예제 #1
 public GuildMessageStats(ulong guildId)
     this.ID = guildId;
         if (GenericBot.LoadedGuildMessageStats.ContainsKey(this.ID))
             this.Users = GenericBot.LoadedGuildMessageStats[this.ID].Users;
             var col = GenericBot.GlobalDatabase.GetCollection <GuildMessageStats>("messageStats");
             GuildMessageStats tempdb;
             col.EnsureIndex(c => c.ID, true);
             if (col.Exists(c => c.ID.Equals(guildId)))
                 tempdb = col.FindOne(c => c.ID.Equals(guildId));
                 tempdb = new GuildMessageStats()
                     ID = guildId, Users = new List <StatsUser>()
             this.Users = tempdb.Users;
     catch (Exception ex)
         GenericBot.Logger.LogErrorMessage($"Load Stats for {guildId} Failed: {ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}");
예제 #2
        public List <Command> GetAnalyticsCommand()
            List <Command> cmds = new List <Command>();

            Command analytics = new Command("analytics");

            analytics.RequiredPermission = Command.PermissionLevels.GlobalAdmin;
            analytics.Description        = "Get a ton of analytics information from the server";
            analytics.ToExecute         += async(client, msg, parameters) =>
                var stats    = new GuildMessageStats(msg.GetGuild().Id).DisposeLoader();
                var years    = stats.Years;
                var months   = years.SelectMany(y => y.Months);
                var days     = months.SelectMany(m => m.Days);
                var users    = days.SelectMany(d => d.Users);
                var commands = users.SelectMany(u => u.Commands);

                var    mostActiveIdOverall    = users.OrderByDescending(u => u.MessageCount).Take(3);
                string mostActiveUsersOverall = "";
                foreach (var id in mostActiveIdOverall)
                    if (msg.GetGuild().Users.HasElement(u => u.Id == id.UserId, out var us))
                        mostActiveUsersOverall += $"    {us.GetDisplayName()} (`{us}`) " +
                                                  $"(`{id.MessageCount}` messages, `{id.Commands.Sum(c => c.Value)}` commands)\n";
                        mostActiveUsersOverall += $"    Unknown User (`{mostActiveIdOverall}`) " +
                                                  $"(`{id.MessageCount}` messages, `{id.Commands.Sum(c => c.Value)}` commands)\n";

                var    MostUsedCommandInfoOverall = commands.OrderByDescending(c => c.Value).Take(3);
                string MostUsedCommandsOverall    = "";
                foreach (var cmd in MostUsedCommandInfoOverall)
                    MostUsedCommandsOverall += $"    {cmd.Key} (`{cmd.Value}` uses)\n";

                string info = $"Analytics for **{msg.GetGuild().Name}**\n\n" +
                              $"All Messages Logged: `{users.Sum(u => u.MessageCount)}`\n" +
                              $"All Commands Logged: `{commands.Sum(c => c.Value)}`\n" +
                              $"Most Active Users Overall: \n{mostActiveUsersOverall}" +
                              $"Most Used Commands Overall: \n{MostUsedCommandsOverall}";

                await msg.ReplyAsync(info);


예제 #3
        public List <Command> GetAnalyticsCommand()
            List <Command> cmds = new List <Command>();

            Command analytics = new Command("analytics");

            analytics.RequiredPermission = Command.PermissionLevels.GlobalAdmin;
            analytics.Description        = "Get a ton of analytics information from the server";
            analytics.ToExecute         += async(client, msg, parameters) =>
                var stats    = new GuildMessageStats(msg.GetGuild().Id);
                var users    = stats.Users.Where(u => u.Id != 0);
                var years    = users.SelectMany(u => u.Years);
                var months   = years.SelectMany(y => y.Months);
                var days     = months.SelectMany(m => m.Days);
                var commands = days.Where(d => d.Commands != null).SelectMany(d => d.Commands)
                               .GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value)
                               .Select(g => new KeyValuePair <string, int>(g.Key, g.Sum()))

                var    mostActiveIdOverall    = users.OrderByDescending(u => u.Years.Sum(y => y.Months.Sum(m => m.Days.Sum(d => d.MessageCount)))).Take(3);
                string mostActiveUsersOverall = "";
                foreach (var user in mostActiveIdOverall)
                    var commandCount = user.Years.Any(y => y.Months.Any(m => m.Days.Any(d => d.Commands != null))) ? user.Years.Sum(y => y.Months.Sum(m => m.Days.Where(d => d.Commands != null).Sum(d => d.Commands.Sum(c => c.Value)))) : 0;
                    if (msg.GetGuild().Users.HasElement(u => u.Id == user.Id, out var us))
                        mostActiveUsersOverall += $"    {us.GetDisplayName()} (`{us}`) " +
                                                  $"(`{user.Years.Sum(y => y.Months.Sum(m => m.Days.Sum(d => d.MessageCount)))}` messages, " +
                                                  $"`{commandCount}` commands)\n";
                        mostActiveUsersOverall += $"    Unknown User (`{user.Id}`) " +
                                                  $"(`{user.Years.Sum(y => y.Months.Sum(m => m.Days.Sum(d => d.MessageCount)))}` messages, " +
                                                  $"`{commandCount}` commands)\n";

                var    MostUsedCommandInfoOverall = commands.OrderByDescending(c => c.Value).Take(3);
                string MostUsedCommandsOverall    = "";
                foreach (var cmd in MostUsedCommandInfoOverall)
                    MostUsedCommandsOverall += $"    {cmd.Key} (`{cmd.Value}` uses)\n";

                string mostActiveUsersToday = "";
                var    mostActiveIdToday    = GetTopToday(users);
                foreach (var user in mostActiveIdToday)
                    if (msg.GetGuild().Users.HasElement(u => u.Id == user.Id, out var us))
                        mostActiveUsersToday += $"    {us.GetDisplayName()} (`{us}`) " +
                                                $"(`{MessageCountTodayByUser(user)}` messages)\n";
                        mostActiveUsersToday += $"    Unknown User (`{user.Id}`) " +
                                                $"(`{MessageCountTodayByUser(user)}` messages)\n";

                string info = $"Analytics for **{msg.GetGuild().Name}**\n\n";
                info += $"All Messages Logged: `{days.Sum(d => d.MessageCount)}`\n";
                info += $"All Commands Logged: `{commands.Sum(c => c.Value)}`\n";
                info += $"Most Active Users Overall: \n{mostActiveUsersOverall}";
                info += $"Most Used Commands Overall: \n{MostUsedCommandsOverall}";
                info += $"Most Active Users Today: \n{mostActiveUsersToday}";
                info += $"Users active overall: `{users.Count()}`\n";
                info += $"Users active this month: `{GetTotalThisMonth(users).Count()}`\n";
                info += $"Users active today: `{GetTotalToday(users).Count()}`\n";

                await msg.ReplyAsync(info);

