public ArchiveParser(byte[] archive) { = archive; archiveReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(; DecompressedSize = archiveReader.ReadUInt24(); CompressedSize = archiveReader.ReadUInt24(); if (CompressedSize != DecompressedSize) { byte[] input = new byte[DecompressedSize - 6]; Array.Copy(, 6, input, 0, DecompressedSize - 6); byte[] dec = new byte[DecompressedSize - 6]; BZip2.Decompress(new MemoryStream(input), new MemoryStream(dec), true); finalBuffer = dec; archiveReader.Close(); archiveReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(finalBuffer)); compressedAsWhole = true; } else { finalBuffer =; compressedAsWhole = false; } totalFiles = archiveReader.ReadUInt16(); int offset = 8 + totalFiles * 10; for (int i = 0; i < totalFiles; i++) { identifiers.Add(archiveReader.ReadInt32()); decompressedSizes.Add(archiveReader.ReadUInt24()); compressedSizes.Add(archiveReader.ReadUInt24()); startOffsets.Add(offset); Logger.Log("Found file: " + identifiers[i] + " at " + offset + ", size: " + compressedSizes[i], LogType.Success); offset += compressedSizes[i]; files.Add(getFileAt(i)); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ShapefileHeader class with values read in from the stream. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Reads the header information from the stream.</remarks> /// <param name="shpBinaryReader">BigEndianBinaryReader stream to the shapefile.</param> public ShapefileHeader(BigEndianBinaryReader shpBinaryReader) { if (shpBinaryReader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("shpBinaryReader"); _fileCode = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); if (_fileCode != Shapefile.ShapefileId) throw new ShapefileException("The first four bytes of this file indicate this is not a shape file."); // skip 5 unsed bytes shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); _fileLength = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); _version = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32(); Debug.Assert(_version == 1000, "Shapefile version", String.Format("Expecting only one version (1000), but got {0}",_version)); int shapeType = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32(); _shapeType = (ShapeGeometryType) Enum.Parse(typeof(ShapeGeometryType), shapeType.ToString()); //read in and store the bounding box double[] coords = new double[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) coords[i] = shpBinaryReader.ReadDouble(); _bounds = new Envelope(coords[0], coords[2], coords[1], coords[3]); // skip z and m bounding boxes. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) shpBinaryReader.ReadDouble(); }
/// <summary> /// Runescape Font. Doesn't work! /// </summary> public RSFont(bool flag, string fontName, ArchiveParser titleArchive) { glyphPixels = new List<byte[]>(); glyphWidth = new int[256]; glyphHeight = new int[256]; horizontalKerning = new int[256]; verticalKerning = new int[256]; charEffectiveWidth = new int[256]; random = new Random(); isStrikethrough = false; byte[] data = titleArchive.getFile(fontName + ".dat"); byte[] index = titleArchive.getFile("index.dat"); dataReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data)); indexReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(index)); int pos = dataReader.ReadInt16() + 4; int k = indexReader.ReadByte(); if (k > 0) pos += 3 * (k - 1); indexReader.BaseStream.Position = pos; for (int l = 0; l < 256; l++) { horizontalKerning[l] = indexReader.ReadChar(); verticalKerning[l] = indexReader.ReadChar(); int width = glyphWidth[l] = indexReader.ReadInt16(); int height = glyphWidth[l] = indexReader.ReadInt16(); int k1 = indexReader.ReadByte(); int l1 = width * height; glyphPixels.Add(new byte[l1]); if (k1 == 0) for (int i = 0; i < l1; i++) glyphPixels[l][i] = dataReader.ReadByte(); else if (k1 == 1) for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) for (int l2 = 0; l2 < height; l2++) glyphPixels[l][j + l2 * width] = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (height > charHeight && l < 128) charHeight = height; horizontalKerning[l] = 1; charEffectiveWidth[l] = width + 2; int k2 = 0; for (int i = height / 7; i < height; i++) k2 += glyphPixels[l][i * width]; if (k2 <= height / 7) { charEffectiveWidth[l]--; horizontalKerning[l] = 0; } k2 = 0; for (int j = height / 7; j < height; j++) k2 += glyphPixels[l][(width - 1) + j * width]; if (k2 <= height / 7) charEffectiveWidth[l]--; } if (flag) charEffectiveWidth[32] = charEffectiveWidth[73]; else charEffectiveWidth[32] = charEffectiveWidth[105]; }
public void ReadCache(int cacheNum) { if (!File.Exists(CacheDir + "main_file_cache.idx" + cacheNum)) Logger.Log("Couldn't find index file #" + cacheNum + " in " + CacheDir, LogType.Fatal); cacheIndexStreams[cacheNum] = File.Open(CacheDir + "main_file_cache.idx" + cacheNum, FileMode.Open); cacheIndexReaders[cacheNum] = new BigEndianBinaryReader(cacheIndexStreams[cacheNum]); Logger.Log("Reading indice #" + cacheNum); cacheIndices.Add(new CacheIndice(ref cacheReader, ref cacheIndexReaders[cacheNum], cacheNum + 1)); Logger.Log("Read indice #" + cacheNum, LogType.Success); }
/// <summary> /// Reads a stream and converts the shapefile record to an equilivent geometry object. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The stream to read.</param> /// <param name="geometryFactory">The geometry factory to use when making the object.</param> /// <returns>The Geometry object that represents the shape file record.</returns> public override IGeometry Read(BigEndianBinaryReader file, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory) { int shapeTypeNum = file.ReadInt32(); ShapeGeometryTypes shapeType = (ShapeGeometryTypes) Enum.Parse(typeof(ShapeGeometryTypes), shapeTypeNum.ToString()); if ( ! ( shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.Point || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PointM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PointZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PointZM )) throw new ShapefileException("Attempting to load a point as point."); double x= file.ReadDouble(); double y= file.ReadDouble(); ICoordinate external = new Coordinate(x,y); geometryFactory.PrecisionModel.MakePrecise( external); return geometryFactory.CreatePoint(external); }
