예제 #1
        public Move PlayUserMove(string sessionId, string gameId, Move userMove, out string errorMessage)
            errorMessage = string.Empty;
            //Get the requested game from the session
            var session = _cacheProvider.GetValue(sessionId) as UserSession;
            if (session == null)
                errorMessage = "Session expired! Please login again.";
                return null;
            var game = _gameProvider.GetGame(gameId);
            if (game != null)
                game.LastActivityTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                session.GameMoves = session.GameMoves ?? new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
                session.GameMoves[gameId] = session.GameMoves.ContainsKey(gameId) ? session.GameMoves[gameId] : new List<string>();
                var moves = _gameProvider.GetGameMoves(gameId);

                //Validate the user move
                if (!ValidMove(userMove, moves, out errorMessage) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
                    return null;

                //Save user move in database and session moves
                userMove = _movesDataProvider.SaveMove(gameId, userMove);

                //Get the player next tiles and add them to the player tiles
                var pIndex = game.Players.FindIndex(p => string.Equals(p.Id, userMove.Player));
                var player = game.Players[pIndex];
                pIndex = game.Players.FindIndex(p => !string.Equals(p.Id, userMove.Player));
                var opponant = game.Players[pIndex];
                GiveNextTilesToPlayer(game, ref player, userMove);

                //Save player tiles and points
                player.Points = player.Points + userMove.Points;
                player.IsActive = false;
                _gameProvider.SaveGamePlayerStatus(gameId, player);

                //If game is finished then save game status and game winner.
                if (player.TilesRemaining <= 0)
                    SaveGameStatus(gameId, game, opponant, player, session);
                    //set the opponant status to active.
                    opponant.IsActive = true;
                    _gameProvider.SetGamePlayerTurn(gameId, opponant.Id, true);
            return userMove;
예제 #2
 public static Move ToModelMove(this Article article)
     Move move = new Move()
         MoveCode = article.Get<string>("move_code"),
         Points = article.Get<int>("points"),
         Player = article.Get<string>("player"),
         TimeStamp = article.UtcCreateDate,
         Id = article.Id
     return move;
예제 #3
        public PassChanceRs PassChance(PassChanceRq request)
            if (request == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.SessionId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.GameId))
                return new PassChanceRs() { IsSucess = false, ErrorMessage = "Invalid PassChanceRq request!" };
            var response = new PassChanceRs() { IsSucess = true, GameId = request.GameId };
                IGameProvider gameProvider = GameProviderFactory.GetGameProvider();
                var session = GetSession(request.SessionId, response);
                if (session == null)
                    return response;
                var gameIndex = session.ActiveGames.FindIndex(g => string.Equals(g, request.GameId));
                var game = gameProvider.GetGame(request.GameId);
                if (gameIndex != -1 && game!=null)
                    IMovesDataProvider movesDataProvider = MovesDataProviderFactory.GetMovesDataProvider();
                    Model.Move move = new Model.Move() { Points = 0, MoveCode = "", Player = session.Account.Id };
                    move = movesDataProvider.SaveMove(request.GameId, move);
                    var gameMoves = gameProvider.GetGameMoves(request.GameId);

                    var pIndex = game.Players.FindIndex(p => string.Equals(p.Id, session.Account.Id));
                    var player = game.Players[pIndex];
                    player.IsActive = false;
                    gameProvider.SetGamePlayerTurn(request.GameId, player.Id, false);

