예제 #1
        public ShapefileDataReader(IStreamProviderRegistry streamProviderRegistry, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory)
            if (streamProviderRegistry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("streamProviderRegistry");
            if (geometryFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("geometryFactory");
            _open = true;

            _dbfReader = new DbaseFileReader(streamProviderRegistry);
            _shpReader = new ShapefileReader(streamProviderRegistry, geometryFactory);

            _dbfHeader   = _dbfReader.GetHeader();
            _recordCount = _dbfHeader.NumRecords;

            // copy dbase fields to our own array. Insert into the first position, the shape column
            _dbaseFields    = new DbaseFieldDescriptor[_dbfHeader.Fields.Length + 1];
            _dbaseFields[0] = DbaseFieldDescriptor.ShapeField();
            for (int i = 0; i < _dbfHeader.Fields.Length; i++)
                _dbaseFields[i + 1] = _dbfHeader.Fields[i];

            _shpHeader     = _shpReader.Header;
            _dbfEnumerator = _dbfReader.GetEnumerator();
            _shpEnumerator = _shpReader.GetEnumerator();
            _moreRecords   = true;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DbaseFieldDescriptor ShapeField()
            DbaseFieldDescriptor shpfield = new DbaseFieldDescriptor();

            shpfield.Name  = "Geometry";
            shpfield._type = 'B';
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DbaseFieldDescriptor IdField()
            DbaseFieldDescriptor shpfield = new DbaseFieldDescriptor();

            shpfield.Name  = "Row";
            shpfield._type = 'I';
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the ShapefileDataReader class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">The shapefile to read (minus the .shp extension)</param>
        /// <param name="geometryFactory">The GeometryFactory to use.</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">The encoding to use for reading the attribute data</param>
        public ShapefileDataReader(string filename, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, Encoding encoding)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filename");
            if (geometryFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("geometryFactory");

            _open = true;

            string prjFile = Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".prj");

            CoordinateSystem = File.Exists(prjFile) ? PrjFileReader.Read(prjFile) : null;

            string dbfFile = Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "dbf");

            _dbfReader = encoding != null
                ? new DbaseFileReader(dbfFile, encoding)
                : new DbaseFileReader(dbfFile);

            string shpFile = Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "shp");

            _shpReader = new ShapefileReader(shpFile, geometryFactory);

            _dbfHeader   = _dbfReader.GetHeader();
            _recordCount = _dbfHeader.NumRecords;

            // copy dbase fields to our own array.
            //Insert into the first position, the shape column
            _dbaseFields    = new DbaseFieldDescriptor[_dbfHeader.Fields.Length + 1];
            _dbaseFields[0] = DbaseFieldDescriptor.ShapeField();
            for (int i = 0; i < _dbfHeader.Fields.Length; i++)
                _dbaseFields[i + 1] = _dbfHeader.Fields[i];

            _shpHeader     = _shpReader.Header;
            _dbfEnumerator = _dbfReader.GetEnumerator();
            _shpEnumerator = _shpReader.GetEnumerator();
            _moreRecords   = true;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a column from this DbaseFileHeader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldName"></param>
        /// <returns>return index of the removed column, -1 if no found.</returns>
        public int RemoveColumn(string fieldName)
            int retCol     = -1;
            int tempLength = 1;

            DbaseFieldDescriptor[] tempFieldDescriptors =
                new DbaseFieldDescriptor[_fieldDescriptions.Length - 1];
            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < _fieldDescriptions.Length; i++)
                if (fieldName.ToLower() != (_fieldDescriptions[i].Name.Trim().ToLower()))
                    // if this is the last field and we still haven't found the
                    // named field
                    if (i == j && i == _fieldDescriptions.Length - 1)
                    tempFieldDescriptors[j]             = _fieldDescriptions[i];
                    tempFieldDescriptors[j].DataAddress = tempLength;
                    tempLength += tempFieldDescriptors[j].Length;
                    // only increment j on non-matching fields
                    retCol = i;