public CacheIndice(ref BigEndianBinaryReader dataFile, ref BigEndianBinaryReader indexFile, int cacheNum) { maxFileSize = 6500000; this.cacheNum = cacheNum; this.dataReader = dataFile; this.indexReader = indexFile; for (int i = 0; i < indexFile.BaseStream.Length / 6; i++) { Logger.Log("Getting file: " + i, LogType.Message); byte[] data = getFile(i); if(data != null) Logger.Log("Found file: " + i + ", Length: " + data.Length + " bytes in cache "+cacheNum, LogType.Success); files.Add(data); } }
//Parses flo.dat from config.jag //Yup it's fixed public static FloorConfig[] ParseFloorConfig(byte[] floorData) { int floorCount; FloorConfig[] floors; BigEndianBinaryReader floorReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(floorData)); floorCount = floorReader.ReadUInt16(); floors = new FloorConfig[floorCount]; bool finishFloor = false; for (int i = 0; i < floorCount; i++) { floors[i] = new FloorConfig(); finishFloor = false; do { int type = floorReader.ReadByte(); switch (type) { case 0: finishFloor = true; break; case 1: floors[i].actualColor = toRGB(floorReader.ReadUInt24()); break; case 2: floors[i].texture = floorReader.ReadByte(); break; case 3: floors[i].unknown = true; break; case 5: floors[i].occlude = false; break; case 6: floors[i].floorName = floorReader.ReadString().TrimEnd('\n'); break; case 7: floors[i].mapColor = toRGB(floorReader.ReadUInt24()); break; default: Logger.Log("Unrecognized floor type: " + type, LogType.Error); break; } } while (!finishFloor); Logger.Log(floors[i].ToString(), LogType.Success); } return floors; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ShapefileEnumerator"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="shapefile"></param> public ShapefileEnumerator(ShapefileReader shapefile) { _parent = shapefile; // create a file stream for each enumerator that is given out. This allows the same file // to have one or more enumerator. If we used the parents stream - than only one IEnumerator // could be given out. FileStream stream = new FileStream(_parent._filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); _shpBinaryReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(stream); // skip header - since parent has already read this. _shpBinaryReader.ReadBytes(100); ShapeGeometryType type = _parent._mainHeader.ShapeType; _handler = Shapefile.GetShapeHandler(type); if (_handler == null) throw new NotSupportedException("Unsuported shape type:" + type); }
public CacheReader(int cacheNum=-1) { if (!File.Exists(CacheDir+"main_file_cache.dat")) Logger.Log("Couldn't find cache file: "+CacheDir+"main_file_cache.dat", LogType.Fatal); cacheStream = File.Open(CacheDir + "main_file_cache.dat", FileMode.Open); cacheReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(cacheStream); uid = (int)(new Random().NextDouble() * 99999999D); cacheIndexStreams = new FileStream[5]; cacheIndexReaders = new BigEndianBinaryReader[5]; cacheIndices = new List<CacheIndice>(); if (cacheNum == -1) for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) ReadCache(i); else if (cacheNum > -1 && cacheNum < 5) ReadCache(cacheNum); else throw new Exception("Invalid cache num!"); }
/// <summary> /// Reads a stream and converts the shapefile record to an equilivent geometry object. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The stream to read.</param> /// <param name="geometryFactory">The geometry factory to use when making the object.</param> /// <returns>The Geometry object that represents the shape file record.</returns> public override IGeometry Read(BigEndianBinaryReader file, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory) { int shapeTypeNum = file.ReadInt32(); ShapeGeometryTypes shapeType = (ShapeGeometryTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(ShapeGeometryTypes), shapeTypeNum.ToString()); if( ! ( shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.LineString || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.LineStringM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.LineStringZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.LineStringZM )) throw new ShapefileException("Attempting to load a non-arc as arc."); //read and for now ignore bounds. double[] box = new double[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { double d= file.ReadDouble(); box[i] =d; } int numParts = file.ReadInt32(); int numPoints = file.ReadInt32(); int[] partOffsets = new int[numParts]; for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++) partOffsets[i] = file.ReadInt32(); ILineString[] lines = new ILineString[numParts]; int start, finish, length; for (int part = 0; part < numParts; part++) { start = partOffsets[part]; if (part == numParts - 1) finish = numPoints; else finish = partOffsets[part + 1]; length = finish - start; CoordinateList points = new CoordinateList(); points.Capacity=length; ICoordinate external; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { external = new Coordinate(file.ReadDouble(),file.ReadDouble()); geometryFactory.PrecisionModel.MakePrecise( external); points.Add(external); } lines[part] = geometryFactory.CreateLineString(points.ToArray()); } return geometryFactory.CreateMultiLineString(lines); }
/// <summary> /// Reads a stream and converts the shapefile record to an equilivant geometry object. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The stream to read.</param> /// <param name="geometryFactory">The geometry factory to use when making the object.</param> /// <returns>The Geometry object that represents the shape file record.</returns> public override IGeometry Read(BigEndianBinaryReader file, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory) { int shapeTypeNum = file.ReadInt32(); ShapeGeometryTypes shapeType = (ShapeGeometryTypes) Enum.Parse(typeof(ShapeGeometryTypes), shapeTypeNum.ToString()); if ( ! ( shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.MultiPoint || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.MultiPointM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.MultiPointZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.MultiPointZM)) throw new ShapefileException("Attempting to load a non-multipoint as multipoint."); // Read and for now ignore bounds. double[] box = new double[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) box[i] = file.ReadDouble(); // Read points int numPoints = file.ReadInt32(); IPoint[] points = new IPoint[numPoints]; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) points[i] = geometryFactory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(file.ReadDouble(), file.ReadDouble())); return geometryFactory.CreateMultiPoint(points); }
