예제 #1
        private static void PHelper(CesNode node, out string oLeft, out string oRight)
            if (node.IsLeaf())
                oLeft  = oString + node.parent.leftChild.priceId;
                oRight = oString + node.parent.rightChild.priceId;

            if (node.leftChild.IsLeaf())
                oLeft = oString + node.leftChild.priceId;                           //not a leaf node
                oLeft = "1.0";

            if (node.rightChild.IsLeaf())
                oRight = oString + node.rightChild.priceId;                            //not a leaf node
                oRight = "1.0";
예제 #2
        public CesNode(CesNode left, CesNode right)
            this.sigma = "sigma" + CGE.volumeString + CGE.idCounter;
            this.nodeCounter = CGE.idCounter;
            this.priceId     = CGE.priceString + "_" + CGE.aggString + this.nodeCounter.ToString();
            this.volumeId    = CGE.volumeString + "_" + CGE.aggString + this.nodeCounter.ToString();

            this.childrenPriceId = new List <string>();
            if (left.childrenPriceId == null)
            if (right.childrenPriceId == null)

            this.childrenVolumeId = new List <string>();
            if (left.childrenVolumeId == null)
            if (right.childrenVolumeId == null)

            this.leftChild             = left;
            left.parent                = this;
            this.rightChild            = right;
            right.parent               = this;
            this.leftChild.isLeftNode  = true;
            this.rightChild.isLeftNode = false;
예제 #3
 static void Walk2(CesNode node)
     if (node.xCode != null)
     if (!node.IsLeaf())  //could just as well test .rightChild == null
         //Not a leaf node
예제 #4
        private static string GetCosts(CesNode node)
            string ss = null;

            if (node.IsLeaf())
                ss += "(o" + node.priceId + " * o" + node.volumeId + ")";
                for (int i = 0; i < node.childrenPriceId.Count; i++)
                    ss += "o" + node.childrenPriceId[i] + " * o" + node.childrenVolumeId[i] + " + ";
                ss = ss.Substring(0, ss.Length - 3);
                ss = "(" + ss + ")";
예제 #5
        static void Walk(CesNode node)
            if (!node.IsLeaf())  //could just as well test .rightChild == null
                //Not a leaf node

                string costNum = GetCosts(node.leftChild);
                string costDen = GetCosts(node);

                string oLeft;
                string oRight;
                PHelper(node, out oLeft, out oRight);

                node.pCode = "frml _i   " + node.priceId + " = " + "CES_UC(" + node.leftChild.priceId + node.leftChild.eff + "/" + oLeft + ", " + node.rightChild.priceId + node.rightChild.eff + "/" + oRight + ", " + costNum + " / " + costDen + ", " + node.sigma + ");";
                //Leaf node
                ccCode += node.priceId + " * " + node.volumeId + " + ";

            if (node.parent == null)
                string oLeft;
                string oRight;
                PHelper(node.parent, out oLeft, out oRight);
                string s = "CES_XR";
                if (node.isLeftNode)
                    s = "CES_XL";
                string xx = GetCosts(node.parent.leftChild);
                string zz = GetCosts(node);
                string yy = GetCosts(node.parent);
                if (node.IsLeaf())
                    zz = "o" + node.volumeId;
                string ww  = node.parent.volumeId;
                string yy2 = yy;
                string qq1 = null;
                string qq2 = null;
                string qq3 = null;
                if (node.parent.parent == null)
                    ww = activityString;
                    yy = oString + activityString;
                    //qq1 = "/" + node.volumeId.Replace("d", "eff");  //HACK HACK
                    //if (!node.parent.leftChild.priceId.Contains(aggString)) qq2 = qq1;
                    //if (!node.parent.rightChild.priceId.Contains(aggString)) qq3 = qq1;

                string right = zz + node.eff + " * " + s + "(" + ww + "/" + yy + " , " + node.parent.leftChild.priceId + node.parent.leftChild.eff + "/" + oLeft + qq2 + " , " + node.parent.rightChild.priceId + node.parent.rightChild.eff + "/ " + oRight + qq3 + " , " + xx + " / " + yy2 + ", " + node.parent.sigma + ");";
                if (node.volumeId.StartsWith("d") && ww.StartsWith("y"))
                    string uuu = node.volumeId.Replace("d", "y");  //HACK HACK
                    node.xCode = "frml _i   " + uuu + "=" + uuu + "+" + node.volumeId + " - " + right;
                    node.xCode = "frml _i   " + node.volumeId + " = " + right;
예제 #6
        public static void Run()
            StreamWriter sw1 = new StreamWriter(@"c:\Thomas\InterACT\CES\CES\ces.frm");
            StreamWriter sw2 = new StreamWriter(@"c:\Thomas\InterACT\CES\CES\ces.gcm");

            int nGoods = 10;

            string sigmaExport = "-0.30";  //must be negative!!
            string sigmaImport = "0.30";

            string alpha = "0.15"; //share
            string beta  = "0.15"; //share

            sw = sw2;
            Writeln("reset; cls;");
            Writeln("option print fields pdec 4;");

