// Create a simple handler for the SpeechRecognized event. void sr_SpeechRecognized(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Result.Text ); var request = new GeocodingRequest(); request.Address = e.Result.Text; request.Sensor = "false"; var response = GeocodingService.GetResponse(request); if (response.Status == ServiceResponseStatus.Ok) { currentSelectedLocation = response.Results.First(); } updateMap(); //================ //var result = (GeocodingResult)currentSelectedLocation; //fullAddress.Text = result.FormattedAddress; //var location = result.Geometry.Location; //var map = new StaticMap(); //map.Center = location.Latitude.ToString() + "," + location.Longitude.ToString(); //txtLatitude.Text = location.Latitude.ToString(); //txtLongitude.Text = location.Longitude.ToString(); //map.Zoom = //(zoomLevels.SelectedItem == null) ? "10" : zoomLevels.Text.ToString(); //map.Markers = map.Center; //map.Size = "1000" + "x" + "485"; //map.MapType = //(mapTypeCombo.SelectedItem == null) ? "roadmap" : mapTypeCombo.Text.ToString(); //map.Sensor = "false"; //String urlToMap = map.ToUri().AbsoluteUri.ToString(); //mapViewer.Navigate(urlToMap); }
private void button1btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var request = new GeocodingRequest(); request.Address = txtLocation.Text; request.Sensor = "false"; var response = GeocodingService.GetResponse(request); if (response.Status == ServiceResponseStatus.Ok) { currentSelectedLocation = response.Results.First(); } updateMap(); }
public Uri GenerateStaticMapUrl(GeocodingResult searchResult) { var map = new StaticMap(); map.Center = searchResult.FormattedAddress; // or a lat/lng coordinate //map.Path = searchResult.FormattedAddress + "|" + "9 Snowball Place Wanniassa"; map.Zoom = "14"; map.Size = "400x400"; map.Sensor = "true"; map.Markers = searchResult.FormattedAddress; Uri url = map.ToUri(); return url; }
/// <summary> /// Converts a Geocode response to a tree /// </summary> /// <param name="results"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static TreeViewItem[] ToTree(GeocodingResult[] results) { var nodes = new List<TreeViewItem>(); foreach (var result in results) { var node = new TreeViewItem(); node.Header = "(" + result.Types.FirstOrDefault() + ") " + result.FormattedAddress; node.Tag = new SelectedObject(result.Types.FirstOrDefault(), result.Geometry.Location); foreach (var component in result.Components) { node.Items.Add(new TreeViewItem { Header = component.Types.FirstOrDefault() + ": " + component.LongName, Tag = result.Geometry.Location }); } node.Items.Add(new TreeViewItem { Header = "Lat: " + result.Geometry.Location.Latitude }); node.Items.Add(new TreeViewItem { Header = "Lng: " + result.Geometry.Location.Longitude }); nodes.Add(node); } return nodes.ToArray(); }
private void txtLocation_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { String str = txtLocation.Text; String[] input =str.Split(new char[' ']); try { if (input[input.Length - 1] == "search") { var request = new GeocodingRequest(); request.Address = txtLocation.Text; request.Sensor = "false"; var response = GeocodingService.GetResponse(request); if (response.Status == ServiceResponseStatus.Ok) { currentSelectedLocation = response.Results.First(); } updateMap(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("exception caught"); } }