예제 #1
        static CodeExpression _SerializeErrorSentinels(XbnfGenerationInfo info, List <string> syms)
            var result = new List <int>();

            foreach (var attrs in info.Cfg.AttributeSets)
                var ai = attrs.Value.IndexOf("errorSentinel");
                if (-1 < ai)
                    var o = attrs.Value[ai].Value;
                    if (o is bool && (bool)o)
예제 #2
        public static List <string> GetSymbolTable(XbnfGenerationInfo info, out int termStart)
            var          result = new List <string>();
            var          seen   = new HashSet <string>();
            XbnfDocument xbnf   = info.Xbnf;
            var          cfg    = info.Cfg;

            foreach (var s in cfg.FillNonTerminals())
                if (seen.Add(s))

            termStart = result.Count;
            var ts = new List <string>();

            foreach (var prod in xbnf.Productions)
                if (prod.IsTerminal)
            foreach (var s in ts)
                //if (0 != string.Compare("#ERROR", s, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) && 0 != string.Compare("#EOS", s, StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                if (seen.Add(s))

예제 #3
        /*static CodeExpression _SerializeNodeFlags(XbnfGenerationInfo info, List<string> syms)
         * {
         *      var result = new int[syms.Count];
         *      foreach (var attrs in info.Cfg.AttributeSets)
         *      {
         *              var ai = attrs.Value.IndexOf("collapsed");
         *              if (-1 < ai)
         *              {
         *                      var o = attrs.Value[ai].Value;
         *                      if (o is bool && (bool)o)
         *                      {
         *                              result[syms.IndexOf(attrs.Key)]=1;
         *                      }
         *              }
         *      }
         *      return C.Literal(result);
         * }*/
        static CodeExpression _SerializeParseAttributes(XbnfGenerationInfo info, List <string> syms)
            var arr = new ParseAttribute[syms.Count][];

            foreach (var aset in info.Cfg.AttributeSets)
                var id = syms.IndexOf(aset.Key);
                int ic = aset.Value.Count;
                arr[id] = new ParseAttribute[ic];
                for (var i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
                    var a = aset.Value[i];
                    arr[id][i] = new ParseAttribute(a.Name, a.Value);
            for (var i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
                if (null == arr[i])
                    arr[i] = new ParseAttribute[0];
예제 #4
        static IList <IMessage> _TryToGenInfo(XbnfDocument document, CfgDocument cfg, out XbnfGenerationInfo genInfo)
            genInfo = default(XbnfGenerationInfo);
            var hasErrors = false;
            var result    = new List <IMessage>();
            var syms      = new HashSet <string>();

            // gather the attributes and production names

            for (int ic = document.Productions.Count, i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
                var p = document.Productions[i];
                if (!syms.Add(p.Name))
                    result.Add(new XbnfMessage(ErrorLevel.Error, -1, string.Format("Duplicate production {0} defined.", p.Name), p.Line, p.Column, p.Position, document.FileOrUrl));
                    hasErrors = true;
                if (0 < p.Attributes.Count)
                    CfgAttributeList attrs;
                    if (!cfg.AttributeSets.TryGetValue(p.Name, out attrs))
                        attrs = new CfgAttributeList();
                        cfg.AttributeSets.Add(p.Name, attrs);
                    for (int jc = p.Attributes.Count, j = 0; j < jc; ++j)
                        var attr = p.Attributes[j];
                        attrs.Add(new CfgAttribute(attr.Name, attr.Value));

            // use a list dictionary to keep these in order
            var tmap     = new ListDictionary <XbnfExpression, string>();
            var attrSets = new Dictionary <string, XbnfAttributeList>();
            var rules    = new List <KeyValuePair <string, IList <string> > >();
            // below are scratch
            var working = new HashSet <XbnfExpression>();
            var done    = new HashSet <XbnfExpression>();