            Writeln("model ces;");
            Writeln("create #all;");
            Writeln("time 2000 2000;");

            //======= household demand ==========
            //======= household demand ==========
            //======= household demand ==========

            if (true)
                sw = sw1;

                prices  = new List <string>();
                volumes = new List <string>();
                sigmas  = new List <string>();

                activityString = "u";
                priceString    = "pc";
                volumeString   = "c";
                costString     = "costc";
                ccCode         = null;

                CesNode n1     = new CesNode("pc1", "c1");
                CesNode n2     = new CesNode("pc2", "c2");
                CesNode n3     = new CesNode("pc3", "c3");
                CesNode n4     = new CesNode("pc4", "c4");
                CesNode n5     = new CesNode("pc5", "c5");
                CesNode n6     = new CesNode("pc6", "c6");
                CesNode n7     = new CesNode("pc7", "c7");
                CesNode n8     = new CesNode("pc8", "c8");
                CesNode n9     = new CesNode("pc9", "c9");
                CesNode n10    = new CesNode("pc10", "c10");
                CesNode n_agg1 = new CesNode(n1, n2);
                CesNode n_agg2 = new CesNode(n_agg1, n3);
                CesNode n_agg3 = new CesNode(n4, n5);
                CesNode n_agg4 = new CesNode(n_agg2, n_agg3);
                CesNode n_agg5 = new CesNode(n6, n7);
                CesNode n_agg6 = new CesNode(n_agg4, n_agg5);
                CesNode n_agg7 = new CesNode(n8, n9);
                CesNode n_agg8 = new CesNode(n_agg6, n_agg7);
                CesNode n_agg9 = new CesNode(n_agg8, n10);
                CesNode n      = n_agg9;
                idCounter = 0;
                ccCode = ccCode.Substring(0, ccCode.Length - 3);
                Writeln("frml _i   " + costString + " = " + ccCode + ";");
                Writeln("frml _i   pu = " + costString + " / u;");

                // ----------------------------------

                sw = sw2;
                Writeln("series " + activityString + " = 1000; series " + oString + activityString + " = 1000;");
                foreach (string s in volumes)
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = 100; series " + oString + s + " = 100;");
                foreach (string s in prices)
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = 1; series " + oString + s + " = 1;");
                foreach (string s in sigmas)
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = 0.5;");
                Writeln("series sigmac1 = 1.5;");
                Writeln("series sigmac2 = 2.5;");
                Writeln("series sigmac3 = 0.5;");
                Writeln("series sigmac4 = 0.5;");
                Writeln("series sigmac5 = 0.5;");
                Writeln("series sigmac6 = 0.5;");
                Writeln("series sigmac7 = 0.5;");
                Writeln("series sigmac8 = 0.5;");
                Writeln("series sigmac9 = 0.5;");

            //if (true)

            //    sw = sw1;

            //    prices = new List<string>();
            //    volumes = new List<string>();
            //    sigmas = new List<string>();

            //    activityString = "u";
            //    priceString = "pc";
            //    volumeString = "c";
            //    costString = "costc";
            //    ccCode = null;

            //    CesNode n1 = new CesNode("pc1", "c1");
            //    CesNode n2 = new CesNode("pc2", "c2");
            //    CesNode n3 = new CesNode("pc3", "c3");
            //    CesNode n_agg1 = new CesNode(n1, n2);
            //    CesNode n_agg2 = new CesNode(n_agg1, n3);;
            //    CesNode n = n_agg2;
            //    idCounter = 0;
            //    Walk(n);
            //    Walk1(n);
            //    Walk2(n);
            //    ccCode = ccCode.Substring(0, ccCode.Length - 3);
            //    Writeln("frml _i   " + costString + " = " + ccCode + ";");
            //    Writeln("frml _i   pu = " + costString + " / u;");
            //    Writeln("");

