A sequence supporting UNIX formatted text in byte[] format. Elements of the sequence are the lines of the file, as delimited by the UNIX newline character ('\n'). The file content is treated as 8 bit binary text, with no assumptions or requirements on character encoding. Note that the first line of the file is element 0, as defined by the Sequence interface API. Traditionally in a text editor a patch file the first line is line number 1. Callers may need to subtract 1 prior to invoking methods if they are converting from "line number" to "element index".
상속: Sequence
예제 #1
        private static bool equals(RawText a, int ai, RawText b, int bi)
            if (a.hashes.get(ai) != b.hashes.get(bi))

            int a_start = a.lines.get(ai);
            int b_start = b.lines.get(bi);
            int a_end   = a.lines.get(ai + 1);
            int b_end   = b.lines.get(bi + 1);

            if (a_end - a_start != b_end - b_start)

            while (a_start < a_end)
                if (a.content[a_start++] != b.content[b_start++])
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Format a patch script, reusing a previously parsed FileHeader.
        ///	<para />
        ///	This formatter is primarily useful for editing an existing patch script
        ///	to increase or reduce the number of lines of context within the script.
        ///	All header lines are reused as-is from the supplied FileHeader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="out">stream to write the patch script out to.</param>
        /// <param name="head">existing file header containing the header lines to copy.</param>
        /// <param name="a">
        /// Text source for the pre-image version of the content.
        /// This must match the content of <seealso cref="FileHeader.getOldId()"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="b">writing to the supplied stream failed.</param>
        public void format(Stream @out, FileHeader head, RawText a, RawText b)
            if (head == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("head");
            if (@out == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("out");

            // Reuse the existing FileHeader as-is by blindly copying its
            // header lines, but avoiding its hunks. Instead we recreate
            // the hunks from the text instances we have been supplied.
            int start = head.StartOffset;
            int end   = head.EndOffset;

            if (!head.Hunks.isEmpty())
                end = head.Hunks[0].StartOffset;

            @out.Write(head.Buffer, start, end - start);

            FormatEdits(@out, a, b, head.ToEditList());
예제 #3
 public void testWriteLine1()
     var a = new RawText(Constants.encodeASCII("foo-a\nfoo-b\n"));
     var o = new MemoryStream();
     a.writeLine(o, 0);
     byte[] r = o.ToArray();
     Assert.AreEqual("foo-a", RawParseUtils.decode(r));
예제 #4
 private static void WriteLine(Stream @out, char prefix, RawText text, int cur)
     text.writeLine(@out, cur);
     if (cur + 1 == text.size() && text.isMissingNewlineAtEnd())
         @out.Write(NoNewLine, 0, NoNewLine.Length);
예제 #5
        public void testEquals()
            var a = new RawText(Constants.encodeASCII("foo-a\nfoo-b\n"));
            var b = new RawText(Constants.encodeASCII("foo-b\nfoo-c\n"));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, a.size());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, b.size());

            // foo-a != foo-b
            Assert.IsFalse(a.equals(0, b, 0));
            Assert.IsFalse(b.equals(0, a, 0));

            // foo-b == foo-b
            Assert.IsTrue(a.equals(1, b, 0));
            Assert.IsTrue(b.equals(0, a, 1));
예제 #6
        private void FormatEdits(Stream @out, RawText a, RawText b, EditList edits)
            for (int curIdx = 0; curIdx < edits.Count; /* */)
                Edit curEdit = edits.get(curIdx);
                int  endIdx  = FindCombinedEnd(edits, curIdx);
                Edit endEdit = edits.get(endIdx);

                int aCur = Math.Max(0, curEdit.BeginA - _context);
                int bCur = Math.Max(0, curEdit.BeginB - _context);
                int aEnd = Math.Min(a.size(), endEdit.EndA + _context);
                int bEnd = Math.Min(b.size(), endEdit.EndB + _context);

