public static string test(Garage <Vehicle> garage, int c) { Car car = new Car(); car.RegNr = "123abc"; car.Colour = "Blue"; car.NbrOFSeats = 5; car.FuelType = "Gasole"; car.TypOfEngine = "V8"; car.TypOfModel = "Combie"; car.Brand = "BMW"; car.WheelDrive = "Front"; Airplane aplane = new Airplane(); aplane.RegNr = "456def"; aplane.Colour = "White"; aplane.NbrOFSeats = 65; aplane.FuelType = "Infants"; aplane.TypOfEngine = "Jet"; aplane.TypOfModel = "Private"; aplane.WingSpan = 50; Tank tank = new Tank(); tank.RegNr = "789ghi"; tank.Colour = "Olive"; tank.NbrOFSeats = 3; tank.FuelType = "Disel"; tank.TypOfEngine = "Tractor"; tank.TypOfModel = "Scout"; tank.Caliber = 50; garage.AddToArray(car); garage.AddToArray(aplane); garage.AddToArray(tank); return(car.Stats() + aplane.Stats() + tank.Stats()); }
public static string AddAirplane(Garage <Vehicle> garage) { Airplane aplane = new Airplane(); Console.WriteLine("What is the Registration Number of the Airplane?"); Console.Write("> "); aplane.RegNr = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Scene.title(); Console.WriteLine("What Colour is the airplane?"); Console.Write("> "); aplane.Colour = Console.ReadLine(); aplane.NbrOFSeats = EnvisInmat(); Console.Clear(); Scene.title(); Console.WriteLine("What fuel does the airplane use?"); Console.Write("> "); aplane.FuelType = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Scene.title(); Console.WriteLine("What engine does the airplane have?"); Console.Write("> "); aplane.TypOfEngine = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Scene.title(); Console.WriteLine("What model is the airplane?"); Console.Write("> "); aplane.TypOfModel = Console.ReadLine(); bool y = true; while (y) { try { Console.Clear(); Scene.title(); Console.WriteLine("What is the wingspan?"); Console.Write("> "); aplane.WingSpan = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); y = false; } catch { Console.Clear(); Scene.title(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number"); Console.ReadKey(); y = true; } } Console.Clear(); Scene.title(); Console.WriteLine(aplane.Stats()); Console.ReadKey(); garage.AddToArray(aplane); return(aplane.Stats()); }
private static void CreateAndParkVehicleMenu(Garage <Vehicle> garage) { // Todo: check first if the garage is full?? var input = Utils.AskForNumber("Which vehicle do you want to park?" + "\n1. Airplane" + "\n2. Boat" + "\n3. Bus" + "\n4. Car" + "\n5. Motorcycle" + "\n0. Go back to the garage menu" + "\n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "); var promptRegNumber = "Registration number:"; var promptFabricant = "Brand:"; var promptNumberOfWheels = "Number of wheels:"; var promptColor = "Color:"; var promptYearOfProduction = "Year of production:"; switch (input) { case 1: var airplane = new Airplane( regnumber: Utils.AskForInput(promptRegNumber), fabricant: Utils.AskForInput(promptFabricant), numberofwheels: Utils.AskForNumber(promptNumberOfWheels), color: Utils.AskForInput(promptColor), productionyear: Utils.AskForNumber(promptYearOfProduction), numberofengines: Utils.AskForNumber("Number of engines:") ); handler.ParkVehicle(garage, airplane); CreateAndParkVehicleMenu(garage); break; case 2: var boat = new Boat( regnumber: Utils.AskForInput(promptRegNumber), fabricant: Utils.AskForInput(promptFabricant), numberofwheels: Utils.AskForNumber(promptNumberOfWheels), color: Utils.AskForInput(promptColor), productionyear: Utils.AskForNumber(promptYearOfProduction), length: Utils.AskForNumber("Length:") ); handler.ParkVehicle(garage, boat); CreateAndParkVehicleMenu(garage); break; case 3: var bus = new Bus( regnumber: Utils.AskForInput(promptRegNumber), fabricant: Utils.AskForInput(promptFabricant), numberofwheels: Utils.AskForNumber(promptNumberOfWheels), color: Utils.AskForInput(promptColor), productionyear: Utils.AskForNumber(promptYearOfProduction), numberofseats: Utils.AskForNumber("Number of seats:") ); handler.ParkVehicle(garage, bus); CreateAndParkVehicleMenu(garage); break; case 4: var car = new Car( regnumber: Utils.AskForInput(promptRegNumber), fabricant: Utils.AskForInput(promptFabricant), numberofwheels: Utils.AskForNumber(promptNumberOfWheels), color: Utils.AskForInput(promptColor), productionyear: Utils.AskForNumber(promptYearOfProduction), fueltype: Utils.AskForInput("Fuel type:") ); handler.ParkVehicle(garage, car); CreateAndParkVehicleMenu(garage); break; case 5: var motorcycle = new Motorcycle( regnumber: Utils.AskForInput(promptRegNumber), fabricant: Utils.AskForInput(promptFabricant), numberofwheels: Utils.AskForNumber(promptNumberOfWheels), color: Utils.AskForInput(promptColor), productionyear: Utils.AskForNumber(promptYearOfProduction), cylindervolume: Utils.AskForNumber("Cylinder volume:") ); handler.ParkVehicle(garage, motorcycle); CreateAndParkVehicleMenu(garage); break; case 0: GarageMenu(garage); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please make a valid selection!\n"); CreateAndParkVehicleMenu(garage); break; } }