public void googlecalendarSMSreminder(string sendstring) { CalendarService service = new CalendarService("exampleCo-exampleApp-1"); service.setUserCredentials(UserName.Text, Password.Text); EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); // Set the title and content of the entry. entry.Title.Text = sendstring; entry.Content.Content = "Nadpis Test SMS."; // Set a location for the event. Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = "Test sms"; entry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); When eventTime = new When(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3), DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); //Add SMS Reminder Reminder fiftyMinReminder = new Reminder(); fiftyMinReminder.Minutes = 1; fiftyMinReminder.Method = Reminder.ReminderMethod.sms; entry.Reminders.Add(fiftyMinReminder); Uri postUri = new Uri(""); // Send the request and receive the response: AtomEntry insertedEntry = service.Insert(postUri, entry); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new EventEntry instance with provided data. /// </summary> /// <param name="title">The descriptive title of the event ("What" in the UI)</param> /// <param name="description">A longer description of the event /// ("Description" in the UI)</param> /// <param name="location">The location of the event ("Where" in the UI)</param> public EventEntry(string title, string description, string location) : this(title, description) { Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = location; this.Locations.Add(eventLocation); }
//add an event to google calendar public static void addEvent(Appointment appt) { if (authenticated == true) { Dictionary<int, string> insertedId = new Dictionary<int, string>(); //create new thread for add event BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker(); bw.DoWork += delegate(object s, DoWorkEventArgs args) { try { //add event to Google Calendar EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); // Set the title and content of the entry. entry.Title.Text = appt.Subject; entry.Content.Content = appt.Note; // Set a location for the event. Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = appt.Location; entry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); When eventTime = new When(appt.StartDate, appt.EndDate); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); lock (threadLock) { EventEntry insertedEntry = service.Insert(postUri, entry); eventIDs.Add(appt.AppointmentId, insertedEntry.EventId); insertedId.Add(appt.AppointmentId, insertedEntry.EventId); } } catch (Exception e) { Util.logError("Google Calendar Error: " + e.Message); } }; bw.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object s, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args) { foreach (int apptId in insertedId.Keys) { Database.modifyDatabase("UPDATE Event SET GoogleEventID = '" + insertedId[apptId] + "' WHERE EventID = '" + apptId + "';"); } }; //start the thread bw.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a google calendar event /// </summary> public void CreateEvent(CalendarEvent cEvent) { EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); entry.Title.Text = cEvent.Subject; entry.Content.Content = cEvent.Body; ExtendedProperty property = new ExtendedProperty(); property.Name = syncExtendedParameterName; property.Value = cEvent.Id; entry.ExtensionElements.Add(property); Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = cEvent.Location; entry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); When eventTime = new When(cEvent.StartDate, cEvent.EndDate); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); Uri postUri = new Uri(string.Format(calendarUrl, this.calendarId)); AtomEntry insertedEntry = this.calService.Insert(postUri, entry); }
public void send(string info) { EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); entry.Title.Text = "iPhone4 开卖状况改变"; entry.Content.Content = info; Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = "Apple Store"; entry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); When eventTime = new When(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2), DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30)); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); Reminder reminder = new Reminder(); reminder.Minutes = 1; reminder.Method = Reminder.ReminderMethod.all; entry.Reminders.Add(reminder); Uri postUri = new Uri(""); AtomEntry insertedEntry = svc.Insert(postUri, entry); }
/// <summary>standard typed add method </summary> public int Add(Where value) { return base.Add(value); }
private static EventEntry InsertEvent(EventFeed feed, String title, String author, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, bool fAllDay, String place) { EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); entry.Title = new AtomTextConstruct( AtomTextConstructElementType.Title, title); entry.Authors.Add(new AtomPerson(AtomPersonType.Author, author)); entry.Published = DateTime.Now; entry.Updated = DateTime.Now; Where newPlace = new Where(); newPlace.ValueString = place; entry.Locations.Add(newPlace); When newTime = new When(); newTime.StartTime = startTime; newTime.EndTime = endTime; newTime.AllDay = fAllDay; entry.Times.Add(newTime); return feed.Insert(entry) as EventEntry; }
