예제 #1
        //Contain all computations within the public function.
        public GradeStatistics ComputeStatistics()
            GradeStatistics stats = new GradeStatistics();

            float sum = 0;

            foreach (float grade in grades)                               //specify the variable to hold the value from the list "grades" as the list is looped through.
                stats.HighestGrade = Math.Max(grade, stats.HighestGrade); //Math.Max will return the highest value given two inputs.
                stats.LowestGrade  = Math.Min(grade, stats.LowestGrade);  //Math.Min will return the lowest value given two inputs.
                sum += grade;                                             //+= will add the value on the right to the value on the left and store in the variable on the left.

            stats.AverageGrade = sum / grades.Count;

예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GradeBook book = new GradeBook(); //Variable that can be used to access the class GradeBook (variable of type GradeBook.

            book.AddGrade(89.5f); //f tells the compiler that the value is a float and not double.

            //This would create a new object, gradebook, in memory and assign book2 the memory location.
            GradeBook book2 = new GradeBook();


            GradeBook book3 = book; //This creates the book3 variable which will have the memory location of book assigned to it.

            //Now any additions to book3 also impact book because they are referencing the same object at the specified memory location (Very Important).

            GradeStatistics stats = book.ComputeStatistics();      //Runs ComputerStatistics and places the values at the memory locations for the fields in the object stats.

            Console.WriteLine("Avg Grade: " + stats.AverageGrade); //Displays value of 65.16666
            Console.WriteLine("Max Grade: " + stats.HighestGrade); //Displays value of 91
            Console.WriteLine("Min Grade: " + stats.LowestGrade);  //Displays value of 15