public bool Insert(Task task) { EventEntry eventEntry = new EventEntry { Title = {Text = task.Head}, Content = {Content = task.Description,}, Locations = {new Where("", "", task.Location)}, Times = {new When(task.StartDate, task.StopDate)}, }; Log.InfoFormat("Inserting new entry to google : [{0}]", task.ToString()); CalendarService service = new CalendarService("googleCalendarInsert"); service.setUserCredentials(task.AccountInfo.Username, task.AccountInfo.Password); Uri postUri = new Uri(""); ErrorMessage = String.Empty; try { EventEntry createdEntry = service.Insert(postUri, eventEntry); return createdEntry != null; } catch (Exception exception) { Log.ErrorFormat(exception.Message); Log.ErrorFormat(exception.ToString()); ErrorMessage = exception.Message; } return false; }
public bool Delete(Task task) { ErrorMessage = String.Empty; CalendarService service = new CalendarService("googleCalendar"); service.setUserCredentials(task.AccountInfo.Username, task.AccountInfo.Password); Log.InfoFormat("Fetching google account : [{0}]", task.AccountInfo.ToString()); string queryUri = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}/private/full", service.Credentials.Username); Log.DebugFormat("Query='{0}'", queryUri); EventQuery eventQuery = new EventQuery(queryUri); try { EventFeed eventFeed = service.Query(eventQuery); foreach (EventEntry eventEntry in eventFeed.Entries.Cast<EventEntry>()) { if (eventEntry.Times.Count > 0) { if (eventEntry.EventId == task.Id) { Log.InfoFormat("Deleting : [{0}]-[{1}]", eventEntry.EventId, eventEntry.Title); eventEntry.Delete(); return true; } } } } catch (Exception exception) { Log.ErrorFormat(exception.Message); Log.ErrorFormat(exception.ToString()); ErrorMessage = exception.Message; } return false; }
public CalendarManager(string email, string password) { _userID = email; _password = password; _myService = new CalendarService("Bruce's Application"); _myService.setUserCredentials(_userID, _password); }
public void googlecalendarSMSreminder(string sendstring) { CalendarService service = new CalendarService("exampleCo-exampleApp-1"); service.setUserCredentials(UserName.Text, Password.Text); EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); // Set the title and content of the entry. entry.Title.Text = sendstring; entry.Content.Content = "Nadpis Test SMS."; // Set a location for the event. Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = "Test sms"; entry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); When eventTime = new When(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3), DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); //Add SMS Reminder Reminder fiftyMinReminder = new Reminder(); fiftyMinReminder.Minutes = 1; fiftyMinReminder.Method = Reminder.ReminderMethod.sms; entry.Reminders.Add(fiftyMinReminder); Uri postUri = new Uri(""); // Send the request and receive the response: AtomEntry insertedEntry = service.Insert(postUri, entry); }
public BookThemAllSample(string domain, string admin, string password) { apps = new AppsService(domain, admin, password); calendar = new CalendarService("BookThemAll"); calendar.setUserCredentials(admin, password); this.admin = admin; }
public GoogleCalendar() { this.userName = GoogleUsername; this.userPassword = GooglePassword; calendarService = new CalendarService("webcsm"); calendarService.setUserCredentials(userName, userPassword); }
public void Authenticate(string account, string password) { _calendarService = new Google.GData.Calendar.CalendarService(""); _calendarService.setUserCredentials(account, password); _calendarUri = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/private/full", account)); _isAuthenticated = true; }