public static void AddEvent(CalendarService service, string title, string contents, string location, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime) { EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); // Set the title and content of the entry. entry.Title.Text = title; entry.Content.Content = contents; // Set a location for the event. Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = location; entry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); When eventTime = new When(startTime, endTime); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); Uri postUri = new Uri (""); // Send the request and receive the response: AtomEntry insertedEntry = service.Insert(postUri, entry); }
public static void AddMenuButton() { var accessHelper = new FISCA.UDT.AccessHelper(); var ribbonBarItem = K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.RibbonBarItems["課程行事曆"]; var syncButton = ribbonBarItem["同步行事曆"]; Catalog button_syncCalendar = RoleAclSource.Instance["課程"]["功能按鈕"]; button_syncCalendar.Add(new RibbonFeature("Sync_Course_Calendar", "同步課程行事曆")); bool isEnabled = UserAcl.Current["Sync_Course_Calendar"].Executable; syncButton.Enable = ((K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.SelectedSource.Count > 0) && isEnabled); K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.SelectedSourceChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { syncButton.Enable = ((K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.SelectedSource.Count > 0) && isEnabled); }; syncButton.Click += delegate { bool hasFaild = false; FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("課程行事曆同步中...", 0); List<string> selectedSource = new List<string>(K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.SelectedSource); BackgroundWorker bkw = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker() { WorkerReportsProgress = true }; bkw.ProgressChanged += delegate(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("課程行事曆同步中...", e.ProgressPercentage); }; bkw.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { SectionSyncColumn.Reload(); FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("課程行事曆同步完成"); if (hasFaild) { FISCA.Presentation.Controls.MsgBox.Show("課程行事曆同步完成,其中部分資料同步失敗,請稍後再試。"); } }; bkw.DoWork += delegate(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { Dictionary<string, Calendar> calendars = new Dictionary<string, Calendar>(); Dictionary<string, List<string>> courseAttend = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); Dictionary<string, List<Section>> publishItems = new Dictionary<string, List<Section>>(); Dictionary<string, string> studentLoginAccount = new Dictionary<string, string>(); List<string> syncCourses = new List<string>(); int count = 0; string condition = "RefCourseID in ("; foreach (string key in selectedSource) { if (condition != "RefCourseID in (") condition += ","; condition += "'" + key + "'"; } condition += ")"; string condition2 = "ref_course_id in ("; foreach (string key in selectedSource) { if (condition2 != "ref_course_id in (") condition2 += ","; condition2 += "'" + key + "'"; } condition2 += ")"; bkw.ReportProgress(3); foreach (Section section in accessHelper.Select<Section>(condition)) { if (!section.IsPublished || section.Removed) { if (!publishItems.ContainsKey(section.RefCourseID)) publishItems.Add(section.RefCourseID, new List<Section>()); publishItems[section.RefCourseID].Add(section); count++; } } foreach (Calendar cal in accessHelper.Select<Calendar>(condition)) { if (!calendars.ContainsKey(cal.RefCourseID)) calendars.Add(cal.RefCourseID, cal); } syncCourses.AddRange(publishItems.Keys); foreach (var item in accessHelper.Select<SCAttendExt>(condition2)) { if (!courseAttend.ContainsKey(item.CourseID.ToString())) courseAttend.Add(item.CourseID.ToString(), new List<string>()); courseAttend[item.CourseID.ToString()].Add(item.StudentID.ToString()); if (!studentLoginAccount.ContainsKey(item.StudentID.ToString())) studentLoginAccount.Add(item.StudentID.ToString(), ""); count++; } foreach (string key in selectedSource) { if (!courseAttend.ContainsKey(key)) courseAttend.Add(key, new List<string>()); } foreach (var student in K12.Data.Student.SelectByIDs(studentLoginAccount.Keys)) { if (student.SALoginName != "") { studentLoginAccount[student.ID] = student.SALoginName.ToLower(); } } foreach (string calid in courseAttend.Keys) { if (calendars.ContainsKey(calid)) { Calendar cal = calendars[calid]; List<string> aclList = new List<string>(cal.ACLList.Split("%".