private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool isValidUpload; bool isValidUploadSpecified; bool isValidTeacherResult; bool isValidTeacherResultSpecified; ser.isValidTeacher(txtTeacherName.Text, out isValidTeacherResult, out isValidTeacherResultSpecified); if (isValidTeacherResult) { ser.UploadDMC(txtStudentName.Text, txtTeacherName.Text, cmbGrade.Text, label3.Text, out isValidUpload, out isValidUploadSpecified); if (isValidUpload) { MessageBox.Show("Grade has been uploaded"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Data"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Teacher Name"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 service = new localhost.Service1(); bool isValidUpload; bool isValidUploadSpecified; bool isValidTeacherResult; bool isValidTeacherResultSpecified; service.isValidTeacher(textBox1.Text, out isValidTeacherResult, out isValidTeacherResultSpecified); if (isValidTeacherResult) { service.UploadReport(textBox2.Text, textBox1.Text, label3.Text, comboBox1.Text, textBox4.Text, out isValidUpload, out isValidUploadSpecified); if (isValidUpload) { MessageBox.Show("Report has been uploaded"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Information"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Teacher"); } }
private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); BindingSource source = new BindingSource(); ser.showSubjects(txtUserName.Text); source.DataSource = dataGridView1.DataSource = source; }
private void dataGridView1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 service = new localhost.Service1(); BindingSource source = new BindingSource(); service.ShowBySubject(cmbsubject.Text); source.DataSource = service.ShowBySubject(cmbsubject.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = source; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtpassword.Text.Length >= 6) { localhost.Service1 server = new localhost.Service1(); server.resetPass(txtusername.Text, txtpassword.Text); MessageBox.Show("password has been reset"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid password length"); } }
private void bbreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 server = new localhost.Service1(); if (txtpassword.Text.Length >= 6) { server.resetPassTeacher(txtusername.Text, txtpassword.Text); MessageBox.Show("password has been reset"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Length of password is incorrect"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); if (txtPassword.Text == txtConfirmPassword.Text) { StudentLoginform form = new StudentLoginform(); form.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Incorrect Password"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isvalidreset; bool isvalidresetpassed; localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); ser.ValidReset(txtusername.Text, cmbquestions.Text, txtanswer.Text, out isvalidreset, out isvalidresetpassed); if (isvalidreset) { MessageBox.Show("Valid Data"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid information"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool isvalidteacher; bool isvalidteacherpassed; ser.IsLoginTeacher(txtusername.Text, txtpassword.Text, out isvalidteacher, out isvalidteacherpassed); if (isvalidteacher) { MessageBox.Show("Valid Teacher"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Teacher"); } }
private void btnLogout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool TeacherLogoutResult; bool TeacherLogoutResultSpecified; ser.TeacherLogout(out TeacherLogoutResult, out TeacherLogoutResultSpecified); if (TeacherLogoutResult) { TeacherLoginform frm = new TeacherLoginform(); this.Hide(); frm.Show(); } else { } }
private void bbsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isF; bool isFF; localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); ser.SetPasswordTeacher(txtusername.Text, txtsecret.Text, out isF, out isFF); if (isF == true) { TeacherResetPassword rf = new TeacherResetPassword(); this.Hide(); rf.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("wrong code"); } }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool StudentLogoutResult; bool StudentLogoutResultSpecified; ser.StudentLogout(out StudentLogoutResult, out StudentLogoutResultSpecified); if (StudentLogoutResult) { StudentLoginform login = new StudentLoginform(); this.Hide(); login.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong"); } }
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isF; bool isFF; localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); ser.SetPassword(txtusername.Text, cmbquestions.Text, txtanswer.Text, out isF, out isFF); if (isF == true) { Reset_Password rf = new Reset_Password(); this.Hide(); rf.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("wrong answer"); } }
