private void ClientsForSessionThread() { while (isRunning) { try { string clientId = this.clientsForSession.Take(); MqttBrokerSession session = MqttSessionManager.GetSession(clientId); MqttMsgPublish outgoingMsg; while (session.OutgoingMessages.TryDequeue(out outgoingMsg)) { var query = from s in session.Subscriptions where (new Regex(s.Topic)).IsMatch(outgoingMsg.Topic) // check for topics based also on wildcard with regex select s; MqttSubscription subscription = query.FirstOrDefault(); if (subscription != null) { var qosLevel = (subscription.QosLevel < outgoingMsg.QosLevel) ? subscription.QosLevel : outgoingMsg.QosLevel; MqttMessageToClientConnectionManager.Publish(subscription.ClientConnection, outgoingMsg.Topic, outgoingMsg.Message, qosLevel, outgoingMsg.Retain); } } } catch (Exception exception) { logger.LogException(this, exception); } } }
public void OnMqttMsgConnected(MqttClientConnection clientConnection, MqttMsgConnect message) { clientConnection.ProtocolVersion = (MqttProtocolVersion)message.ProtocolVersion; // verify message to determine CONNACK message return code to the client byte returnCode = MqttConnectVerify(message); // [v3.1.1] if client id is zero length, the broker assigns a unique identifier to it var clientId = (message.ClientId.Length != 0) ? message.ClientId : Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // connection "could" be accepted if (returnCode == MqttMsgConnack.CONN_ACCEPTED) { // check if there is a client already connected with same client Id MqttClientConnection clientConnectionConnected = MqttBroker.GetClientConnection(clientId); // force connection close to the existing client (MQTT protocol) if (clientConnectionConnected != null) { OnConnectionClosed(clientConnectionConnected); } // add client to the collection MqttBroker.TryAddClientConnection(clientId, clientConnection); Interlocked.Increment(ref numberOfConnectedClients); } // connection accepted, load (if exists) client session if (returnCode == MqttMsgConnack.CONN_ACCEPTED) { // check if not clean session and try to recovery a session if (!message.CleanSession) { // create session for the client MqttClientSession clientSession = new MqttClientSession(clientId); // get session for the connected client MqttBrokerSession session = MqttSessionManager.GetSession(clientId); // [v3.1.1] session present flag bool sessionPresent = false; // set inflight queue into the client session if (session != null) { clientSession.InflightMessages = session.InflightMessages; // [v3.1.1] session present flag if (clientConnection.ProtocolVersion == MqttProtocolVersion.Version_3_1_1) { sessionPresent = true; } } // send CONNACK message to the client MqttOutgoingMessageManager.Connack(clientConnection, message, returnCode, clientId, sessionPresent); // load/inject session to the client clientConnection.LoadSession(clientSession); if (session != null) { // set reference to connected client into the session session.ClientConnection = clientConnection; // there are saved subscriptions if (session.Subscriptions != null) { // register all subscriptions for the connected client foreach (MqttSubscription subscription in session.Subscriptions) { MqttSubscriberManager.Subscribe( subscription.Topic, subscription.QosLevel, clientConnection); // publish retained message on the current subscription RetainedMessageManager.PublishRetaind(subscription.Topic, clientConnection); } } // there are saved outgoing messages if (session.OutgoingMessages.Count > 0) { // publish outgoing messages for the session this.publishManager.PublishSession(session.ClientId); } } } // requested clean session else { // send CONNACK message to the client MqttOutgoingMessageManager.Connack(clientConnection, message, returnCode, clientId, false); MqttSessionManager.ClearSession(clientId); } } else { // send CONNACK message to the client MqttOutgoingMessageManager.Connack(clientConnection, message, returnCode, clientId, false); } }