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); List<string> attentAccounts = new List<string>(); foreach (string sid in courseAttend[calid]) { if (studentLoginAccount[sid] != "") attentAccounts.Add(studentLoginAccount[sid]); } if (aclList.Count != attentAccounts.Count) { if (!syncCourses.Contains(calid)) syncCourses.Add(calid); } else { foreach (string acc in aclList) { if (!attentAccounts.Contains(acc.ToLower())) { if (!syncCourses.Contains(calid)) syncCourses.Add(calid); break; } } } } } bkw.ReportProgress(5); CalendarService myService = new CalendarService("ischool.CourseCalendar"); myService.setUserCredentials(googleAcc, googlePWD); bkw.ReportProgress(20); List<Section> syncedSections = new List<Section>(); foreach (K12.Data.CourseRecord course in K12.Data.Course.SelectByIDs(syncCourses)) { //CalendarEntry targetCalender = null; Calendar targetCal = null; try { if (!calendars.ContainsKey(course.ID)) { #region 建立新Calender string[] colorLists = new string[]{"#A32929","#B1365F","#7A367A","#5229A3","#29527A","#2952A3","#1B887A", "#28754E","#0D7813","#528800","#88880E","#AB8B00","#BE6D00","#B1440E", "#865A5A","#705770","#4E5D6C","#5A6986","#4A716C","#6E6E41","#8D6F47"}; CalendarEntry newCal = new CalendarEntry(); newCal.Title.Text = course.Name; newCal.Summary.Text = "科目:" + course.Subject + "\n學年度:" + course.SchoolYear + "\n學期:" + course.Semester + "\n學分數:" + course.Credit; newCal.TimeZone = "Asia/Taipei"; //targetCalender.Hidden = false; newCal.Color = colorLists[new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(0, colorLists.Length)]; Uri postUri = new Uri(""); newCal = (CalendarEntry)myService.Insert(postUri, newCal); #endregion String calendarURI = newCal.Id.Uri.ToString(); String calendarID = calendarURI.Substring(calendarURI.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); targetCal = new Calendar() { RefCourseID = course.ID, GoogleCalanderID = calendarID }; targetCal.Save(); } else { targetCal = calendars[course.ID]; } } catch { hasFaild = true; } if (targetCal != null) { try { #region ACL if (courseAttend.ContainsKey(course.ID)) { List<string> aclList = new List<string>(targetCal.ACLList.Split("%".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); for (int i = 0; i < aclList.Count; i++) { aclList[i] = aclList[i].ToLower(); } List<string> attentAccounts = new List<string>(); foreach (string sid in courseAttend[course.ID]) { if (studentLoginAccount[sid] != "") attentAccounts.Add(studentLoginAccount[sid]); } foreach (string acc in attentAccounts) { if (!aclList.Contains(acc)) { try { #region 新增分享 AclEntry entry = new AclEntry(); entry.Scope = new AclScope(); entry.Scope.Type = AclScope.SCOPE_USER; entry.Scope.Value = acc; entry.Role = AclRole.ACL_CALENDAR_READ; try { AclEntry insertedEntry = myService.Insert(new Uri("" + targetCal.GoogleCalanderID + "/acl/full"), entry); } catch (GDataRequestException gex) { if (!gex.InnerException.Message.Contains("(409)")) throw; } #endregion aclList.Add(acc); } catch { hasFaild = true; } } } List<string> removeList = new List<string>(); if (aclList.Count != attentAccounts.Count) { #region 移除分享 AtomFeed calFeed = myService.Query(new FeedQuery("" + targetCal.GoogleCalanderID + "/acl/full")); foreach (string acc in aclList) { if (!attentAccounts.Contains(acc)) { try { foreach (AtomEntry atomEntry in calFeed.Entries) { if (atomEntry is AtomEntry) { AclEntry aclEntry = (AclEntry)atomEntry; if (aclEntry.Scope.Value.ToLower() == acc) { aclEntry.Delete(); break; } } } removeList.Add(acc); } catch { hasFaild = true; } } } #endregion } foreach (string acc in removeList) { if (aclList.Contains(acc)) aclList.Remove(acc); } targetCal.ACLList = ""; foreach (string acc in aclList) { targetCal.ACLList += (targetCal.ACLList == "" ? "" : "%") + acc; } } #endregion #region Events if (publishItems.ContainsKey(course.ID)) { EventFeed feed = myService.Query(new EventQuery("" + targetCal.GoogleCalanderID + "/private/full")); AtomFeed batchFeed = new AtomFeed(feed); foreach (Section section in publishItems[course.ID]) { if (!section.Removed) { #region 新增Event Google.GData.Calendar.EventEntry eventEntry = new Google.GData.Calendar.EventEntry(); eventEntry.Title.Text = course.Name; //eventEntry Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = section.Place; eventEntry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); eventEntry.Notifications = true; eventEntry.Times.Add(new When(section.StartTime, section.EndTime)); eventEntry.Participants.Add(new Who() { ValueString = googleAcc, Attendee_Type = new Who.AttendeeType() { Value = Who.AttendeeType.EVENT_REQUIRED }, Attendee_Status = new Who.AttendeeStatus() { Value = Who.AttendeeStatus.EVENT_ACCEPTED }, Rel = Who.RelType.EVENT_ATTENDEE }); eventEntry.BatchData = new GDataBatchEntryData(section.UID, GDataBatchOperationType.insert); batchFeed.Entries.Add(eventEntry); #endregion } else { #region 刪除Event EventEntry toDelete = (EventEntry)feed.Entries.FindById(new AtomId(feed.Id.AbsoluteUri + "/" + section.EventID)); if (toDelete != null) { toDelete.Id = new AtomId(toDelete.EditUri.ToString()); toDelete.BatchData = new GDataBatchEntryData(section.UID, GDataBatchOperationType.delete); batchFeed.Entries.Add(toDelete); } else { section.Deleted = true; syncedSections.Add(section); } #endregion } int p = syncedSections.Count * 80 / count + 20; if (p > 100) p = 100; if (p < 0) p = 0; bkw.ReportProgress(p); } EventFeed batchResultFeed = (EventFeed)myService.Batch(batchFeed, new Uri(feed.Batch)); foreach (Section section in publishItems[course.ID]) { if (syncedSections.Contains(section)) continue; #region 儲存Section狀態 bool match = false; if (section.Removed) { foreach (EventEntry entry in batchResultFeed.Entries) { if (entry.BatchData.Status.Code == 200) { if (section.UID == entry.BatchData.Id) { section.Deleted = true; match = true; syncedSections.Add(section); break; } } } } else { foreach (EventEntry entry in batchResultFeed.Entries) { if (entry.BatchData.Status.Code == 201) { if (section.UID == entry.BatchData.Id) { section.IsPublished = true; match = true; section.EventID = entry.EventId; syncedSections.Add(section); break; } } } } if (!match) hasFaild = true; #endregion } } #endregion } catch { hasFaild = true; } targetCal.Save(); } } syncedSections.SaveAll(); }; bkw.RunWorkerAsync(); }; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>creates a new, in memory atom entry</summary> /// <returns>the new AtomEntry </returns> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static EventEntry CreateEventEntry(int iCount) { EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); // some unicode chars Char[] chars = new Char[] { '\u0023', // # '\u0025', // % '\u03a0', // Pi '\u03a3', // Sigma '\u03d1', // beta }; // if unicode needs to be disabled for testing, just uncomment this line // chars = new Char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}; AtomPerson author = new AtomPerson(AtomPersonType.Author); author.Name = "John Doe" + chars[0] + chars[1] + chars[2] + chars[3]; author.Email = "*****@*****.**"; entry.Authors.Add(author); AtomCategory cat = new AtomCategory(); cat.Label = "Default"; cat.Term = "Default" + chars[4] + " Term"; entry.Categories.Add(cat); entry.Content.Content = "this is the default text entry"; entry.Published = new DateTime(2001, 11, 20, 22, 30, 0); entry.Title.Text = "This is a entry number: " + iCount; entry.Updated = DateTime.Now; When newTime = new When(); newTime.StartTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-3); newTime.EndTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); entry.Times.Add(newTime); entry.Reminder = new Reminder(); entry.Reminder.Minutes = DEFAULT_REMINDER_TIME; Who someone = new Who(); someone.ValueString = "*****@*****.**"; Who.AttendeeStatus status = new Who.AttendeeStatus(); status.Value = "event.accepted"; someone.Attendee_Status = status; someone.Rel = ""; entry.Participants.Add(someone); Where newPlace = new Where(); newPlace.ValueString = "A really nice place"; entry.Locations.Add(newPlace); newPlace = new Where(); newPlace.ValueString = "Another really nice place"; newPlace.Rel = Where.RelType.EVENT_ALTERNATE; entry.Locations.Add(newPlace); return entry; }
private void AddItem(CalendarItem calendarItem) { var entry = new EventEntry(calendarItem.Title); var w = new Where {ValueString = calendarItem.Location}; var eventTime = new When(calendarItem.Start, calendarItem.End); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); entry.Locations.Add(w); entry.EventVisibility = calendarItem.IsPrivateItem ? EventEntry.Visibility.CONFIDENTIAL : EventEntry.Visibility.PUBLIC; CalendarService calendarService = Service; calendarService.Insert(new Uri(GOOGLE_CALENDAR_URI), entry); }
public void googlecalendarSMSreminder(string sendstring) { CalendarService service = new CalendarService("exampleCo-exampleApp-1"); service.setUserCredentials("*****@*****.**", "joneson55"); EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); // Set the title and content of the entry. entry.Title.Text = sendstring; entry.Content.Content = "Lockerz Login Page Check."; // Set a location for the event. Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = "Lockerz Login"; entry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); When eventTime = new When(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3), DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); if (checkBox1.Checked == true) //Reminder ON/OFF { //Add SMS Reminder Reminder fiftyMinReminder = new Reminder(); fiftyMinReminder.Minutes = 1; fiftyMinReminder.Method = Reminder.ReminderMethod.sms; entry.Reminders.Add(fiftyMinReminder); } else { } Uri postUri = new Uri(""); // Send the request and receive the response: AtomEntry insertedEntry = service.Insert(postUri, entry); }
/// <summary>standard typed remove method </summary> public void Remove(Where value) { base.Remove(value); }
/// <summary>standard typed indexOf method </summary> public int IndexOf(Where value) { return (List.IndexOf(value)); }
public static void updateEvent(Appointment newAppt) { if (authenticated == true) { //create new thread for updating event BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker(); bw.DoWork += delegate(object s, DoWorkEventArgs args) { lock (threadLock) { try { if (eventIDs.ContainsKey(newAppt.AppointmentId) == false) { return; } EventQuery myQuery = new EventQuery(postUri.ToString() + "/" + eventIDs[newAppt.AppointmentId]); EventFeed resultFeed = (EventFeed)service.Query(myQuery); //only update if an event is found if (resultFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { EventEntry calendar = (EventEntry)resultFeed.Entries[0]; calendar.Title.Text = newAppt.Subject; calendar.Content.Content = newAppt.Note; calendar.Locations.Clear(); Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = newAppt.Location; calendar.Locations.Add(eventLocation); When eventTime = new When(newAppt.StartDate, newAppt.EndDate); calendar.Times.Clear(); calendar.Times.Add(eventTime); calendar.Update(); } } catch (Exception e) { Util.logError("Google Calendar Error: " + e.Message); } } }; //start the thread bw.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
