예제 #1
        /* start Program */
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            /* start main */

            Game game = new Game();
예제 #2
 // Constructors
 public Battle(Game currentGame, Party goodGuyParty)
     mGame = currentGame;
     mGoodGuys = goodGuyParty;
예제 #3
        // Methods
        public static Dungeon getInstance(Game game, View view)
            if (mDungeon == null)
                mDungeon = new Dungeon(game, view);

            return mDungeon;
예제 #4
 public void SetGame(Game g)
     mGame = g;
예제 #5
        // reference needed to give items to party;
        // Constructors
        private Dungeon(Game game, View views)
            mGame = game;
            view = views;

            // This is going to be a set size for the grid.
            // mGrid = new Grid(5, 5);

            // Create static grid array.
            staticGrid = new DungeonEnum[5, 5] { {DungeonEnum.FREESPACE, DungeonEnum.WALL, DungeonEnum.ITEM, DungeonEnum.ITEM, DungeonEnum.ITEM},
                                                 {DungeonEnum.ITEM, DungeonEnum.FREESPACE, DungeonEnum.WALL, DungeonEnum.FREESPACE, DungeonEnum.WALL},
                                                 {DungeonEnum.FREESPACE, DungeonEnum.FREESPACE, DungeonEnum.ITEM, DungeonEnum.FREESPACE, DungeonEnum.ITEM},
                                                 {DungeonEnum.WALL, DungeonEnum.ITEM, DungeonEnum.WALL, DungeonEnum.FREESPACE, DungeonEnum.WALL},
                                                 {DungeonEnum.ITEM, DungeonEnum.FREESPACE, DungeonEnum.ITEM, DungeonEnum.ITEM, DungeonEnum.FREESPACE}};

            mGrid = new Grid(5, 5, staticGrid);

            // Keeps track of the location of players on 5 by 5 gird.
            //playerLocation = new int[5, 5];
            playerLocationRow = 0;
            playerLocationColumn = 0;

            // Player begin at top left corner of grid.
            //playerLocation[0, 0] = 1;

            // Set starting tile and dragon tile
            Tile[,] sTiles = mGrid.GetTiles();

            // Set the dragon image on last tile
            sTiles[4, 4].TileType = DungeonEnum.DRAGON;

            // Make sure that the first tile is a freespace
            sTiles[0, 0].TileType = DungeonEnum.FREESPACE;