public static IntPtr WebBrowserGetInterface <T>(T geckoWebBrowser, nsIWebBrowser instance, ref Guid uuid) where T : IGeckoWebBrowser { object obj = geckoWebBrowser; // note: when a new window is created, gecko calls GetInterface on the webbrowser to get a DOMWindow in order // to set the starting url if (instance != null) { if (uuid == typeof(nsIDOMWindow).GUID) { obj = instance.GetContentDOMWindowAttribute(); } else if (uuid == typeof(nsIDOMDocument).GUID) { obj = new WebIDL.Window(instance.GetContentDOMWindowAttribute(), (nsISupports)instance.GetContentDOMWindowAttribute()).Document; } } IntPtr ppv, pUnk = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(obj); Marshal.QueryInterface(pUnk, ref uuid, out ppv); Marshal.Release(pUnk); return(ppv); }
protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e) { if (BaseWindow != null) { this.Stop(); WindowMediator.UnregisterWindow(this); if (_weakRef != null) { _weakRef.Dispose(); _weakRef = null; } nsIDocShell docShell = Xpcom.QueryInterface <nsIDocShell>(BaseWindow); if (docShell != null && !docShell.IsBeingDestroyed()) { try { var window = Xpcom.QueryInterface <nsIDOMWindow>(docShell); if (window != null) { try { var w = new WebIDL.Window(window, (nsISupports)window); if (!w.Closed) { w.Close(); } } finally { Xpcom.FreeComObject(ref window); } } } finally { Xpcom.FreeComObject(ref docShell); } } if (EventTarget != null) { RemoveFrameEvents(); DetachEvents(); EventTarget.Dispose(); EventTarget = null; } BaseWindow.Destroy(); Xpcom.FreeComObject(ref CommandParams); var webBrowserFocus = this.WebBrowserFocus; this.WebBrowserFocus = null; Xpcom.FreeComObject(ref webBrowserFocus); Xpcom.FreeComObject(ref WebNav); Xpcom.FreeComObject(ref BaseWindow); Xpcom.FreeComObject(ref WebBrowser); if ( != null) {;; = null; } #if GTK if (m_wrapper != null) { m_wrapper.Dispose(); m_wrapper = null; } #endif } base.OnHandleDestroyed(e); }