                WriteHunkHeader(@out, aCur, aEnd, bCur, bEnd);

                while (aCur < aEnd || bCur < bEnd)
                    if (aCur < curEdit.BeginA || endIdx + 1 < curIdx)
                        WriteLine(@out, ' ', a, aCur);
                    else if (aCur < curEdit.EndA)
                        WriteLine(@out, '-', a, aCur++);
                    else if (bCur < curEdit.EndB)
                        WriteLine(@out, '+', b, bCur++);

                    if (End(curEdit, aCur, bCur) && ++curIdx < edits.Count)
                        curEdit = edits.get(curIdx);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Format a patch script, reusing a previously parsed FileHeader.
        ///	<para />
        ///	This formatter is primarily useful for editing an existing patch script
        ///	to increase or reduce the number of lines of context within the script.
        ///	All header lines are reused as-is from the supplied FileHeader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="out">stream to write the patch script out to.</param>
        /// <param name="head">existing file header containing the header lines to copy.</param>
        /// <param name="a">
        /// Text source for the pre-image version of the content. 
        /// This must match the content of <seealso cref="FileHeader.getOldId()"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="b">writing to the supplied stream failed.</param>
        public void format(Stream @out, FileHeader head, RawText a, RawText b)
            // Reuse the existing FileHeader as-is by blindly copying its
            // header lines, but avoiding its hunks. Instead we recreate
            // the hunks from the text instances we have been supplied.
            int start = head.StartOffset;
            int end = head.EndOffset;

            if (!head.Hunks.isEmpty())
                end = head.Hunks[0].StartOffset;

            @out.Write(head.Buffer, start, end - start);

            FormatEdits(@out, a, b, head.ToEditList());
예제 #8
        private void FormatEdits(Stream @out, RawText a, RawText b, EditList edits)
            for (int curIdx = 0; curIdx < edits.Count; /* */)
                Edit curEdit = edits.get(curIdx);
                int endIdx = FindCombinedEnd(edits, curIdx);
                Edit endEdit = edits.get(endIdx);

                int aCur = Math.Max(0, curEdit.BeginA - _context);
                int bCur = Math.Max(0, curEdit.BeginB - _context);
                int aEnd = Math.Min(a.size(), endEdit.EndA + _context);
                int bEnd = Math.Min(b.size(), endEdit.EndB + _context);

                WriteHunkHeader(@out, aCur, aEnd, bCur, bEnd);

                while (aCur < aEnd || bCur < bEnd)
                    if (aCur < curEdit.BeginA || endIdx + 1 < curIdx)
                        WriteLine(@out, ' ', a, aCur);
                    else if (aCur < curEdit.EndA)
                        WriteLine(@out, '-', a, aCur++);

                    else if (bCur < curEdit.EndB)
                        WriteLine(@out, '+', b, bCur++);

                    if (End(curEdit, aCur, bCur) && ++curIdx < edits.Count)
                        curEdit = edits.get(curIdx);
예제 #9
 private static void WriteLine(Stream @out, char prefix, RawText text, int cur)
     text.writeLine(@out, cur);
     if (cur + 1 == text.size() && text.isMissingNewlineAtEnd())
         @out.Write(NoNewLine, 0, NoNewLine.Length);
예제 #10
 private void Init(string name)
     a = new RawText(ReadFile(name + "_PreImage"));
     b = new RawText(ReadFile(name + "_PostImage"));
     file = ParseTestPatchFile(DiffsDir + name + ".patch").getFiles()[0];
예제 #11
 public void testWriteLine3()
     var a = new RawText(Constants.encodeASCII("a\n\nb\n"));
     var o = new MemoryStream();
     a.writeLine(o, 1);
     byte[] r = o.ToArray();
     Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, RawParseUtils.decode(r));
예제 #12
 public void testEmpty()
     var r = new RawText(new byte[0]);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, r.size());
예제 #13
 internal Text(RawText raw_text, Encoding encoding)
     m_raw_text = raw_text;
     Encoding = encoding;
예제 #14
        private static bool equals(RawText a, int ai, RawText b, int bi)
            if (a.hashes.get(ai) != b.hashes.get(bi))
                return false;

            int a_start = a.lines.get(ai);
            int b_start = b.lines.get(bi);
            int a_end = a.lines.get(ai + 1);
            int b_end = b.lines.get(bi + 1);

            if (a_end - a_start != b_end - b_start)
                return false;

            while (a_start < a_end) {
                if (a.content[a_start++] != b.content[b_start++])
                    return false;
            return true;