public PostableEvents GetPostableEvents(string calendarId) { var result = new PostableEvents(); var service = new CalendarService("WascherCom.Auto.CalendarToBlog"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UserId)) { service.setUserCredentials(UserId, Password); } var query = new EventQuery { Uri = new Uri(string.Format(GOOGLE_URI, calendarId)), StartTime = StartDate.AddDays(-DaysForPastEvents), EndTime = StartDate.AddDays(DaysForCurrentEvents + DaysForFutureEvents) }; var eventFeed = service.Query(query); if (eventFeed == null || eventFeed.Entries.Count == 0) { return result; } foreach (EventEntry entry in eventFeed.Entries) { foreach (var time in entry.Times) { var calEvent = new CalendarEvent { Title = entry.Title.Text, Description = string.Empty, StartDateTime = time.StartTime, EndDateTime = time.EndTime, IsAllDay = time.AllDay }; if (calEvent.StartDateTime < StartDate) { result.PastEvents.Add(calEvent); } else if (calEvent.StartDateTime > StartDate.AddDays(DaysForCurrentEvents)) { result.FutureEvents.Add(calEvent); } else { result.CurrentEvents.Add(calEvent); } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1} All Day: {2}", entry.Title.Text, time.StartTime, time.AllDay)); } } return result; }
public bool Init(string user, string password) { service = new CalendarService("GTrello"); service.setUserCredentials(user, password); if (!LoadMapping()) { return false; } return CollectEntries(); }
// Validates a username/pass by attempting to login to calendar public static bool checkPw(string username, string password) { GDataGAuthRequestFactory authFactory = new GDataGAuthRequestFactory("cl", "Seadragon"); authFactory.AccountType = "HOSTED"; CalendarService client = new CalendarService(authFactory.ApplicationName); client.RequestFactory = authFactory; client.setUserCredentials(username + "@" + DOMAIN, password); try { client.QueryClientLoginToken(); // Authenticate the user immediately } catch (WebException) // Invalid login { return false; } return true; }
public static void export(string email, string password, List<LeadTask> tasks) { CalendarService myService = new CalendarService("exportToGCalendar"); myService.setUserCredentials(email, password); foreach (LeadTask task in tasks) { EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); // Set the title and content of the entry. entry.Title.Text = task.text; entry.Content.Content = task.details; When eventTime = new When((DateTime)task.start_date, (DateTime)task.end_date); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); Uri postUri = new Uri(""); // Send the request and receive the response: Google.GData.Client.AtomEntry insertedEntry = myService.Insert(postUri, entry); } }
public async Task Delete(Guid userId, string eventId) { try { var item = _iSysUserService.GetById(userId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.GoogleUserName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.GooglePassword)) return; var myService = new CalendarService(item.GoogleUserName); myService.setUserCredentials(item.GoogleUserName, item.GooglePassword); var calendar = myService.Get("" + eventId); foreach (var item1 in calendar.Feed.Entries) { item1.Delete(); } } catch { } }
public async Task<string> Insert(Guid userId, string title, string content, DateTime start, DateTime end) { try { //同步到Google日历 var item = _iSysUserService.GetById(userId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.GoogleUserName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.GooglePassword)) return ""; var myService = new CalendarService(item.GoogleUserName); myService.setUserCredentials(item.GoogleUserName, item.GooglePassword); // Set the title and content of the entry. var entry = new EventEntry { Title = { Text = "云集 " + title }, Content = { Content = content } }; //计划时间 var eventTime = new When(start, end); //判断是否为全天计划 if (start.Date != end.Date) eventTime.AllDay = true; entry.Times.Add(eventTime); var postUri = new Uri(""); // Send the request and receive the response: var eventEntry = myService.Insert(postUri, entry); return eventEntry.EventId; } catch { return ""; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // // TODO: Add code to start application here // if (args.Length != 1 && args.Length != 3) { Console.WriteLine("Not enough parameters. Usage is Sample <uri> <username> <password>"); return; } string calendarURI = args[0]; string userName = args.Length == 3 ? args[1] : null; string passWord = args.Length == 3 ? args[2] : null; EventQuery query = new EventQuery(); CalendarService service = new CalendarService(ApplicationName); if (userName != null) { service.setUserCredentials(userName, passWord); } query.Uri = new Uri(calendarURI); EventFeed calFeed = service.Query(query) as EventFeed; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Query Feed Test " + query.Uri); Console.WriteLine("Post URI is: " + calFeed.Post); foreach (EventEntry feedEntry in calFeed.Entries) { DumpEventEntry(feedEntry); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // // TODO: Add code to start application here // if (args.