internal void genMetaQuery() { foreach (TableType tt in myMaster.GetReadTables()) { if (tt.generate.onlyForDbconfig == null) { string utFil = outDirMetaQ + "MetaQuery_" + tt.modelName + ".cs"; outStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(utFil); String[] myArr = new String[] { "System", "System.Data", "System.Collections.Generic", "System.Collections.Specialized", "System.Text", "System.Xml.XPath", "System.Globalization", "", "PCAxis.Sql.DbConfig", "PCAxis.Sql.Exceptions", "", "" }; String cnmmVersion = myMaster.Tables.CNMMversion; printUsing(myArr); printThisCodeIsGeneratedWarning(); printLine("namespace PCAxis.Sql.QueryLib_" + cnmmVersion); printBegin(); printLine("public partial class MetaQuery"); printBegin(); setHelpers(tt); genMetaQueryForTable(tt); printEnd(); printEnd(); outStreamWriter.Close(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Wrote to file: " + utFil); } } }
internal void genRowsClasses() { foreach (TableType tt in myMaster.GetReadTables()) { if (!(tt.generate.dontMakeRowClasses != null || tt.generate.onlyForDbconfig != null)) { setHelpers(tt); string utFil = this.outDirRows + rowClassName + ".cs"; outStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(utFil); String[] myArr = new String[] { "System", "System.Data", "System.Collections.Generic", "System.Collections.Specialized", "System.Text", "System.Xml.XPath", "System.Globalization", "", "PCAxis.Sql.DbConfig", "" }; String cnmmVersion = myMaster.Tables.CNMMversion; printUsing(myArr); printThisCodeIsGeneratedWarning(); printLine("namespace PCAxis.Sql.QueryLib_" + cnmmVersion); printBegin(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tt.Comment)) { printLine("/*" + tt.Comment + "*/"); } if (tt.hasSL) { genRowLangIndep(tt, cnmmVersion); genRowLangDep(tt, cnmmVersion); } else { genRowLangNone(tt, cnmmVersion); } printEnd(); outStreamWriter.Close(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Wrote to file: " + utFil); } } }
internal void genConfigStub() { outStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(outFileName); printLine("<Codes>"); foreach (GrandMasterCode kode in myMaster.Codes) { printLine("<!--Code codeName=\"" + kode.codeName + "\" codeValue=\"" + kode.defaultCodeValue + "\"/-->"); } printLine("</Codes>"); printLine("<Keywords>"); foreach (GrandMasterKeyword keyword in myMaster.Keywords) { if (keyword.optionalSpecified && keyword.optional) { printLine("<!-- " + keyword.modelName + " represent an optional property, which has a default property value ( the others have a default property name ). -->"); printLine("<!--Keyword modelName=\"" + keyword.modelName + "\" keywordName=\"" + keyword.modelName.ToUpper() + "\"/-->"); } else { printLine("<!--Keyword modelName=\"" + keyword.modelName + "\" keywordName=\"" + keyword.defaultLocalName + "\"/-->"); } } printLine("</Keywords>"); printLine("<Tables>"); printLine("<!-- To uncomment a column you need to uncomment the table as well -->"); foreach (TableType tt in myMaster.GetReadTables()) { printLine("<!--Table modelName=\"" + tt.modelName + "\" tableName=\"" + tt.tableName + "\" alias=\"" + tt.alias + "\">"); printLine("<Columns-->"); foreach (ColumnType ct in tt.GetReadColumns()) { printLine("<!--Column modelName=\"" + ct.modelName + "\" columnName=\"" + ct.defaultNameInDatabase() + "\"/-->"); } printLine("<!--/Columns>"); printLine("</Table-->"); if (tt.hasSL) { //omigjen for lang2 printLine("<!--Table modelName=\"" + tt.modelName + "Lang2\" tableName=\"" + tt.tableName + "_\" alias=\"" + tt.defaultAlias_lang2 + "\">"); printLine("<Columns-->"); foreach (ColumnType ct in tt.Columns) { if (!ct.readBySqlDbConfig) { continue; } if (ct.hasSL || ct.pkSpecified) { printLine("<!--Column modelName=\"" + ct.modelName + "\" columnName=\"" + ct.defaultNameInDatabase() + "\"/-->"); } } printLine("<!--/Columns>"); printLine("</Table-->"); } } printLine("</Tables>"); outStreamWriter.Close(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Wrote to file " + outFileName); }
