상속: INetworkMessageReceiver, INetworkMessageSubscriptionService, INetworkMessagePublisher
		/// <summary>
		/// Called internally by Photon when a peer is attempting to connect.
		/// Services the connection attempt.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="initRequest">Request details.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected override PeerBase CreatePeer(InitRequest initRequest)
			//Create the details so that the consumer of this class, who extends it, can indicate if this is a request we should service
			//AKA should a peer be made
			IConnectionDetails details = new PhotonServerIConnectionDetailsAdapter(initRequest.RemoteIP, initRequest.RemotePort, initRequest.LocalPort);

			//If we should service the peer
			if (ShouldServiceIncomingPeerConnect(details))
				//Unlike in PhotonServer we have the expectation that they WILL be creating a peer since they said they would
				//Because of this we'll be creating the actual PeerBase in advance.
				NetworkMessagePublisher publisher = new NetworkMessagePublisher();
				IDisconnectionServiceHandler disconnectionHandler = new PhotonServerIDisconnectionServiceHandlerAdapter();

				//Build the peer first since it's required for the network message sender
				GladNetClientPeer peerBase = new GladNetClientPeer(initRequest, publisher, Deserializer, disconnectionHandler);
				//We should make the ClientPeerSession now
				ClientPeerSession session = CreateClientSession(new PhotonServerINetworkMessageSenderClientAdapter(peerBase, Serializer), details, publisher, disconnectionHandler, routebackService);

				if (session == null)
					return null;

				//Add the ID to the AUID map service and setup removal
				auidMapService.Add(details.ConnectionID, session);
				disconnectionHandler.DisconnectionEventHandler += () => auidMapService.Remove(details.ConnectionID);

				//This must be done to keep alive the reference of the session
				//Otherwise GC will clean it up (WARNING: This will create circular reference and cause a leak if you do not null the peer out eventually)
				peerBase.GladNetPeer = session;

				return peerBase;
				//Disconnect the client if they're not going to have a peer serviced

				return null;
		protected GladNetOutboundS2SPeer CreateOutBoundPeer()
			//Services needed to have an outbound peer
			NetworkMessagePublisher publisher = new NetworkMessagePublisher();
			IDisconnectionServiceHandler disconnectionHandler = new PhotonServerIDisconnectionServiceHandlerAdapter();

			return new GladNetOutboundS2SPeer(this, publisher, this.Deserializer, disconnectionHandler);