/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="args">The position and velocity of the bullet + the health/damage</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Entity BuildEntity(Entity e, params object[] args)
            e.Group = "Enemies";

            #region Sprite

            //Builds a sprite using "redshot3" (arbitrary). TODO: FIX DIS BITCH HELLA D
            string spriteKey = "redspikeball";
            if (args.Length > 3)
                spriteKey = (string)args[3];
            Sprite bulletSprite = e.AddComponent<Sprite>(new Sprite(_SS, spriteKey, 0.54f + (float)num / 1000000f));

            #endregion Sprite

            #region Body

            //Creates a body based off of the position and velocity supplied in the args list.
            Body bitch = e.AddComponent<Body>(new Body(_World, e));

            bitch.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

            bitch.Position = (Vector2)args[0];
            bitch.LinearVelocity = (Vector2)args[1];

                ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(bulletSprite.CurrentRectangle.Width / 2),
                ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(bulletSprite.CurrentRectangle.Height / 2),
                6, 1, bitch);

            bitch.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat4;
            bitch.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3;

            #endregion Body

            #region Health

            //Creates health based off of the third parameter of the build entity.
            Health bulletHealth = e.AddComponent<Health>(new Health((int)args[2]));
            bulletHealth.OnDeath +=
            ent =>
                _World.CreateEntityGroup("BigExplosion", "Explosions", bitch.Position, 10, e, e.GetComponent<IVelocity>().LinearVelocity);


            bitch.OnCollision +=
                (f1, f2, c) =>
                    bulletHealth.SetHealth(f2.UserData as Entity, 0.0);
                    return true;

            #endregion Health

            return e;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="args">The position and velocity of the bullet + the health/damage</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Entity BuildEntity(Entity e, params object[] args)
            e.Group = "Fire";

            #region Sprite

            Sprite fireSprite = e.AddComponent<Sprite>(new Sprite(_SS, "minifire", 0.55f + (float)num / 1000000f));

            #endregion Sprite

            #region Body

            //Creates a body based off of the position and velocity supplied in the args list.
            Body bitch = e.AddComponent<Body>(new Body(_World, e));

            bitch.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

            bitch.Position = (Vector2)args[0];
            bitch.LinearVelocity = (Vector2)args[1];
            bitch.IsBullet = true;
            bitch.SleepingAllowed = false;

                ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(fireSprite.CurrentRectangle.Width / 2),
                ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(fireSprite.CurrentRectangle.Height / 2),
                6, 1, bitch);

            bitch.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat4;
            bitch.CollidesWith = Category.Cat1 | Category.Cat3;
            bitch.OnCollision +=
                (f1, f2, c) =>
                    if (f2.Body.UserData != null && f2.Body.UserData is Entity)
                        if ((f2.Body.UserData as Entity).Group != "Crystals")
                                (f2.Body.UserData as Entity).GetComponent<Health>().SetHealth(f1.Body.UserData as Entity,
                                    (f2.Body.UserData as Entity).GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth
                                    - 3);
                            catch { } //Lol nullreferenceexception bitch
                    return false;

            #endregion Body

            return e;
        public Entity BuildEntity(Entity e, params object[] args)
            Entity ent = args[0] as Entity;
            Vector2 offset = (Vector2)args[1];
            Vector2 velocity = -ent.GetComponent<Body>().LinearVelocity;
            string spriteKey = "bluespark";

            Vector2 center = new Vector2(_SpriteSheet[spriteKey][0].Center.X, _SpriteSheet[spriteKey][0].Center.Y);

            Sprite s = e.AddComponent<Sprite>(new Sprite(_SpriteSheet, spriteKey, 1));
            Animation a = e.AddComponent<Animation>(new Animation(AnimationType.Once, 5));
            ITransform i = new Transform(ent.GetComponent<Body>().Position + offset, 0f);
            IVelocity v = new Velocity(velocity, 0f);
            e.AddComponent<Particle>(new Particle(e, i.Position, i.Rotation, v.LinearVelocity, v.AngularVelocity));
            e.Group = "Explosions";

            return e;
        public Entity BuildEntity(Entity e, params object[] args)
            float magnitude = (float)args[0];

            int power = (int)args[3];
            string spriteKey = "splosion" + power.ToString();

            Vector2 center = new Vector2(_SpriteSheet[spriteKey][0].Center.X, _SpriteSheet[spriteKey][0].Center.Y);

            Sprite s = e.AddComponent<Sprite>(new Sprite(_SpriteSheet, spriteKey, 0.97f));
            Animation a = e.AddComponent<Animation>(new Animation(AnimationType.Once, 5));

            //ITransform i = e.AddComponent<ITransform>(new Transform((Vector2)args[1], 0f));

            if (power == 1)
                e.AddComponent<Origin>(new Origin(args[5] as Entity));

            Particle p = e.AddComponent<Particle>(new Particle(e, (Vector2)args[1], 0f, (args.Length > 4) ? (Vector2)args[4] : Vector2.Zero, 0f));
            e.Group = "Explosions";

            Explode((Entity)args[2], 1, p.Position, 3, magnitude);

            return e;
예제 #5
        public Entity BuildEntity(Entity e, params object[] args)
            e.Group = "Base";
            e.Tag = "Base";

            #region Body

            Body Body = e.AddComponent<Body>(new Body(world, e));
                FixtureFactory.AttachEllipse(//Add a basic bounding box (rectangle status)
                    ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(spriteSheet.Animations["base"][0].Width / 2f),
                    ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(spriteSheet.Animations["base"][0].Height / 2f),
                Body.Position = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(new Vector2(0, 0));
                Body.BodyType = GameLibrary.Dependencies.Physics.Dynamics.BodyType.Static;
                Body.CollisionCategories = GameLibrary.Dependencies.Physics.Dynamics.Category.Cat6 | GameLibrary.Dependencies.Physics.Dynamics.Category.Cat16;
                Body.CollidesWith = GameLibrary.Dependencies.Physics.Dynamics.Category.Cat2 | GameLibrary.Dependencies.Physics.Dynamics.Category.Cat4 | GameLibrary.Dependencies.Physics.Dynamics.Category.Cat5 | GameLibrary.Dependencies.Physics.Dynamics.Category.Cat16;

                Body.SleepingAllowed = false;

            #endregion Body

            #region Sprite

            Sprite Sprite = e.AddComponent<Sprite>(
                new Sprite(spriteSheet, "base",
                    Body, 1, Color.White, 0.1f));

            #endregion Sprite

            e.AddComponent<Score>(new Score());

            int health = 40;
            #if DEBUG
            health = 1000000;
            Health h = new Health(health);
            h.OnDeath += LambdaComplex.BigEnemyDeath(e, world as SpaceWorld, 0);

            h.OnDamage +=
                ent =>
                    SoundManager.SetVibration(0.25f, 0.15f);


                    double healthFraction = (h.CurrentHealth / h.MaxHealth);

                    if (healthFraction >= 0.33 && Sprite.FrameIndex == 2)
                        Sprite.FrameIndex = 1;
                    else if (healthFraction < 0.33 && Sprite.FrameIndex == 1)
                        Sprite.FrameIndex = 2;
                        SoundManager.SetVibration(0.3f, 0.3f);

                    else if (healthFraction >= 0.66 && Sprite.FrameIndex == 1)
                        Sprite.FrameIndex = 0;
                    else if (healthFraction < 0.66 && Sprite.FrameIndex == 0)
                        Sprite.FrameIndex = 1;
                        SoundManager.SetVibration(0.3f, 0.3f);



            e.AddComponent<HealthRender>(new HealthRender());

            return e;