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("Not enough parameters. Usage is Sample <uri> <username> <password>"); return; } string calendarURI = args[0]; string userName = args[1]; string passWord = args[2]; EventQuery query = new EventQuery(); CalendarService service = new CalendarService(ApplicationName); if (userName != null) { service.setUserCredentials(userName, passWord); } query.Uri = new Uri(calendarURI); EventFeed calFeed = service.Query(query); EventEntry insertedEntry = InsertEvent(calFeed, "Conference www2006", "Frank Mantek", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), true, "Edinburgh"); if (insertedEntry != null) { DumpEventEntry(insertedEntry); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // // TODO: Add code to start application here // if (args.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("Not enough parameters. Usage is Sample <uri> <username> <password>"); return; } string calendarURI = args[0]; string userName = args[1]; string passWord = args[2]; EventQuery query = new EventQuery(); CalendarService service = new CalendarService(ApplicationName); if (userName != null) { service.setUserCredentials(userName, passWord); } query.Uri = new Uri(calendarURI); EventFeed calFeed = service.Query(query) as EventFeed; foreach (EventEntry entry in calFeed.Entries) { if (entry.Title.Text == "Conference www2006") { entry.Content.Content = "The conference was fun... "; entry.Update(); Console.WriteLine("Updated the Conference entry"); } } }
private CalendarService GetCalendarService(EventQuery query, string eventId, DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime) { query.Uri = CalendarUri; query.Uri = new Uri(string.Concat(query.Uri.ToString(), !string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventId) ? string.Concat("/", eventId) : string.Empty)); query.StartTime = startDateTime; query.EndTime = endDateTime; var calendarService = new CalendarService(_applicationName); calendarService.setUserCredentials(_googleUsername, _googlePassword); calendarService.QueryClientLoginToken(); return calendarService; }
private void RefreshFeed() { string calendarURI = this.CalendarURI.Text; string userName = this.UserName.Text; string passWord = this.Password.Text; this.entryList = new ArrayList(50); ArrayList dates = new ArrayList(50); EventQuery query = new EventQuery(); CalendarService service = new CalendarService("CalendarSampleApp"); if (userName != null && userName.Length > 0) { service.setUserCredentials(userName, passWord); } // only get event's for today - 1 month until today + 1 year query.Uri = new Uri(calendarURI); query.StartTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28); query.EndTime = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6); EventFeed calFeed = service.Query(query) as EventFeed; // now populate the calendar while (calFeed != null && calFeed.Entries.Count > 0) { // look for the one with dinner time... foreach (EventEntry entry in calFeed.Entries) { this.entryList.Add(entry); if (entry.Times.Count > 0) { foreach (When w in entry.Times) { dates.Add(w.StartTime); } } } // just query the same query again. if (calFeed.NextChunk != null) { query.Uri = new Uri(calFeed.NextChunk); calFeed = service.Query(query) as EventFeed; } else calFeed = null; } DateTime[] aDates = new DateTime[dates.Count]; int i =0; foreach (DateTime d in dates) { aDates[i++] = d; } this.calendarControl.BoldedDates = aDates; }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { Log.Debug("Get-OSAGCalendar - ProcessRecord - Started"); CalendarService