            // set the new fields.
            _fieldDescriptions = tempFieldDescriptors;
            _headerLength      = 33 + 32 * _fieldDescriptions.Length;
            _numFields         = _fieldDescriptions.Length;
            _recordLength      = tempLength;

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the header data from the DBF file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">BinaryReader containing the header.</param>
        /// <param name="cpgStreamProvider">A stream provider to read the contents of the CPG Encoding</param>
        public void ReadHeader(BinaryReader reader, IStreamProvider cpgStreamProvider)
            // type of reader.
            _fileType = reader.ReadByte();
            if (_fileType != 0x03)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported DBF reader Type " + _fileType);

            // parse the update date information.
            int year  = reader.ReadByte();
            int month = reader.ReadByte();
            int day   = reader.ReadByte();

            _updateDate = new DateTime(year + 1900, month, day);

            // read the number of records.
            _numRecords = reader.ReadInt32();

            // read the length of the header structure.
            _headerLength = reader.ReadInt16();

            // read the length of a record
            _recordLength = reader.ReadInt16();

            // skip the reserved bytes in the header.
            byte[] data     = reader.ReadBytes(20);
            byte   ldid     = data[29 - 12]; //get the 29th byte in the file... we've first to read into arry was no 12
            var    encoding = DetectEncoding(ldid, cpgStreamProvider);

            if (_encoding == null)
                _encoding = encoding;

            //Replace reader with one with correct encoding..
            reader = new BinaryReader(reader.BaseStream, _encoding);
            // calculate the number of Fields in the header
            _numFields = (_headerLength - FileDescriptorSize - 1) / FileDescriptorSize;

            // read all of the header records
            _fieldDescriptions = new DbaseFieldDescriptor[_numFields];
            for (int i = 0; i < _numFields; i++)
                _fieldDescriptions[i] = new DbaseFieldDescriptor();

                // read the field name
                byte[] buffer = reader.ReadBytes(11);
                // NOTE: only this _encoding.GetString method is available in Silverlight
                string name      = DbaseEncodingUtility.Latin1.GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                int    nullPoint = name.IndexOf((char)0);
                if (nullPoint != -1)
                    name = name.Substring(0, nullPoint);
                _fieldDescriptions[i].Name = name;

                // read the field type
                _fieldDescriptions[i].DbaseType = (char)reader.ReadByte();

                // read the field data address, offset from the start of the record.
                _fieldDescriptions[i].DataAddress = reader.ReadInt32();

                // read the field length in bytes
                int tempLength = reader.ReadByte();
                if (tempLength < 0)
                    tempLength = tempLength + 256;
                _fieldDescriptions[i].Length = tempLength;

                // read the field decimal count in bytes
                _fieldDescriptions[i].DecimalCount = reader.ReadByte();

                // read the reserved bytes.

            // Last byte is a marker for the end of the field definitions.
            // Trond Benum: This fails for some presumeably valid test shapefiles, so I have commented it out.
            /*byte lastByte = */
            // if (lastByte != 0x0d)
            //   throw new ShapefileException("DBase Header is not terminated");

            // Assure we are at the end of the header!
            if (reader.BaseStream.Position != _headerLength)
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(_headerLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        ///  Add a column to this DbaseFileHeader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldName">The name of the field to add.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldType">The type is one of (C N L or D) character, number, logical(true/false), or date.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldLength"> The Field length is the total length in bytes reserved for this column.</param>
        /// <param name="decimalCount">The decimal count only applies to numbers(N), and floating point values (F), and refers to the number of characters to reserve after the decimal point.</param>
        public void AddColumn(string fieldName, char fieldType, int fieldLength, int decimalCount)
            if (Encoding == null)
                //throw new InvalidOperationException("Must not add columns when the Encoding is not set");
                Encoding = DefaultEncoding;

            if (fieldLength <= 0)
                fieldLength = 1;
            int tempLength = 1;  // the length is used for the offset, and there is a * for deleted as the first byte

