예제 #1
        public void Apply(ref Matrix4 world)
            var mat = ScopedObject.Find <Material>();

            if (mat == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no active material.");
            var shader = mat.Shader;

            Matrix4 wvp;

            Matrix4.Mult(ref _view, ref _projection, out wvp);
            Matrix4.Mult(ref world, ref wvp, out wvp);

            Matrix4 wv;

            Matrix4.Mult(ref world, ref _view, out wv);

            Matrix4 nw = wv;

            nw.M41 = nw.M42 = nw.M43 = 0f;

            shader.Uniform("World", ref world);
            shader.Uniform("WorldView", ref wv);
            shader.Uniform("WorldViewProjection", ref wvp);
            shader.Uniform("NormalMatrix", ref nw);
예제 #2
        public virtual void Draw(Vector3 pos, float scaleX = 1f, float scaleY = 1f, float rotation = 0f)
            var cam = ScopedObject.Find <Camera> ();

            if (cam == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no active camera.");

            Matrix4 world;

            Matrix4.CreateTranslation(ref pos, out world);
            if (scaleX != 1f || scaleY != 1f)
                Matrix4 tmp = Matrix4.Scale(scaleX, scaleY, 1f);
                Matrix4.Mult(ref tmp, ref world, out world);
            if (rotation != 0f)
                Matrix4 tmp;
                Matrix4.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitZ, rotation, out tmp);
                Matrix4.Mult(ref tmp, ref world, out world);

            this.Draw(ref world);
예제 #3
        protected override void OnDraw(ref Matrix4 world)
            var cam = ScopedObject.Find <Camera> ();

            if (cam == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no active camera.");

            var mat = ScopedObject.Find <Material>();

            if (mat == null)
                using (_material.Begin()) {
                    cam.Apply(ref world);
                    using (_vbuffer.Begin()) {
                        _ibuffer.Draw(_ioffset, _icount);
                cam.Apply(ref world);
                using (_vbuffer.Begin()) {
                    _ibuffer.Draw(_ioffset, _icount);
예제 #4
        protected override void OnBegin()
            var mat = ScopedObject.Find <Material>();

            if (mat == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no active material.");
            if (ScopedObject.Find <VertexBuffer>() != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("there is already an active vertex buffer.");

                        #if __DESKTOP__

            var stride = _format.Stride * sizeof(float);
            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, _handle);

            foreach (var el in _format.Elements)
                var loc = mat.Shader.Attribute(el.Name);
                if (loc >= 0)
                    GL.VertexAttribPointer(loc, el.Size, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, stride, (IntPtr)(el.Offset * sizeof(float)));
예제 #5
        public void Save(string path)
            if (ScopedObject.Find <FrameBuffer>() != this)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("FBO must be active to save its contents.");

            using (var stream = Assets.ResolveUserStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
예제 #6
        protected override void OnBegin()
            if (ScopedObject.Find <Material>() != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is already an active material.");
            if (_shader == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The material has no shader.");

예제 #7
        public void Draw(ref Matrix4 world)
            IBatchable batchable;
            Batch      batch;

            if ((batchable = this as IBatchable) != null && (batch = ScopedObject.Find <Batch> ()) != null)
                batch.Draw(batchable, ref world);
                this.OnDraw(ref world);
예제 #8
        public void Save(Stream stream)
            if (ScopedObject.Find <FrameBuffer>() != this)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("FBO must be active to save its contents.");

            var img = new byte[_size.Width * _size.Height * 4];

            GL.PixelStore(PixelStoreParameter.PackAlignment, 4);
            GL.ReadPixels(0, 0, _size.Width, _size.Height, PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.UnsignedByte, img);
            var buf = PngLoader.Encode(img, Size);

            stream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
예제 #9
        protected override void OnEnd()
            var mat = ScopedObject.Find <Material>();

            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, 0);
            if (mat != null)
                foreach (var el in _format.Elements)
                    var loc = mat.Shader.Attribute(el.Name);
                    if (loc >= 0)
예제 #10
파일: Batch.cs 프로젝트: Milstein/GameStack
        protected override void OnEnd()
            var cam = ScopedObject.Find <Camera>();

            if (cam == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no active camera.");

            if (_vbuffer == null || _ibuffer == null)

            using (_material.Begin()) {
                cam.Apply(ref Matrix4.Identity);
                using (_vbuffer.Begin()) {
                    _ibuffer.Draw(0, _iidx);
예제 #11
파일: Mesh.cs 프로젝트: Milstein/GameStack
        public void Draw(ref Matrix4 world)
            var cam = ScopedObject.Find <Camera>();

            if (cam == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no active camera.");
            var lights = ScopedObject.Find <Lighting>();

            if (_bones != null)
                if (_boneSet == null)
                    _boneSet = new HashSet <Node>(_bones.Select(b => b.Node));
                var identity = Matrix4.Identity;
                foreach (var node in _node.Parent.Children)
                    if (node != _node)
                        this.PrepareBoneTransforms(node, ref identity);
                if (_node.Children != null)
                    foreach (var child in _node.Children)
                        this.PrepareBoneTransforms(child, ref identity);

            var mat = ScopedObject.Find <Material>();

            if (mat == null)
                using (_material.Begin()) {
                    cam.Apply(ref world);
                    if (lights != null)
                        lights.Apply(ref world);
                    if (_bones != null && _bones.Length > 0)
                        _material.Shader.Uniform("Bones[0]", _boneTransforms);
                    using (_vbuffer.Begin()) {
                cam.Apply(ref world);
                if (lights != null)
                    lights.Apply(ref world);
                if (_bones != null && _bones.Length > 0)
                    mat.Shader.Uniform("Bones[0]", _boneTransforms);
                using (_vbuffer.Begin()) {
예제 #12
 public Scope(ScopedObject obj)
     _obj = obj;
예제 #13
        public void Apply(ref Matrix4 world)
            var mat = ScopedObject.Find <Material>();

            if (mat == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A material must be in scope to use lighting.");
            var cam = ScopedObject.Find <Camera>();

            if (cam == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A camera must be in scope to use lighting.");
            var shader = mat.Shader;

            if (shader.MaxNumLights == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The selected shader does not support lights.");
            if (shader.MaxNumLights < _lights.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many lights for the selected shader.");

            var view    = cam.View;
            var viewRot = view;


            var locType     = shader.Uniform("LightType[0]");
            var locVector   = shader.Uniform("LightVector[0]");
            var locAmbient  = shader.Uniform("LightAmbient[0]");
            var locDiffuse  = shader.Uniform("LightDiffuse[0]");
            var locSpecular = shader.Uniform("LightSpecular[0]");
            var locAtten    = shader.Uniform("LightAttenuation[0]");

            for (var i = 0; i < _lights.Length; i++)
                var light = _lights[i];
                if (locType >= 0)
                    GL.Uniform1(locType + i, (int)light.Type);
                if (locVector >= 0)
                    var v = light.Vector;
                    if (light.Type == LightType.Directional)
                        Vector3.Transform(ref v, ref viewRot, out v);
                    else if (light.Type == LightType.Point)
                        Vector3.Transform(ref v, ref view, out v);
                    GL.Uniform3(locVector + i, v);
                if (locAmbient >= 0)
                    GL.Uniform3(locAmbient + i, light.Ambient);
                if (locDiffuse >= 0)
                    GL.Uniform3(locDiffuse + i, light.Diffuse);
                if (locSpecular >= 0)
                    GL.Uniform3(locSpecular + i, light.Specular);
                if (locAtten >= 0)
                    GL.Uniform3(locAtten + i, light.Attenuation);