예제 #1
        private void ValidateSetup(dynamic config, ServoSimpleAction action)
            // the rotation degrees and rotation delays arrays should the same length
            if (action.RotationDegrees.Length != action.RotationDelayMs.Length)
                throw new ApplicationException("rotation[] and rotationDelay[] lengths are not the same");

            // From this point we know the rotation degrees and delay are the same length so
            // we can use either of them as a check value

            // user's rotation stuff can't exceed the configured plugin channel count
            int[] channels = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int[]>(config.i2cChannel.ToString());
            if (action.RotationDegrees.Length > channels.Length)
                throw new ApplicationException($"rotationDegree[] and rotationDelay lengths cannot exceed maximum allowed by plugin configuration ({channels.Length})");

            // rotation delay must be >= 0; rotation degrees must be 0 - 180
            for (int i = 0; i < action.RotationDegrees.Length; i++)
                if (action.RotationDelayMs[i].Any(d => d < 0))
                    throw new ApplicationException($"rotationDelay[{i}] has delay less than zero");

                if (action.RotationDegrees[i].Any(r => r < 0 || r > 180))
                    throw new ApplicationException($"rotation[{i}] contains invalid rotation; must be in range 0-180");

            // min/max pulses array lengths should be the same, and should be the
            // same length as rotation array length
            _pwmMinPulse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int[]>(config.pwmMinPulse.ToString());
            _pwmMaxPulse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int[]>(config.pwmMaxPulse.ToString());
            if ((_pwmMinPulse.Length != _pwmMaxPulse.Length) || (_pwmMinPulse.Length != channels.Length))
                throw new ApplicationException($"config error: pwmMinPulse[] and pwmMaxPulse[] must be the same length as i2cChannel[]");
예제 #2
        public void Action(ActionBase baseAction, CancellationToken cancelToken, dynamic config)
            ServoSimpleAction action = (ServoSimpleAction)baseAction;

            ValidateSetup(config, action);

            ProcessorPin sda = config.i2cSdaBcmPin;
            ProcessorPin scl = config.i2cSclBcmPin;

            using (var driver = new I2cDriver(sda, scl))
                PwmChannel[] channels     = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PwmChannel[]>(config.i2cChannel.ToString());
                int          i2cAddress   = config.i2cAddress;
                int          pwmFrequency = config.pwmFrequency;
                Frequency    frequency    = Frequency.FromHertz(pwmFrequency);

                // device support and prep channel
                var pcaConnection = new Pca9685Connection(driver.Connect(i2cAddress));

                // pre delay
                if (cancelToken.WaitHandle.WaitOne(action.PreDelayMs))
                    return;                      // looks like we're cancelling

                // handle each rotation
                // Note: there could be more configured channels (i.e. servos) in the configuration; the user doesn't
                //       have to use them all; we map the user's n array elements to first n configured channels in
                //       the server plugin config
                List <Task> servoTasks = new List <Task>();
                for (int i = 0; i < action.RotationDegrees.Length; ++i)
                    // if we're skipping this servo, loop to next
                    if (action.RotationDegrees.Length == 0)


                    RotateServoConfiguration options = new RotateServoConfiguration
                        PcaConnection   = pcaConnection,
                        PwmChannel      = channels[i],
                        PwmMaximumPulse = _pwmMaxPulse[i],
                        PwmMinimumPulse = _pwmMinPulse[i],
                        RotationDegree  = action.RotationDegrees[i],
                        RotationDelayMs = action.RotationDelayMs[i],

                    Task task = Task.Run(() => RotateServo(options, cancelToken));

                // wait for all servos to complete; don't set state since tasks will be doing that
                // as the servos rotate

                // post delay
                if (cancelToken.WaitHandle.WaitOne(action.PostDelayMs))
                    return;                      // looks like we're cancelling