public int ReduceCharacterHealth(GameCharacter gameCharacter) { return(gameCharacter.Health - AttackPoints); }
public int ReduceEnemiesHealth(GameCharacter gameCharacter) { return(Health - gameCharacter.AttackPoints); }
static void Main(string[] args) { GameCharacter character1 = new GameCharacter("Gander", "Warrior", "Slingshot", 10, 3); /* //Exercise 1: * character1.Name = "Gander"; * character1.CharacterType = "Warrior"; * character1.WeaponOfChoice = "Slingshot"; * character1.Health = 10; * character1.AttackPoints = 3; */ string attack = character1.Attack(); Console.WriteLine(attack); //Exercise 2: Enemy enemyObject = new Enemy(5, 10); /* enemyObject.AttackPoints = 5; * enemyObject.Health = 10; */ Console.WriteLine($"Game character health before attack is: {character1.Health}"); character1.Health = enemyObject.ReduceCharacterHealth(character1); Console.WriteLine($"Game character health after attack is: {character1.Health}"); //Challenge: Console.WriteLine($"Enemy health before attack is {enemyObject.Health}"); enemyObject.Health = enemyObject.ReduceEnemiesHealth(character1); Console.WriteLine($"Enemy health after attack is {enemyObject.Health}"); //Exercise 4: GameCharacter character2 = new GameCharacter("Ares", 20); Console.WriteLine(character2.GetHealthValue()); //Challenge GameCharacter character3 = new GameCharacter("Zeus", "Lightning Rod"); Console.WriteLine(character3.Attack()); //Exercise 5: Console.WriteLine(enemyObject.GetHealthValue()); //Exercise 6: character1.Health = Potions.IncreaseHealthBy10(character1.Health); Console.WriteLine(character1.GetHealthValue()); //Challenge: enemyObject.Health = Potions.DecreaseHealthBy10(enemyObject.Health); Console.WriteLine(enemyObject.GetHealthValue()); //Versus Game Challenge GameCharacter characterOne = new GameCharacter("Captain America", "Hero Soldier", "Shield", 100, 10); GameCharacter characterTwo = new GameCharacter("IronMan", "Billonaire Hero", "Suit of Iron", 75, 20); Enemy enemyOne = new Enemy(10, 30); Enemy bossEnemy = new Enemy(50, 30); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the RPG Game. Please choose a character (1)Captain America (2)Ironman"); string userChoice = ""; GameCharacter userCharacter = null; bool isValid = false; while (isValid == false) { userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); if (userChoice == "1") { userCharacter = characterOne; isValid = true; } else if (userChoice == "2") { userCharacter = characterTwo; isValid = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Please choose a valid option."); } } Console.WriteLine("Here are your player stats:"); Console.WriteLine($"Name: {userCharacter.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"Character Type: {userCharacter.CharacterType}"); Console.WriteLine($"Weapon of Choice: {userCharacter.WeaponOfChoice}"); Console.WriteLine($"Health: {userCharacter.Health}"); Console.WriteLine($"Attack Points: {userCharacter.AttackPoints}"); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to face (1)Enemy One or (2)Enemy Two"); Enemy enemyChoice = null; isValid = false; string enemyNumber = ""; while (isValid == false) { userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); if (userChoice == "1") { enemyChoice = enemyOne; enemyNumber = "enemy one"; isValid = true; } else if (userChoice == "2") { enemyChoice = bossEnemy; enemyNumber = "enemy two"; isValid = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Please choose a valid option."); } } Console.WriteLine($"You are currently facing {enemyNumber} who has health of {enemyChoice.Health} and attack points of {enemyChoice.AttackPoints}"); while (true) { if (userCharacter.Health > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Choose an action (1)Attack (2)Use Heal Potion (3)Use Harm Potion on opponent"); string userAction = Console.ReadLine(); switch (userAction) { case "1": userCharacter.Attack(); enemyChoice.Health = enemyChoice.ReduceEnemiesHealth(userCharacter); Console.WriteLine(enemyChoice.GetHealthValue()); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine($"{userCharacter.Name} is using a heal potion."); userCharacter.Health = Potions.IncreaseHealthBy10(userCharacter.Health); Console.WriteLine(userCharacter.GetHealthValue()); break; case "3": Console.WriteLine($"{userCharacter.Name} is using a harm potion on the enemy."); enemyChoice.Health = Potions.DecreaseHealthBy10(enemyChoice.Health); Console.WriteLine(enemyChoice.GetHealthValue()); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please choose a valid option"); break; } if (enemyChoice.Health > 0) { Console.WriteLine($"The enemy attacks with {enemyChoice.AttackPoints} points."); userCharacter.Health = enemyChoice.ReduceCharacterHealth(userCharacter); Console.WriteLine(userCharacter.GetHealthValue()); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Enemy has been defeated"); break; } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{userCharacter.Name} has been defeated"); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Game over, Press ENTER to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }