////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>creates a new, in memory atom entry</summary> /// <returns>the new AtomEntry </returns> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static AtomEntry CreateAtomEntry(int iCount) { AtomEntry entry = new AtomEntry(); // some unicode chars Char[] chars = new Char[] { '\u0023', // # '\u0025', // % '\u03a0', // Pi '\u03a3', // Sigma '\u03d1', // beta '&', }; AtomPerson author = new AtomPerson(AtomPersonType.Author); author.Name = "John Doe" + chars[0] + chars[1] + chars[2] + chars[3] + chars[4] + chars[5]; author.Email = "*****@*****.**"; entry.Authors.Add(author); AtomCategory cat = new AtomCategory(); cat.Label = "Default"; cat.Term = "Default" + chars[4] + " Term"; entry.Categories.Add(cat); entry.Content.Content = "this is the default text & entry"; entry.Content.Type = "html"; entry.Published = new DateTime(2001, 11, 20, 22, 30, 0); entry.Title.Text = "This is a entry number: " + iCount; entry.Updated = DateTime.Now; return entry; }
public void XmlNameTest() { AtomPerson target = new AtomPerson(); Assert.AreEqual(target.XmlName, AtomParserNameTable.XmlAuthorElement); target = new AtomPerson(AtomPersonType.Contributor); Assert.AreEqual(target.XmlName, AtomParserNameTable.XmlContributorElement); }
public static Author FromAtomPerson(AtomPerson person) { Author author = new Author(); author.Uri = person.Uri.Content; author.Language = person.Language; author.Email = person.Email; author.Name = person.Name; return author; }
///<summary>Standard type converter method</summary> public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, System.Type destinationType) { AtomPerson person = value as AtomPerson; if (destinationType == typeof(System.String) && person != null) { return("Person: " + person.Name); } return(base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType)); }
/// <summary>parses an author/person object</summary> /// <param name="reader"> an XmlReader positioned at the start of the author</param> /// <param name="owner">the object containing the person</param> /// <returns> the created author object</returns> protected AtomPerson ParsePerson(XmlReader reader, AtomBase owner) { Tracing.Assert(reader != null, "reader should not be null"); if (reader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); } Tracing.Assert(owner != null, "owner should not be null"); if (owner == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("owner"); } Tracing.TraceCall(); object localname = null; AtomPerson author = owner.CreateAtomSubElement(reader, this) as AtomPerson; ParseBasicAttributes(reader, author); int lvl = -1; while (NextChildElement(reader, ref lvl)) { localname = reader.LocalName; if (localname.Equals(this.nameTable.Name)) { // author.Name = Utilities.DecodeString(Utilities.DecodedValue(reader.ReadString())); author.Name = Utilities.DecodedValue(reader.ReadString()); reader.Read(); } else if (localname.Equals(this.nameTable.Uri)) { author.Uri = new AtomUri(Utilities.DecodedValue(reader.ReadString())); reader.Read(); } else if (localname.Equals(this.nameTable.Email)) { author.Email = Utilities.DecodedValue(reader.ReadString()); reader.Read(); } else { // default extension parsing. ParseExtensionElements(reader, author); } } return(author); }
private EventEntry CreateEventEntry( int entryNumber ) { var entry = new EventEntry { Content = { Content = "This is the default text entry." }, Published = new DateTime( 2001, 1, 1 ), Title = { Text = "This is a entry number: " + entryNumber }, Updated = DateTime.Now, }; var author = new AtomPerson( AtomPersonType.Author ) { Name = "nCubed", Email = "*****@*****.**", }; entry.Authors.Add( author ); var cat = new AtomCategory { Label = "Default", Term = "Default Term", }; entry.Categories.Add( cat ); var newTime = new When { StartTime = DateTime.Today, EndTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays( 1 ) }; entry.Times.Add( newTime ); return entry; }
/// <summary>standard typed accessor method </summary> public int IndexOf( AtomPerson value ) { return( List.IndexOf( value ) ); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>public static bool IsPersonIdentical(AtomPerson theOne, AtomPerson theOther)</summary> /// <param name="theOne">the One Person </param> /// <param name="theOther">the Other Person</param> /// <returns>true if identical </returns> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static bool IsPersonIdentical(AtomPerson theOne, AtomPerson theOther) { if (theOne == null && theOther == null) { return true; } if (ObjectModelHelper.IsBaseIdentical(theOne, theOther)==false) { Tracing.TraceInfo("IsPersonIdentical: comparing base failed"); return false; } Tracing.TraceInfo("IsPersonIdentical: comparing Name " + theOne.Name + " " + theOther.Name); if (String.Compare(theOne.Email, theOther.Email)!=0) { Tracing.TraceInfo("IsPersonIdentical: comparing email failed" + theOne.Email + " " + theOther.Email); return false; } if (String.Compare(theOne.Name, theOther.Name)!