/// <summary> /// Update a calendar event /// </summary> public void UpdateEvent(CalendarEvent cEvent) { EventQuery query = new EventQuery(string.Format(calendarUrl, this.calendarId)); query.ExtraParameters = string.Format("extq=[{1}:{0}]", cEvent.Id, syncExtendedParameterName); EventFeed myResultsFeed = this.calService.Query(query); if (myResultsFeed.Entries.Count == 1) { EventEntry firstMatchEntry = (EventEntry)myResultsFeed.Entries[0]; firstMatchEntry.Content.Content = cEvent.Body; firstMatchEntry.Title.Text = cEvent.Subject; Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = cEvent.Location; firstMatchEntry.Locations.Clear(); firstMatchEntry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); When eventTime = new When(cEvent.StartDate, cEvent.EndDate); firstMatchEntry.Times.Clear(); firstMatchEntry.Times.Add(eventTime); this.calService.Update(firstMatchEntry); } else if (myResultsFeed.Entries.Count > 1) { throw new Exception("UpdateEvent: Found more then one event with the given id."); } }
/// <summary> /// Translates a Microsoft® Project task into a Google® Data API CalendarEntry for Google® Calendar. /// </summary> /// <param name="task">Microsoft® Project task instance.</param> /// <returns>A new EventEntry from Google® Data API.</returns> protected EventEntry translateProjectTaskToCalendarEntry(Task task) { //create EventEntry for Google® API EventEntry eventEntry = new EventEntry(); //assign title to EventEntry from Microsoft® Project Task name eventEntry.Title.Text = task.getName(); eventEntry.Content.Content = task.getName(); // Set a location for the event. Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = "Microsoft® Project"; eventEntry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); //create When object for Google® API When dateTime = new When(); //write these down java.util.Date taskStart = task.getStart(); java.util.Date taskFinish = task.getFinish(); //now split them up string[] taskStartComponents = new string[] { }; if (taskStart != null) taskStartComponents = taskStart.toString().Split(new char[] { ' ', ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string[] taskFinishComponents = new string[] { }; if (taskFinish != null) taskFinishComponents = taskFinish.toString().Split(new char[] { ' ', ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //now convert them from Java to .Net and tell Google®'s When what's up if (taskStart != null) dateTime.StartTime = DateTime.ParseExact( taskStartComponents[7] + " " + //year taskStartComponents[1] + " " + //month taskStartComponents[2], "yyyy MMM dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); if (taskFinish != null) dateTime.EndTime = DateTime.ParseExact( taskFinishComponents[7] + " " + //year taskFinishComponents[1] + " " + //month taskFinishComponents[2], "yyyy MMM dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); //add the When to the event entry eventEntry.Times.Add(dateTime); //return the EventEntry return eventEntry; }
/// <summary>standard typed insert method </summary> public void Insert(int index, Where value) { base.Insert(index, value); }
private static string addEvent(string calID) { string result = ""; #region 新增Event { CalendarService myService = new CalendarService("ischool.CourseCalendar"); myService.setUserCredentials(googleAcc, googlePWD); EventFeed feed = myService.Query(new EventQuery("" + calID + "/private/full")); AtomFeed batchFeed = new AtomFeed(feed); Google.GData.Calendar.EventEntry eventEntry = new Google.GData.Calendar.EventEntry(); eventEntry.Title.Text = "TEST"; //eventEntry Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = "地點"; eventEntry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); eventEntry.Notifications = true; eventEntry.Times.Add(new When(DateTime.Parse("2012/4/5 15:00"), DateTime.Parse("2012/4/5 17:00"))); eventEntry.Participants.Add(new Who() { ValueString = googleAcc, Attendee_Type = new Who.AttendeeType() { Value = Who.AttendeeType.EVENT_REQUIRED }, Attendee_Status = new Who.AttendeeStatus() { Value = Who.AttendeeStatus.EVENT_ACCEPTED }, Rel = Who.RelType.EVENT_ATTENDEE }); eventEntry.BatchData = new GDataBatchEntryData("TEST", GDataBatchOperationType.insert); batchFeed.Entries.Add(eventEntry); EventFeed batchResultFeed = (EventFeed)myService.Batch(batchFeed, new Uri(feed.Batch)); foreach (EventEntry entry in batchResultFeed.Entries) { if (entry.BatchData.Status.Code == 201) { result = entry.EventId; break; } } } #endregion return result; }
/// <summary>standard typed Contains method </summary> public bool Contains(Where value) { // If value is not of type AtomEntry, this will return false. return (List.Contains(value)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the contents of an entry from a row of the table. /// </summary> /// <param name='entry'> /// The EventEntry to modify /// </param> /// <param name='row'> /// The row number in which the data sits. /// </param> protected void CnvtRowToEntry(EventEntry entry, int row) { DateTime start; DateTime end; const int DateStartColumnIndex = 0; const int TimeStartColumnIndex = 1; const int TitleColumnIndex = 2; const int TimeEndColumnIndex = 3; const int PlaceColumnIndex = 4; string timeSeparator = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.TimeSeparator; string dateStart = ""; string timeStart = ""; string timeEnd = ""; // Prepare time