service = new CalendarService("OSA"); service.setUserCredentials(Username, Password); EventQuery query = new EventQuery(); query.Uri = new Uri("" + Username + "/private/full"); if (FromDate != DateTime.MinValue) query.StartTime = fromDate; query.RecurrenceStart = DateTime.Now; if (ToDate != DateTime.MinValue) query.EndTime = ToDate; if (FutureEvents) { Log.Debug("Only looking for future events"); query.FutureEvents = true; } else query.FutureEvents = false; query.SortOrder = CalendarSortOrder.ascending; query.ExtraParameters = "orderby=starttime"; // Tell the service to query: EventFeed calFeed = service.Query(query); List<CalendarEvent> events = new List<CalendarEvent>(); foreach (var entry in calFeed.Entries) { Log.Debug("Found Entry: " + entry.ToString()); EventEntry eventEntry = entry as Google.GData.Calendar.EventEntry; if (eventEntry != null) { if (!eventEntry.Status.Value.Contains("event.canceled")) { Log.Debug("Entry is an EventEntry"); CalendarEvent c = new CalendarEvent(); c.Title = eventEntry.Title.Text; c.Content = eventEntry.Content.Content; if (eventEntry.Times.Count > 0) { c.Start = eventEntry.Times[0].StartTime; c.End = eventEntry.Times[0].EndTime; } events.Add(c); } } } WriteObject(events); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the methods above to demonstrate usage of the .NET /// client library. The methods that add, update, or remove /// users on access control lists will not run by default. /// </summary> static void RunSample() { CalendarService service = new CalendarService("exampleCo-exampleApp-1"); service.setUserCredentials(userName, userPassword); // Demonstrate retrieving a list of the user's calendars. PrintUserCalendars(service); // Demonstrate various feed queries. PrintAllEvents(service); FullTextQuery(service, "Tennis"); DateRangeQuery(service, new DateTime(2007, 1, 5), new DateTime(2007, 1, 7)); // Demonstrate creating a single-occurrence event. EventEntry singleEvent = CreateSingleEvent(service, "Tennis with Mike"); Console.WriteLine("Successfully created event {0}", singleEvent.Title.Text); // Demonstrate creating a recurring event. AtomEntry recurringEvent = CreateRecurringEvent(service, "Tennis with Dan"); Console.WriteLine("Successfully created recurring event {0}", recurringEvent.Title.Text); // Demonstrate updating the event's text. singleEvent = UpdateTitle(singleEvent, "Important meeting"); Console.WriteLine("Event's new title is {0}", singleEvent.Title.Text); // Demonstrate adding a reminder. Note that this will only work on a primary // calendar. singleEvent = AddReminder(singleEvent, 15); Console.WriteLine("Set a {0}-minute reminder for the event.", singleEvent.Reminder.Minutes); // Demonstrate adding an extended property. AddExtendedProperty(singleEvent); // Demonstrate deleting the item. singleEvent.Delete(); // Demonstrate retrieving access control lists for all calendars. RetrieveAcls(service); }
/// <summary> /// Prepare for synchronization /// </summary> /// <param name="ggList">Local GGList</param> /// <param name="addToLocal">List of GGItems to be added to local GGList</param> /// <param name="removeFromLocal">List of GGItems to be removed from local GGList</param> /// <param name="GGService">Google calendar service object</param> /// <param name="GGCalendar">GG calendar</param> /// <param name="GGEvents">Google event query results</param> /// <param name="server">List of bools to indicate if a Google event has a local version</param> /// <param name="toBeSyncedList">List of GGItems to be synced</param> /// <param name="toBeDeletedList">List of GGItems to be deleted on Google calendar</param> private void PrepareForSync(GGList ggList, out List<GGItem> addToLocal, out List<GGItem> removeFromLocal, out CalendarService GGService, out CalendarEntry GGCalendar, out EventFeed GGEvents, out List<bool> server, out List<GGItem> toBeSyncedList, out List<GGItem> toBeDeletedList) { // List of GGItems to be add to local GGList addToLocal = new List<GGItem>(); // List of GGItems to be removed from local GGList removeFromLocal = new List<GGItem>(); // Create Google calendar service