/// <summary> /// Reads Polygon shapefile /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected IList ReadPolygonData(Stream stream) { IList list = new ArrayList(); // Jump to first header stream.Seek(100, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Read big endian informations using (BigEndianBinaryReader beReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(stream)) { // Read little endian informations using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { // For each header while (stream.Position < stream.Length) { ReadFeatureHeader(beReader); shapeReader.ReadBoundingBox(reader); int[] indexParts = null; int numParts = shapeReader.ReadNumParts(reader); int numPoints = shapeReader.ReadNumPoints(reader); indexParts = shapeReader.ReadIndexParts(reader, numParts); ICoordinate[] coordinates = shapeReader.ReadCoordinates(reader, numPoints); if (numParts == 1) { list.Add(shapeReader.CreateSimpleSinglePolygon(coordinates)); } else { list.Add(shapeReader.CreateSingleOrMultiPolygon(numPoints, indexParts, coordinates)); } } } } return(list); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Shapefile class with the given parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The filename of the shape file to read (with .shp).</param> /// <param name="geometryFactory">The GeometryFactory to use when creating Geometry objects.</param> public ShapefileReader(string filename, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory) { if (filename == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); } if (geometryFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("geometryFactory"); } _filename = filename; _geometryFactory = geometryFactory; // read header information. note, we open the file, read the header information and then // close the file. This means the file is not opened again until GetEnumerator() is requested. // For each call to GetEnumerator() a new BinaryReader is created. FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); BigEndianBinaryReader shpBinaryReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(stream); _mainHeader = new ShapefileHeader(shpBinaryReader); shpBinaryReader.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Reads Point shapefile /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> protected IList ReadPointData(Stream stream) { IList list = new ArrayList(); // Jump to first header stream.Seek(100, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Read big endian informations using (BigEndianBinaryReader beReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(stream)) { // Read little endian informations using (BinaryReader leReader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { // For each header while (stream.Position < stream.Length) { ReadFeatureHeader(beReader); ICoordinate coordinate = shapeReader.ReadCoordinate(leReader); IGeometry point = shapeReader.CreatePoint(coordinate); list.Add(point); } } } return list; }
/// <summary> /// Reads a stream and converts the shapefile record to an equilivent geometry object. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The stream to read.</param> /// <param name="geometryFactory">The geometry factory to use when making the object.</param> /// <returns>The Geometry object that represents the shape file record.</returns> public abstract IGeometry Read(BigEndianBinaryReader file, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory);
/// <summary> /// Reads a generic stream containing geographic data saved as shapefile structure, /// and returns a collection of all the features contained. /// Since NTS Geometry Model not support Z and M data, those informations are ignored if presents in shapefile. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">Shapefile data stream.</param> /// <returns><c>GeometryCollection</c> containing all geometries in shapefile.</returns> protected IGeometryCollection Read(Stream stream) { // Read big endian values using (BigEndianBinaryReader beReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(stream)) { // Verify File Code int fileCode = beReader.ReadInt32BE(); Debug.Assert(fileCode == 9994); stream.Seek(20, SeekOrigin.Current); length = beReader.ReadInt32BE(); // Read little endian values using (BinaryReader leReader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { ArrayList list = null; // Verify Version int version = leReader.ReadInt32(); Debug.Assert(version == 1000); // ShapeTypes int shapeType = leReader.ReadInt32(); switch ((ShapeGeometryTypes)shapeType) { case ShapeGeometryTypes.Point: case ShapeGeometryTypes.PointZ: case ShapeGeometryTypes.PointM: case ShapeGeometryTypes.PointZM: list = new ArrayList(ReadPointData(stream)); break; case ShapeGeometryTypes.LineString: case ShapeGeometryTypes.LineStringZ: case ShapeGeometryTypes.LineStringM: case ShapeGeometryTypes.LineStringZM: list = new ArrayList(ReadLineStringData(stream)); break; case ShapeGeometryTypes.Polygon: case ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonZ: case ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonM: case ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonZM: list = new ArrayList(ReadPolygonData(stream)); break; case ShapeGeometryTypes.MultiPoint: case ShapeGeometryTypes.MultiPointZ: case ShapeGeometryTypes.MultiPointM: case ShapeGeometryTypes.MultiPointZM: list = new ArrayList(ReadMultiPointData(stream)); break; case ShapeGeometryTypes.MultiPatch: throw new NotImplementedException("FeatureType " + shapeType + " not supported."); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("FeatureType " + shapeType + " not recognized by the system"); } IGeometryCollection collection = shapeReader.CreateGeometryCollection(list); return(collection); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Shapefile class with the given parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The filename of the shape file to read (with .shp).