            // now get the terminals and their ids, declaring if necessary

            for (int ic = document.Productions.Count, i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
                var p = document.Productions[i];
                if (p.IsTerminal)
                    string name;
                    if (!tmap.TryGetValue(p.Expression, out name))
                        tmap.Add(p.Expression, p.Name);
                        if (name != p.Name)
                            result.Add(new CfgMessage(ErrorLevel.Error, -1, string.Format("{0} attempts to redefine terminal {1}", name, p.Name), p.Line, p.Column, p.Position, document.FileOrUrl));
                            hasErrors = true;
                    _VisitFetchTerminals(p.Expression, working);

            if (hasErrors)
            foreach (var term in working)
                if (!done.Contains(term))
                    var newId = _GetImplicitTermId(syms);
                    var found = false;
                    var prod  = document.GetProductionForExpression(term);
                    if (null != prod)
                        found = true;
                        // recycle this symbol
                        newId = prod.Name;

                    if (!found)
                        document.Productions.Add(new XbnfProduction(newId, term));
                    tmap.Add(term, newId);
            // tmap now contains ALL of our terminal definitions from all of our imports
            // now we can use tmap and syms to help solve the rest of our productions

            var ntd = new Dictionary <string, IList <IList <string> > >();

            for (int ic = document.Productions.Count, i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
                var p = document.Productions[i];

                if (!p.IsTerminal)
                    var dys = _GetDysjunctions(document, syms, tmap, attrSets, rules, p, p.Expression);
                    IList <IList <string> > odys;
                    if (ntd.TryGetValue(p.Name, out odys))
                        result.Add(new XbnfMessage(ErrorLevel.Error, -1, string.Format("The {0} production was specified more than once", p.Name), p.Line, p.Column, p.Position, document.FileOrUrl));
                        hasErrors = true;

                    ntd.Add(p.Name, dys);
                    if (hasErrors)
            // now that we've done that, build the rest of our attributes
            foreach (var sattrs in attrSets)
                CfgAttributeList attrs;
                if (!cfg.AttributeSets.TryGetValue(sattrs.Key, out attrs))
                    attrs = new CfgAttributeList();
                    cfg.AttributeSets.Add(sattrs.Key, attrs);
                for (int jc = sattrs.Value.Count, j = 0; j < jc; ++j)
                    var attr = sattrs.Value[j];
                    attrs.Add(new CfgAttribute(attr.Name, attr.Value));

            // now write our main rules
            foreach (var nt in ntd)
                foreach (var l in nt.Value)
                    cfg.Rules.Add(new CfgRule(nt.Key, l));
            // build our secondary rules
            foreach (var rule in rules)
                cfg.Rules.Add(new CfgRule(rule.Key, rule.Value));

            if (hasErrors)
            genInfo.Xbnf        = document;
            genInfo.TerminalMap = tmap;
            genInfo.Cfg         = cfg;
예제 #5
        public static IList <IMessage> TryCreateGenerationInfo(XbnfDocument document, out XbnfGenerationInfo genInfo)
            var includes = new XbnfImportList();

            _GatherIncludes(document, includes);
            var incs = new List <XbnfDocument>();

            foreach (var inc in includes)
            var doc = XbnfDocument.Merge(incs);
            var cfg = new CfgDocument();

            return(_TryToGenInfo(doc, cfg, out genInfo));
예제 #6
        public static string ToRolexSpec(XbnfGenerationInfo genInfo)
            var termStart = 0;
            var stbl      = GetSymbolTable(genInfo, out termStart);
            var stbli     = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();
            var id        = 0;

            // assign temp ids
            foreach (var se in stbl)
                if (id >= termStart)
                    stbli.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, int>(se, id));
            stbli.Sort(new _TermPriorityComparer(genInfo.Cfg));

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int ic = stbli.Count, i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
                var sym = stbli[i].Key;
                if ("#EOS" == sym || "#ERROR" == sym)
                XbnfExpression e = null;
                foreach (var k in genInfo.TerminalMap)
                    if (k.Value == sym)
                        e = k.Key;
                //var te = genInfo.TerminalMap[i];
                //var sym = te.Value;
                //var id = stbli.IndexOf(new KeyValuePair<string, XbnfDocument>(sym, d));
                id = stbli[i].Value;
                if (-1 < id)                 // some terminals might never be used.
                    // implicit terminals do not have productions and therefore attributes
                    var pi = genInfo.Xbnf.Productions.IndexOf(sym);
                    if (-1 < pi)
                        // explicit
                        var prod = genInfo.Xbnf.Productions[pi];
                        foreach (var attr in prod.Attributes)
                            sb.Append(", ");
                        // implicit
                        sb.Append(string.Concat("<id=", id, ">"));
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Concat("= \'", _ToRegex(genInfo.Xbnf, e, true), "\'"));
예제 #7
        static void _TranslateMacros(XbnfGenerationInfo info, CodeTypeDeclaration parser, CodeStatementCollection stmts, CodeTypeReference type, out bool hasChangeType, out bool hasEvalAny, out bool hasReturn)
            hasEvalAny    = false;
            hasChangeType = false;
            hasReturn     = false;
            var hasEA = false;
            var hasCT = false;
            var hasR  = false;
            var node  = C.ArgRef("node");