=0) { Tracing.TraceInfo("IsPersonIdentical: comparing Name failed" + theOne.Name + " " + theOther.Name); return false; } if (AtomUri.Compare(theOne.Uri, theOther.Uri) != 0) { Tracing.TraceInfo("IsPersonIdentical: comparing URI failed - " + theOne.Uri.ToString() + " " + theOther.Uri.ToString()); return false; } return true; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>creates a new, in memory atom entry</summary> /// <returns>the new AtomEntry </returns> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static EventEntry CreateEventEntry(int iCount) { EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); // some unicode chars Char[] chars = new Char[] { '\u0023', // # '\u0025', // % '\u03a0', // Pi '\u03a3', // Sigma '\u03d1', // beta }; // if unicode needs to be disabled for testing, just uncomment this line // chars = new Char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}; AtomPerson author = new AtomPerson(AtomPersonType.Author); author.Name = "John Doe" + chars[0] + chars[1] + chars[2] + chars[3]; author.Email = "*****@*****.**"; entry.Authors.Add(author); AtomCategory cat = new AtomCategory(); cat.Label = "Default"; cat.Term = "Default" + chars[4] + " Term"; entry.Categories.Add(cat); entry.Content.Content = "this is the default text entry"; entry.Published = new DateTime(2001, 11, 20, 22, 30, 0); entry.Title.Text = "This is a entry number: " + iCount; entry.Updated = DateTime.Now; When newTime = new When(); newTime.StartTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-3); newTime.EndTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); entry.Times.Add(newTime); entry.Reminder = new Reminder(); entry.Reminder.Minutes = DEFAULT_REMINDER_TIME; Who someone = new Who(); someone.ValueString = "*****@*****.**"; Who.AttendeeStatus status = new Who.AttendeeStatus(); status.Value = "event.accepted"; someone.Attendee_Status = status; someone.Rel = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.organizer"; entry.Participants.Add(someone); Where newPlace = new Where(); newPlace.ValueString = "A really nice place"; entry.Locations.Add(newPlace); newPlace = new Where(); newPlace.ValueString = "Another really nice place"; newPlace.Rel = Where.RelType.EVENT_ALTERNATE; entry.Locations.Add(newPlace); return entry; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>creates a new, in memory atom entry</summary> /// <returns>the new AtomEntry </returns> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static ContactEntry CreateContactEntry(int iCount) { ContactEntry entry = new ContactEntry(); // some unicode chars Char[] chars = new Char[] { '\u0023', // # '\u0025', // % '\u03a0', // Pi '\u03a3', // Sigma '\u03d1', // beta }; // if unicode needs to be disabled for testing, just uncomment this line // chars = new Char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}; AtomPerson author = new AtomPerson(AtomPersonType.Author); author.Name = "John Doe" + chars[0] + chars[1] + chars[2] + chars[3]; author.Email = "*****@*****.**"; entry.Authors.Add(author); entry.Content.Content = "this is the default note for a contact entry"; entry.Published = new DateTime(2001, 11, 20, 22, 30, 0); entry.Title.Text = "This is a contact number: " + iCount; entry.Updated = DateTime.Now; // add an email. EMail email = new EMail("*****@*****.**" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); email.Primary = true; email.Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWork; entry.Emails.Add(email); email = new EMail("*****@*****.**" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); email.Label = "some email"; entry.Emails.Add(email); IMAddress im = new IMAddress("*****@*****.**"); im.Primary = true; im.Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWork; entry.IMs.Add(im); im = new IMAddress("*****@*****.**"); im.Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsHome; PhoneNumber p = new PhoneNumber("123-3453457"); p.Primary = true; p.Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWork; entry.Phonenumbers.Add(p); p = new PhoneNumber("123-3334445"); p.Label = "some other thing"; entry.Phonenumbers.Add(p); PostalAddress pa = new PostalAddress("This is the address"); pa.Primary = true; pa.Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsHome; entry.PostalAddresses.Add(pa); Organization org = new Organization(); org.Name = "This Test Org.Com"; org.Title = "Junior guy"; org.Label = "volunteer stuff"; entry.Organizations.Add(org); return entry; }
/// <summary>standard typed accessor method </summary> public int Add( AtomPerson value ) { return( List.Add( value ) ); }
public void UriTest() { AtomPerson target = new AtomPerson(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value AtomUri expected = new AtomUri("http://www.test.com/"); AtomUri actual; target.Uri = expected; actual = target.Uri; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void AtomPersonConstructorTest() { string name = "TestValue"; AtomPerson target = new AtomPerson(AtomPersonType.Contributor, name); Assert.AreEqual(target.Name, name); }
public void EmailTest() { AtomPerson target = new AtomPerson(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string expected = "TestValue"; string actual; target.Email = expected; actual = target.Email; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
/// <summary>standard typed accessor method </summary> public bool Contains( AtomPerson value ) { // If value is not of type AtomPerson, this will return false. return( List.Contains( value ) ); }
/// <summary>standard typed accessor method </summary> public void Remove( AtomPerson value ) { List.Remove( value ); }
/// <summary>standard typed accessor method </summary> public void Insert( int index, AtomPerson value ) { List.Insert( index, value ); }