//constructor public PhaseTwoGame(Hero player, HeroType fighterType) { Player = player; FighterType = fighterType; //getting list of planets in game PlanetsInGame = new List <Planet>() { Planets.GetRentor(), Planets.GetSerenno() }; //getting ally Ally = SideCharacters.GetBoKatan(fighterType); }
//constructor public PhaseOneGame(Hero player, HeroType fighterType) { Player = player; FighterType = fighterType; //getting list of planet in game PlanetsInGame = new List <Planet>() { Planets.GetDuroPlanet(), Planets.GetDathomirPlanet() }; //getting ally Ally = SideCharacters.GetHondoOhnaka(); }
//constructor public PhaseThreeGame(Hero player, HeroType fighterType) { Player = player; FighterType = fighterType; //getting list of planet in game PlanetsInGame = new List <Planet>() { Planets.GetMustafar(), Planets.GetNaboo() }; //getting ally Ally = SideCharacters.GetBobaFett(); }