            for (int ic = stmts.Count, i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
                var stmt = stmts[i];
                V.Visit(stmt, (ctx) => {
                    var idx = ctx.Target as CodeIndexerExpression;
                    if (null != idx && 1 == idx.Indices.Count)
                        var to = idx.TargetObject as CodeVariableReferenceExpression;
                        if (null != to)
                            int pi;
                            if (0 == string.Compare("Child", to.VariableName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                                // is a thing like Child[0]
                                hasEA  = true;
                                var mi = C.Invoke(C.TypeRef(parser.Name), "_EvaluateAny", C.ArrIndexer(C.PropRef(node, "Children"), idx.Indices[0]), C.ArgRef("state"));
                                V.ReplaceTarget(ctx, mi);
                            else if (-1 < (pi = info.Xbnf.Productions.IndexOf(to.VariableName)))
                                // is a thing like Factor[0]
                                var p = info.Xbnf.Productions[pi];
                                if (!p.IsCollapsed && !p.IsHidden)
                                    if (!p.IsTerminal)
                                        var mi = C.Invoke(C.TypeRef(parser.Name), string.Concat("Evaluate", p.Name), C.ArrIndexer(C.PropRef(node, "Children"), idx.Indices[0]), C.ArgRef("state"));
                                        V.ReplaceTarget(ctx, mi);
                                        var pr = C.PropRef(C.ArrIndexer(C.PropRef(node, "Children"), idx.Indices[0]), "Value");
                                        V.ReplaceTarget(ctx, pr);
                            else if (0 == string.Compare("SymbolId", to.VariableName))
                                var pr = C.PropRef(C.ArrIndexer(C.PropRef(node, "Children"), idx.Indices[0]), "SymbolId");
                                V.ReplaceTarget(ctx, pr);
                    var v = ctx.Target as CodeVariableReferenceExpression;
                    if (null != v)
                        foreach (var p in info.Xbnf.Productions)
                            if (p.IsHidden || p.IsCollapsed)
                            if (v.VariableName.StartsWith(p.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                                if (p.Name.Length < v.VariableName.Length)
                                    var s = v.VariableName.Substring(p.Name.Length);
                                    int num;
                                    if (int.TryParse(s, out num))
                                        if (0 < num)
                                            if (!p.IsTerminal)
                                                var mi = C.Invoke(C.TypeRef(parser.Name), string.Concat("Evaluate", p.Name), C.ArrIndexer(C.PropRef(node, "Children"), C.Literal(num - 1)), C.ArgRef("state"));
                                                V.ReplaceTarget(ctx, mi);
                                                var pr = C.PropRef(C.ArrIndexer(C.PropRef(node, "Children"), C.Literal(num - 1)), "Value");
                                                V.ReplaceTarget(ctx, pr);
                            else if (v.VariableName.StartsWith("Child", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                                if (5 < v.VariableName.Length)
                                    var s = v.VariableName.Substring(5);
                                    int num;
                                    if (int.TryParse(s, out num))
                                        if (0 < num)
                                            hasEA  = true;
                                            var mi = C.Invoke(C.TypeRef(parser.Name), "_EvaluateAny", C.ArrIndexer(C.PropRef(node, "Children"), C.Literal(num - 1)), C.ArgRef("state"));
                                            V.ReplaceTarget(ctx, mi);
                            else if (0 == string.Compare("Length", v.VariableName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                                var ffr = C.PropRef(C.PropRef(node, "Children"), "Length");
                                V.ReplaceTarget(ctx, ffr);
                                if (v.VariableName.StartsWith("SymbolId", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                                    if (8 < v.VariableName.Length)
                                        var s = v.VariableName.Substring(8);
                                        int num;
                                        if (int.TryParse(s, out num))
                                            if (0 < num)
                                                var pr = C.PropRef(C.ArrIndexer(C.PropRef(node, "Children"), C.Literal(num - 1)), "SymbolId");
                                                V.ReplaceTarget(ctx, pr);

