private void WithHadesClient(Action <Hades.Client> whenReady, Action <GetSocialError> onError = null, bool requireInitialization = true)
     if (requireInitialization && !IsInitialized)
         GetSocialLogs.W("Failed to call GetSocial before it is initialized.");
         onError.SafeCall(new GetSocialError(ErrorCodes.IllegalState, "Failed to call GetSocial before it is initialized"));
     HadesClientFactory.Create(client =>
         Action <GetSocialError> handleError = getSocialError =>
             Ui(() =>
                 GetSocialLogs.W("Error: " + getSocialError);
         catch (THErrors error)
             var first = error.Errors.First();
             handleError(new GetSocialError((int)first.ErrorCode, first.ErrorMsg));
         catch (Exception exception)
             handleError(new GetSocialError(exception.Message));
        public UserCredentials LoadUserCredentials(string appId)
            // check app id
            if (!appId.Equals(LoadSavedAppId()))
                GetSocialLogs.W("Stored AppId [ " + LoadSavedAppId() + " ] is different than current one [" + appId + "]. New user will be created.");
                return(new UserCredentials());
            // check userId and password
            var    userId   = _localStorage.GetString(LocalStorageKeys.UserId);
            string password = _localStorage.GetString(LocalStorageKeys.UserPassword);

            if (userId == null || password == null)
                GetSocialLogs.W("Invalid user credentials, userId = [" + userId + "], password = [ " + password + " ]. New user will be created.");
                return(new UserCredentials());
            return(new UserCredentials
                Id = userId,
                Password = password
 private static void LogResponse(string method, object parameters)
         GetSocialLogs.D(string.Format("[Response] {0}: {1}", method, parameters));
         // Just to be sure we won't crash in logs
        private void Init(THSdkAuthRequest request)
            LogRequest("authenticateSdk", request);
            WithHadesClient(client =>
                THSdkAuthResponseAllInOne response = null;
                while (response == null)
                        try {
                            response = client.authenticateSdkAllInOne(new THSdkAuthRequestAllInOne
                                SdkAuthRequest        = request,
                                ProcessAppOpenRequest = new THProcessAppOpenRequest
                        catch (THErrors errors)
                            throw errors; // if GetSocial exception - rethrow
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        // if system exception - try again
                        Ui(() => GetSocialLogs.W("Failed to init GetSocial, retry in 1 second, exception: " + exception));

                        // wait for 1 sec

                        // unity doesn't stop background threads, so we have to check a state of app
                        if (!EngineUtils.IsApplicationRunning())
                Ui(() =>
                    LogResponse("authenticateSdk", response);
                    _stateController.Initialized(response, request.AppId);
                    TrackAnalyticsEvent(new AnalyticsEvent
                        Name      = AnalyticsEventDetails.AppSessionStart,
                        CreatedAt = ApplicationStateListener.Instance.AppStartTime
            }, requireInitialization: false);
        private static void LogRequest(string method, object parameters = null)
                var log = parameters == null
                    ? string.Format("[Request] {0}", method)
                    : string.Format("[Request] {0}, body: {1}", method, parameters);

                // Just to be sure we won't crash in logs
 public void SetUserDetails(UserUpdate userUpdate, Action onSuccess, Action <GetSocialError> onFailure)
     if (userUpdate._avatar != null)
         GetSocialLogs.W("Uploading Texture2D as avatar is not supported in Editor yet");
     UpdateUser(new THPrivateUser
         DisplayName               = userUpdate._displayName,
         AvatarUrl                 = userUpdate._avatarUrl,
         PublicProperties          = userUpdate._publicProperties,
         PrivateProperties         = userUpdate._privateProperties,
         InternalPublicProperties  = userUpdate._publicInternalProperties,
         InternalPrivateProperties = userUpdate._privateInternalProperties
     }, onSuccess, onFailure);
        public static THActivityPostContent ToRpcModel(this ActivityPostContent content)
            var media = content._mediaAttachment;