            //    // ----------------------------------

            //    sw = sw2;
            //    Writeln("series " + activityString + " = 1000; series " + oString + activityString + " = 1000;");
            //    foreach (string s in volumes) Writeln("series " + s + " = 100; series " + oString + s + " = 100;");
            //    foreach (string s in prices) Writeln("series " + s + " = 1; series " + oString + s + " = 1;");
            //    foreach (string s in sigmas) Writeln("series " + s + " = 0.5;");
            //    Writeln("series sigmac1 = 1.5;");
            //    Writeln("series sigmac2 = 2.5;");
            //    Writeln("series sigmac3 = 0.5;");
            //    Writeln("series sigmac4 = 0.5;");
            //    Writeln("series sigmac5 = 0.5;");
            //    Writeln("series sigmac6 = 0.5;");
            //    Writeln("series sigmac7 = 0.5;");
            //    Writeln("series sigmac8 = 0.5;");
            //    Writeln("series sigmac9 = 0.5;");


            //======= production sectors ==========
            //======= production sectors ==========
            //======= production sectors ==========

            for (int i = 1; i <= nGoods; i++)
                sw = sw1;

                prices  = new List <string>();
                volumes = new List <string>();
                sigmas  = new List <string>();

                activityString = "y" + i;
                priceString    = "py" + i;
                volumeString   = "y" + i;
                costString     = "costy" + i;
                ccCode         = null;

                CesNode n1 = new CesNode("pk" + i, "k" + i, true);
                Writeln("frml _i   pk" + i + " = pk;");
                CesNode n2 = new CesNode("pl" + i, "l" + i, true);
                Writeln("frml _i   pl" + i + " = pl;");
                CesNode n3 = new CesNode("pve" + i, "ve" + i, true);
                Writeln("frml _i   pve" + i + " = pve;");
                CesNode n4 = new CesNode("pvm" + i, "vm" + i, true);
                Writeln("frml _i   pvm" + i + " = pvm;");
                CesNode n_agg1 = new CesNode(n1, n2);
                CesNode n_agg2 = new CesNode(n_agg1, n3);
                CesNode n_agg3 = new CesNode(n_agg2, n4);
                CesNode n      = n_agg3;
                idCounter = 0;
                ccCode = ccCode.Substring(0, ccCode.Length - 3);
                Writeln("frml _i   " + costString + " = " + ccCode + ";");

                // ----------------------------------

                sw = sw2;
                Writeln("series " + activityString + " = 100; series " + oString + activityString + " = 100;");
                foreach (string s in volumes)
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = 25; series " + oString + s + " = 25;");
                foreach (string s in prices)
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = 1; series " + oString + s + " = 1;");
                foreach (string s in sigmas)
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = 0.5;");
                Writeln("series eff_pk" + i + " = 1;");
                Writeln("series eff_pl" + i + " = 1;");
                Writeln("series eff_pve" + i + " = 1;");
                Writeln("series eff_pvm" + i + " = 1;");

            //======= import ==========
            //======= import ==========
            //======= import ==========

            for (int i = 1; i <= nGoods; i++)
                sw = sw1;

                prices  = new List <string>();
                volumes = new List <string>();
                sigmas  = new List <string>();

                activityString = "c" + i;
                priceString    = "pc" + i;
                volumeString   = "extra_c" + i;
                costString     = "costc" + i;
                ccCode         = null;

                CesNode n1     = new CesNode("pd" + i, "d" + i);
                CesNode n2     = new CesNode("pfx", "m" + i);
                CesNode n_agg1 = new CesNode(n1, n2);
                CesNode n      = n_agg1;
                idCounter = 0;
                ccCode = ccCode.Substring(0, ccCode.Length - 3);
                Writeln("frml _i   " + costString + " = " + ccCode + ";");

                // ----------------------------------

                sw = sw2;
                Writeln("series " + activityString + " = 100; series " + oString + activityString + " = 100;");
                foreach (string s in volumes)
                    string ss = beta;
                    if (s.StartsWith("d"))
                        ss = "(1-" + beta + ")";
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = " + beta + "; series " + oString + s + " = " + ss + " * 100;");
                foreach (string s in prices)
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = 1; series " + oString + s + " = 1;");
                foreach (string s in sigmas)
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = " + sigmaImport + ";");

            //======= export ==========
            //======= export ==========
            //======= export ==========

            for (int i = 1; i <= nGoods; i++)
                sw = sw1;

                prices  = new List <string>();
                volumes = new List <string>();
                sigmas  = new List <string>();

                activityString = "y" + i;
                priceString    = "extra_py" + i;
                volumeString   = "extra_y" + i;
                costString     = "extra_costy" + i;
                ccCode         = null;

                CesNode n1     = new CesNode("pd" + i, "d" + i);
                CesNode n2     = new CesNode("pfx", "e" + i);
                CesNode n_agg1 = new CesNode(n1, n2);
                CesNode n      = n_agg1;
                idCounter = 0;
                ccCode = ccCode.Substring(0, ccCode.Length - 3);
                Writeln("frml _i   " + costString + " = " + ccCode + ";");