object GGService = new CalendarService("GG"); // Set credentials GGService.setUserCredentials(username, password); // Select GG calendar, create one if not exists GGCalendar = SelectGGCalendar(GGService); if (GGCalendar == null) { GGCalendar = CreateGGCalendar(GGService); } Log("operate on calender: " + GGCalendar.Title.Text); // Query and get all events on GG calendar EventQuery q = new EventQuery(); q.Uri = new Uri("" + GGCalendar.Id.AbsoluteUri.Substring(63) + "/private/full"); GGEvents = GGService.Query(q); // True if a Google event has a coresponding GGItem server = new List<bool>(); for (int i = 0; i < GGEvents.Entries.Count; i++) { server.Add(false); } toBeSyncedList = ggList.GetInnerList(); toBeDeletedList = ggList.GetDeletedList(); }
public void googlecalendarSMSreminder(string sendstring) { CalendarService service = new CalendarService("exampleCo-exampleApp-1"); service.setUserCredentials("*****@*****.**", "joneson55"); EventEntry entry = new EventEntry(); // Set the title and content of the entry. entry.Title.Text = sendstring; entry.Content.Content = "Lockerz Login Page Check."; // Set a location for the event. Where eventLocation = new Where(); eventLocation.ValueString = "Lockerz Login"; entry.Locations.Add(eventLocation); When eventTime = new When(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3), DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)); entry.Times.Add(eventTime); if (checkBox1.Checked == true) //Reminder ON/OFF { //Add SMS Reminder Reminder fiftyMinReminder = new Reminder(); fiftyMinReminder.Minutes = 1; fiftyMinReminder.Method = Reminder.ReminderMethod.sms; entry.Reminders.Add(fiftyMinReminder); } else { } Uri postUri = new Uri(""); // Send the request and receive the response: AtomEntry insertedEntry = service.Insert(postUri, entry); }
protected String GetCalendarEvents() { var calendarService = new CalendarService("WesternWakeFarmersMarket"); calendarService.setUserCredentials( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FROMEMAIL"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FROMPWD"]); var query = new EventQuery { Uri = new Uri("") }; var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("<dl id=\"eventCalendar\">"); try { var calendarFeed = calendarService.Query(query); var eventDates = (from EventEntry e in calendarFeed.Entries where (e.Times.Count > 0) where (e.Times[0].StartTime.CompareTo(DateTime.Today) > 0) where (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Title.Text)) orderby e.Times[0].StartTime select e.Times[0].StartTime.Date).Distinct(); foreach (var eventDate in eventDates) { stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<dt>{0}</dt>", eventDate.Date.ToString("MMM d")); var currentDate = eventDate.Date; var eventsOnDate = from EventEntry e in calendarFeed.Entries where e.Times.Count > 0 where e.Times[0].StartTime.Date.Equals(currentDate) where !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Title.Text) orderby e.Times[0].StartTime select e; stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<dd class=\"vcalendar\">"); foreach (var e in eventsOnDate) { stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<span class=\"vevent\"><abbr class=\"dtstart\" title=\"{0}\">{1}</abbr> : <span class=\"summary\">{2}</span></span><br />", e.Times[0].StartTime.ToString("s"), e.Times[0].StartTime.ToString("h tt"), e.Title.Text); } stringBuilder.AppendFormat("</dd>"); } } catch (WebException) { } catch (GDataRequestException) { } finally { stringBuilder.AppendLine("</dl>"); } return stringBuilder.ToString(); }
