예제 #1
        public void Process(Crawler crawler, PropertyBag propertyBag)
            HtmlDocument htmlDoc = propertyBag["HtmlDoc"].Value as HtmlDocument;

            if (htmlDoc == null)
                return; //this happens with HTTP errors etc. We don't bother with retrying or anything like that :(
            int maxPage = CrawlUtil.getMaxReviewIFramePageNumber(htmlDoc);

            //add other review pages if at base (uri) page
            if (propertyBag.ResponseUri.ToString() == CrawlReviewIFrame.baseUri && maxPage != -1)
                int maxPageToCrawl = maxPage;

                string uri = "";
                //if (maxPage > 10)   commenting this out means to crawl all review pages.
                //    maxPageToCrawl = 10;

                for (int i = 2; i <= maxPageToCrawl; i++)
                    uri = "http://www.goodreads.com/api/reviews_widget_iframe?did=DEVELOPER_ID&amp;format=html&amp;isbn=" + CrawlReviewIFrame.currentBook.isbn + "&amp;links=660&amp;min_rating=&amp;page=" + i + "&amp;review_back=fff&amp;stars=000&amp;text=000";
                    crawler.AddStep(new Uri(uri), 0);

                CrawlReviewIFrame.form.appendLineToLog("Crawling " + maxPageToCrawl + " pages of reviews for " + CrawlReviewIFrame.currentBook.getShortTitle());

            //only process review iframe pages
            if (!propertyBag.ResponseUri.OriginalString.StartsWith(CrawlReviewIFrame.baseUri.Substring(0, 100)))

            lock (this)
                string currentPage     = "0";
                var    currentPageNode = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@class='current']");
                if (currentPageNode != null)
                    currentPage = currentPageNode.InnerText.Trim();

                var reviews = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@itemtype='http://schema.org/Review']");

                if (reviews == null || reviews.Count == 0)

                //**do stuff to handle dupes properly
                //                           -_-
                //current method just saves each review one by one and ignores all errors when trying to save.
                //this also means all reviews are attempted to be saved again no matter what :(
                GoodReadsCrawlerEntities context = CrawlUtil.getNewContext();

                foreach (var r in reviews)
                    string   reviewUrl;
                    int      reviewId = -1;
                    Match    match;
                    var      reviewLinkNode = r.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='gr_review_text']/link[@itemprop='url']");
                    DateTime publishDate    = DateTime.MinValue;
                    short    starRating     = 0;

                    Review toAdd = new Review();
                    if (reviewLinkNode != null)
                        reviewUrl = reviewLinkNode.GetAttributeValue("href", "null");
                        match     = regReview.Match(reviewUrl);

                        if (Int32.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out reviewId))
                            if (CrawlReviewIFrame.existingReviewIds.Contains(reviewId))

                            var node = r.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@class='gr_review_date']");
                            if (node != null)
                                DateTime.TryParse(node.InnerText, out publishDate);

                            node = r.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@class='gr_rating']");
                            if (node != null)
                                starRating = CrawlUtil.countStarsFromString(node.InnerText);

                            toAdd.id          = reviewId;
                            toAdd.bookId      = CrawlReviewIFrame.currentBook.id;
                            toAdd.publishDate = publishDate;
                            toAdd.starRating  = starRating;
                            toAdd.foundOnPage = Int32.Parse(currentPage);
                            toAdd.maxPage     = maxPage;


                        catch (Exception ex)

                            if (ex.InnerException != null)
                                CrawlReviewIFrame.form.appendLineToLog("\t" + ex.InnerException.Message);

                CrawlReviewIFrame.form.appendLineToLog("Added " + reviews.Count + " on page " + currentPage + " of " + maxPage + " for " + CrawlReviewIFrame.currentBook.getShortTitle());