예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute all tests according to the provided context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ExitCode RunTests(UnrealTestOptions ContextOptions)
            if (ContextOptions.Verbose)
                Gauntlet.Log.Level = Gauntlet.LogLevel.Verbose;

            if (ContextOptions.VeryVerbose)
                Gauntlet.Log.Level = Gauntlet.LogLevel.VeryVerbose;

            if (ParseParam("log"))
                if (!Directory.Exists(ContextOptions.LogDir))

                // include test names and timestamp in log filename as multiple (parallel or sequential) Gauntlet tests may be outputting to same directory
                string LogPath = Path.Combine(ContextOptions.LogDir, string.Format("GauntletLog{0}-{1}.txt", ContextOptions.TestList.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (SB, T) => SB.AppendFormat("-{0}", T.ToString())).ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString(@"yyyy.MM.dd.HH.mm.ss")));
                Gauntlet.Log.Verbose("Writing Gauntlet log to {0}", LogPath);

            // prune our temp folder
            Utils.SystemHelpers.CleanupMarkedDirectories(ContextOptions.TempDir, 7);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContextOptions.Build))
                throw new AutomationException("No builds specified. Use -builds=p:\\path\\to\\build");

            if (typeof(UnrealBuildSource).IsAssignableFrom(ContextOptions.BuildSourceType) == false)
                throw new AutomationException("Provided BuildSource type does not inherit from UnrealBuildSource");

            // make -test=none implicit if no test is supplied

            if (ContextOptions.TestList.Count == 0)
                Gauntlet.Log.Info("No test specified, creating default test node");

            bool EditorForAllRoles = Globals.Params.ParseParam("editor") || string.Equals(Globals.Params.ParseValue("build", ""), "editor", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (EditorForAllRoles)
                Gauntlet.Log.Verbose("Will use Editor for all roles");

            Dictionary <UnrealTargetRole, UnrealTestRoleContext> RoleContexts = new Dictionary <UnrealTargetRole, UnrealTestRoleContext>();

            // Default platform to the current os
            UnrealTargetPlatform      DefaultPlatform      = BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform;
            UnrealTargetConfiguration DefaultConfiguration = UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development;

            // todo, pass this in as a BuildSource and remove the COntextOption params specific to finding builds
            UnrealBuildSource BuildInfo = (UnrealBuildSource)Activator.CreateInstance(ContextOptions.BuildSourceType, new object[] { ContextOptions.Project, ContextOptions.UsesSharedBuildType, Environment.CurrentDirectory, ContextOptions.Build, ContextOptions.SearchPaths });

            // Setup accounts

            List <ITestNode> AllTestNodes = new List <ITestNode>();

            bool InitializedDevices = false;

            HashSet <UnrealTargetPlatform> UsedPlatforms = new HashSet <UnrealTargetPlatform>();

            // for all platforms we want to test...
            foreach (ArgumentWithParams PlatformWithParams in ContextOptions.PlatformList)
                string PlatformString = PlatformWithParams.Argument;

                // combine global and platform-specific params
                Params CombinedParams = new Params(ContextOptions.Params.AllArguments.Concat(PlatformWithParams.AllArguments).ToArray());

                UnrealTargetPlatform PlatformType;

                if (!Enum.TryParse <UnrealTargetPlatform>(PlatformString, true, out PlatformType))
                    throw new AutomationException("Unable to convert platform '{0}' into an UnrealTargetPlatform", PlatformString);

                if (!InitializedDevices)
                    // Setup the devices and assign them to the executor
                    SetupDevices(PlatformType, ContextOptions);
                    InitializedDevices = true;

                //  Create a context for each process type to operate as
                foreach (UnrealTargetRole Type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetRole)))
                    UnrealTestRoleContext Role = new UnrealTestRoleContext();

                    // Default to these
                    Role.Type          = Type;
                    Role.Platform      = DefaultPlatform;
                    Role.Configuration = DefaultConfiguration;

                    // globally, what was requested (e.g -platform=PS4 -configuration=Shipping)
                    UnrealTargetPlatform      RequestedPlatform      = PlatformType;
                    UnrealTargetConfiguration RequestedConfiguration = ContextOptions.Configuration;

                    // look for FooConfiguration, FooPlatform overrides.
                    // e.g. ServerConfiguration, ServerPlatform
                    string PlatformRoleString = Globals.Params.ParseValue(Type.ToString() + "Platform", null);
                    string ConfigString       = Globals.Params.ParseValue(Type.ToString() + "Configuration", null);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlatformRoleString) == false)
                        RequestedPlatform = (UnrealTargetPlatform)Enum.Parse(typeof(UnrealTargetPlatform), PlatformRoleString, true);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigString) == false)
                        RequestedConfiguration = (UnrealTargetConfiguration)Enum.Parse(typeof(UnrealTargetConfiguration), ConfigString, true);

                    // look for -clientargs= and -editorclient etc
                    Role.ExtraArgs = Globals.Params.ParseValue(Type.ToString() + "Args", "");
                    bool UsesEditor = EditorForAllRoles || Globals.Params.ParseParam("Editor" + Type.ToString());

                    if (UsesEditor)
                        Gauntlet.Log.Verbose("Will use Editor for role {0}", Type);

