private void OnGUI() { GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(10, 10, 600, 1000)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10f); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("This example will load an image into a texture from either a local file or a screenshot," + " and enable user to upload the image to Drive as JPG or PNG file, as well as later retrieve the image back by its reported Drive id.", GUILayout.MaxWidth(600f)); GUILayout.Space(10f); if (GUILayout.Button("Load PNG from local file", GUILayout.MinHeight(20f), GUILayout.MaxWidth(200f))) { LoadPNGFromFile(Application.dataPath + _imagePath); } if (GUILayout.Button("Take Screenshot", GUILayout.MinHeight(20f), GUILayout.MaxWidth(200f))) { TakeScreenshot(); } GUILayout.Space(10f); if (GUILayout.Button("Save Image to Cloud as PNG", GUILayout.MinHeight(20f), GUILayout.MaxWidth(200f))) { if (_text2d == null) { Debug.Log("Cannot upload image: please load a file or take a screenshot first."); } else { Drive.CreateImageFile(_text2d, "TextureFile", true); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Save Image to Cloud as JPG", GUILayout.MinHeight(20f), GUILayout.MaxWidth(200f))) { if (_text2d == null) { Debug.Log("Cannot upload image: please load a file or take a screenshot first."); } else { Drive.CreateImageFile(_text2d, "TextureFile", false, 90, null, null, true); } } GUILayout.Space(10f); GUILayout.Label("Google Drive file id:"); _cloudFileID = GUILayout.TextField(_cloudFileID, GUILayout.MaxWidth(200f)); if (GUILayout.Button("Get From Cloud", GUILayout.MinHeight(20f), GUILayout.MaxWidth(200f))) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cloudFileID)) { Debug.Log("Cannot retrieve a file: please provide an id for the image file on Google Drive."); } else { Drive.GetImageFile(_cloudFileID); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); if (_text2d != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(_texturePos, _text2d); } }