</param> /// <param name="geometryFactory">The GeometryFactory to use when creating Geometry objects.</param> public ShapefileReader(string filename, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory) { if (filename == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); if (geometryFactory == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("geometryFactory"); _filename = filename; _geometryFactory = geometryFactory; // read header information. note, we open the file, read the header information and then // close the file. This means the file is not opened again until GetEnumerator() is requested. // For each call to GetEnumerator() a new BinaryReader is created. FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); BigEndianBinaryReader shpBinaryReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(stream); _mainHeader = new ShapefileHeader(shpBinaryReader); shpBinaryReader.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Reads MultiPoint shapefile /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected IList ReadMultiPointData(Stream stream) { IList list = new ArrayList(); // Jump to first header stream.Seek(100, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Read big endian informations using (BigEndianBinaryReader beReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(stream)) { // Read little endian informations using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { // For each header while (stream.Position < stream.Length) { ReadFeatureHeader(beReader); shapeReader.ReadBoundingBox(reader); int numPoints = shapeReader.ReadNumPoints(reader); ICoordinate[] coords = new ICoordinate[numPoints]; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) coords[i] = shapeReader.ReadCoordinate(reader); list.Add(shapeReader.CreateMultiPoint(coords)); } } } return list; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="beReader"></param> private void ReadFeatureHeader(BigEndianBinaryReader beReader) { int recordNumber = beReader.ReadInt32BE(); int contentLength = beReader.ReadInt32BE(); int shapeType = beReader.ReadInt32(); }
public static string[] ParseTldList(byte[] tldenc) { BigEndianBinaryReader br = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(tldenc)); int length = br.ReadInt32(); List<char[]> tldList = new List<char[]>(); int[] tldArray = new int[length]; for(int id = 0; id < length; id++) { tldArray[id] = br.ReadByte(); char[] tld = new char[br.ReadByte()]; for (int charID = 0; charID < tld.Length; charID++) tld[charID] = (char)br.ReadByte(); tldList.Add(tld); } string[] s = new string[tldList.Count]; for (int c = 0; c < s.Length; c++) s[c] = new string(tldList[c]); return s; }
public static int[] ParseFragmentsEnc(byte[] fragenc) { BigEndianBinaryReader br = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(fragenc)); int length = br.ReadInt32(); int[] fragmentsEnc = new int[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) fragmentsEnc[i] = br.ReadInt16(); return fragmentsEnc; }
public static string[] ParseDomainEnc(byte[] domainenc) { BigEndianBinaryReader br = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(domainenc)); int length = br.ReadInt32(); List<char[]> domains = new List<char[]>(); for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { char[] val = new char[br.ReadByte()]; for (int k = 0; k < val.GetLength(0); k++) val[k] = (char)br.ReadChar(); domains.Add(val); } string[] s = new string[domains.Count]; for (int c = 0; c < s.Length; c++) s[c] = new string(domains[c]); return s; }
public static string[] ParseBadEnc(byte[] badenc) { BigEndianBinaryReader br = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(badenc)); int length = br.ReadInt32(); List<char[]> bads = new List<char[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char[] val = new char[br.ReadChar()]; for (int charid = 0; charid < val.Length; charid++) val[charid] = (char)br.ReadChar(); bads.Add(val); byte[,] b1 = new byte[br.ReadByte(), 2]; for (int l = 0; l < b1.Length/2; l++) { b1[l, 0] = (byte)br.ReadByte(); b1[l, 1] = (byte)br.ReadByte(); } } string[] s = new string[bads.Count]; for(int c=0;c<s.Length;c++) s[c] = new string(bads[c]); return s; }
/// <summary> /// Reads a stream and converts the shapefile record to an equilivent geometry object. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The stream to read.</param> /// <param name="geometryFactory">The geometry factory to use when making the object.</param> /// <returns>The Geometry object that represents the shape file record.</returns> public override IGeometry Read(BigEndianBinaryReader file, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory) { int shapeTypeNum = file.ReadInt32(); ShapeGeometryTypes shapeType = (ShapeGeometryTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(ShapeGeometryTypes), shapeTypeNum.ToString()); if (!(shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.Polygon || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonZM)) { throw new ShapefileException("Attempting to load a non-polygon as polygon."); } // Read and for now ignore bounds. double[] box = new double[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { box[i] = file.ReadDouble(); } int[] partOffsets; int numParts = file.ReadInt32(); int numPoints = file.ReadInt32(); partOffsets = new int[numParts]; for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++) { partOffsets[i] = file.ReadInt32(); } ArrayList shells = new ArrayList(); ArrayList holes = new ArrayList(); int start, finish, length; for (int part = 0; part < numParts; part++) { start = partOffsets[part]; if (part == numParts - 1) { finish = numPoints; } else { finish = partOffsets[part + 1]; } length = finish - start; CoordinateList points = new CoordinateList(); points.Capacity = length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ICoordinate external = new Coordinate(file.ReadDouble(), file.ReadDouble()); geometryFactory.PrecisionModel.MakePrecise(external); ICoordinate internalCoord = external; // Thanks to Abhay Menon! if (!Double.IsNaN(internalCoord.Y) && !Double.IsNaN(internalCoord.X)) { points.Add(internalCoord, false); } } if (points.Count > 2) // Thanks to Abhay Menon! { try { if (points[0].Distance(points[points.Count - 1]) > .00001) { points.Add(new Coordinate(points[0])); } else if (points[0].Distance(points[points.Count - 1]) > 0.0) { points[points.Count - 1].CoordinateValue = points[0]; } ILinearRing ring = geometryFactory.CreateLinearRing(points.ToArray()); // If shape have only a part, jump orientation check and add to shells if (numParts == 1) { shells.Add(ring); } else { // Orientation check if (CGAlgorithms.IsCCW(points.ToArray())) { holes.Add(ring); } else { shells.Add(ring); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } // Now we have a list of all shells and all holes ArrayList holesForShells = new ArrayList(shells.Count); for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++) { holesForShells.Add(new ArrayList()); } // Find holes for (int i = 0; i < holes.Count; i++) { ILinearRing testRing = (ILinearRing)holes[i]; ILinearRing minShell = null; IEnvelope minEnv = null; IEnvelope testEnv = testRing.EnvelopeInternal; ICoordinate testPt = testRing.GetCoordinateN(0); ILinearRing tryRing; for (int j = 0; j < shells.Count; j++) { tryRing = (ILinearRing)shells[j]; IEnvelope tryEnv = tryRing.EnvelopeInternal; if (minShell != null) { minEnv = minShell.EnvelopeInternal; } bool isContained = false; CoordinateList coordList = new CoordinateList(tryRing.Coordinates); if (tryEnv.Contains(testEnv) && (CGAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(testPt, coordList.ToArray()) || (PointInList(testPt, coordList)))) { isContained = true; } // Check if this new containing ring is smaller than the current minimum ring if (isContained) { if (minShell == null || minEnv.Contains(tryEnv)) { minShell = tryRing; } // Suggested by Brian Macomber and added 3/28/2006: // holes were being found but never added to the holesForShells array // so when converted to geometry by the factory, the inner rings were never created. ArrayList holesForThisShell = (ArrayList)holesForShells[j]; holesForThisShell.Add(testRing); } } } IPolygon[] polygons = new IPolygon[shells.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++) { polygons[i] = (geometryFactory.CreatePolygon((ILinearRing)shells[i], (ILinearRing[])((ArrayList)holesForShells[i]).ToArray(typeof(ILinearRing)))); } if (polygons.Length == 1) { return(polygons[0]); } // It's a multi part return(geometryFactory.CreateMultiPolygon(polygons)); }
/// <summary> /// Reads Polygon shapefile /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected IList ReadPolygonData(Stream stream) { IList list = new ArrayList(); // Jump to first header stream.Seek(100, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Read big endian informations using (BigEndianBinaryReader beReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(stream)) { // Read little endian informations using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { // For each header while (stream.Position < stream.Length) { ReadFeatureHeader(beReader); shapeReader.ReadBoundingBox(reader); int[] indexParts = null; int numParts = shapeReader.ReadNumParts(reader); int numPoints = shapeReader.ReadNumPoints(reader); indexParts = shapeReader.ReadIndexParts(reader, numParts); ICoordinate[] coordinates = shapeReader.ReadCoordinates(reader, numPoints); if (numParts == 1) list.Add(shapeReader.CreateSimpleSinglePolygon(coordinates)); else list.Add(shapeReader.CreateSingleOrMultiPolygon(numPoints, indexParts, coordinates)); } } } return list; }
public static NPCConfig[] ParseNPCConfig(byte[] data, byte[] index) { BigEndianBinaryReader dataReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data)); BigEndianBinaryReader indexReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(index)); int totalNPCs = indexReader.ReadUInt16(); NPCConfig[] NPCList = new NPCConfig[totalNPCs]; int[] streamIndices = new int[totalNPCs]; int offset = 2; for (int npcPtr = 0; npcPtr < totalNPCs; npcPtr++) { streamIndices[npcPtr] = offset; offset += indexReader.ReadUInt16(); } for (int j = 0; j < totalNPCs; j++) { NPCConfig npc = new NPCConfig(); dataReader.BaseStream.Position = streamIndices[j]; do { byte i = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (i == 0) break; else if (i == 1) { int modelCount = dataReader.ReadByte(); npc.npcModels = new int[modelCount]; for (int k = 0; k < modelCount; k++) npc.npcModels[k] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); } else if (i == 2) = dataReader.ReadString(); else if (i == 3) npc.description = dataReader.ReadString(); else if (i == 12) npc.boundDim = dataReader.ReadByte(); else if (i == 13) npc.idleAnimation = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (i == 14) npc.walkAnimIndex = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (i == 17) { npc.walkAnimIndex = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); npc.turn180AnimIndex = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); npc.turn90CWAnimIndex = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); npc.turn90CCWAnimIndex = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); } else if (i >= 30 && i < 40) { if (npc.actions == null) npc.actions = new string[5]; npc.actions[i - 30] = dataReader.ReadString(); if (npc.actions[i - 30] == "hidden") npc.actions[i - 30] = null; } else if (i == 40) { int colors = dataReader.ReadByte(); npc.recolorOriginal = new int[colors]; npc.recolorTarget = new int[colors]; for (int l = 0; l < colors; l++) { npc.recolorOriginal[l] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); npc.recolorTarget[l] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); } } else if (i == 60) { int additionalModelCount = dataReader.ReadByte(); npc.additionalModels = new int[additionalModelCount]; for (int l = 0; l < additionalModelCount; l++) npc.additionalModels[l] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); } else if (i >= 90 && i < 93) dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (i == 93) npc.drawMinimapDot = false; else if (i == 95) npc.combatLevel = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (i == 97) npc.scaleXZ = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (i == 98) npc.scaleY = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (i == 99) npc.invisible = true; else if (i == 100) npc.lightModifier = dataReader.ReadByte(); else if (i == 101) npc.shadowModifier = dataReader.ReadByte() * 5; else if (i == 102) npc.headIcon = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (i == 103) npc.degreesToTurn = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (i == 106) { npc.varBitID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); if (npc.varBitID == 65535) npc.varBitID = -1; npc.sessionSettingID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); if (npc.sessionSettingID == 65535) npc.sessionSettingID = -1; int childrensCount = dataReader.ReadByte(); npc.childrenIDs = new int[childrensCount + 1]; for (int c = 0; c <= childrensCount; c++) { npc.childrenIDs[c] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); if (npc.childrenIDs[c] == 65535) npc.childrenIDs[c] = -1; } } else if (i == 107) npc.clickable = false; } while (true); NPCList[j] = npc; } return NPCList; }
/// <summary> /// Reads a generic stream containing geographic data saved as shapefile structure, /// and returns a collection of all the features contained. /// Since NTS Geometry Model not support Z and M data, those informations are ignored if presents in shapefile. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">Shapefile data stream.</param> /// <returns><c>GeometryCollection</c> containing all geometries in shapefile.</returns> protected IGeometryCollection Read(Stream stream) { // Read big endian values using (BigEndianBinaryReader beReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(stream)) { // Verify File Code int fileCode = beReader.ReadInt32BE(); Debug.Assert(fileCode == 9994); stream.Seek(20, SeekOrigin.Current); length = beReader.ReadInt32BE(); // Read little endian values using (BinaryReader leReader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { ArrayList list = null; // Verify Version int version = leReader.ReadInt32(); Debug.Assert(version == 1000); // ShapeTypes int shapeType = leReader.ReadInt32(); switch ((ShapeGeometryType) shapeType) { case ShapeGeometryType.Point: case ShapeGeometryType.PointZ: case ShapeGeometryType.PointM: case ShapeGeometryType.PointZM: list = new ArrayList(ReadPointData(stream)); break; case ShapeGeometryType.LineString: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZ: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringM: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM: list = new ArrayList(ReadLineStringData(stream)); break; case ShapeGeometryType.Polygon: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZ: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonM: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM: list = new ArrayList(ReadPolygonData(stream)); break; case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPoint: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZ: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointM: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM: list = new ArrayList(ReadMultiPointData(stream)); break; case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPatch: throw new NotImplementedException("FeatureType " + shapeType + " not supported."); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("FeatureType " + shapeType + " not recognized by the system"); } IGeometryCollection collection = shapeReader.CreateGeometryCollection(list); return collection; } } }
public static ObjectConfig[] ParseObjectConfig(byte[] data, byte[] index) { BigEndianBinaryReader indexReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(index)); BigEndianBinaryReader dataReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data)); ObjectConfig[] obj = new ObjectConfig[indexReader.ReadUInt16()]; int sIndex = 2; int[] streamIndices = new int[obj.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < streamIndices.Length; i++) { streamIndices[i] = sIndex; sIndex += indexReader.ReadUInt16(); } for (int j = 0; j < obj.Length; j++) { if (obj[j] == null) obj[j] = new ObjectConfig(); dataReader.BaseStream.Position = streamIndices[j]; bool breakTop = false; bool continueTop = false; int t = 0; do { continueTop = false; int k; do { k = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (k == 0) breakTop = true; else if (k == 1) { int l = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (l > 0) if (obj[j].objectModelIDs == null) { obj[j].types = new int[l]; obj[j].objectModelIDs = new int[l]; for (int k1 = 0; k1 < l; k1++) { obj[j].objectModelIDs[k1] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); obj[j].types[k1] = dataReader.ReadByte(); } } else dataReader.BaseStream.Position += l * 3; } else if (k == 2) obj[j].name = dataReader.ReadString(); else if (k == 3) obj[j].description = dataReader.ReadString(); else if (k == 5) { int l = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (l > 0) if (obj[j].objectModelIDs == null) { obj[j].types = null; obj[j].objectModelIDs = new int[l]; for (int l1 = 0; l1 < l; l1++) obj[j].objectModelIDs[l1] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); } else dataReader.BaseStream.Position += l * 2; } else if (k == 14) obj[j].sizeX = dataReader.ReadByte(); else if (k == 15) obj[j].sizeY = dataReader.ReadByte(); else if (k == 17) obj[j].isUnwalkable = false; else if (k == 18) obj[j].aBoolean757 = false; else if (k == 19) { t = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (t == 1) obj[j].hasActions = true; } else if (k == 21) obj[j].adjustToTerrain = true; else if (k == 22) obj[j].nonFlatShading = true; else if (k == 23) obj[j].aBoolean764 = true; else if (k == 24) { obj[j].animationID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); if (obj[j].animationID == 65535) obj[j].animationID = -1; } else if (k == 