static void CommunicateWithClient(object objData) { ClientData clientData = (ClientData)objData; string input; while ((input = TransferHelper.Receive(clientData.ClientSocket)) != null) { Console.WriteLine(input); string[] splittedData = input.Split('/'); if (splittedData[0] == "button") { _game.Move((int)Char.GetNumericValue(splittedData[1][1]), (int)Char.GetNumericValue(splittedData[1][2]), clientData.Name == Game.TicTacToe.Players.X); } else if (splittedData[0] == "restart") { SendAll("restart"); if (_isOConnected && _isXConnected) { SendAll("start"); } TransferHelper.Send("turn/false", clientData.ClientSocket); _game = new Game.TicTacToe(); } foreach (ClientData client in _clients) { TransferHelper.Send(input, client.ClientSocket); if (clientData != client) { TransferHelper.Send("turn/true", client.ClientSocket); } if (_game.IsWinner(clientData.Name == Game.TicTacToe.Players.X)) { TransferHelper.Send("win/" + clientData.Name + " wins the game", client.ClientSocket); } else if (_game.IsDraw()) { TransferHelper.Send("draw", client.ClientSocket); } } } clientData.ClientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); clientData.ClientSocket.Close(); _clients.Remove(clientData); Console.WriteLine($"{clientData.Name} disconnected."); SendAll("disconnected"); if (clientData.Name == Game.TicTacToe.Players.X) { _isXConnected = false; } else { _isOConnected = false; } }
// Application entry point public static void Main(string[] args) { bool play = true; while (play) { //Instantiate TicTacToe.Play(); //Ask the user if they want to play again play = PlayAgain(); } //Exit Message Console.WriteLine("Maybe next time! Have a great day!"); }
// Application entry point public static void Main(string[] args) { //Need a bool to allow the user to play multiple times if they choose. bool playTicTacToe = true; while (playTicTacToe) { //Instantiate TicTacToe.Play(); //Play Again? playTicTacToe = PlayAgain(); } //Exit message Console.WriteLine("Maybe next time. Have a great day!"); }
// Application entry point static void Main(string[] args) { bool play = true; while (play) { //instantiate TicTacToe.Play(); //Play Againg play = PlayAgain(); } //Create an exit message Console.WriteLine("OK! This was fun"); Console.WriteLine("Can't wait to play again!"); Console.WriteLine("Have a great day!!"); }
public static void Main() { // Makes new game instance TicTacToe game = new TicTacToe(); // Main game loop while (game.running) { // Checks which player playing TRUE if X false if O char playing = game.turn ? 'X' : 'O'; // Shows current state of board and which player's turn it is Console.WriteLine("\n" + playing + " TURN!\n"); Console.WriteLine(game.board.toString()); int x = -1; // Gets new X position from player while their input is not valid while (x < 0 || x > 3) { Console.Write("Enter x position: "); x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) - 1; } int y = -1; // Gets new Y position from player while their input is not valid while (y < 0 || y > 3) { Console.Write("Enter y position: "); y = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) - 1; } // If the move they want to make is not valid, don't make the move. And that // player has to go again when the game loops. if (game.board.isValid(x, y)) { // change who's turn it is game.turn = !game.turn; // make the move game.board.makePlay(x, y, playing); // check if the move the player just made was a winning move, if so, stop the game // loop and set the winner. if (game.board.checkWinner(playing)) { game.running = false; game.winner = playing.ToString(); } // if board is full and there was no winner, stop the game loop and set winner // to NONE if (game.board.isFull() && game.running) { game.running = false; game.winner = "NONE"; } } } // Prints final state of board Console.WriteLine("\n" + game.board.toString()); // Prints winner Console.WriteLine("WINNER: " + game.winner); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string hostName = Dns.GetHostName(); IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); foreach (var ip in Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName).AddressList) { if (!ip.ToString().Contains(":") && !ip.ToString().Equals("")) { ipAddress = ip; } } int port = int.Parse(GetData("port")); Console.WriteLine($"IP address: {ipAddress}"); IPEndPoint ipPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port); Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); socket.Bind(ipPoint); socket.Listen(10); while (true) { if (!_isXConnected || !_isOConnected) { Socket clientSocket = socket.Accept(); if (clientSocket != null) { ClientData data = null; if (!_isXConnected) { _isXConnected = true; data = new ClientData(clientSocket, Game.TicTacToe.Players.X); TransferHelper.Send("playerSign/" + data.Name, clientSocket); } else { _isOConnected = true; data = new ClientData(clientSocket, Game.TicTacToe.Players.O); TransferHelper.Send("playerSign/" + data.Name, clientSocket); } foreach (ClientData client in _clients) { if (client != data) { TransferHelper.Send("turn/true", client.ClientSocket); } else { TransferHelper.Send("turn/false", client.ClientSocket); } } Console.WriteLine($"{data.Name} connected"); _clients.Add(data); Thread thread = new Thread(CommunicateWithClient); thread.Start(data); if (_isOConnected && _isXConnected) { SendAll("start"); _game = new Game.TicTacToe(); } } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { TicTacToe.RunGame(PlayerType.Player, PlayerType.Random, Board.DEFAULT_SIZE); Console.ReadLine(); }