public override string RenderData() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<ul>"); Urls urls = new Urls(); HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; if (context != null) { TemplatedThemePage ttp = context.Handler as TemplatedThemePage; if (ttp != null && ttp.PostId > 0) { Post p = new Post(ttp.PostId); if (RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(p.CategoryId, GraffitiUsers.Current).Edit) { sb.AppendFormat("<li><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></li>\n", urls.Edit(ttp.PostId), "Edit this Post"); } } } if (RolePermissionManager.CanViewControlPanel(GraffitiUsers.Current)) { sb.AppendFormat("<li><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></li>\n", urls.Write, "Write a new Post"); sb.AppendFormat("<li><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></li>\n", urls.Admin, "Control Panel"); } sb.AppendFormat("<li><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></li>\n", urls.Logout, "Logout"); sb.Append("</ul>\n"); return(sb.ToString()); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); Initialize(); SiteSettings settings = SiteSettings.Get(); if (!settings.InitialSetupCompleted) { Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~/graffiti-setup/")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RedirectUrl)) { GraffitiContext graffitiContext = GraffitiContext.Current; SetContextDefault(graffitiContext, ViewName); LoadContent(graffitiContext); if ( !RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(CategoryID, GraffitiUsers.Current, graffitiContext["where"].ToString() == "home" || graffitiContext["where"].ToString() == "search").Read) { Response.Redirect(ResolveUrl("~/access-denied/")); } ViewManager.Render(Context, graffitiContext, ThemeName); } else { RedirectTo(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(RedirectUrl)); } }
protected PostCollection GetTaggedPosts(string tagName) { PostCollection pc = ZCache.Get <PostCollection>("Tags-ForRSS-" + tagName); if (pc == null) { pc = Post.FetchPostsByTag(TagName); PostCollection permissionsFiltered = new PostCollection(); foreach (Post post in pc) { permissionsFiltered.Add(post); } permissionsFiltered.AddRange(pc); foreach (Post p in pc) { if (!RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(p.Category.Id, GraffitiUsers.Current).Read) { permissionsFiltered.Remove(p); } } pc.Clear(); int ctr = 0; foreach (Post post in permissionsFiltered) { if (ctr < Util.PageSize) { pc.Add(post); ctr++; } } ZCache.InsertCache("Tags-ForRSS-" + tagName, pc, 120); } return(pc); }
public static int CommitPost(Post p, IGraffitiUser user, bool isFeaturedPost, bool isFeaturedCategory) { Permission perm = RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(p.CategoryId, user); bool isMan = perm.Publish; bool isEdit = GraffitiUsers.IsAdmin(user); if (isMan || isEdit) { p.IsPublished = (p.PostStatus == PostStatus.Publish); } else { p.IsPublished = false; if (p.PostStatus != PostStatus.Draft && p.PostStatus != PostStatus.PendingApproval) { p.PostStatus = PostStatus.Draft; } } p.ModifiedBy = user.Name; if (p.IsNew) //No VERSION WORK, just save it. { p.Version = 1; p.Save(user.Name, SiteSettings.CurrentUserTime); } else if (p.IsPublished) //Make a copy of the current post, then save this one. { Post old_Post = new Post(p.Id); //if(old_Post.PostStatus == PostStatus.Publish) VersionPost(old_Post); p.Version = GetNextVersionId(p.Id, p.Version); p.Save(user.Name); } else { p.Version = GetNextVersionId(p.Id, p.Version); VersionPost(p); Post.UpdatePostStatus(p.Id, p.PostStatus); } ProcessFeaturedPosts(p, user, isFeaturedPost, isFeaturedCategory); if (p.PostStatus == PostStatus.PendingApproval) { SendPReqiresApprovalMessage(p, user); } else if (p.PostStatus == PostStatus.RequiresChanges) { SendRequestedChangesMessage(p, user); } return(p.Id); }
public static void SendPReqiresApprovalMessage(Post p, IGraffitiUser user) { var users = new List <IGraffitiUser>(); foreach (IGraffitiUser u in GraffitiUsers.GetUsers("*")) { if (GraffitiUsers.IsAdmin(u) || RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(p.CategoryId, u).Publish) { users.Add(u); } } Macros m = new Macros(); EmailTemplateToolboxContext pttc = new EmailTemplateToolboxContext(); pttc.Put("sitesettings", SiteSettings.Get()); pttc.Put("post", p); pttc.Put("user", user); pttc.Put("macros", m); pttc.Put("home", m.FullUrl(new Urls().Home)); pttc.Put("adminUrl", m.FullUrl(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/graffiti-admin/posts/write/")) + "?id=" + p.Id + "&v=" + p.Version); string adminApprovalUrl = m.FullUrl(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/api/approve.ashx")) + "?key={0}&u={1}&id={2}&v={3}"; EmailTemplate template = new EmailTemplate(); template.Context = pttc; template.Subject = "You have content to approve: " + p.Title; template.TemplateName = "QueuedPost.view"; foreach (IGraffitiUser admin in users) { template.Context.Put("adminApprovalUrl", string.Format(adminApprovalUrl, admin.UniqueId, admin.Name, p.Id, p.Version)); try { template.To = admin.Email; Emailer.Send(template); //Emailer.Send("QueuedPost.view", admin.Email, "You have content to approve: " + p.Title, pttc); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Email Error", ex.Message); } } Log.Info("Post approval email", "{0} user(s) were sent an email to approve the post \"{1}\" (id: {2}).", users.Count, p.Title, p.Id); }