28) obj[j].anInt775 = dataReader.ReadByte(); else if (k == 29) obj[j].brightness = dataReader.ReadByte(); else if (k == 39) obj[j].contrast = dataReader.ReadByte(); else if (k >= 30 && k < 39) { if (obj[j].actions == null) obj[j].actions = new string[10]; obj[j].actions[k - 30] = dataReader.ReadString(); if (obj[j].actions[k - 30].ToLower() == "hidden") obj[j].actions[k - 30] = null; } else if (k == 40) { int i1 = dataReader.ReadByte(); obj[j].modifiedModelColors = new int[i1]; obj[j].originalModelColors = new int[i1]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i1; i2++) { obj[j].modifiedModelColors[i2] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); obj[j].originalModelColors[i2] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); } } else if (k == 60) obj[j].mapFunctionID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (k == 62) obj[j].aBoolean751 = true; else if (k == 64) obj[j].aBoolean779 = false; else if (k == 65) obj[j].modelSizeX = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (k == 66) obj[j].modelSizeH = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (k == 67) obj[j].modelSizeY = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (k == 68) obj[j].mapSceneID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (k == 69) obj[j].anInt768 = dataReader.ReadByte(); else if (k == 70) obj[j].offsetX = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (k == 71) obj[j].offsetH = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (k == 72) obj[j].offsetY = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (k == 73) obj[j].aBoolean736 = true; else if (k == 74) obj[j].isSolidObject = true; else { if (k != 75) continue; obj[j].anInt760 = dataReader.ReadByte(); } continueTop = true; } while (k != 77 && !breakTop); if (breakTop) break; if (continueTop) continue; obj[j].configId_1 = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); if (obj[j].configId_1 == 65535) obj[j].configId_1 = -1; obj[j].configId_1 = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); if (obj[j].configID == 65535) obj[j].configID = -1; int j1 = dataReader.ReadByte(); obj[j].configObjectIDs = new int[j1 + 1]; for (int j2 = 0; j2 <= j1; j2++) { obj[j].configObjectIDs[j2] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); if (obj[j].configObjectIDs[j2] == 65535) obj[j].configObjectIDs[j2] = -1; } } while (!breakTop); if (t == -1) { obj[j].hasActions = obj[j].objectModelIDs != null; if (obj[j].actions != null) obj[j].hasActions = true; } if (obj[j].isSolidObject) obj[j].isUnwalkable = obj[j].aBoolean757 = false; if (obj[j].anInt760 == -1) obj[j].anInt760 = obj[j].isUnwalkable ? 1 : 0; } return obj; }
/// <summary> /// Reads a stream and converts the shapefile record to an equilivent geometry object. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The stream to read.</param> /// <param name="geometryFactory">The geometry factory to use when making the object.</param> /// <returns>The Geometry object that represents the shape file record.</returns> public override IGeometry Read(BigEndianBinaryReader file, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory) { int shapeTypeNum = file.ReadInt32(); ShapeGeometryTypes shapeType = (ShapeGeometryTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(ShapeGeometryTypes), shapeTypeNum.ToString()); if ( ! ( shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.Polygon || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryTypes.PolygonZM)) throw new ShapefileException("Attempting to load a non-polygon as polygon."); // Read and for now ignore bounds. double[] box = new double[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) box[i] = file.ReadDouble(); int[] partOffsets; int numParts = file.ReadInt32(); int numPoints = file.ReadInt32(); partOffsets = new int[numParts]; for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++) partOffsets[i] = file.ReadInt32(); ArrayList shells = new ArrayList(); ArrayList holes = new ArrayList(); int start, finish, length; for (int part = 0; part < numParts; part++) { start = partOffsets[part]; if (part == numParts - 1) finish = numPoints; else finish = partOffsets[part + 1]; length = finish - start; CoordinateList points = new CoordinateList(); points.Capacity = length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ICoordinate external = new Coordinate(file.ReadDouble(), file.ReadDouble() ); geometryFactory.PrecisionModel.MakePrecise( external); ICoordinate internalCoord = external; // Thanks to Abhay Menon! if (!Double.IsNaN(internalCoord.Y) && !Double.IsNaN(internalCoord.X)) points.Add(internalCoord, false); } if (points.Count > 2) // Thanks to Abhay Menon! { try { if (points[0].Distance(points[points.Count - 1]) > .00001) points.Add(new Coordinate(points[0])); else if (points[0].Distance(points[points.Count - 1]) > 0.0) points[points.Count - 1].CoordinateValue = points[0]; ILinearRing ring = geometryFactory.CreateLinearRing(points.ToArray()); // If shape have only a part, jump orientation check and add to shells if (numParts == 1) shells.Add(ring); else { // Orientation check if (CGAlgorithms.IsCCW(points.ToArray())) holes.Add(ring); else shells.Add(ring); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } // Now we have a list of all shells and all holes ArrayList holesForShells = new ArrayList(shells.Count); for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++) holesForShells.Add(new ArrayList()); // Find holes for (int i = 0; i < holes.Count; i++) { ILinearRing testRing = (ILinearRing) holes[i]; ILinearRing minShell = null; IEnvelope minEnv = null; IEnvelope testEnv = testRing.EnvelopeInternal; ICoordinate testPt = testRing.GetCoordinateN(0); ILinearRing tryRing; for (int j = 0; j < shells.Count; j++) { tryRing = (ILinearRing) shells[j]; IEnvelope tryEnv = tryRing.EnvelopeInternal; if (minShell != null) minEnv = minShell.EnvelopeInternal; bool isContained = false; CoordinateList coordList = new CoordinateList(tryRing.Coordinates); if (tryEnv.Contains(testEnv) && (CGAlgorithms.IsPointInRing(testPt, coordList.ToArray()) || (PointInList(testPt, coordList)))) isContained = true; // Check if this new containing ring is smaller than the current minimum ring if (isContained) { if (minShell == null || minEnv.Contains(tryEnv)) minShell = tryRing; // Suggested by Brian Macomber and added 3/28/2006: // holes were being found but never added to the holesForShells array // so when converted to geometry by the factory, the inner rings were never created. ArrayList holesForThisShell = (ArrayList) holesForShells[j]; holesForThisShell.Add(testRing); } } } IPolygon[] polygons = new IPolygon[shells.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++) polygons[i] = (geometryFactory.CreatePolygon((ILinearRing) shells[i], (ILinearRing[]) ((ArrayList)holesForShells[i]).ToArray(typeof(ILinearRing)))); if (polygons.Length == 1) return polygons[0]; // It's a multi part return geometryFactory.CreateMultiPolygon(polygons); }