            if (!media.IsSupported())
                GetSocialLogs.W("Uploading Texture2D or video is not supported in Editor yet");
            return(new THActivityPostContent
                Text = content._text,
                ButtonTitle = content._buttonTitle,
                ButtonAction = content._buttonAction,
                Language = GetSocial.GetLanguage(),
                ImageUrl = media.GetImageUrl(),
                VideoUrl = media.GetVideoUrl(),
                Action = content._action.ToRpcModel()
        public void Init(string appId)
            if (_initCalled)
                GetSocialLogs.I("GetSocial.Init has been already invoked.");
            _initCalled = true;

            appId = appId ?? _stateController.LoadAppIdFromMetaData();
            var credentials = _stateController.LoadUserCredentials(appId);

            Init(new THSdkAuthRequest
                AppId             = appId,
                UserId            = credentials.Id,
                Password          = credentials.Password,
                SessionProperties = _stateController.SuperProperties
        public static THCustomNotification ToRpcModel(this NotificationContent content)
            var media = content._mediaAttachment;

            if (!media.IsSupported())
                GetSocialLogs.W("Uploading Texture2D or video is not supported in Editor yet");
            return(new THCustomNotification
                Title = content._title,
                Text = content._text,
                TemplateName = content._templateName,
                TemplateData = content._templatePlaceholders,
                NewAction = content._action.ToRpcModel(),
                Image = media.GetImageUrl(),
                Video = media.GetVideoUrl(),
                ActionButtons = content._actionButtons.ConvertAll(button => button.ToRpcModel()),
                Badge = content._badge.ToRpcModel()
 public bool IsInviteChannelAvailable(string channelId)
     GetSocialLogs.W("IsInviteChannelAvailable is not supported in Editor yet");
 public void SetAvatar(Texture2D avatar, Action onComplete, Action <GetSocialError> onFailure)
     GetSocialLogs.W("Uploading Texture2D as avatar is not supported in Editor yet");
     onFailure(new GetSocialError("Uploading Texture2D as avatar is not supported in Editor yet"));
 public void SetPushTokenListener(PushTokenListener listener)
     GetSocialLogs.W("SetPushTokenListener is not supported in Editor yet");
 public void SetNotificationListener(Func <Notification, bool, bool> listener)
     GetSocialLogs.W("SetNotificationListener is not supported in Editor yet");
 public void RegisterForPushNotifications()
     GetSocialLogs.W("RegisterForPushNotifications is not supported in Editor yet");
 public void GetReferralData(Action <ReferralData> onSuccess, Action <GetSocialError> onFailure)
     GetSocialLogs.W("GetReferralData is not supported in Editor yet");
     onFailure(new GetSocialError("GetReferralData doesn't work in Unity Editor yet"));
 public bool RegisterInviteChannelPlugin(string channelId, InviteChannelPlugin inviteChannelPlugin)
     GetSocialLogs.W("RegisterInviteChannelPlugin is not supported in Editor yet");
 public void SetNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener)
     GetSocialLogs.W("SetNotificationListener is not supported in Editor yet");
 public bool TrackPurchaseEvent(PurchaseData purchaseData)
     GetSocialLogs.W("TrackPurchaseEvent is not supported in Editor yet");
 public void ProcessAction(GetSocialAction notificationAction)
     GetSocialLogs.W("ProcessAction is not supported in Editor yet");
 public void HandleOnStartUnityEvent()
     GetSocialLogs.D("Not needed in OSX implementation");
 public void SendInvite(string channelId, InviteContent customInviteContent, LinkParams linkParams, Action onComplete,
                        Action onCancel, Action <GetSocialError> onFailure)
     GetSocialLogs.W("SendInvite is not supported in Editor yet");
     onFailure(new GetSocialError("SendInvite doesn't work in Unity Editor yet"));
 public void ClearReferralData()
     GetSocialLogs.W("ClearReferralData is not supported in Editor yet");