GetBlobURI() 공개 메소드

Get a block blob's URI
public GetBlobURI ( string fileName, string containerName ) : Uri
fileName string The file name in storage
containerName string The container name
리턴 System.Uri
예제 #1
        // This function will get triggered/executed when a new message is written 
        // on an Azure Queue called queue.
        public static async Task ProcessQueueMessage(
            [QueueTrigger("uploadqueue")] string message,
            TextWriter log)

            var m = message.Split(',');
            await log.WriteAsync("Message received: " + m);

            var model = new PhotoModel
                ID = m[0],
                ServerFileName = m[1],
                StorageAccountName = m[2],
                Owner = m[3],
                OwnerName = m[4],
                BlobURL = m[5],
                OriginRegion = m[6]

            //Copy blob from source to destination
            await log.WriteAsync("Replicating blob...");
            await Helpers.ReplicateBlobAsync(model, log);


                //Change the blob URL to point to the new location!    
                await log.WriteAsync("Getting blob URIs");
                string storageConnectionString = SettingsHelper.LocalStorageConnectionString;
                var repo = new StorageRepository(storageConnectionString);
                model.BlobURL = repo.GetBlobURI(model.ServerFileName, StorageConfig.PhotosBlobContainerName).ToString();
                model.ThumbnailURL = repo.GetBlobURI(model.ServerFileName, StorageConfig.ThumbnailsBlobContainerName).ToString();

                //Create thumbnail
                await log.WriteAsync("Creating thumbnail");
                await Helpers.CreateThumbnailAsync(repo, model.ServerFileName, log);

                //Store in table storage
                await log.WriteAsync("Saving to table storage");
                await Helpers.SaveToTableStorageAsync(model, log);

                //Add to Redis cache
                await log.WriteAsync("Saving to Redis");
                await Helpers.SaveToRedisAsync(model, log);
            catch (Exception oops)
                await log.WriteLineAsync(oops.Message);
예제 #2
        public IHttpActionResult Get(string extension)
            Regex rg = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3}$");
                throw new HttpResponseException(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

            string connectionString = SettingsHelper.LocalStorageConnectionString;
            var account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString);
            StorageRepository repo = new StorageRepository(account);

            //Get the SAS token for the container.  Allow writes for 2 minutes
            var sasToken = repo.GetBlobContainerSASToken();

            //Get the blob so we can get the full path including container name
            var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var newFileName = id + "." + extension;

            string blobURL = repo.GetBlobURI(

            //This function determines which storage account the blob will be
            //uploaded to, enabling the future possibility of sharding across 
            //multiple storage accounts.
            var client = account.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            var response = new StorageResponse
                ID = id,
                StorageAccountName = client.BaseUri.Authority.Split('.')[0],
                BlobURL = blobURL,                
                BlobSASToken = sasToken,
                ServerFileName = newFileName

            return Ok(response);