information entry.Times.Clear(); entry.Locations.Clear(); try { dateStart = ( (string) this.grdEventsList.Rows[ row ].Cells[ DateStartColumnIndex ].Value ).Trim(); } catch(Exception) { throw new FormatException( StringsL18n.Get( StringsL18n.StringId.ErStartDateMissing ) ); } try { timeStart = ( (string) this.grdEventsList.Rows[ row ].Cells[ TimeStartColumnIndex ].Value ).Trim(); } catch(Exception) { throw new FormatException( StringsL18n.Get( StringsL18n.StringId.ErStartDateMissing ) ); } try { timeEnd = ( (string) this.grdEventsList.Rows[ row ].Cells[ TimeEndColumnIndex ].Value ).Trim(); } catch(Exception) { timeEnd = timeStart; } // Prepare times timeEnd = timeEnd.Trim(); timeStart = timeStart.Trim(); if ( timeStart.ToLower().EndsWith( GCalFramework.EtqHourMark ) ) { timeStart = timeStart.Substring( 0, timeStart.Length -1 ) + timeSeparator + "00"; } if ( timeEnd.ToLower().EndsWith( GCalFramework.EtqHourMark ) ) { timeEnd = timeEnd.Substring( 0, timeEnd.Length -1 ) + timeSeparator + "00"; } // Set start/end date/time timeEnd = dateStart + ' ' + timeEnd; dateStart = dateStart + ' ' + timeStart; try { start = DateTime.Parse( dateStart, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat ); } catch(FormatException exc) { throw new FormatException( StringsL18n.Get( StringsL18n.StringId.ErParsingStartTime ) + ": " + exc.Message ); } try { end = DateTime.Parse( timeEnd, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat ); } catch(FormatException) { // Adapt the end time by one hour from the start end = start.AddHours( 1 ); } // Set times if ( start == end ) { end = start.AddHours( 1 ); } var eventTime = new When( start, end ); entry.Times.Add( eventTime ); // Set title try { entry.Title.Text = ( (string) this.grdEventsList.Rows[ row ].Cells[ TitleColumnIndex ].Value ).Trim(); } catch(Exception) { entry.Title.Text = GCalFramework.EtqNotAvailable; } if ( entry.Title.Text.Trim().Length == 0 ) { entry.Title.Text = GCalFramework.EtqNotAvailable; } // Set place string strPlace = null; try { strPlace = ( (string) this.grdEventsList.Rows[ row ].Cells[ PlaceColumnIndex ].Value ).Trim(); } catch(Exception) { strPlace = GCalFramework.EtqNotAvailable; } if ( strPlace.Trim().Length == 0 ) { entry.Title.Text = GCalFramework.EtqNotAvailable; } var eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = strPlace; entry.Locations.Add( eventLocation ); // Set alarm Reminder reminder = new Reminder(); reminder.Minutes = 30; reminder.Method = Reminder.ReminderMethod.all; entry.Reminder = reminder; return; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>Parses an xml node to create a Where object.</summary> /// <param name="node">the node to parse node</param> /// <param name="parser">the xml parser to use if we need to dive deeper</param> /// <returns>the created Where object</returns> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public IExtensionElementFactory CreateInstance(XmlNode node, AtomFeedParser parser) { Tracing.TraceCall(); Where where = null; if (node != null) { object localname = node.LocalName; if (!localname.Equals(this.XmlName) || !node.NamespaceURI.Equals(this.XmlNameSpace)) { return null; } } where = new Where(); if (node != null) { if (node.Attributes != null) { if (node.Attributes[GDataParserNameTable.XmlAttributeRel] != null) { where.Rel = node.Attributes[GDataParserNameTable.XmlAttributeRel].Value; } if (node.Attributes[GDataParserNameTable.XmlAttributeLabel] != null) { where.Label = node.Attributes[GDataParserNameTable.XmlAttributeLabel].Value; } if (node.Attributes[GDataParserNameTable.XmlAttributeValueString] != null) { where.ValueString = node.Attributes[GDataParserNameTable.XmlAttributeValueString].Value; } } if (node.HasChildNodes) { foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes) { if (childNode.LocalName == GDataParserNameTable.XmlEntryLinkElement) { if (where.EntryLink == null) { where.EntryLink = EntryLink.ParseEntryLink(childNode, parser); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Only one entryLink is allowed inside the g:where"); } } } } } return where; }
private EventEntry FillKalenderEntry (EventEntry KalenderEntry, DataRow KalenderRow) { KalenderEntry.Title.Text = KalenderRow ["Titel"].ToString (); KalenderEntry.Content.Content = CreateFullBeschreibung (KalenderRow); KalenderEntry.ExtensionElements.Add (new ExtendedProperty (KalenderRow ["ID"].ToString (), "WPMediaID")); KalenderEntry.ExtensionElements.Add (new ExtendedProperty (KalenderRow ["KontaktPerson"].ToString (), "WPMediaKontaktPerson")); KalenderEntry.ExtensionElements.Add (new ExtendedProperty (KalenderRow ["Veranstalter"].ToString (), "WPMediaVeranstalter")); KalenderEntry.ExtensionElements.Add (new ExtendedProperty (KalenderRow ["Typ"].ToString (), "WPMediaTyp")); KalenderEntry.ExtensionElements.Add (new ExtendedProperty (KalenderRow ["ZielGruppe"].ToString (), "WPMediaZielGruppe")); Where EntryLocation; if (KalenderEntry.Locations.Count > 0) EntryLocation = KalenderEntry.Locations [0]; else { EntryLocation = new Where (); KalenderEntry.Locations.Add (EntryLocation); } EntryLocation.ValueString = KalenderRow ["VeranstaltungsOrt"].ToString (); EntryLocation.Label = KalenderRow ["VeranstaltungsOrt"].ToString (); When EntryTiming; if (KalenderEntry.Times.Count > 0) { EntryTiming = KalenderEntry.Times [0]; EntryTiming.StartTime = Convert.ToDateTime (KalenderRow ["Von"]); EntryTiming.EndTime = Convert.ToDateTime (KalenderRow ["Bis"]); } else { EntryTiming = new When (Convert.ToDateTime (KalenderRow ["Von"]), Convert.ToDateTime (KalenderRow ["Bis"])); KalenderEntry.Times.Add (EntryTiming); } return KalenderEntry; }