private void btnShowSubject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool isValidStudentResult; bool isValidStudentResultSpecified; ser.isValidStudent(txtUserName.Text, out isValidStudentResult, out isValidStudentResultSpecified); if (isValidStudentResult) { BindingSource source = new BindingSource(); ser.showSubjects(txtUserName.Text); source.DataSource = ser.showSubjects(txtUserName.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = source; } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Student"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool isvaliduser; bool isvaliduserpassed; ser.isValidUser(txtusername.Text, txtpassword.Text, out isvaliduser, out isvaliduserpassed); if (isvaliduser) { StudentLoginViewForm r = new StudentLoginViewForm(); this.Hide(); r.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("InValid User"); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 service = new localhost.Service1(); bool isValidsub; bool isValidsubject; service.isTeacherValidSubject(comboBox1.Text, out isValidsubject, out isValidsub); BindingSource source = new BindingSource(); if (isValidsubject) { source.DataSource = service.TeacherViewReport(comboBox1.Text); service.TeacherViewReport(comboBox1.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = source; } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Subject"); } }
private void dataGridView1_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { var item = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value; localhost.Service1 service = new localhost.Service1(); bool isvalidsub; bool isvalidsubject; service.isTeacherValidSubject(comboBox1.Text, out isvalidsubject, out isvalidsub); if (isvalidsubject) { TeacherUploadReport r = new TeacherUploadReport(comboBox1.Text); this.Hide(); r.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Teacher has not registered this subject, so he has no authority to update any result."); } }
private void btnShowReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool Validstu; bool ValidStudent; ser.isValidStudent(txtusername.Text, out Validstu, out ValidStudent); BindingSource source = new BindingSource(); if (Validstu) { source.DataSource = ser.StudentViewReport(txtusername.Text); ser.StudentViewReport(txtusername.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = source; } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Student"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 service = new localhost.Service1(); bool isvalidSub; bool isvalidsubject; service.isValidSubject(cmbsubject.Text, out isvalidsubject, out isvalidSub); BindingSource source = new BindingSource(); if (isvalidsubject) { service.ShowBySubject(cmbsubject.Text); source.DataSource = service.ShowBySubject(cmbsubject.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = source; } else { MessageBox.Show("Subject Not Registered"); } }
private void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool isvalidSub; bool isvalidsubject; ser.isTeacherValidSubject(cmbSubject.Text, out isvalidsubject, out isvalidSub); BindingSource source = new BindingSource(); if (isvalidsubject) { source.DataSource = ser.TeacherViewDMC(cmbSubject.Text); ser.TeacherViewDMC(cmbSubject.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = source; } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid subject"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool isalreadyexist; bool isalreadyexistpassed; ser.IsTeacherAlreadyExists(txtusername.Text, txtpassword.Text, out isalreadyexist, out isalreadyexistpassed); if (isalreadyexist) { MessageBox.Show("Teacher already exists"); txtemail.Text = ""; txtusername.Text = ""; txtpassword.Text = ""; txtconfirmpassword.Text = ""; txtsecretcode.Text = ""; } else { if (txtpassword.Text == txtconfirmpassword.Text && txtpassword.Text.Length >= 6) { if (txtsecretcode.Text.Length >= 4 && txtsecretcode.Text.Length <= 7) { ser.RegisterTeacher(txtusername.Text, txtpassword.Text, txtsecretcode.Text); MessageBox.Show("Teacher Has Been Registered"); txtemail.Text = ""; txtusername.Text = ""; txtpassword.Text = ""; txtconfirmpassword.Text = ""; txtsecretcode.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Secret code "); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Password Length or mismatch password"); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool isalreadyexist; bool isalreadyexistpassed; ser.IsAlreadyExist(txtusername.Text, txtpassword.Text, cmbtxt.Text, txtanswer.Text, out isalreadyexist, out isalreadyexistpassed); if (isalreadyexist) { MessageBox.Show("User already exits"); txtemail.Text = ""; txtusername.Text = ""; txtpassword.Text = ""; txtconfirm.Text = ""; txtanswer.Text = ""; cmbtxt.Text = ""; } else { if (txtpassword.Text == txtconfirm.Text && txtpassword.Text.Length >= 6) { ser.RegisterStd(txtusername.Text, txtpassword.Text, cmbtxt.Text, txtanswer.Text); MessageBox.Show("User has been Registered"); txtemail.Text = ""; txtusername.Text = ""; txtpassword.Text = ""; txtconfirm.Text = ""; txtanswer.Text = ""; cmbtxt.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Password Length or mismatch password"); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 server = new localhost.Service1(); server.resetPass(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text); MessageBox.Show("password has been reset"); }
