OnStart(startState); SpawnManager.Init(part); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConstructionNode)) { construction_node = part.FindAttachNode(ConstructionNode); foreach (var port in part.FindModulesImplementing <ModuleDockingNode>()) { if (port.nodeTransformName == ConstructionNode || port.referenceAttachNode == ConstructionNode) { construction_port = port; break; } } } if (construction_node == null) { this.Log("ERROR: unable to find construction AttachNode with id: {}", ConstructionNode); this.EnableModule(false); return; } if (kit && ConstructDockingNode >= 0) { construct_docking_node = kit.DockingNodes[ConstructDockingNode]; } if (vessel != null) { StartCoroutine(CallbackUtil.DelayedCallback(1, find_connected_workshops)); } }
void Update() { var ship = EditorLogic.fetch != null? EditorLogic.fetch.ship : null; if (update) { highlight_all = all_highlighted; disable_highlights(); if (ship != null) { AssembleKit = new VesselKit(null, ship, false, true); ConstructionKit = new VesselKit(null, ship, true, true); } update = false; } if (highlight_node != null) { Part part; if (highlighted_parts.TryGetValue(highlight_node.PartId, out part)) { part.SetHighlightDefault(); highlighted_parts.Remove(highlight_node.PartId); } else if (ship != null) { part = ship.Parts.GetPartByCraftID(highlight_node.PartId); if (part != null) { highlighted_parts.Add(part.craftID, part); } } highlight_node = null; } if (highlight_all) { if (all_highlighted) { disable_highlights(); } else if (ship != null) { foreach (var n in DockingNodes) { var part = ship.Parts.GetPartByCraftID(n.PartId); if (part != null && !highlighted_parts.ContainsKey(part.craftID)) { highlighted_parts.Add(part.craftID, part); } } } highlight_all = false; } if (highlighted_parts.Count > 0) { foreach (var p in highlighted_parts.Values) { p.HighlightAlways(Colors.Active.color); } } }
protected override void update_part_info() { base.update_part_info(); DockableDisplay = kit && kit.DockingPossible; if (!DockableDisplay) { ConstructDockingNode = -1; construct_docking_node = null; } }
protected override void update_part_info() { base.update_part_info(); DockableDisplay = kit && kit.DockingPossible; if (!DockableDisplay) { ConstructDockingNode = -1; construct_docking_node = null; WieldDockingPort = false; } var wieldField = Fields[nameof(WieldDockingPort)]; wieldField.guiActive = wieldField.guiActiveEditor = DockableDisplay; }
public void ToggleDockedConstruction() { if (state == DeploymentState.IDLE && kit && kit.DockingPossible) { ConstructDockingNode += 1; if (ConstructDockingNode < kit.DockingNodes.Count) { construct_docking_node = kit.DockingNodes[ConstructDockingNode]; } else { ConstructDockingNode = -1; construct_docking_node = null; } update_part_events(); create_deploy_hint_mesh(); } }
void draw(int windowId) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(Styles.white); if (AssembleKit != null) { GUILayout.Label("Assembly requirements", Styles.label, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); AssembleKit.Draw(); } if (ConstructionKit != null) { GUILayout.Label("Construction requirements", Styles.label, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); ConstructionKit.Draw(); } if (AssembleKit != null && AssembleKit.DockingPossible) { GUILayout.Label("Attach nodes for docked construction", Styles.label, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (GUILayout.Button("Highight all nodes", all_highlighted ? Styles.enabled_button : Styles.active_button, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { highlight_all = true; } scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll, GUILayout.Height(100)); foreach (var n in DockingNodes) { if (GUILayout.Button(n.ToString(), highlighted_parts.ContainsKey(n.PartId) ? : Styles.white, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) { highlight_node = n; } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); TooltipsAndDragWindow(); }
public override void DrawOptions() { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); base.DrawOptions(); if (kit.DockingPossible) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(Styles.white); GUILayout.Label("After construction:"); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (state == DeploymentState.IDLE) { var old_value = ConstructDockingNode; if (Utils.ButtonSwitch(launch_label, ConstructDockingNode < 0, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { ConstructDockingNode = -1; construct_docking_node = null; } if (Utils.ButtonSwitch(docked_label, ConstructDockingNode >= 0, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { ConstructDockingNode = 0; construct_docking_node = kit.DockingNodes[0]; } if (ConstructDockingNode != old_value) { update_part_events(); create_deploy_hint_mesh(); } } else if (ConstructDockingNode >= 0) { GUILayout.Label("Dock " + construct_docking_node, Styles.enabled, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); } else { GUILayout.Label(launch_label, Styles.enabled, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (state == DeploymentState.IDLE && ConstructDockingNode >= 0) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(Styles.white); GUILayout.Label("Dock via:"); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); var choice = Utils.LeftRightChooser(construct_docking_node.ToString()); if (choice != 0) { ConstructDockingNode = (ConstructDockingNode + choice) % kit.DockingNodes.Count; if (ConstructDockingNode < 0) { ConstructDockingNode = kit.DockingNodes.Count - 1; } construct_docking_node = kit.DockingNodes[ConstructDockingNode]; update_part_events(); create_deploy_hint_mesh(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); }