protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { GH_Surface surface = new GH_Surface(); GH_String level = new GH_String(); GH_String family = new GH_String(""); GH_String type = new GH_String(""); GH_Boolean structural = new GH_Boolean(false); GH_Number slope = new GH_Number(0.0); List<Parameter> parameters = new List<Parameter>(); if (!DA.GetDataList<Parameter>("Parameters", parameters)) parameters = new List<Parameter>(); DA.GetData<GH_Surface>("Surface", ref surface); GH_Point slopeTopPoint = new GH_Point(surface.Value.Edges[0].PointAtStart); GH_Point slopeBottomPoint = new GH_Point(surface.Value.Edges[0].PointAtEnd); //DA.GetData<GH_String>("Family", ref family); //DA.GetData<GH_String>("Type", ref type); DA.GetData<GH_String>("Levelbottom", ref level); DA.GetData<GH_Boolean>("Structural", ref structural); DA.GetData<GH_Point>("SlopeTopPoint", ref slopeTopPoint); DA.GetData<GH_Point>("SlopeBottomPoint", ref slopeBottomPoint); DA.GetData<GH_Number>("Slope", ref slope); Slab slab = new Slab(); slab.FamilyOrStyle = family.Value; slab.TypeOrLayer = type.Value; slab.levelbottom = level.Value; slab.structural = structural.Value; slab.surface = new Profile(); slab.surface.profile = new List<Loop>(); Loop loop = new Loop(); loop.outline = new List<Component>(); foreach (Rhino.Geometry.BrepEdge be in surface.Value.Edges) { loop.outline.Add(be.ToNurbsCurve().ToGrevitCurve()); } slab.surface.profile.Add(loop); slab.parameters = parameters; = slopeTopPoint.ToGrevitPoint(); slab.bottom = slopeBottomPoint.ToGrevitPoint(); slab.slope = slope.Value; slab.GID = this.InstanceGuid.ToString(); DA.SetData("GrevitComponent", slab); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { GH_Surface surface = new GH_Surface(); GH_String lvlbtm = new GH_String(""); GH_String style = new GH_String(""); GH_String layer = new GH_String(""); GH_Number taperAng = new GH_Number(0); GH_Number height = new GH_Number(); GH_Point stop = new GH_Point(); GH_Point sbtm = new GH_Point(); GH_Boolean structural = new GH_Boolean(true); List<Parameter> param = new List<Parameter>(); if (!DA.GetDataList<Parameter>("Parameters", param)) param = new List<Parameter>(); DA.GetData<GH_Surface>("Surface", ref surface); DA.GetData<GH_String>("Layer", ref layer); //DA.GetData<GH_String>("Style", ref style); DA.GetData<GH_Number>("taperAngle", ref taperAng); DA.GetData<GH_Number>("height", ref height); Slab s = new Slab(); s.FamilyOrStyle = style.Value; s.TypeOrLayer = layer.Value; s.levelbottom = lvlbtm.Value; s.structural = structural.Value; s.surface = new Surface(); s.surface.outline = new List<Component>(); foreach (Rhino.Geometry.BrepEdge be in surface.Value.Edges) { s.surface.outline.Add(be.ToNurbsCurve().ToGrevitCurve()); } s.height = height.Value; s.parameters = param; // = ComponentUtilities.GHPoint2Point(stop); //s.bottom = ComponentUtilities.GHPoint2Point(sbtm); s.slope = taperAng.Value; s.GID = this.InstanceGuid.ToString(); //SetPreview(s.GID, surface.Value); DA.SetData("GrevitComponent", s); }