private void btnregister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 ser = new localhost.Service1(); bool isalreadyexist; bool isalreadyexistpassed; ser.isTeacherSubAlreadyExist(txtusername.Text, cmbofferedsubjects.Text, cmbsubjectcode.Text, out isalreadyexist, out isalreadyexistpassed); bool isValudTeacherResultSpecified; bool isValidTeacherResult; ser.isValidTeacher(txtusername.Text, out isValidTeacherResult, out isValudTeacherResultSpecified); if (isalreadyexist && isValidTeacherResult) { MessageBox.Show("Subject is already registered "); cmbsubjectcode.Text = ""; cmbofferedsubjects.Text = ""; txtcredithours.Text = ""; } else { if (isValidTeacherResult) { if (cmbofferedsubjects.Text == sub1.Text && cmbsubjectcode.Text == code1.Text && txtcredithours.Text == label6.Text) { ser.AddTeacherRegisteredSubject(txtusername.Text, cmbofferedsubjects.Text, cmbsubjectcode.Text, txtcredithours.Text); MessageBox.Show("OOP has been registered"); cmbsubjectcode.Text = ""; cmbofferedsubjects.Text = ""; txtcredithours.Text = ""; } else if (cmbofferedsubjects.Text == sub2.Text && cmbsubjectcode.Text == code2.Text && txtcredithours.Text == label6.Text) { ser.AddTeacherRegisteredSubject(txtusername.Text, cmbofferedsubjects.Text, cmbsubjectcode.Text, txtcredithours.Text); MessageBox.Show("PF has been registered"); cmbsubjectcode.Text = ""; cmbofferedsubjects.Text = ""; txtcredithours.Text = ""; } else if (cmbsubjectcode.Text == code3.Text && cmbofferedsubjects.Text == sub3.Text && txtcredithours.Text == label6.Text) { ser.AddTeacherRegisteredSubject(txtusername.Text, cmbofferedsubjects.Text, cmbsubjectcode.Text, txtcredithours.Text); MessageBox.Show("ICS has been registered"); cmbsubjectcode.Text = ""; cmbofferedsubjects.Text = ""; txtcredithours.Text = ""; } else if (cmbofferedsubjects.Text == lblDiscreteMathematics.Text && cmbsubjectcode.Text == code4.Text && txtcredithours.Text == label6.Text) { ser.AddTeacherRegisteredSubject(txtusername.Text, cmbofferedsubjects.Text, cmbsubjectcode.Text, txtcredithours.Text); MessageBox.Show("DM has been registered"); cmbsubjectcode.Text = ""; cmbofferedsubjects.Text = ""; txtcredithours.Text = ""; } else if (cmbofferedsubjects.Text == sub5.Text && cmbsubjectcode.Text == code5.Text && txtcredithours.Text == label6.Text) { ser.AddTeacherRegisteredSubject(txtusername.Text, cmbofferedsubjects.Text, cmbsubjectcode.Text, txtcredithours.Text); MessageBox.Show("DLD has been registered"); cmbsubjectcode.Text = ""; cmbofferedsubjects.Text = ""; txtcredithours.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Data"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid User"); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { localhost.Service1 service = new localhost.Service1(); bool isalreadyexist; bool isalreadyexistpassed; bool isValidStudentResult; bool isValidStudentResultSpecified; service.IsSubjectAlreadyExist(txtUserName.Text, cmbSubject.Text, cmbCode.Text, out isalreadyexist, out isalreadyexistpassed); service.isValidStudent(txtUserName.Text, out isValidStudentResult, out isValidStudentResultSpecified); if (isalreadyexist && isValidStudentResult) { MessageBox.Show("Subject has been already registered"); cmbSubject.Text = ""; cmbCode.Text = ""; txtCreditHour.Text = ""; } else { if (isValidStudentResult) { if (cmbSubject.Text == sub1.Text && cmbCode.Text == code1.Text && txtCreditHour.Text == label6.Text) { service.AddSubject(txtUserName.Text, cmbSubject.Text, cmbCode.Text, txtCreditHour.Text); MessageBox.Show("Subject has been added"); cmbSubject.Text = ""; cmbCode.Text = ""; txtCreditHour.Text = ""; } else if (cmbSubject.Text == sub2.Text && cmbCode.Text == code2.Text && txtCreditHour.Text == label6.Text) { service.AddSubject(txtUserName.Text, cmbSubject.Text, cmbCode.Text, txtCreditHour.Text); MessageBox.Show("Subject has been added"); cmbSubject.Text = ""; cmbCode.Text = ""; txtCreditHour.Text = ""; } else if (cmbSubject.Text == sub3.Text && cmbCode.Text == code3.Text && txtCreditHour.Text == label6.Text) { service.AddSubject(txtUserName.Text, cmbSubject.Text, cmbCode.Text, txtCreditHour.Text); MessageBox.Show("Subject has been added"); cmbSubject.Text = ""; cmbCode.Text = ""; txtCreditHour.Text = ""; } else if (cmbSubject.Text == label4.Text && cmbCode.Text == code4.Text && txtCreditHour.Text == label6.Text) { service.AddSubject(txtUserName.Text, cmbSubject.Text, cmbCode.Text, txtCreditHour.Text); MessageBox.Show("Subject has been added"); cmbSubject.Text = ""; cmbCode.Text = ""; txtCreditHour.Text = ""; } else if (cmbSubject.Text == sub5.Text && cmbCode.Text == code5.Text && txtCreditHour.Text == label6.Text) { service.AddSubject(txtUserName.Text, cmbSubject.Text, cmbCode.Text, txtCreditHour.Text); MessageBox.Show("Subject has been added"); cmbSubject.Text = ""; cmbCode.Text = ""; txtCreditHour.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Subject i.e. either SubjectName or SubjectCode or CreditHour doesn't match.Please select a suitable one"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Student"); } } }