예제 #1
		public ConstructorMap( ObjectMap objectMap, ConstructorInfo constructorInfo, ColumnInfo columnInfo, object[] row )
			this.objectMap = objectMap;
			this.constructorInfo = constructorInfo;
			this.columnInfo = columnInfo;
			InitBitArrays( Math.Max( objectMap.Fields.Count, row.Length ) );
			InitConstructorMap( row );
예제 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Method to scan for and determine the least expensive constructor for a given array of 
		/// column names. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="columnNames">The column names of the result set</param>
		/// <param name="row">A sample row used to determine if type conversion is needed</param>
		/// <returns>A hash which can be used as constructor selector subsequently or 0 if no
		/// valid constructor could be found for the given columns.</returns>
		public int DetermineConstructor( string[] columnNames, object[] row )
			int hash = GetFieldComboHashCode( columnNames );
			// make a quick exit if we've already processed this column combination
			if( constructorMaps.ContainsKey( hash ) )
				return hash;
				if( ! columnInfos.ContainsKey( hash ) )
					columnInfos[ hash ] = new ColumnInfo( objectMap, columnNames );
				ConstructorMap best = null;
				foreach( ConstructorInfo ci in constructorInfos )
					ConstructorMap cm = new ConstructorMap( objectMap, ci, columnInfos[ hash ] as ColumnInfo, row );
					if( cm.IsValid )
						if( best == null || cm.Cost < best.Cost )
							best = cm;
				if( best != null )
					constructorMaps[ hash ] = best;
					// warn user that code has non-optimal performance
					if( best.Cost > 0 )
						Check.LogInfo( LogCategories.Metadata, "Best available constructor for type {0} is non-optimal (cost {1}).", objectMap.Type, best.Cost );
						Check.LogInfo( LogCategories.Metadata,
						               "See http://www.mertner.com/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=240 for additional information." );
				else // no valid constructor found at all
					StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
					for( int i = 0; i < columnNames.Length; i++ )
						sb.AppendFormat( "{0}{1}={2}", i % 3 != 0 ? ", " : Environment.NewLine, i, columnNames[ i ] );
					Check.Fail( Error.Unspecified, "No constructor found for type {0} using columns: {1}",
					            objectMap.Type, sb.ToString() );
				return hash;