protected override void Compile (BuildLogger logger, BuildConfig config, string cloneDirectory, GitHub_Commit commit)
			MainClass.Plugins.ForEachPlugin ((plugin) =>
				plugin.BeforeCompile (this, logger, config, cloneDirectory, commit);

			//Print info
			Run (logger, MonoPath, $"--version", cloneDirectory);
			Run (logger, XbuildPath, $"/version", cloneDirectory);

			//Post build commands - Default: restore packages
			if (config == null || config.PreBuild == null || config.PreBuild.Length == 0)
				Console.WriteLine ("No config pre-build commands");
				Run (logger, "nuget", $"restore \"{config.SolutionFile}\"", cloneDirectory);
				foreach (var command in config.PreBuild)
					var line = command.Replace ("{mono-path}", MonoPath);
					var firstSpace = line.IndexOf (' ');
					var cmd = line.Substring (0, firstSpace);
					var args = line.Remove (0, firstSpace + 1);

					Run (logger, cmd, args, cloneDirectory);

			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (config.BuildArgs))
				Run (logger, XbuildPath, $"\"{config.SolutionFile}\"", cloneDirectory);
				Run (logger, XbuildPath, config.BuildArgs, cloneDirectory);

			MainClass.Plugins.ForEachPlugin ((plugin) =>
				plugin.AfterCompile (this, logger, config, cloneDirectory, commit);
        private void Processor()
            while (_pending.Count > 0)
                GitHub_Commit commit;
                if (_pending.TryDequeue (out commit))
                    //Generate the clone directory
                    var cloneDirectory = GetProjectPath (commit.CommitId);

                    #if !DEBUG
                    using (var db = new RepoContext ())
                        var commit = db.Commits.SingleOrDefault (x => x.RepositoryId == _repoId && x.SHA == sha);
                        if (null == commit)
                            commit = new GitHook_Mono.Data.Models.Commit () {
                                RepositoryId = _repoId,
                                SHA = sha
                            db.Commits.Add (commit);

                        commit.Status = GitHook_Mono.Data.Models.CommitStatus.Processing;
                        db.SaveChanges ();
                    BuildConfig current = null;
                        var logPath = commit.CommitId + ".log";
                        var logger = new BuildLogger (logPath);

                        logger.WriteLine ("Cloning...");
                        Clone (logger, cloneDirectory, commit);
                        logger.WriteLine ("Clone Completed.");

                        //Load config
                        var cfg = System.IO.Path.Combine (cloneDirectory, BuildFile);
                        BuildConfig[] config;
                            config = MainClass.LoadConfig<BuildConfig[]> (cfg);
                            config = new BuildConfig[] { MainClass.LoadConfig<BuildConfig> (cfg) };
                        if (null == config)
                            logger.WriteLine ($"Failed to load configuration file at: {cfg}");
            //						Console.WriteLine ("Config: " + config.ToString ());

                        foreach (var build in config)
                            current = build;
                            //For each build configuration we must ensure we are working with the freshest copy
                            Run (logger, "git", "reset --hard origin/master", cloneDirectory);

                            //Now that we have a clone, we can attempt to load some config
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (build.SolutionFile))
                                var sln = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles (cloneDirectory, "*.sln");
                                if (sln != null && sln.Length > 0)
                                    if (sln.Length == 1)
                                        /*if (config == null) build = new BuildConfig () {
                                                SolutionFile = sln.First ()
                                        build.SolutionFile = sln.First ();
                                        throw new CompilerException (1, $"Too many solution files detected, please specify one in your {BuildFile}");
                                    throw new CompilerException (1, $"No solution file specified in {BuildFile}");

                            //Start compilation
                            logger.WriteLine ("Compiling...");
                            Compile (logger, build, cloneDirectory, commit);
                            logger.WriteLine ("Compiling Completed.");

                            MainClass.Plugins.ForEachPlugin ((plugin) =>
                                plugin.OnPass (this, cloneDirectory, commit, current);

                        logger.Close ();
                        MainClass.Plugins.ForEachPlugin ((plugin) =>
                            plugin.LogClosed (this, logPath);
                        #if !DEBUG
                            commit.Status = GitHook_Mono.Data.Models.CommitStatus.Passed;
                    catch (CompilerException ex)
                        #if !DEBUG
                            commit.Status = GitHook_Mono.Data.Models.CommitStatus.Failed;
                        Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString ());

                        MainClass.Plugins.ForEachPlugin ((plugin) =>
                            plugin.OnFail (this, cloneDirectory, commit, current);
                    #if !DEBUG
                        db.Repositories.Single (x => x.Id == _repoId).Builds++;
                        db.SaveChanges ();
 protected abstract void Compile(BuildLogger logger, BuildConfig config, string cloneDirectory, GitHub_Commit commit);
        protected virtual void Clone(BuildLogger logger, string cloneDirectory, GitHub_Commit commit)
            //Touch the directory
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists (WorkingDirectory))
                System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (WorkingDirectory);

            #if !TESTING
            //If for some reason the clone directory exists, then it must be removed for git will crash and burn.
            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists (cloneDirectory))
                System.IO.Directory.Delete (cloneDirectory, true);

            //Clone from github into the target directory
            Run (logger, "git", $"clone --depth=50 --branch=master {_repository.CloneUrl} {cloneDirectory}");

            //Checkout the target commit
            Run (logger, "git", $"checkout -qf {commit.CommitId}", cloneDirectory);

            //Initialise sub modules
            Run (logger, "git", $"submodule init", cloneDirectory       );
        public void Run(BuildLogger logger, string command, string args, string workingPath = WorkingDirectory)
            logger.WriteLine ($"{command} {args}");
            var pc = new Process () {
                StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo () {
                    FileName = command,
                    Arguments = args,
                    WorkingDirectory = workingPath,
                    RedirectStandardError = true,
                    RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                    UseShellExecute = false

            if (pc == null)
                Console.WriteLine ("Failed to start process");
                throw new CompilerException (1);

            using (var ar = new AutoResetEvent (false))
            using (var outputWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent (false))
            using (var errorWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent (false))
                pc.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) =>
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (e.Data)) logger.WriteLine (e.Data);
                    else if(e.Data == null) outputWaitHandle.Set ();

                pc.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) =>
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (e.Data)) logger.WriteLine (e.Data);
                    else if(e.Data == null) errorWaitHandle.Set ();

                pc.Exited += (sender, e) =>
                    ar.Set ();

                pc.Start ();

                pc.BeginErrorReadLine ();
                pc.BeginOutputReadLine ();

                Console.WriteLine ("Waiting");
                var timeout = 1000 * 60 * 5;
                if (pc.WaitForExit (timeout) && outputWaitHandle.WaitOne (timeout) && errorWaitHandle.WaitOne (timeout))
                    Console.WriteLine ("Done");

                    if (0 != pc.ExitCode)
                        throw new CompilerException (pc.ExitCode);
                    Console.WriteLine ("Process timed out");
                    throw new CompilerException (1);
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Called before any compilation steps are performed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="compiler">Compiler being used.</param>
 /// <param name="logger">The build log.</param>
 /// <param name="config">Config.</param>
 /// <param name="cloneDirectory">Clone directory.</param>
 /// <param name="commit">Commit details.</param>
 public virtual void BeforeCompile(IProjectCompiler compiler, BuildLogger logger, BuildConfig config, string cloneDirectory, GitHub_Commit commit)