                     * V.Visit(stmt, (ctx) =>
                     * {*/
                    var r = ctx.Target as CodeMethodReturnStatement;
                    if (null != r)
                        if (!CD.CodeDomResolver.IsNullOrVoidType(type) && (0 != type.ArrayRank || 0 != string.Compare("System.Object", type.BaseType, StringComparison.InvariantCulture)))
                            var hasVoid = false;
                            if (null != r.Expression)
                                var p = r.Expression as CodePrimitiveExpression;
                                if (null != p)
                                    if (null == p.Value)
                                        hasVoid = true;
                            if (null == r.Expression || hasVoid)
                                r.Expression = C.Default(type);
                                var isType = false;
                                var cc     = r.Expression as CodeCastExpression;
                                if (null != cc)
                                    if (CD.CodeTypeReferenceEqualityComparer.Equals(cc.TargetType, type))
                                        isType = true;
                                if (!isType)
                                    hasCT        = true;
                                    r.Expression = C.Cast(type, C.Invoke(C.TypeRef(parser.Name), "_ChangeType", r.Expression, C.TypeOf(type)));
                        hasR = true;
                if (hasR)
                    hasReturn = true;
            hasChangeType = hasCT;
            hasEvalAny    = hasEA;
예제 #8
        public static CodeCompileUnit GenerateCompileUnit(XbnfGenerationInfo genInfo, string codeclass, string codenamespace, bool fast)
            var result = new CodeCompileUnit();
            var ns     = new CodeNamespace();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codenamespace))
                ns.Name = codenamespace;
            ns.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("System.Collections.Generic"));
            var td = C.Class(codeclass, false);

            // GlrTableParser(int[][][][] parseTable,string[] symbolTable, ParseAttribute[][] attributes,int[] errorSentinels, IEnumerable<Token> tokenizer,int maxErrorCount)
            td.Members.Add(C.Field(C.Type(typeof(int[][][][])), "ParseTable", MemberAttributes.FamilyAndAssembly | MemberAttributes.Static));
            td.Members.Add(C.Field(C.Type(typeof(string[])), "SymbolTable", MemberAttributes.FamilyAndAssembly | MemberAttributes.Static));
            td.Members.Add(C.Field(C.Type(C.Type("ParseAttribute", 1), 1), "ParseAttributes", MemberAttributes.FamilyAndAssembly | MemberAttributes.Static));
            td.Members.Add(C.Field(C.Type(typeof(int[])), "ErrorSentinels", MemberAttributes.FamilyAndAssembly | MemberAttributes.Static));
            //td.Members.Add(C.Field(C.Type(typeof(int[])), "NodeFlags", MemberAttributes.FamilyAndAssembly | MemberAttributes.Static));

            var et = C.Type("IEnumerable");

            var ctor = C.Ctor(MemberAttributes.Public, C.Param(et, "tokenizer"));

            ctor.BaseConstructorArgs.AddRange(new CodeExpression[] {
                C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(codeclass), "ParseTable"),
                C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(codeclass), "SymbolTable"),
                C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(codeclass), "ParseAttributes"),
                C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(codeclass), "ErrorSentinels"),
                //C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(codeclass), "NodeFlags"),
                C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(typeof(int)), "MaxValue")
            ctor = C.Ctor(MemberAttributes.Public, C.Param(et, "tokenizer"), C.Param(typeof(int), "maxErrorCount"));
            ctor.BaseConstructorArgs.AddRange(new CodeExpression[] {
                C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(codeclass), "ParseTable"),
                C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(codeclass), "SymbolTable"),
                C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(codeclass), "ParseAttributes"),
                C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(codeclass), "ErrorSentinels"),
                //C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(codeclass), "NodeFlags"),
            CfgGlrParseTable pt;

            genInfo.Cfg.TryToGlrParseTable(out pt);
            int ts;
            var syms = XbnfConvert.GetSymbolTable(genInfo, out ts);