public static ItemConfig[] ParseItemConfig(byte[] data, byte[] index) { BigEndianBinaryReader dataReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data)); BigEndianBinaryReader indexReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(index)); int totalItems = indexReader.ReadUInt16(); int[] streamIndices = new int[totalItems]; ItemConfig[] itemConfig = new ItemConfig[totalItems]; int i = 2; for (int j = 0; j < totalItems; j++) { streamIndices[j] = i; i += indexReader.ReadUInt16(); } for (int x = 0; x < totalItems; x++) { dataReader.BaseStream.Position = streamIndices[x]; ItemConfig item = new ItemConfig(); do { int opCode = dataReader.ReadByte(); if (opCode == 0) break; if (opCode == 1) item.modelID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 2) = dataReader.ReadString().TrimEnd('\n'); else if (opCode == 3) item.description = dataReader.ReadString().TrimEnd('\n'); else if (opCode == 4) item.modelInvZoom = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 5) item.modelInvRotationY = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 6) item.modelInvRotationX = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 7) { item.modelInvPosOffsetX = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); if (item.modelInvPosOffsetX > 32767) item.modelInvPosOffsetX -= 0x10000; } else if (opCode == 8) { item.modelInvPosOffsetY = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); if (item.modelInvPosOffsetY > 32767) item.modelInvPosOffsetY -= 0x10000; } else if (opCode == 10) dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 11) item.stackable = true; else if (opCode == 12) item.value = dataReader.ReadInt32(); else if (opCode == 16) item.membersObject = true; else if (opCode == 23) { item.maleWornModelID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); item.maleYOffset = dataReader.ReadByte(); } else if (opCode == 24) item.maleArmsID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 25) { item.femaleWornModelID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); item.femaleYOffset = dataReader.ReadByte(); } else if (opCode == 26) item.femaleArmsID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode >= 30 && opCode < 35) { if (item.groundActions == null) item.groundActions = new string[5]; item.groundActions[opCode - 30] = dataReader.ReadString().TrimEnd('\n'); if (item.groundActions[opCode - 30].ToLower() == "hidden") item.groundActions[opCode - 30] = null; } else if (opCode >= 35 && opCode < 40) { if (item.actions == null) item.actions = new string[5]; item.actions[opCode - 35] = dataReader.ReadString().TrimEnd('\n'); } else if (opCode == 40) { int colors = dataReader.ReadByte(); item.originalModelColors = new int[colors]; item.modifiedModelColors = new int[colors]; for (int colorPtr = 0; colorPtr < colors; colorPtr++) { item.originalModelColors[colorPtr] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); item.modifiedModelColors[colorPtr] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); } } else if (opCode == 78) item.maleEmblem = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 79) item.femaleEmblem = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 90) item.maleDialog = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 91) item.femaleDialog = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 92) item.maleDialogHat = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 93) item.femaleDialogHat = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 95) item.diagonalRotation = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 97) item.certID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 98) item.certTemplateID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode >= 100 && opCode < 110) { if (item.stackIDs == null) { item.stackIDs = new int[10]; item.stackAmounts = new int[10]; } item.stackIDs[opCode - 100] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); item.stackAmounts[opCode - 100] = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); } else if (opCode == 110) item.modelSizeX = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 111) item.modelSizeY = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 112) item.modelSizeZ = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 113) item.lightModifier = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 114) item.shadowModifier = dataReader.ReadByte() * 5; else if (opCode == 115) = dataReader.ReadByte(); else if (opCode == 116) item.lendID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else if (opCode == 117) item.lentItemID = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); else Logger.Log("Unknown Item Opcode: " + opCode, LogType.Error); } while (true); itemConfig[x] = item; } return itemConfig; }
public ImageGroup(byte[] index, byte[] data, bool unpack) { indexReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(index)); dataReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data)); indexReader.BaseStream.Position = dataReader.ReadUInt16(); indexOffset = (int)indexReader.BaseStream.Position; maxWidth = indexReader.ReadUInt16(); maxHeight = indexReader.ReadUInt16(); colorCount = indexReader.ReadByte(); colorMap = new int[colorCount]; for (int x = 0; x < colorCount - 1; x++) { colorMap[x + 1] = indexReader.ReadUInt24(); if (colorMap[x + 1] == 0) colorMap[x + 1] = 1; } if(unpack) unpackImages(); }