            DbaseFieldDescriptor[] tempFieldDescriptors = new DbaseFieldDescriptor[_fieldDescriptions.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < _fieldDescriptions.Length; i++)
                _fieldDescriptions[i].DataAddress = tempLength;
                tempLength = tempLength + _fieldDescriptions[i].Length;
                tempFieldDescriptors[i] = _fieldDescriptions[i];
            tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length]              = new DbaseFieldDescriptor();
            tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].Length       = fieldLength;
            tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DecimalCount = decimalCount;
            tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DataAddress  = tempLength;

            // set the field name
            string tempFieldName = fieldName;

            if (tempFieldName == null)
                tempFieldName = "NoName";
            if (tempFieldName.Length > FieldNameMaxLength)
                string s = String.Format("FieldName {0} is longer than {1} characters", fieldName, FieldNameMaxLength);
                throw new ArgumentException(s);
            tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].Name = tempFieldName;

            // the field type
            switch (fieldType)
            case 'C':
            case 'c':
                tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DbaseType = 'C';
                if (fieldLength > 254)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Field Length for " + fieldName + " set to " + fieldLength + " Which is longer than 254, not consistent with dbase III");
                    tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].Length = 254;

            case 'S':
            case 's':
                tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DbaseType = 'C';
                Trace.WriteLine("Field type for " + fieldName + " set to S which is flat out wrong people!, I am setting this to C, in the hopes you meant character.");
                if (fieldLength > 254)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Field Length for " + fieldName + " set to " + fieldLength + " Which is longer than 254, not consistent with dbase III");
                    tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].Length = 254;

            case 'D':
            case 'd':
                tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DbaseType = 'D';
                if (fieldLength != 8)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Field Length for " + fieldName + " set to " + fieldLength + " Setting to 8 digets YYYYMMDD");
                tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].Length = 8;

            case 'F':
            case 'f':
                tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DbaseType = 'F';
                if (fieldLength > 20)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Field Length for " + fieldName + " set to " + fieldLength + " Preserving length, but should be set to Max of 20 not valid for dbase IV, and UP specification, not present in dbaseIII.");
                    tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].Length = 20;

            case 'N':
            case 'n':
                tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DbaseType = 'N';
                if (fieldLength > 18)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Field Length for " + fieldName + " set to " + fieldLength + " Preserving length, but should be set to Max of 18 for dbase III specification.");
                if (decimalCount < 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Field Decimal Position for " + fieldName + " set to " + decimalCount + " Setting to 0 no decimal data will be saved.");
                    tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DecimalCount = 0;
                if (decimalCount > fieldLength - 1)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Field Decimal Position for " + fieldName + " set to " + decimalCount + " Setting to " + (fieldLength - 1) + " no non decimal data will be saved.");
                    tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DecimalCount = fieldLength - 1;

            case 'L':
            case 'l':
                tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DbaseType = 'L';
                if (fieldLength != 1)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Field Length for " + fieldName + " set to " + fieldLength + " Setting to length of 1 for logical fields.");
                tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].Length = 1;

            case 'I':
            case 'i':
                tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].DbaseType = 'I';
                if (fieldLength > 8)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Field Length for " + fieldName + " set to " + fieldLength + " Preserving length, but should be set to Max of 8 for dbase III specification.");
                tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].Length = 8;

                throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported field type " + fieldType + " For column " + fieldName);
            // the length of a record
            tempLength = tempLength + tempFieldDescriptors[_fieldDescriptions.Length].Length;

            // set the new fields.
            _fieldDescriptions = tempFieldDescriptors;
            _headerLength      = 33 + 32 * _fieldDescriptions.Length;
            _numFields         = _fieldDescriptions.Length;
            _recordLength      = tempLength;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ColumnStructure class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dbaseField"></param>
 /// <param name="index"></param>
 public ColumnStructure(DbaseFieldDescriptor dbaseField, int index) : base(dbaseField.Name, null)
     _dbaseField = dbaseField;
     _index      = index;