private bool LoadT2f(string filename, bool showSummary, bool append) { bool loaded_ok = false; IFileSupport fs = null; int Plot2ndCount_old; int WaypointsCountOld; if (append) { Plot2ndCount_old = Plot2ndCount; WaypointsCountOld = WayPointsT2F.Count; } else { Plot2ndCount_old = 0; WaypointsCountOld = 0; } switch (Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower()) { case ".gcc": fs = new GccSupport(); break; case ".gpx": fs = new GpxSupport(); break; case ".kml": fs = new KmlSupport(); break; default: MessageBox.Show("wrong extension"); return false; } if (fs != null) { mapUtil.clearNav(false); loaded_ok = fs.Load(filename, ref WayPointsT2F, PlotDataSize, ref Plot2ndLat, ref Plot2ndLong, ref Plot2ndZ, ref Plot2ndT, ref Plot2ndD, ref T2fSummary, ref Plot2ndCount, append); graph.scaleCmd = Graph.ScaleCmd.DoAutoscaleNoUndo; } if (loaded_ok) // loaded OK { // If a new track-to-follow loaded (and main track not exist) - need to reset map zoom/shift vars if ((Plot2ndCount + WayPointsT2F.Count != 0) && (PlotCount == 0)) { ResetMapPosition(); } labelFileNameT2F.SetText("Track to Follow: " + Path.GetFileName(filename)); if (Plot2ndCount - Plot2ndCount_old == 0 && WayPointsT2F.Count - WaypointsCountOld > 0) //if no track -> copy WP-data to T2F { if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Use waypoints as track to navigate?", "File only has Waypoints", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)) { double OldLong, OldLat; if (Plot2ndCount > 0) { OldLong = Plot2ndLong[Plot2ndCount - 1]; OldLat = Plot2ndLat[Plot2ndCount - 1]; } else { OldLong = WayPointsT2F.lon[WaypointsCountOld]; OldLat =[WaypointsCountOld]; } double deltax, deltay; UtmUtil utmUtil2 = new UtmUtil(); //use extra utmUtil utmUtil2.setReferencePoint(OldLat, OldLong); for (int i = WaypointsCountOld; i < WayPointsT2F.Count; i++) { if (Plot2ndCount >= PlotDataSize) // check if we need to decimate arrays { for (int j = 0; j < PlotDataSize / 2; j++) { Plot2ndLat[j] = Plot2ndLat[j * 2]; Plot2ndLong[j] = Plot2ndLong[j * 2]; Plot2ndZ[j] = Plot2ndZ[j * 2]; Plot2ndT[j] = Plot2ndT[j * 2]; Plot2ndD[j] = Plot2ndD[j * 2]; } Plot2ndCount = PlotDataSize / 2; //Decimation *= 2; //use all new data } Plot2ndLong[Plot2ndCount] = WayPointsT2F.lon[i]; Plot2ndLat[Plot2ndCount] =[i]; deltax = (Plot2ndLong[Plot2ndCount] - OldLong) * utmUtil2.longit2meter; deltay = (Plot2ndLat[Plot2ndCount] - OldLat) * utmUtil2.lat2meter; T2fSummary.Distance += Math.Sqrt(deltax * deltax + deltay * deltay); OldLong = Plot2ndLong[Plot2ndCount]; OldLat = Plot2ndLat[Plot2ndCount]; Plot2ndD[Plot2ndCount] = (int)T2fSummary.Distance; Plot2ndT[Plot2ndCount] = Plot2ndCount == 0 ? 0 : Plot2ndT[Plot2ndCount - 1] + 1; Plot2ndZ[Plot2ndCount] = 0; Plot2ndCount++; } } } Plot2ndCountUndo = Plot2ndCount; updateNavData(); if (showSummary) loaded_ok = DialogResult.OK == ShowTrackSummary(T2fSummary); } else { labelFileNameT2F.SetText("Track to Follow: " + Path.GetFileName(filename) + " load ERROR"); T2fSummary.desc = "Error loading file"; MessageBox.Show("Error reading file or it does not have track data", "Error loading file", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } return loaded_ok; }
// Create GPS event handlers on form load private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // load settings ----------------- IoFilesDirectory = CurrentDirectory + "tracks"; MapsFilesDirectory = CurrentDirectory + "maps"; // check if there are any args - then load the file string parameterExt = Path.GetExtension(FirstArgument); if (parameterExt == ".dat") LoadSettings(FirstArgument); else LoadSettings(CurrentDirectory + "GpsCycleComputer.dat"); CreateArrays(); ApplyCustomBackground(); if (parameterExt == ".gcc") LoadGcc(FirstArgument); if (parameterExt != null) { IFileSupport fs = null; if (parameterExt == ".gpx") fs = new GpxSupport(); else if (parameterExt == ".kml") fs = new KmlSupport(); if (fs != null) if (fs.Load(FirstArgument, ref WayPointsT2F, PlotDataSize, ref Plot2ndLat, ref Plot2ndLong, ref Plot2ndZ, ref Plot2ndT, ref Plot2ndD, ref T2fSummary, ref Plot2ndCount, false)) { labelFileNameT2F.SetText("Track to Follow: " + Path.GetFileName(FirstArgument)); //loaded ok T2fSummary.filename = FirstArgument; //with path! todo } else { labelFileNameT2F.SetText("Track to Follow: " + Path.GetFileName(FirstArgument) + " load ERROR"); T2fSummary.filename = ""; } } // send indication to GPS driver to wake-up (if it is OFF) gps.startGpsService(); // select option pages to show and apply map bkground option FillPagesToShow(); checkMapsWhiteBk_Click(checkMapsWhiteBk, EventArgs.Empty); MenuExec(MenuPage.BFkt.main); listBoxFiles.Items.Clear(); //listBoxFiles.Focus(); //remark: this command disturbs FormWindowState.Maximized, therefore after FormWindowState.Maximized if (importantNewsId != 404) { MessageBox.Show("You can use context menu to configure some fields in main page or modify some commands in menu page", "GCC - Important News"); importantNewsId = 404; } LoadState(false); /* tests to prevent windows title bar from overlaying gcc in full screen - all not working this.BringToFront(); button1.Focus(); this.Focus(); NoBkPanel.BringToFront(); NoBkPanel.Show(); NoBkPanel.Focus();*/ }