public static void SendRequestedChangesMessage(Post p, IGraffitiUser user) { List <IGraffitiUser> users = new List <IGraffitiUser>(); foreach (IGraffitiUser u in GraffitiUsers.GetUsers("*")) { if (GraffitiUsers.IsAdmin(u) || RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(p.CategoryId, u).Publish) { users.Add(u); } } Macros m = new Macros(); EmailTemplateToolboxContext pttc = new EmailTemplateToolboxContext(); pttc.Put("sitesettings", SiteSettings.Get()); pttc.Put("post", p); pttc.Put("user", user); pttc.Put("macros", m); pttc.Put("home", m.FullUrl(new Urls().Home)); pttc.Put("adminUrl", m.FullUrl(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/graffiti-admin/posts/write/")) + "?id=" + p.Id + "&v=" + p.Version); EmailTemplate template = new EmailTemplate(); template.Context = pttc; template.To = p.User.Email; template.Subject = "Changes Requested: " + p.Title; template.TemplateName = "RequestChanges.view"; try { Emailer.Send(template); //Emailer.Send("RequestChanges.view", p.User.Email, "Changes Requested: " + p.Title, pttc); Log.Info("Post Changes Email", p.User.Email + " was sent an email requesting changes"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Email Requested Changes Error", ex.Message); } }
public override string RenderData() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<ul>"); Data data = new Data(); PostCollection pc = CategoryId > 0 ? data.PostsByCategory( new CategoryController().GetCachedCategory(CategoryId, true), NumberOfPosts) : data.RecentPosts(NumberOfPosts); foreach (Post p in pc) { if (RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(p.CategoryId, GraffitiUsers.Current).Read) { sb.AppendFormat("<li><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>{2}</li>\n", p.Url, p.Title, ShowExcerpt ? "<br />" + p.CustomExcerpt(100) : null); } } sb.Append("</ul>\n"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public static List <AuthorCount> GetAuthorCountForStatus(PostStatus status, string categoryID) { List <AuthorCount> autCounts = new List <AuthorCount>(); List <AuthorCount> final = new List <AuthorCount>(); QueryCommand cmd = new QueryCommand( @"select u.Id, " + DataService.Provider.SqlCountFunction("u.Id") + @" as IdCount, u.ProperName, p.CategoryId from graffiti_Posts AS p inner join graffiti_Users as u on p.CreatedBy = u.Name where p.Status = " + DataService.Provider.SqlVariable("Status") + @" and p.IsDeleted = 0"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryID)) { cmd.Sql += " and p.CategoryId = " + DataService.Provider.SqlVariable("CategoryId"); } cmd.Sql += " group by u.Id, u.ProperName, p.CategoryId"; List <Parameter> parameters = Post.GenerateParameters(); cmd.Parameters.Add(Post.FindParameter(parameters, "Status")).Value = (int)status; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryID)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(Post.FindParameter(parameters, "CategoryId")).Value = Convert.ToInt32(categoryID); } using (IDataReader reader = DataService.ExecuteReader(cmd)) { while (reader.Read()) { AuthorCount autCount = new AuthorCount(); autCount.ID = Int32.Parse(reader["Id"].ToString()); autCount.Count = Int32.Parse(reader["IdCount"].ToString()); autCount.Name = reader["ProperName"].ToString(); autCount.CategoryId = Int32.Parse(reader["CategoryId"].ToString()); autCounts.Add(autCount); } List <AuthorCount> filteredPermissions = new List <AuthorCount>(); filteredPermissions.AddRange(autCounts); foreach (AuthorCount ac in autCounts) { if (!RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(ac.CategoryId, GraffitiUsers.Current).Read) { filteredPermissions.Remove(ac); } } foreach (AuthorCount ac in filteredPermissions) { AuthorCount existing = final.Find( delegate(AuthorCount authcount) { return(authcount.Name == ac.Name); }); if (existing == null) { final.Add(ac); } else { existing.Count += ac.Count; } } reader.Close(); } return(final); }
