InsertCommand() 공개 메소드

Generate an insert command, should end with a command that returns the insert identity.
/// command /// or /// entity /// No values were added to the query for + entity
public InsertCommand ( IDbCommand command, object entity ) : void
command IDbCommand Command to add the query to
entity object Entity to store
리턴 void
        public void key_without_value_is_ignored_in_the_insert_query()
            var mapper = Substitute.For<ICrudEntityMapper>();
            mapper.Properties.Returns(new Dictionary<string, IPropertyMapping>
                {"Id", new FakePropertyMapping("Id", "id"){IsPrimaryKey = true}}
            var command = new AdoNetFakes.FakeCommand();
            var entity = new { Id = "Hello" };

            var sut = new CommandBuilder(mapper);
            Action actual =  () => sut.InsertCommand(command, entity);

        public void key_is_added_in_the_insert_query()
            var mapper = Substitute.For<ICrudEntityMapper>();
            mapper.Properties.Returns(new Dictionary<string, IPropertyMapping>
                {"Id", new FakePropertyMapping("Id", "id"){Value = "Hello",IsPrimaryKey = true}}
            var command = new AdoNetFakes.FakeCommand();
            var entity = new {Id = "Hello"};

            var sut = new CommandBuilder(mapper);
            sut.InsertCommand(command, entity);

            command.CommandText.Should().Be("INSERT INTO Users (id) VALUES(@Id)");