                    Role.Skip = Globals.Params.ParseParam("Skip" + Type.ToString());

                    if (Role.Skip)
                        Gauntlet.Log.Verbose("Will use NullPlatform to skip role {0}", Type);

                    // TODO - the below is a bit rigid, but maybe that's good enough since the "actually use the editor.." option
                    // is specific to clients and servers

                    // client can override platform and config
                    if (Type.IsClient())
                        Role.Platform      = RequestedPlatform;
                        Role.Configuration = RequestedConfiguration;

                        if (UsesEditor)
                            Role.Type          = UnrealTargetRole.EditorGame;
                            Role.Platform      = DefaultPlatform;
                            Role.Configuration = UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development;
                    else if (Type.IsServer())
                        // server can only override config
                        Role.Configuration = RequestedConfiguration;

                        if (UsesEditor)
                            Role.Type          = UnrealTargetRole.EditorServer;
                            Role.Platform      = DefaultPlatform;
                            Role.Configuration = UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development;

                    Gauntlet.Log.Verbose("Mapped Role {0} to RoleContext {1}", Type, Role);

                    RoleContexts[Type] = Role;


                UnrealTestContext Context = new UnrealTestContext(BuildInfo, RoleContexts, ContextOptions);

                IEnumerable <ITestNode> TestNodes = CreateTestList(Context, CombinedParams, PlatformWithParams);


            bool AllTestsPassed = ExecuteTests(ContextOptions, AllTestNodes);

            // dispose now, not during shutdown gc, because this runs commands...


            return(AllTestsPassed ? ExitCode.Success : ExitCode.Error_TestFailure);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called after command line params are applied. Perform any checks / fixup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InParams"></param>
        public virtual void ParametersWereApplied(string[] InParams)
            // save params
            this.Params = new Params(InParams);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TempDir))
                TempDir = Globals.TempDir;
                Globals.TempDir = TempDir;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LogDir))
                LogDir = Globals.LogDir;
                Globals.LogDir = LogDir;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sandbox))
                Sandbox = Project;

            // parse platforms. These will be in the format of Win64(param1,param2='foo,bar') etc

            // check for old-style -platform=Win64(params)
            List <string> PlatformArgStrings = Params.ParseValues("Platform=");

            // check for convenience flags of -Win64(params) (TODO - need to think about this..)

            /*foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform Plat in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetPlatform)))
             * {
             *      IEnumerable<string> RawPlatformArgs = InParams.Where(P => P.ToLower().StartsWith(Plat.ToString().ToLower()));
             *      PlatformArgStrings.AddRange(RawPlatformArgs);
             * }*/

            // now turn the Plat(param1,param2) etc into an argument/parm pair
            PlatformList = PlatformArgStrings.SelectMany(P => ArgumentWithParams.CreateFromString(P)).ToList();

            List <string> TestArgStrings = Params.ParseValues("test=");

            // clear all tests incase this is called multiple times

            if (TestArgStrings.Count == 0)
                TestArgStrings = Params.ParseValues("tests=");

            foreach (string TestArg in TestArgStrings)
                foreach (ArgumentWithParams TestWithParms in ArgumentWithParams.CreateFromString(TestArg))
                    TestRequest Test = new TestRequest()
                        TestName = TestWithParms.Argument, TestParams = new Params(TestWithParms.AllArguments)

                    // parse any specified platforms
                    foreach (string PlatformArg in Test.TestParams.ParseValues("Platform="))
                        List <ArgumentWithParams> PlatParams = ArgumentWithParams.CreateFromString(PlatformArg);

                        // register platform in test options
                        PlatParams.ForEach(TestPlat => { if (PlatformList.Where(Plat => Plat.Argument == TestPlat.Argument).Count() == 0)


            if (PlatformList.Count == 0)
                // Default to local platform
                PlatformList.Add(new ArgumentWithParams(BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform.ToString(), new string[0]));

            // do we have any tests? Need to check the global test list
            bool HaveTests = TestList.Count > 0 || PlatformList.Where(Plat => Plat.ParseValues("test").Count() > 0).Count() > 0;

            // turn -device=BobsKit,BobsKit(PS4) into a device list
            List <string> DeviceArgStrings = Params.ParseValues("device=");

            if (DeviceArgStrings.Count == 0)
                DeviceArgStrings = Params.ParseValues("devices=");

            DeviceList = DeviceArgStrings.SelectMany(D => ArgumentWithParams.CreateFromString(D)).ToList();

            if (DeviceList.Count == 0)
                // Add the default test
                DeviceList.Add(new ArgumentWithParams("default", new string[0]));

            // remote all -test and -platform arguments from our params. Nothing else should be looking at these now...
            string[] CleanArgs = Params.AllArguments
                                 .Where(Arg => !Arg.StartsWith("test=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                        !Arg.StartsWith("platform=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                        !Arg.StartsWith("device=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            Params = new Params(CleanArgs);