public static void AddMenuButton() { //string googleAcc = "*****@*****.**", googlePWD = "<Cg4&YYN"; string googleAcc = "*****@*****.**", googlePWD = "A123456&"; var accessHelper = new FISCA.UDT.AccessHelper(); var ribbonBarItem = K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.RibbonBarItems["課程行事曆"]; var syncButton = ribbonBarItem["同步修課學生"]; Catalog button_syncCalendar = RoleAclSource.Instance["課程"]["功能按鈕"]; button_syncCalendar.Add(new RibbonFeature("Sync_Course_Calendar_Student", "同步修課學生")); bool isEnabled = UserAcl.Current["Sync_Course_Calendar_Student"].Executable; syncButton.Enable = isEnabled; K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.SelectedSourceChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { syncButton.Enable = ((K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.SelectedSource.Count > 0) && isEnabled); }; //syncButton.Enable = false; //K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.SelectedSourceChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // syncButton.Enable = K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.SelectedSource.Count > 0; //}; syncButton.Click += delegate { bool hasFaild = false; FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("修課學生行事曆同步中...", 0); List<string> selectedSource = new List<string>(K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Course.SelectedSource); BackgroundWorker bkw = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker() { WorkerReportsProgress = true }; bkw.ProgressChanged += delegate(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("修課學生行事曆同步中...", e.ProgressPercentage); }; bkw.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { SectionSyncColumn.Reload(); FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("修課學生行事曆同步完成"); if (hasFaild) { FISCA.Presentation.Controls.MsgBox.Show("修課學生行事曆同步完成,其中部分資同步失敗,請稍後再試。"); } }; bkw.DoWork += delegate { int count = 0; int syncedSections = 0; Dictionary<string, List<string>> courseAttend = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); //foreach (var item in K12.Data.SCAttend.SelectByCourseIDs(selectedSource)) AccessHelper helper = new AccessHelper(); string condition2 = "ref_course_id in ("; foreach (string key in selectedSource) { if (condition2 != "ref_course_id in (") condition2 += ","; condition2 += "'" + key + "'"; } condition2 += ")"; foreach (var item in helper.Select<SCAttendExt>(condition2)) { if (!courseAttend.ContainsKey(item.CourseID.ToString())) courseAttend.Add(item.CourseID.ToString(), new List<string>()); courseAttend[item.CourseID.ToString()].Add(item.StudentID.ToString()); count++; } Dictionary<string, Calendar> courseCalendar = new Dictionary<string, Calendar>(); string condition = "RefCourseID in ("; foreach (string key in selectedSource) { if (condition != "RefCourseID in (") condition += ","; condition += "'" + key + "'"; } condition += ")"; foreach (Calendar cal in accessHelper.Select<Calendar>(condition)) { if (!courseCalendar.ContainsKey(cal.RefCourseID)) courseCalendar.Add(cal.RefCourseID, cal); } bkw.ReportProgress(5); CalendarService myService = new CalendarService("ischool.CourseCalendar"); myService.setUserCredentials(googleAcc, googlePWD); bkw.ReportProgress(20); foreach (K12.Data.CourseRecord course in K12.Data.Course.SelectByIDs(courseAttend.Keys)) { Calendar targetCal = null; try { if (!courseCalendar.ContainsKey(course.ID)) { #region 建立新Calender string[] colorLists = new string[]{"#A32929","#B1365F","#7A367A","#5229A3","#29527A","#2952A3","#1B887A", "#28754E","#0D7813","#528800","#88880E","#AB8B00","#BE6D00","#B1440E", "#865A5A","#705770","#4E5D6C","#5A6986","#4A716C","#6E6E41","#8D6F47"}; CalendarEntry newCal = new CalendarEntry(); newCal.Title.Text = course.Name; newCal.Summary.Text = "科目:" + course.Subject + "\n學年度:" + course.SchoolYear + "\n學期:" + course.Semester + "\n學分數:" + course.Credit; newCal.TimeZone = "Asia/Taipei"; //targetCalender.Hidden = false; newCal.Color = colorLists[new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(0, colorLists.Length)]; Uri postUri = new Uri(""); newCal = (CalendarEntry)myService.Insert(postUri, newCal); #endregion String calendarURI = newCal.Id.Uri.ToString(); String calendarID = calendarURI.Substring(calendarURI.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); targetCal = new Calendar() { RefCourseID = course.ID, GoogleCalanderID = calendarID }; targetCal.Save(); courseCalendar.Add(course.ID, targetCal); } else { targetCal = courseCalendar[course.ID]; } } catch { hasFaild = true; } if (targetCal != null) { List<string> aclList = new List<string>(targetCal.ACLList.Split("%".