예제 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new list for storing the specified type of objects.
		/// </summary>
		public GentleRelation( PersistenceBroker broker, Type containedType, IPersistent parent,
		                       params Type[] relatedTypes ) : base( broker )
			Check.VerifyNotNull( relatedTypes, Error.NullParameter, "relatedTypes" );
			/*Check.Verify( parent == null && relatedTypes.Length == 2 ||
				parent != null && relatedTypes.Length == 1, Error.NotImplemented,
			              "The GentleRelation class is currently only able to manage two-way relations." ); */
			this.relatedTypes = relatedTypes;
			this.parent = parent;
			containedMap = ObjectFactory.GetMap( broker, containedType );
			// note: "this." required on broker param or original null param might get passed
			relations = new GentleList( this.broker, containedType, parent );
			// verify that the linked types are supported by Gentle
			foreach( Type relatedType in relatedTypes )
				Check.Verify( relatedType.IsSubclassOf( typeof(Persistent) ) || relatedType.GetInterface( "IPersistent" ) != null,
				              Error.UnsupportedType, relatedType );
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new list for storing the specified type of objects.
        /// </summary>
        public GentleRelation(PersistenceBroker broker, Type containedType, IPersistent parent,
                              params Type[] relatedTypes) : base(broker)
            Check.VerifyNotNull(relatedTypes, Error.NullParameter, "relatedTypes");

            /*Check.Verify( parent == null && relatedTypes.Length == 2 ||
             *      parent != null && relatedTypes.Length == 1, Error.NotImplemented,
             *            "The GentleRelation class is currently only able to manage two-way relations." ); */
            this.relatedTypes = relatedTypes;
            this.parent       = parent;
            containedMap      = ObjectFactory.GetMap(broker, containedType);
            // note: "this." required on broker param or original null param might get passed
            relations = new GentleList(this.broker, containedType, parent);
            // verify that the linked types are supported by Gentle
            foreach (Type relatedType in relatedTypes)
                Check.Verify(relatedType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Persistent)) || relatedType.GetInterface("IPersistent") != null,
                             Error.UnsupportedType, relatedType);