예제 #1
파일: Input.cs 프로젝트: macaba/GeoVR
        public void Start(string inputDevice)
            if (Started)
                throw new Exception("Input already started");

            //waveIn = new WaveIn(WaveCallbackInfo.FunctionCallback());
            waveIn = new WaveInEvent();
            waveIn.BufferMilliseconds = 20;
            //Console.WriteLine("Input device: " + WaveIn.GetCapabilities(0).ProductName);
            waveIn.DeviceNumber   = ClientAudioUtilities.MapInputDevice(inputDevice);
            waveIn.DataAvailable += _waveIn_DataAvailable;
            waveIn.WaveFormat     = new WaveFormat(sampleRate, 16, 1);

            inputVolumeStreamArgs = new InputVolumeStreamEventArgs()
                DeviceNumber = waveIn.DeviceNumber, PeakRaw = 0, PeakDB = float.NegativeInfinity, PeakVU = 0
            opusDataAvailableArgs = new OpusDataAvailableEventArgs();

            //inputControls = ClientAudioUtilities.GetWaveInMixerControls(waveIn.DeviceNumber);

            Started = true;
예제 #2
파일: Output.cs 프로젝트: macaba/GeoVR
        public void Start(string outputDevice, ISampleProvider sampleProvider)
            if (Started)
                throw new Exception("Output already started");

            MMDevice device = ClientAudioUtilities.MapWasapiOutputDevice(outputDevice);

            waveOut = new WasapiOut(device, AudioClientShareMode.Shared, true, 20);

            Started = true;
예제 #3
        private void audioTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            List <TxTransceiverDto> transceivers = new List <TxTransceiverDto> {
                new TxTransceiverDto()
                    ID = 0

            //Play a sample every 10 seconds.
            var reader = new WaveFileReader(file);
            var bytes  = (int)reader.SampleCount * 2;

            bytes = bytes - (bytes % reader.BlockAlign);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[bytes];
            reader.Read(buffer, 0, bytes);

            var waveBuffer = ClientAudioUtilities.ConvertBytesTo16BitPCM(buffer);

            int segmentCount = (int)System.Math.Floor((decimal)waveBuffer.Length / frameSize);
            int bufferOffset = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++)
                int len = encoder.Encode(waveBuffer, bufferOffset, frameSize, encodedDataBuffer, 0, encodedDataBuffer.Length);
                bufferOffset += frameSize;

                byte[] trimmedBuff = new byte[len];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(encodedDataBuffer, 0, trimmedBuff, 0, len);

                if (Connection.IsConnected)
                    Connection.VoiceServerTransmitQueue.Add(new AudioTxDto()
                        Callsign        = Callsign,
                        SequenceCounter = audioSequenceCounter++,
                        Audio           = trimmedBuff,
                        LastPacket      = false,
                        Transceivers    = transceivers.ToArray()

            Array.Clear(lastPacketBuffer, 0, frameSize);
            int remainderSamples = waveBuffer.Length - (segmentCount * frameSize);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(waveBuffer, bufferOffset, lastPacketBuffer, 0, remainderSamples);
            int lenRemainder = encoder.Encode(lastPacketBuffer, 0, frameSize, encodedDataBuffer, 0, encodedDataBuffer.Length);

            byte[] trimmedBuffRemainder = new byte[lenRemainder];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(encodedDataBuffer, 0, trimmedBuffRemainder, 0, lenRemainder);

            Connection.VoiceServerTransmitQueue.Add(new AudioTxDto()
                Callsign        = Callsign,
                SequenceCounter = audioSequenceCounter++,
                Audio           = trimmedBuffRemainder,
                LastPacket      = true,
                Transceivers    = transceivers.ToArray()
예제 #4
파일: Input.cs 프로젝트: macaba/GeoVR
        private void _waveIn_DataAvailable(object sender, WaveInEventArgs e)
            var samples = ClientAudioUtilities.ConvertBytesTo16BitPCM(e.Buffer);

            if (samples.Length != frameSize)
                throw new Exception("Incorrect number of samples.");

            float value = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
                value = samples[i] * Volume;
                if (value > short.MaxValue)
                    value = short.MaxValue;
                if (value < short.MinValue)
                    value = short.MinValue;
                samples[i] = (short)value;

            encodedDataLength = encoder.Encode(samples, 0, frameSize, encodedDataBuffer, 0, encodedDataBuffer.Length);
            OpusBytesEncoded += encodedDataLength;

            //Calculate max and raise event if needed
            if (InputVolumeStream != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
                    sampleInput = samples[i];
                    sampleInput = System.Math.Abs(sampleInput);
                    if (sampleInput > maxSampleInput)
                        maxSampleInput = sampleInput;
                sampleCount += samples.Length;
                if (sampleCount >= sampleCountPerEvent)
                    inputVolumeStreamArgs.PeakRaw = maxSampleInput / short.MaxValue;
                    inputVolumeStreamArgs.PeakDB  = (float)(20 * Math.Log10(inputVolumeStreamArgs.PeakRaw));
                    float db = inputVolumeStreamArgs.PeakDB;
                    if (db < minDb)
                        db = minDb;
                    if (db > maxDb)
                        db = maxDb;
                    float ratio = (db - minDb) / (maxDb - minDb);
                    if (ratio < 0.30)
                        ratio = 0;
                    if (ratio > 1.0)
                        ratio = 1;
                    inputVolumeStreamArgs.PeakVU = ratio;
                    InputVolumeStream(this, inputVolumeStreamArgs);
                    sampleCount    = 0;
                    maxSampleInput = 0;

            if (OpusDataAvailable != null)
                byte[] trimmedBuff = new byte[encodedDataLength];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(encodedDataBuffer, 0, trimmedBuff, 0, encodedDataLength);
                opusDataAvailableArgs.Audio           = trimmedBuff;
                opusDataAvailableArgs.SequenceCounter = audioSequenceCounter++;
                OpusDataAvailable(this, opusDataAvailableArgs);