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); foreach (var student in K12.Data.Student.SelectByIDs(courseAttend[course.ID])) { try { if (student.SALoginName != "" && !aclList.Contains(student.SALoginName)) { #region 新增分享 AclEntry entry = new AclEntry(); entry.Scope = new AclScope(); entry.Scope.Type = AclScope.SCOPE_USER; entry.Scope.Value = student.SALoginName; entry.Role = AclRole.ACL_CALENDAR_READ; try { AclEntry insertedEntry = myService.Insert(new Uri("" + targetCal.GoogleCalanderID + "/acl/full"), entry); } catch (GDataRequestException gex) { if (!gex.InnerException.Message.Contains("(409)")) throw; } #endregion aclList.Add(student.SALoginName); targetCal.ACLList += (targetCal.ACLList == "" ? "" : "%") + student.SALoginName; } } catch { hasFaild = true; } syncedSections++; int p = syncedSections * 80 / count + 20; if (p > 100) p = 100; if (p < 0) p = 0; bkw.ReportProgress(p); } } } courseCalendar.Values.SaveAll(); }; bkw.RunWorkerAsync(); }; }
/// <summary> /// 同期 /// </summary> private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //各設定保存 XML xl = new XML(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dtb; dtb = ds.Tables.Add("data"); dtb.Columns.Add("cal1",Type.GetType("System.String")); dtb.Columns.Add("cal2", Type.GetType("System.String")); dtb.Columns.Add("id", Type.GetType("System.String")); dtb.Columns.Add("pass", Type.GetType("System.String")); dtb.Rows.Add(new object[] {tbCal1.Text,tbCal2.Text,tbID.Text,tbPASS.Text}); xl.Save(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/data.xml", ds); // カレンダーサービスを作成 CalendarService service = new CalendarService("companyName-applicationName-1"); // 認証設定 service.setUserCredentials(tbID.Text, tbPASS.Text); // 認証結果の確認 try { // ここで例外がthrowされなければOK // 処理に少し時間がかかる var token = service.QueryClientLoginToken(); } catch (InvalidCredentialsException ex) { // 認証に失敗している MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); service = null; } // 取得条件設定 for (int year = 2014; year < 2021; year++) { //ファイルを開く EXCEL EX = new EXCEL(); EX.Open(year.ToString()); for (int calNo = 1; calNo < 3; calNo++) { EventQuery query = new EventQuery(); if (calNo == 1) { query.Uri = new Uri("" + tbCal1.Text + "/private/full"); } else { query.Uri = new Uri("" + tbCal2.Text + "/private/full"); } query.StartTime = new DateTime(year, 1, 1); query.EndTime = new DateTime(year, 12, 31); query.SortOrder = CalendarSortOrder.descending; //query.SingleEvents = true; // 取得して表示 EventFeed feeds = service.Query(query); IEnumerable<EventEntry> entries = feeds.Entries.Cast<EventEntry>(); foreach (EventEntry entry in entries) { //ファイルに書き込み EX.Write(entry.Times.First().StartTime.Month, entry.Times.First().StartTime.Day, entry.Times.First().StartTime.TimeOfDay.ToString(), entry.Locations.First().ValueString, entry.Title.Text, calNo); } } //ファイル保存 EX.Save(year.ToString()); //ファイルを閉じる EX.Close(); } }
private static Google.GData.Calendar.CalendarService CreateCalendarService() { var calendar = new Google.GData.Calendar.CalendarService("WestHill3Peaks"); calendar.setUserCredentials("*****@*****.**", "3PWestHill24"); return calendar; }
// TODO: dynamically generate study time based on credit hours of each class private void generateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { timeSlots.Clear(); String report = ""; if (username == "" || password == "" || calendarUrl == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please add Google login and password information."); } else { foreach (ClassGroupBox g in groupBoxList) { firstDayOfClass = assignClassStartDay(g.getDays()[0], startOfSemester); String recursionString = "DTSTART;TZID=US/Eastern:" + startOfSemester.Year + startOfSemester.Month.ToString("00") + firstDayOfClass.ToString() + "T" + g.getStartHour() + g.getStartMin() + "00" + "\r\nDTEND;TZID=US/Eastern:" + startOfSemester.Year + startOfSemester.Month.ToString("00") + startOfSemester.Day.ToString("00") + "T" + g.getEndHour() + g.getEndMin() + "00" + "\r\n" + "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=" + buildDayString(g.getDays()) + ";UNTIL=" + endOfSemester.Year + endOfSemester.Month.ToString("00") + endOfSemester.Day.ToString("00") + "\r\n"; Recurrence