public static List <CategoryCount> GetCategoryCountForStatus(PostStatus status, string authorID) { List <CategoryCount> catCounts = new List <CategoryCount>(); List <CategoryCount> final = new List <CategoryCount>(); DataProvider dp = DataService.Provider; QueryCommand cmd = new QueryCommand(String.Empty); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorID)) { cmd.Sql = @"select c.Id, " + dp.SqlCountFunction("c.Name") + @" as IdCount, p.CategoryId from graffiti_Posts AS p inner join graffiti_Categories AS c on p.CategoryId = c.Id where p.Status = " + dp.SqlVariable("Status") + @" and p.IsDeleted = 0 group by c.Id, p.CategoryId"; } else { cmd.Sql = @"select c.Id, " + dp.SqlCountFunction("c.Name") + @" as IdCount, p.CategoryId from ((graffiti_Posts AS p inner join graffiti_Categories AS c on p.CategoryId = c.Id) inner join graffiti_Users AS u on p.CreatedBy = u.Name) where p.Status = " + dp.SqlVariable("Status") + @" and p.IsDeleted = 0 and u.Id = " + dp.SqlVariable("AuthorId") + @" group by c.Id, p.CategoryId"; } cmd.Parameters.Add(Post.FindParameter("Status")).Value = (int)status; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorID)) { cmd.Parameters.Add("AuthorId", Convert.ToInt32(authorID), Graffiti.Core.User.FindParameter("Id").DbType); } using (IDataReader reader = DataService.ExecuteReader(cmd)) { while (reader.Read()) { CategoryCount catCount = new CategoryCount(); catCount.ID = Int32.Parse(reader["Id"].ToString()); catCount.Count = Int32.Parse(reader["IdCount"].ToString()); catCount.CategoryId = Int32.Parse(reader["CategoryId"].ToString()); catCounts.Add(catCount); } reader.Close(); } // populate the category name CategoryCollection cats = new CategoryController().GetAllCachedCategories(); List <CategoryCount> tempParentList = new List <CategoryCount>(); foreach (CategoryCount cc in catCounts) { Category temp = cats.Find( delegate(Category c) { return(c.Id == cc.ID); }); if (temp != null) { cc.Name = temp.Name; cc.ParentId = temp.ParentId; } if (cc.Count > 0 && cc.ParentId >= 1) { // if it's not already in the list, add it CategoryCount parent = catCounts.Find( delegate(CategoryCount cac) { return(cac.ID == cc.ParentId); }); if (parent == null) { parent = tempParentList.Find( delegate(CategoryCount cac) { return(cac.ID == cc.ParentId); }); if (parent == null) { Category tempParent = cats.Find( delegate(Category cttemp) { return(cttemp.Id == cc.ParentId); }); parent = new CategoryCount(); parent.ID = tempParent.Id; parent.ParentId = tempParent.ParentId; parent.Name = tempParent.Name; parent.Count = 0; tempParentList.Add(parent); } } } } catCounts.AddRange(tempParentList); List <CategoryCount> filteredPermissions = new List <CategoryCount>(); filteredPermissions.AddRange(catCounts); foreach (CategoryCount ac in catCounts) { if (!RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(ac.CategoryId, GraffitiUsers.Current).Read) { filteredPermissions.Remove(ac); } } foreach (CategoryCount ac in filteredPermissions) { CategoryCount existing = final.Find( delegate(CategoryCount catcount) { return(catcount.ID == ac.ID); }); if (existing == null) { final.Add(ac); } else { existing.Count += ac.Count; } } return(final); }
public static List <PostCount> GetPostCounts(int catID, string user) { List <PostCount> postCounts = new List <PostCount>(); List <PostCount> final = new List <PostCount>(); List <Parameter> parameters = Post.GenerateParameters(); QueryCommand cmd = new QueryCommand("Select Status, CategoryId, " + DataService.Provider.SqlCountFunction("Id") + " as StatusCount FROM graffiti_Posts Where IsDeleted = 0"); if (catID > 0) { cmd.Sql += " and CategoryId = " + DataService.Provider.SqlVariable("CategoryId"); cmd.Parameters.Add(Post.FindParameter(parameters, "CategoryId")).Value = catID; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user)) { cmd.Sql += " and CreatedBy = " + DataService.Provider.SqlVariable("CreatedBy"); cmd.Parameters.Add(Post.FindParameter(parameters, "CreatedBy")).Value = user; } cmd.Sql += " group by Status, CategoryId"; using (IDataReader reader = DataService.ExecuteReader(cmd)) { while (reader.Read()) { PostCount postCount = new PostCount(); postCount.PostStatus = (PostStatus)Int32.Parse(reader["Status"].ToString()); postCount.Count = Int32.Parse(reader["StatusCount"].ToString()); postCount.CategoryId = Int32.Parse(reader["CategoryId"].ToString()); postCounts.Add(postCount); } reader.Close(); } List <PostCount> filteredPermissions = new List <PostCount>(); filteredPermissions.AddRange(postCounts); foreach (PostCount ac in postCounts) { if (!RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(ac.CategoryId, GraffitiUsers.Current).Read) { filteredPermissions.Remove(ac); } } foreach (PostCount ac in filteredPermissions) { PostCount existing = final.Find( delegate(PostCount postcount) { return(postcount.PostStatus == ac.PostStatus); }); if (existing == null) { final.Add(ac); } else { existing.Count += ac.Count; } } return(final); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { Initialize(); SiteSettings settings = SiteSettings.Get(); string baseUrl = SiteSettings.BaseUrl; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagName)) { Category category = null; if (CategoryID > -1) { category = new CategoryController().GetCachedCategory(CategoryID, false); } if (category == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.ExternalFeedUrl) && Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("FeedBurner", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1) { Context.Response.RedirectLocation = settings.ExternalFeedUrl; Context.Response.StatusCode = 301; Context.Response.End(); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.FeedUrlOverride) && Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("FeedBurner", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1) { Context.Response.RedirectLocation = category.FeedUrlOverride; Context.Response.StatusCode = 301; Context.Response.End(); } else if (CategoryName != null && !Util.AreEqualIgnoreCase(CategoryName, category.LinkName)) { Context.Response.RedirectLocation = new Uri(Context.Request.Url, category.Url).ToString(); Context.Response.StatusCode = 301; Context.Response.End(); } string cacheKey = CategoryID > -1 ? "Posts-Index-" + Util.PageSize + "-" + CategoryID.ToString() : string.Format("Posts-Categories-P:{0}-C:{1}-T:{2}-PS:{3}", 1, CategoryID, SortOrderType.Descending, Util.PageSize); PostCollection pc = ZCache.Get <PostCollection>(cacheKey); if (pc == null) { Query q = PostCollection.DefaultQuery(); q.Top = Util.PageSize.ToString(); if (SiteSettings.Get().IncludeChildPosts&& macros.IsNotNull(category)) { if (category.ParentId > 0) { q.AndWhere(Post.Columns.CategoryId, CategoryID); } else { var ids = new List <int>(category.Children.Count + 1); foreach (Category child in category.Children) { ids.Add(child.Id); } ids.Add(category.Id); q.AndInWhere(Post.Columns.CategoryId, ids.ToArray()); } } else { if (CategoryID > 0) { q.AndWhere(Post.Columns.CategoryId, CategoryID); } } pc = new PostCollection(); pc.LoadAndCloseReader(q.ExecuteReader()); PostCollection permissionsFiltered = new PostCollection(); permissionsFiltered.AddRange(pc); foreach (Post p in pc) { if (!RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(p.CategoryId, GraffitiUsers.Current).Read) { permissionsFiltered.Remove(p); } } ZCache.InsertCache(cacheKey, permissionsFiltered, 90); pc = permissionsFiltered; } ValidateAndSetHeaders(pc, settings, Context); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); sw.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(sw); writer.WriteStartElement("rss"); writer.WriteAttributeString("version", "2.0"); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns:dc", ""); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns:slash", ""); // Allow plugins to add additional xml namespaces Core.Events.Instance().ExecuteRssNamespace(writer); writer.WriteStartElement("channel"); WriteChannel(writer, category, settings); // Allow plugins to add additional xml to the <channel> Core.Events.Instance().ExecuteRssChannel(writer); foreach (Post p in pc) { writer.WriteStartElement("item"); WriteItem(writer, p, settings, baseUrl); // Allow plugins to add additional xml to the <item> Core.Events.Instance().ExecuteRssItem(writer, p); writer.WriteEndElement(); // End Item } writer.WriteEndElement(); // End Channel writer.WriteEndElement(); // End Document // save XML into response Context.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Context.Response.ContentType = "application/rss+xml"; Context.Response.Write(sw.ToString()); } else { PostCollection pc = GetTaggedPosts(TagName); ValidateAndSetHeaders(pc, settings, Context); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); sw.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(sw); writer.WriteStartElement("rss"); writer.WriteAttributeString("version", "2.0"); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns:dc", ""); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns:slash", ""); Core.Events.Instance().ExecuteRssNamespace(writer); writer.WriteStartElement("channel"); WriteChannel(writer, TagName, settings); // Allow plugins to add additional xml to the <channel> Core.Events.Instance().ExecuteRssChannel(writer); foreach (Post p in pc) { writer.WriteStartElement("item"); WriteItem(writer, p, settings, baseUrl); Core.Events.Instance().ExecuteRssItem(writer, p); writer.WriteEndElement(); // End Item } writer.WriteEndElement(); // End Channel writer.WriteEndElement(); // End Document Context.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Context.Response.ContentType = "application/rss+xml"; Context.Response.Write(sw.ToString()); } }