                    pIndex = game.Players.FindIndex(p => !string.Equals(p.Id, session.Account.Id));
                    var opponant = game.Players[pIndex];
                    opponant.IsActive = true;
                    gameProvider.SetGamePlayerTurn(request.GameId, opponant.Id, true);
                    response.IsSucess = false;
                    response.ErrorMessage = "Invalid game! Please refresh.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.IsSucess = false;
                response.ErrorMessage = "Failed to pass your chance!";
                LoggingDataProviderFactory.GetLoggingDataProvider().LogException(ex, Source, "PassChance", Model.Severity.Critical);
            return response;
예제 #4
 private bool ValidMove(Move userMove, List<Move> gameMoves, out string errorMessage)
     errorMessage = string.Empty;
     var currentTiles = ToGameTiles(new List<Move>() { userMove });
     var gameTiles = ToGameTiles(gameMoves);
     var movedTiles = new List<GameTile>();
     foreach (var currentTile in currentTiles)
         if (!IsValidMove(currentTile, gameTiles, movedTiles, out errorMessage) ||
             return false;
     var lastMove = movedTiles[movedTiles.Count - 1];
     movedTiles.RemoveAt(movedTiles.Count - 1);
     int calculatedPoints = CalculatePoints(gameTiles, lastMove, movedTiles);
     if (calculatedPoints != userMove.Points)
         errorMessage = "Points calculation doesnt match! Please refresh the page.";
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #5
        private Move PlayBotMove(UserSession session, Player bot, int gameIndex)
            var game = _gameProvider.GetGame(session.ActiveGames[gameIndex]);
            var moves = _gameProvider.GetGameMoves(game.Id);
            var gameTiles = ToGameTiles(moves);
            List<string> tilesToBePlayed = GetMaxTilesCanBePlayed(bot.Tiles);
            int maxPoints = 0;
            List<GameTile> nextMoves = new List<GameTile>();
            foreach (var tile in tilesToBePlayed)

                //Get all tile moves which match the color of the tile
                List<GameTile> matchingGameTiles = GetMatchingTileMoves(tile, gameTiles);
                //for each tile move get all sorrounding empty tile positions.
                foreach (var matchingGameTile in matchingGameTiles)
                    //Get all empty position for the matching tile.
                    List<GameTile> emptyPositions = GetEmptyTilePositions(gameTiles, matchingGameTile, tile);
                    //for each empty position place all the tiles to be played in all direction and get the maximum points.
                    var myTiles = new List<string>();
                    var tileIndex = myTiles.FindIndex(t => t == tile);
                    foreach (var emptyPosition in emptyPositions)
                        GetMaxPoints("-x", gameTiles, tile, myTiles, emptyPosition, matchingGameTile, ref maxPoints, ref nextMoves);
                        GetMaxPoints("+x", gameTiles, tile, myTiles, emptyPosition, matchingGameTile, ref maxPoints, ref nextMoves);
                        GetMaxPoints("-y", gameTiles, tile, myTiles, emptyPosition, matchingGameTile, ref maxPoints, ref nextMoves);
                        GetMaxPoints("+y", gameTiles, tile, myTiles, emptyPosition, matchingGameTile, ref maxPoints, ref nextMoves);
            //parse nextmoves into bot move and return
            Move move = new Move() {Player = bot.Id, Points = maxPoints};
            List<string> tileMoves = new List<string>();
            foreach (var nextMove in nextMoves)
                tileMoves.Add(string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", nextMove.Row, nextMove.Col, nextMove.Tile));
            move.MoveCode = string.Join("|", tileMoves);
            return move;
예제 #6
 private void GiveNextTilesToPlayer(Game game, ref Player player, Move userMove)
     List<string> gameTiles = _gameProvider.GetGameTiles(game.Id);
     var parts = userMove.MoveCode.Split('|');
     foreach (var part in parts)
         var mvs = part.Split(',');
     player.TilesRemaining = player.TilesRemaining - parts.Length;
     if (player.TilesRemaining > 6)
         player.Tiles.AddRange(_movesDataProvider.GetRandomTiles(parts.Length, ref gameTiles));
         player.Tiles.AddRange(_movesDataProvider.GetRandomTiles(player.TilesRemaining - player.Tiles.Count, ref gameTiles));
     _gameProvider.SetGameTiles(game.Id, gameTiles);
예제 #7
 public Move SaveMove(string gameId, Move move)
     Article moveArticle = new Article(Schemas.Moves);
     moveArticle.Set("move_code", move.MoveCode);
     moveArticle.Set("points", move.Points);
     moveArticle.Set("player", move.Player);
     var con = Connection.New(Relations.GameMove)
         .FromExistingArticle(Schemas.Game, gameId)
         .ToNewArticle(Schemas.Moves, moveArticle);
     move = moveArticle.ToModelMove();
     move.TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
     return move;