recurrence = new Recurrence(); recurrence.Value = recursionString; Console.Out.WriteLine(recursionString); CalendarService service = new CalendarService("ggco-purdueScheduler-0.01"); Uri postUri = new Uri("" + calendarUrl + "/private/full"); service.setUserCredentials(username, password); EventEntry calendarEntry = new EventEntry(); calendarEntry.Title.Text = g.getCourseName(); calendarEntry.Recurrence = recurrence; report += buildDayReport(g); try { AtomEntry insertedEntry = service.Insert(postUri, calendarEntry); resultLbl.Text = "SUCCESS"; resultLbl.ForeColor = Color.White; resultLbl.BackColor = Color.Green; } catch { resultLbl.Text = "FAILURE"; resultLbl.ForeColor = Color.White; resultLbl.BackColor = Color.Red; } //// BASELINE - used to ensure no overlap in a given day //DateTime start = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, // DateTime.Now.Day, int.Parse(g.getStartHour()), int.Parse(g.getStartMin()), 0); //DateTime end = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, // DateTime.Now.Day, int.Parse(g.getEndHour()), int.Parse(g.getEndMin()), 0); //if (groupBoxList.Count == 0) //{ // timeSlots.Add(new TimeSlot(start, end)); //} //else //{ // foreach (TimeSlot t in timeSlots) // { // if (start <= t.getStartTime() && end > t.getStartTime()) // { // MessageBox.Show("Classes overlap - one ends after another starts."); // } // else if (start >= t.getStartTime() && start < t.getEndTime()) // { // MessageBox.Show("Classes overlap - one starts before another ends."); // } // else // { // MessageBox.Show("No errors"); // } // } // timeSlots.Add(new TimeSlot(start, end)); //} } } reportRichTxt.Text = report; }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { adminUser = credentials.UserName; adminPassword = new Dgc.ConvertToUnsecureString(credentials.Password).PlainString; var _domain = dgcGoogleAppsService.GetDomain(adminUser); try { //AppsService service.AppsService = new AppsService(_domain, adminUser, adminPassword); //CalendarService var _calendarService = new CalendarService("Calendar"); _calendarService.setUserCredentials(adminUser, adminPassword); service.CalendarService = _calendarService; //OauthCalendarService if (consumerKey != null) { if (consumerSecret == null) { throw new Exception("-ConsumerSecret can't be null"); } var _oauthCalendarService = new CalendarService("Calendar"); var _oauth = new GDataTypes.Oauth(); _oauth.ConsumerKey = consumerKey; _oauth.ConsumerSecret = consumerSecret; service.Oauth = _oauth; GOAuthRequestFactory _requestFactory = new GOAuthRequestFactory("cl", "GDataCmdLet"); _requestFactory.ConsumerKey = _oauth.ConsumerKey; _requestFactory.ConsumerSecret = _oauth.ConsumerSecret; _oauthCalendarService.RequestFactory = _requestFactory; service.OauthCalendarService = _oauthCalendarService; } //MailSettingsService var _googleMailSettingsService = new GoogleMailSettingsService(_domain, "GMailSettingsService"); _googleMailSettingsService.setUserCredentials(adminUser, adminPassword); service.GoogleMailSettingsService = _googleMailSettingsService; //ProfileService var _dgcGoogleProfileService = new Dgc.GoogleProfileService(); service.ProfileService = _dgcGoogleProfileService.GetAuthToken(adminUser, adminPassword); //ResourceService var _dgcGoogleResourceService = new Dgc.GoogleResourceService(); service.ResourceService = _dgcGoogleResourceService.GetAuthToken(adminUser, adminPassword); //ContactsService var _contactService = new ContactsService("GData"); _contactService.setUserCredentials(adminUser, adminPassword); service.ContactsService = _contactService; WriteObject(service); } catch (AppsException _exception) { WriteObject(_exception, true); } }
public Calendar() { _service = new CalendarService("ClearCanvas-Workstation-1.0"); _service.setUserCredentials("clearcanvas.demo", "clearcanvas1"); }
private CalendarService getService() { // Create a CalenderService and authenticate CalendarService googleCalendarService = new CalendarService("rpcwc-rpcwcorg-2"); googleCalendarService.setUserCredentials("*****@*****.**", "Vert1go"); return googleCalendarService; }