protected Arrow( Node targetNode, CodeTree code) { TargetNode = targetNode; Code = code; }
public MergeArrow( Node targetNode, CodeTree code, string?debugSceneId, string debugSourceName) : base(targetNode, code) { DebugSceneId = debugSceneId; DebugSourceName = debugSourceName; }
public ReturnArrow( Node targetNode, CodeTree code) : base(targetNode, code) { }
public World( string sourceDirectory) { // Load all the graphml files in the source directory. var sourcePaths = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDirectory, "*.graphml"); if (sourcePaths.Length < 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format($"no .graphml files in directory {sourceDirectory}")); } Node?hopefullyFirstNode = null; Settings = LoadSettings(sourceDirectory); NodesByUniqueId = new Dictionary <string, Node>(); ReactionArrowsByUniqueId = new Dictionary <string, ReactionArrow>(); // Create a temporary list of actions from the nodes in the graphml that have scene IDs, so we can link merges to them in this routine later. var nodesBySceneId = new Dictionary <string, Node>(); // Create a temporary list of merges that need to be linked to actions by scene ID. var mergeFixups = new List <MergeArrow>(); var settingsReportWriter = new StreamWriter("settings.csv", false); settingsReportWriter.WriteLine("SETTING,OPERATION,VALUE,FILE"); foreach (var sourcePath in sourcePaths) { var sourceName = Path.GetFileName(sourcePath); // Create a temporary list of actions from the nodes in the graphml, so we can link arrows to them in this routine later. var nodesByNodeId = new Dictionary <string, Node>(); var graphml = new Graphml(File.ReadAllText(sourcePath)); foreach (var(nodeId, label) in graphml.Nodes()) { Node node = new Node(sourceName, nodeId, new CodeTree(label, sourceName, Settings)); NodesByUniqueId[sourceName + ":" + nodeId] = node; EvaluateSettingsReport(node.ActionCode, sourceName, settingsReportWriter); nodesByNodeId.Add(nodeId, node); // Check if there's a [scene ID] declaration. var declaredSceneId = EvaluateScene(node.ActionCode); if (declaredSceneId != null) { if (nodesBySceneId.ContainsKey(declaredSceneId)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format($"{sourceName}: Scene '{declaredSceneId}' declared twice")); } nodesBySceneId.Add(declaredSceneId, node); if (declaredSceneId == "start") { if (hopefullyFirstNode != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format($"{sourceName}: More than one start scene")); } hopefullyFirstNode = node; } } } // Create and attach merges and reactions to the actions we just created. foreach (var(edgeId, sourceNodeId, targetNodeId, label) in graphml.Edges()) { // Point the arrow to its target action. if (!nodesByNodeId.TryGetValue(targetNodeId, out var targetNode)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format($"{sourceName}: Internal error: no node declaration for referenced target node '{targetNodeId}'")); } var code = new CodeTree(label, sourceName, Settings); EvaluateSettingsReport(code, sourceName, settingsReportWriter); var(isMerge, referencedSceneId, isReturn) = EvaluateArrowType(code); Arrow arrow; if (isMerge) { var mergeArrow = new MergeArrow(targetNode, code, referencedSceneId, sourceName); if (referencedSceneId != null) { mergeFixups.Add(mergeArrow); } arrow = mergeArrow; } else if (isReturn) { arrow = new ReturnArrow(targetNode, code); } else { var reactionArrow = new ReactionArrow(targetNode, code, sourceName, edgeId); ReactionArrowsByUniqueId[reactionArrow.UniqueId] = reactionArrow; arrow = reactionArrow; } // Add the arrow to the source action's arrows. if (!nodesByNodeId.TryGetValue(sourceNodeId, out var sourceNode)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format($"{sourceName}: Internal error: no node declaration for referenced source node '{sourceNodeId}'")); } sourceNode.Arrows.Add(arrow); } } // Make a second pass to point merges that reference scenes to the scene's first action. foreach (var mergeArrow in mergeFixups) { if (mergeArrow.DebugSceneId == null) #pragma warning disable CA1303 // Do not pass literals as localized parameters { throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal error: unexpected null scene ID"); } #pragma warning restore CA1303 // Do not pass literals as localized parameters if (!nodesBySceneId.TryGetValue(mergeArrow.DebugSceneId, out var targetSceneNode)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format($"No scene declaration for referenced scene ID '{mergeArrow.DebugSceneId}'")); } mergeArrow.TargetSceneNode = targetSceneNode; } settingsReportWriter.Close(); if (hopefullyFirstNode == null) #pragma warning disable CA1303 // Do not pass literals as localized parameters { throw new InvalidOperationException("No start scene found."); } #pragma warning restore CA1303 // Do not pass literals as localized parameters FirstNode = hopefullyFirstNode; // Some helper functions. Dictionary <string, Setting> LoadSettings( string sourceDirectory) { var result = new Dictionary <string, Setting>(); // This is just a quick, cheesy way to load this. foreach (var words in File.ReadLines(Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, "settings.txt")) .Select(line => line.Split(' '))) { switch (words[0]) { case "score": // ex. 'score brave' result.Add(words[1], new ScoreSetting()); break; case "flag": // ex. 'flag tvOn' result.Add(words[1], new BooleanSetting(false)); break; case "string": result.Add(words[1], new StringSetting("")); break; // Ignore anything else as comments. } } return(result); } string?EvaluateScene( CodeTree codeTree) { return(codeTree.Traverse() .OfType <SceneCode>() .Select(sceneCode => sceneCode.SceneId) .Cast <string?>() .DefaultIfEmpty(null) .First()); } (bool, string?, bool) EvaluateArrowType( CodeTree codeTree) { bool isMerge = false; bool isReturn = false; string?referencedSceneId = null; foreach (var code in codeTree.Traverse()) { switch (code) { case MergeCode mergeCode: if (isReturn) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format($"Can't return and merge in the same arrow in\n{codeTree.SourceText}.")); } isMerge = true; referencedSceneId = mergeCode.SceneId; break; case ReturnCode returnCode: if (isMerge) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format($"Can't merge and return in the same arrow in\n{codeTree.SourceText}.")); } isReturn = true; break; } } return(isMerge, referencedSceneId, isReturn); } void EvaluateSettingsReport( CodeTree codeTree, string sourceName, StreamWriter writer) { var sourceNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceName); foreach (var code in codeTree.Traverse()) { switch (code) { case SetCode setCode: Write("set", setCode.Expressions); break; case WhenCode whenCode: Write("when", whenCode.Expressions); break; case IfCode ifCode: Write("if", ifCode.Expressions); break; //case ScoreCode scoreCode: // Write("score", scoreCode.Ids.Select(id => new Expression(false, id, null))); // break; } } void Write( string operation, IEnumerable <Expression> expressions) { foreach (var expression in expressions) { var line = ""; line += expression.LeftId; line += ","; line += operation; if (expression.Not) { line += " not"; } line += ","; if (expression.RightId != null) { line += expression.RightId; } line += ","; line += sourceNameWithoutExtension; writer.WriteLine(line); } } } }