public static void CopyFolder(NPath fromPath, NPath toPath) { Logger.Trace("CopyFolder fromPath: {0} toPath:{1}", fromPath.ToString(), toPath.ToString()); toPath.DeleteIfExists(); toPath.EnsureParentDirectoryExists(); fromPath.Move(toPath); }
public static void Copy(NPath fromPath, NPath toPath) { Logger.Trace("Copying from " + fromPath + " to " + toPath + "."); try { CopyFolder(fromPath, toPath); } catch (Exception ex1) { Logger.Warning(ex1, "Error copying."); try { CopyFolderContents(fromPath, toPath); } catch (Exception ex2) { Logger.Error(ex1, "Error copying contents."); throw; } } finally { fromPath.DeleteIfExists(); } }
public UsageStore Load(string userId) { UsageStore result = null; string json = null; if (path.FileExists()) { try { json = path.ReadAllText(Encoding.UTF8); result = json?.FromJson <UsageStore>(lowerCase: true); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Instance.Warning(ex, "Error Loading Usage: {0}; Deleting File", path); try { path.DeleteIfExists(); } catch { } } } if (result == null) { result = new UsageStore(); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Model.Guid)) { result.Model.Guid = userId; } return(result); }
protected override void Run(bool success) { base.Run(success); Logger.Trace("Unzip File: {0} to Path: {1}", archiveFilePath, extractedPath); try { zipHelper.Extract(archiveFilePath, extractedPath, Token, zipFileProgress, estimatedDurationProgress); } catch (Exception ex) { var message = "Error Unzipping file"; Logger.Error(ex, message); throw new UnzipTaskException(message); } if (expectedMD5 != null) { var calculatedMD5 = fileSystem.CalculateFolderMD5(extractedPath); if (!calculatedMD5.Equals(expectedMD5, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { extractedPath.DeleteIfExists(); var message = $"Extracted MD5: {calculatedMD5} Does not match expected: {expectedMD5}"; Logger.Error(message); throw new UnzipTaskException(message); } } Logger.Trace("Completed Unzip"); }
private UsageStore LoadUsage() { UsageStore result = null; string json = null; if (storePath.FileExists()) { Logger.Trace("LoadUsage: \"{0}\"", storePath); try { json = storePath.ReadAllText(Encoding.UTF8); if (json != null) { result = SimpleJson.DeserializeObject <UsageStore>(json); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warning(ex, "Error Loading Usage: {0}; Deleting File", storePath); try { storePath.DeleteIfExists(); } catch {} } } if (result == null) { result = new UsageStore(); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Model.Guid)) { result.Model.Guid = guid; } return(result); }
public async Task <bool> SetupIfNeeded(IProgress <float> zipFileProgress = null, IProgress <long> estimatedDurationProgress = null) { logger.Trace("SetupIfNeeded"); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); NPath tempPath = null; try { tempPath = NPath.CreateTempDirectory(TempPathPrefix); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var ret = await SetupGitIfNeeded(tempPath, zipFileProgress, estimatedDurationProgress); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); ret &= await SetupGitLfsIfNeeded(tempPath, zipFileProgress, estimatedDurationProgress); tempPath.Delete(); return(ret); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Trace(ex); return(false); } finally { try { if (tempPath != null) { tempPath.DeleteIfExists(); } } catch {} } }
private NPath MoveGitAndLfs(NPath gitExtractPath, NPath gitLfsExtractPath, NPath tempZipExtractPath) { var targetGitLfsExecPath = installDetails.GetGitLfsExecutablePath(gitExtractPath); var extractGitLfsExePath = gitLfsExtractPath.Combine(installDetails.GitLfsExecutable); Logger.Trace($"Moving Git LFS Exe:'{extractGitLfsExePath}' to target in tempDirectory:'{targetGitLfsExecPath}'"); extractGitLfsExePath.Move(targetGitLfsExecPath); Logger.Trace($"Moving tempDirectory:'{gitExtractPath}' to extractTarget:'{installDetails.GitInstallationPath}'"); installDetails.GitInstallationPath.EnsureParentDirectoryExists(); gitExtractPath.Move(installDetails.GitInstallationPath); Logger.Trace($"Deleting targetGitLfsExecPath:'{targetGitLfsExecPath}'"); targetGitLfsExecPath.DeleteIfExists(); Logger.Trace($"Deleting tempZipPath:'{tempZipExtractPath}'"); tempZipExtractPath.DeleteIfExists(); return(installDetails.GitExecutablePath); }
protected override void RaiseOnEnd() { tempFile.DeleteIfExists(); base.RaiseOnEnd(); }