                // ----------------------------------

                sw = sw2;
                Writeln("series " + activityString + " = 100; series " + oString + activityString + " = 100;");
                foreach (string s in volumes)
                    string ss = alpha;
                    if (s.StartsWith("d"))
                        ss = "(1-" + alpha + ")";
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = " + alpha + "; series " + oString + s + " = " + ss + " * 100;");
                foreach (string s in prices)
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = 1; series " + oString + s + " = 1;");
                foreach (string s in sigmas)
                    Writeln("series " + s + " = " + sigmaExport + ";");

            //======= finishing ==========
            //======= finishing ==========
            //======= finishing ==========

            sw = sw1;
            string sumK  = null;
            string sumL  = null;
            string sumVE = null;
            string sumVM = null;
            string sumE  = null;
            string sumM  = null;

            for (int i = 1; i <= nGoods; i++)
                Writeln("frml _i   py" + i + " = costy" + i + "/y" + i + ";");
                Writeln("frml _i   pd" + i + " = pd" + i + " + py" + i + " - (extra_costy" + i + "/y" + i + ");");
                Writeln("frml _i   pc" + i + " = costc" + i + "/c" + i + ";");
                //Writeln("frml _i   y" + i + " = c" + i + ";");
                sumK  += "k" + i + " + ";
                sumL  += "l" + i + " + ";
                sumVE += "ve" + i + " + ";
                sumVM += "vm" + i + " + ";
                sumE  += "e" + i + " + ";
                sumM  += "m" + i + " + ";
            Writeln("frml _i   k = " + sumK.Substring(0, sumK.Length - 3) + ";");
            Writeln("frml _i   l = " + sumL.Substring(0, sumL.Length - 3) + ";");  //leisure c11 can be added here
            Writeln("frml _i   ve = " + sumVE.Substring(0, sumVE.Length - 3) + ";");
            Writeln("frml _i   vm = " + sumVM.Substring(0, sumVM.Length - 3) + ";");
            Writeln("frml _i   e = " + sumE.Substring(0, sumE.Length - 3) + ";");
            Writeln("frml _i   m = " + sumM.Substring(0, sumM.Length - 3) + ";");

            Writeln("frml _i   pfx = pfx + e - m;");

            sw = sw2;
            Writeln("series k = 250; series pk = 1;");
            Writeln("series l = 250; series pl = 1;");
            Writeln("series ve = 250; series pve = 1;");
            Writeln("series vm = 250; series pvm = 1;");

            Writeln("endo pk, u, pve, pvm;");
            Writeln("exo k, l, ve, vm;");

            Writeln("write data0;");

            Writeln("ser eff_pk1 * 1.01;");
            Writeln("ser eff_pl1 * 1.01;");
            Writeln("ser eff_pve1 * 1.01;");
            Writeln("ser eff_pvm1 * 1.01;");

            Writeln("write data1;");

            Writeln("prt<q>py1, pd1, pc1, pfx;");
            Writeln("prt<q>py2, pd2, pc2, pfx;");

            Writeln("prt<q>y1, d1, c1, m1, e1;");
            Writeln("prt<q>y2, d2, c2, m2, e2;");

            Writeln("prt<q>k1, l1, ve1, vm1;");
            Writeln("prt<q>k2, l2, ve2, vm2;");

            Writeln("tell'y = e + d,   c = d + m   --> c = y + m - e';");
            Writeln("tell'py1 * y1 = pk1 * k1 + pl1 * l1 + pve1 * ve1 + pvm1 * vm1';");
            Writeln("tell'py1 * y1 = pd1 * d1 + pfx * e1    ==> vha pd1';");
            Writeln("tell'pc1 * c1 = pd1 * d1 + pfx * m1';");

            Writeln("tell'                    U';");
            Writeln("tell'                   /';");
            Writeln("tell'                  /';");
            Writeln("tell'                 C';");
            Writeln("tell'                /\\';");
            Writeln("tell'               /  \\';");
            Writeln("tell'              M    D    E';");
            Writeln("tell'                    \\  /';");
            Writeln("tell'                     \\/';");
            Writeln("tell'                     Y';");
            Writeln("tell'                    / \\';");
            Writeln("tell'                   /   \\';");
            Writeln("tell'                  K     L ...';");

            Writeln("prt<q dec=8 width=20>u;");

            sw1.Flush(); sw1.Close();
            sw2.Flush(); sw2.Close();