/// <summary> /// Helper method to create either single-instance or recurring events. /// For simplicity, some values that might normally be passed as parameters /// (such as author name, email, etc.) are hard-coded. /// </summary> /// <param name="service">The authenticated CalendarService object.</param> /// <param name="entryTitle">Title of the event to create.</param> /// <param name="recurData">Recurrence value for the event, or null for /// single-instance events.</param> /// <returns>The newly-created EventEntry on the calendar.</returns> static EventEntry CreateEvent(CalendarService service, String entryTitle, String recurData) { EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); // Set the title and content of the entry. entry.Title.Text = entryTitle; entry.Content.Content = "Meet for a quick lesson."; // Set a location for the event. Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = "South Tennis Courts"; entry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); // If a recurrence was requested, add it. Otherwise, set the // time (the current date and time) and duration (30 minutes) // of the event. if (recurData == null) { When eventTime = new When(); eventTime.StartTime = DateTime.Now; eventTime.EndTime = eventTime.StartTime.AddMinutes(30); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); } else { Recurrence recurrence = new Recurrence(); recurrence.Value = recurData; entry.Recurrence = recurrence; } // Send the request and receive the response: Uri postUri = new Uri(feedUri); AtomEntry insertedEntry = service.Insert(postUri, entry); return (EventEntry)insertedEntry; }
public Dictionary<String, String> RunPublishWordUpCalendar(String CalendarTitle, String LastUpdate, List<String> TerminTypeIDsToProcess, int GoogleIDIndex) { int UpdateCounter = 0; DataTable KalenderTable = CreateKalendarTable (); String TypeIDSelectClause = WordUp23.Basics.Instance.GetTypSelectPart (TerminTypeIDsToProcess); String SelectStatement = "Select * from Termine where " + TypeIDSelectClause + "Order by LastUpdateToken desc"; if (WMB.Basics.IsTestRun) WMB.Basics.ReportInformationToEventViewer ("PublishAltErlaaInfo.RunPublishAltErlaaInfo", "Before Select Statement \"" + SelectStatement + "\""); DataSet ToProcessCalendarDataSet = WordUpWCFAccess.GetCommonDataSet (SelectStatement); if (ToProcessCalendarDataSet.Tables ["Termine"].Rows.Count == 0) { if (WMB.Basics.IsTestRun) WMB.Basics.ReportInformationToEventViewer ("PublishAltErlaaInfo.RunPublishAltErlaaInfo", "Number of Termine-Entries to Process = 0"); return new Dictionary<String, String> (); } if (WMB.Basics.IsTestRun) WMB.Basics.ReportInformationToEventViewer ("PublishAltErlaaInfo.RunPublishAltErlaaInfo", "Number of Termine-Entries to Process = " + Convert.ToString (ToProcessCalendarDataSet.Tables ["Termine"].Rows.Count)); List<System.Guid> ListOfTerminTypenWithTypOrtNaming = WordUp23.Basics.Instance.GetTerminTypenWithTypOrtNaming (); WPMediaGoogleCalendarUpdate.DoUpdate GoogleUpdate = new DoUpdate (); GoogleUpdate.CalendarTitle = CalendarTitle; GoogleUpdate.MissingGoogleEventIDs.Clear (); bool AllRunsCorrect = true; int CountHasGoogleIDAndIsProcessedBefore = 0; foreach (DataRow IwTRow in ToProcessCalendarDataSet.Tables ["Termine"].Rows) { String EventEntryElementID = String.Empty; try { if (IwTRow ["ID"] == Convert.DBNull) { continue; } if ((IwTRow ["Von"] == Convert.DBNull) || (IwTRow ["Bis"] == Convert.DBNull)) continue; EventEntryElementID = IwTRow ["ID"].ToString (); String [] GoogleEventID = IwTRow ["GoogleEventID"].ToString ().Split (';'); if (GoogleEventID.Length == 0) GoogleEventID = new String[] {"", ""}; if (GoogleEventID.Length == 1) GoogleEventID = new String [] { GoogleEventID [0], "" }; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (GoogleEventID [GoogleIDIndex])) CountHasGoogleIDAndIsProcessedBefore++; if (CountHasGoogleIDAndIsProcessedBefore > 20) break; EventEntry EventEntryElement = GoogleUpdate.GetEventEntry (EventEntryElementID, GoogleEventID [GoogleIDIndex]); if (EventEntryElement == null) { WMB.Basics.ReportErrorToEventViewer ("Beim Eintrag \"" + EventEntryElementID + "\" mit der GoogleIDEventID \"" + GoogleEventID + "\"\r\n" + "kam es zu einem Fehler"); continue; } if (EventEntryElement.EventId != GoogleEventID [GoogleIDIndex]) // do BackLink activities { GoogleEventID [GoogleIDIndex] = EventEntryElement.EventId; String ModifyStatement = "Update Termine set GoogleEventID = '" + String.Join (";", GoogleEventID) + "' where ID = '" + EventEntryElementID + "'"; WordUpWCFAccess.RunSQLBatch (ModifyStatement); } EventEntryElement.Dirty = true; String OrteID = IwTRow ["OrteID"].ToString (); String Ortsbezeichnung = "Nicht definiert"; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (OrteID) == false) Ortsbezeichnung = WordUp23.Basics.Instance.Orte [OrteID] ["Bezeichnung"].ToString () + " " + WordUp23.Basics.Instance.Orte [OrteID] ["Beschreibung"].ToString (); if (ListOfTerminTypenWithTypOrtNaming.Contains ((System.Guid) IwTRow ["TermineTypID"]) == true) { EventEntryElement.Title.Text = WordUp23.Basics.Instance.GetTypeBeschreibung (IwTRow) + "-" + Ortsbezeichnung; } else { //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (IwTRow ["NameID"].ToString ()) == false) // EventEntryElement.Title.Text = IwTRow ["NameID"].ToString (); //else EventEntryElement.Title.Text = WordUp23.Basics.Instance.GetTypeBeschreibung (IwTRow) + "-" + Ortsbezeichnung; } if (IwTRow ["TermineTypID"].ToString () == "f61d9cb1-59a4-430b-ad67-ebdcc5df1d11") { EventEntryElement.IsDraft = true; } When EntryTiming; if (EventEntryElement.Times.Count > 0) { EntryTiming = EventEntryElement.Times [0]; EntryTiming.StartTime = Convert.ToDateTime (IwTRow ["Von"]); EntryTiming.EndTime = Convert.ToDateTime (IwTRow ["Bis"]); } else { EntryTiming = new When (Convert.ToDateTime (IwTRow ["Von"]), Convert.ToDateTime (IwTRow ["Bis"])); EventEntryElement.Times.Add (EntryTiming); } Where EntryLocation; if (EventEntryElement.Locations.Count > 0) EntryLocation = EventEntryElement.Locations [0]; else { EntryLocation = new Where (); EventEntryElement.Locations.Add (EntryLocation); } String TerminBeschreibung = FillTerminBeschreibung (IwTRow); String OrtsBeschreibung = FillLocation (IwTRow, EntryLocation); String PersonenBeschreibung = WordUp23.Basics.Instance.GetTypeParticipantText (IwTRow); // da passiert es Google.GData.Extensions.ExtensionCollection<Who> Participants = new Google.GData.Extensions.ExtensionCollection<Who>(); // PersonenBeschreibung = FillPersonen(IwTRow, EventEntryElement.Participants); PersonenBeschreibung = FillPersonen(IwTRow, Participants); // da ist es passiert String OrganisationsBeschreibung = FillOrganisationsBeschreibung (IwTRow); EventEntryElement.Content.Content = TerminBeschreibung + OrtsBeschreibung + OrganisationsBeschreibung + PersonenBeschreibung; if (GoogleUpdate.SaveEventEntry (EventEntryElement, EventEntryElementID) == false) { WMB.Basics.ReportErrorToEventViewer ("GoogleCalendarUpdate.RunPublishAltErlaaInfo", "Beim \"" + CalendarTitle + "\" Eintrag \"" + EventEntryElementID + "\" ist ein Fehler aufgetreten\r\n" + EntryTiming.StartTime.ToString () + " - " + EntryTiming.EndTime.ToString ()); GoogleEventID[GoogleIDIndex] = ""; String ModifyStatement = "Update Termine set GoogleEventID = '" + String.Join(";", GoogleEventID) + "' where ID = '" + EventEntryElementID + "'"; WordUpWCFAccess.RunSQLBatch(ModifyStatement); } //else // { // WMB.Basics.ReportInformationToEventViewer("GoogleCalendarUpdate.RunPublishAltErlaaInfo", // "Beim \"" + CalendarTitle + "\" Eintrag \"" + EventEntryElementID + "\" ist alles OK\r\n" // + EntryTiming.StartTime.ToString() + " - " + EntryTiming.EndTime.ToString()); // } continue; } catch (Exception Excp) { WMB.Basics.ReportErrorToEventViewer ("GoogleCalendarUpdate.RunPublishAltErlaaInfo", "Beim Eintrag \"" + EventEntryElementID + "\" ist folgender Fehler aufgetreten:\r\n" + Excp.ToString()); AllRunsCorrect = false; } } if ((AllRunsCorrect == true) && (CloseRequestedCall != null)) { CloseRequestedCall (this, "SaveNextStartDataTime"); } return GoogleUpdate.MissingGoogleEventIDs; }
String FillLocation (DataRow IwTRow, Where EntryLocation) { if (IwTRow ["OrteID"] == Convert.DBNull) return String.Empty; String OrteID = IwTRow ["OrteID"].ToString (); DataRow OrtsRow = WordUpWCFAccess.GetCommonDataSet ("Select * from Orte where ID = '" + OrteID + "'").Tables ["Orte"].Rows [0]; String Label = "Österreich, Wien"; String Beschreibung = OrtsRow ["Bezeichnung"].ToString () + " " + OrtsRow ["Beschreibung"].ToString (); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (Beschreibung)) Beschreibung = OrtsRow ["NameID"].ToString (); EntryLocation.Label = OrtsRow ["NameID"].ToString (); //EntryLocation.ValueString = "Österreich, Wien, " + OrtsRow ["GoogleAdressString"].ToString (); //EntryLocation.ValueString = "Österreich, Wien, " + OrtsRow ["GoogleAdressString"].ToString (); EntryLocation.ValueString = OrtsRow ["WBreite"].ToString ().Replace (",", ".") + "," + OrtsRow ["WLaenge"].ToString ().Replace (",", ".") + " (" + Beschreibung.Replace ("(", "").Replace (")", "") + ") "; return "<br/>" + Beschreibung; }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a new event /// </summary> /// <param name='start'> /// The start, date and time, of the event, as a DateTime object. /// </param> /// <param name='title'> /// The title of the event. /// </param> /// <param name='end'> /// The end, date and time, of the event, as a DateTime object. /// </param> /// <param name='place'> /// The place in which the event will happen. /// </param> public void InsertEvent(DateTime start, string title, DateTime end, string place) { // Wait to have a slot while( this.OnTransaction ) {} // Prepare the entry this.OnTransaction = true; var entry = new EventEntry(); // Set the title and content of the entry. entry.Title.Text = title; // Set a location for the event. Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = place; entry.Locations.Add( eventLocation ); // Set when it happens When eventTime = new When( start, end ); entry.Times.Add( eventTime ); // Really insert this.InsertEvent( entry ); this.OnTransaction = false; return; }