            (C.GetByName("ParseTable", td.Members) as CodeMemberField).InitExpression      = C.Literal(pt.ToArray(syms));
            (C.GetByName("SymbolTable", td.Members) as CodeMemberField).InitExpression     = C.Literal(syms.ToArray());
            (C.GetByName("ParseAttributes", td.Members) as CodeMemberField).InitExpression = _SerializeParseAttributes(genInfo, syms);
            (C.GetByName("ErrorSentinels", td.Members) as CodeMemberField).InitExpression  = _SerializeErrorSentinels(genInfo, syms);
            //(C.GetByName("NodeFlags", td.Members) as CodeMemberField).InitExpression = _SerializeNodeFlags(genInfo,syms);
            foreach (var code in genInfo.Xbnf.Code)
                td.Members.AddRange(SlangParser.ParseMembers(code.Value, code.Line, code.Column, code.Position));
            var hasChangeType = false;
            var hasEvalAny    = false;

            foreach (var prod in genInfo.Xbnf.Productions)
                if (null != prod.Action)
                    var hasEA = false;
                    var hasCT = false;
                    _GenerateAction(genInfo, syms, td, prod, fast, out hasCT, out hasEA);
                    if (hasCT)
                        hasChangeType = true;
                    if (hasEA)
                        hasEvalAny = true;
            var consts = new string[syms.Count];

            for (int ic = syms.Count, i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
                var s = syms[i];
                if ("#ERROR" == s)
                    s = "ErrorSymbol";
                else if ("#EOS" == s)
                    s = "EosSymbol";
                s         = _MakeSafeName(s);
                s         = _MakeUniqueMember(td, s);
                consts[i] = s;
                td.Members.Add(C.Field(typeof(int), s, MemberAttributes.Const | MemberAttributes.Public, C.Literal(i)));
            if (hasChangeType)
                var m = C.Method(C.Type(typeof(object)), "_ChangeType", MemberAttributes.Static | MemberAttributes.Private, C.Param(typeof(object), "obj"), C.Param(typeof(Type), "type"));
                m.Statements.Add(C.Var(typeof(TypeConverter), "typeConverter", C.Invoke(C.TypeRef(typeof(TypeDescriptor)), "GetConverter", C.ArgRef("obj"))));
                // if(null!=typeConverter || !typeConverter.CanConvertTo(type))
                m.Statements.Add(C.If(C.Or(C.IdentEq(C.Null, C.VarRef("typeConverter")), C.Not(C.Invoke(C.VarRef("typeConverter"), "CanConvertTo", C.ArgRef("type")))),
                                      C.Return(C.Invoke(C.TypeRef(typeof(Convert)), "ChangeType", C.ArgRef("obj"), C.ArgRef("type")))
                m.Statements.Add(C.Return(C.Invoke(C.VarRef("typeConverter"), "ConvertTo", C.ArgRef("obj"), C.ArgRef("type"))));
            if (hasEvalAny)
                var sid = C.PropRef(C.ArgRef("node"), "SymbolId");
                var m   = C.Method(typeof(object), "_EvaluateAny", MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Static, C.Param(C.Type("ParseNode"), "node"), C.Param(typeof(object), "state"));
                for (int ic = genInfo.Xbnf.Productions.Count, i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
                    var p = genInfo.Xbnf.Productions[i];
                    if (!p.IsCollapsed && !p.IsHidden)
                        var sidcmp = syms.IndexOf(p.Name);
                        var sidcf  = C.FieldRef(C.TypeRef(td.Name), consts[sidcmp]);
                        var cnd    = C.If(C.Eq(sid, sidcf));
                        if (!p.IsTerminal)
                            cnd.TrueStatements.Add(C.Return(C.Invoke(C.TypeRef(td.Name), string.Concat("Evaluate", p.Name), C.ArgRef("node"), C.ArgRef("state"))));
                            cnd.TrueStatements.Add(C.Return(C.PropRef(C.ArgRef("node"), "Value")));