internal void genSqlDbCongigSubclass() { String[] myArr = new String[] { "System", "System.Globalization", "System.Xml", "System.Xml.XPath", "log4net" }; String className = "SqlDbConfig_" + myMaster.Tables.CNMMversion; String fileName = outFileSqlDbConfig; outStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileName); printUsing(myArr); printLine(""); printThisCodeIsGeneratedWarning(); printLine("namespace PCAxis.Sql.DbConfig"); printBegin(); printLine("public class " + className + " : SqlDbConfig"); printLine("{"); indent++; printLine("private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(" + className + "));"); printLine(""); printLine("public Ccodes Codes;"); printLine("public DbKeywords Keywords;"); printLine(""); printLine("#region Fields"); foreach (TableType tt in myMaster.GetReadTables()) { setHelpers(tt); genDbCongigPartialForTableFields(tt); } printLine("#endregion Fields"); printLine(""); printLine("private void initStructs()"); printLine("{"); printLine(""); indent++; foreach (TableType tt in myMaster.GetReadTables()) { setHelpers(tt); genDbCongigPartialForTableInitClasses(tt); } printEnd(); printLine(""); printLine("public " + className + "(XmlReader xmlReader, XPathNavigator nav)"); printLine(": base(xmlReader, nav)"); printBegin(); printLine("log.Info(\"" + className + " called\");"); printLine(""); printLine("this.initStructs();"); printLine("this.initCodesAndKeywords();"); printEnd(); printLine(""); printLine("#region structs"); printLine(""); printLine(" "); printLine(""); foreach (TableType tt in myMaster.GetReadTables()) { setHelpers(tt); genDbCongigPartialForTableClasses(tt, className); if (tt.hasSL) { genDbCongigPartialForTableClassesLang2(tt, className); } } printLine("#endregion structs"); printLine(""); printLine(""); printLine("private void initCodesAndKeywords()"); printBegin(); #region Codes printLine(""); printLine("#region Codes"); printLine(""); printLine("Codes = new Ccodes();"); printLine(""); foreach (GrandMasterCode kode in myMaster.Codes) { printLine("Codes." + kode.codeName + " = ExtractCode(\"" + kode.codeName + "\", \"" + kode.defaultCodeValue + "\");"); } printLine(""); printLine("#endregion Codes"); printLine(""); #endregion Codes #region Keywords printLine(""); printLine("#region Keywords"); printLine(""); printLine("Keywords = new DbKeywords();"); printLine(""); foreach (GrandMasterKeyword keyword in myMaster.Keywords) { if (keyword.optionalSpecified && keyword.optional) { printLine("if (FileHasKeyword(\"" + keyword.modelName + "\"))"); printBegin(); printLine("Keywords.Optional_" + keyword.modelName + " = ExtractKeyword(\"" + keyword.modelName + "\");"); printEnd(); } else { printLine("Keywords." + keyword.modelName + " = ExtractKeyword(\"" + keyword.modelName + "\", \"" + keyword.defaultLocalName + "\");"); } } printLine(""); printLine("#endregion Keywords"); printLine(""); #endregion Keywords printEnd(); printLine(""); printLine("public struct Ccodes"); printBegin(); foreach (GrandMasterCode kode in myMaster.Codes) { printLine("public String " + kode.codeName + ";"); } printEnd(); printLine(""); printLine("public struct DbKeywords"); printBegin(); foreach (GrandMasterKeyword keyword in myMaster.Keywords) { if (keyword.optionalSpecified && keyword.optional) { printLine("public String Optional_" + keyword.modelName + ";"); } else { printLine("public String " + keyword.modelName + ";"); } } printEnd(); printEnd(); printEnd(); outStreamWriter.Close(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Wrote to file " + fileName); }