예제 #9
        static void _GenerateAction(XbnfGenerationInfo info, IList <string> syms, CodeTypeDeclaration parser, XbnfProduction prod, bool fast, out bool hasChangeType, out bool hasEvalAny)
            var isStart  = ReferenceEquals(prod, info.Xbnf.StartProduction);
            var isShared = false;

            hasChangeType = false;
            hasEvalAny    = false;
            var hasReturn = false;
            var ai        = prod.Attributes.IndexOf("shared");

            if (-1 < ai)
                var o = prod.Attributes[ai].Value;
                if (o is bool && (bool)o)
                    isShared = true;
            var type = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(object));

            ai = prod.Attributes.IndexOf("type");
            if (-1 < ai)
                var s = prod.Attributes[ai].Value as string;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                    //type = new CodeTypeReference(CodeDomResolver.TranslateIntrinsicType(s));
                    type = SlangParser.ParseType(s);
            MemberAttributes pattrs = MemberAttributes.Public | MemberAttributes.Static;
            MemberAttributes attrs  = MemberAttributes.FamilyAndAssembly | MemberAttributes.Static;
            var rs = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var r in info.Cfg.FillNonTerminalRules(prod.Name))

            if (isStart)
                var ms = C.Method(type, "Evaluate", pattrs, C.Param(C.Type("ParseNode"), "node"));
                ms.Comments.AddRange(C.ToComments(string.Format("<summary>\r\nEvaluates a derivation of the form:\r\n{0}\r\n</summary>\r\n<remarks>\r\nThe production rules are:\r\n{1}\r\n</remarks>\r\n<param name=\"node\">The <see cref=\"ParseNode\"/> to evaluate</param>\r\n<returns>The result of the evaluation</returns>", prod.ToString("p").TrimEnd(), rs.ToString().TrimEnd()), true));
                ms.Statements.Add(C.Return(C.Invoke(C.TypeRef(parser.Name), string.Concat("Evaluate", prod.Name), C.ArgRef("node"), C.Null)));
                ms = C.Method(type, "Evaluate", pattrs, C.Param(C.Type("ParseNode"), "node"), C.Param(C.Type(typeof(object)), "state"));
                ms.Comments.AddRange(C.ToComments(string.Format("<summary>\r\nEvaluates a derivation of the form:\r\n{0}\r\n</summary>\r\n<remarks>\r\nThe production rules are:\r\n{1}\r\n</remarks>\r\n<param name=\"node\">The <see cref=\"ParseNode\"/> to evaluate</param>\r\n<param name=\"state\">A user supplied state object. What it should be depends on the production's associated code block</param>\r\n<returns>The result of the evaluation</returns>", prod.ToString("p").TrimEnd(), rs.ToString().TrimEnd()), true));
                ms.Statements.Add(C.Return(C.Invoke(C.TypeRef(parser.Name), string.Concat("Evaluate", prod.Name), C.ArgRef("node"), C.ArgRef("state"))));
            var m = C.Method(type, string.Concat("Evaluate", prod.Name), (!isStart && isShared)?pattrs:attrs, C.Param("ParseNode", "node"), C.Param(typeof(object), "state"));

            m.Comments.AddRange(C.ToComments(string.Format("<summary>\r\nEvaluates a derivation of the form:\r\n{0}\r\n</summary>\r\n<remarks>\r\nThe production rules are:\r\n{1}\r\n</remarks>\r\n<param name=\"node\">The <see cref=\"ParseNode\"/> to evaluate</param>\r\n<param name=\"state\">A user supplied state object. What it should be depends on the production's associated code block</param>\r\n<returns>The result of the evaluation</returns>", prod.ToString("p").TrimEnd(), rs.ToString().TrimEnd()), true));
            var  stmts = SlangParser.ParseStatements(prod.Action.Value, prod.Action.Line, prod.Action.Column, prod.Action.Position);
            bool hasCT, hasE, hasR;

            _TranslateMacros(info, parser, stmts, type, out hasCT, out hasE, out hasR);
            if (hasCT)
                hasChangeType = true;
            if (hasE)
                hasEvalAny = true;
            if (hasR)
                hasReturn = true;
            if (!hasReturn)
                if (!CD.CodeDomResolver.IsNullOrVoidType(type))
