private void panel2_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to close the server?", "[SRX] Closing...", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { Systems.UpdateServerInfo(0); Environment.Exit(0); } }
public void Manager_Work() { Framework.Ini ini; // Begin connection to our database. Systems.MsSQL.OnDatabaseError += new Systems.MsSQL.dError(db_OnDatabaseError); // Read our database settings from our ini file. Systems.MsSQL.OnConnectedToDatabase += new Systems.MsSQL.dConnected(db_OnConnectedToDatabase); // Check if our ini file excists. string sqlConnect = @"Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=silk;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;"; string sIpIPC = ""; string sIpServer = ""; UInt16 iPortIPC = 15780; UInt16 iPortServer = 15780; UInt16 iPortCmd = 10101; if (System.IO.File.Exists("./Settings/Settings.ini")) { //Load our ini file ini = new Framework.Ini(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Settings\Settings.ini"); //Read line below given value. sqlConnect = ini.GetValue("Database", "connectionstring", @"Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=silk;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;").ToString(); //Load our rates. Game.Rate.Gold = Convert.ToByte(ini.GetValue("Rates", "Goldrate", 1)); Game.Rate.Item = Convert.ToByte(ini.GetValue("Rates", "Droprate", 1)); Game.Rate.Xp = Convert.ToByte(ini.GetValue("Rates", "XPrate", 1)); Game.Rate.Sp = Convert.ToByte(ini.GetValue("Rates", "SPrate", 1)); Game.Rate.Sox = Convert.ToByte(ini.GetValue("Rates", "Sealrate", 1)); Game.Rate.Elixir = Convert.ToByte(ini.GetValue("Rates", "Elixirsrate", 1)); Game.Rate.Alchemyd = Convert.ToByte(ini.GetValue("Rates", "Alchemyrate", 1)); Game.Rate.ETCd = Convert.ToByte(ini.GetValue("Rates", "ETCrate", 1)); Game.Rate.Spawns = Convert.ToByte(ini.GetValue("Rates", "Spawnrate", 1)); iPortIPC = Convert.ToUInt16(ini.GetValue("IPC", "port", 15780)); sIpIPC = ini.GetValue("IPC", "ip", ""); iPortServer = Convert.ToUInt16(ini.GetValue("Server", "port", 15780)); sIpServer = ini.GetValue("Server", "ip", ""); iPortCmd = Convert.ToUInt16(ini.GetValue("CMD", "port", 10101)); Game.Systems.maxSlots = Convert.ToInt32(ini.GetValue("Server", "MaxSlots", 100)); } else { Game.Rate.Gold = 1; Game.Rate.Item = 1; Game.Rate.Xp = 1; Game.Rate.Sp = 1; Game.Rate.Sox = 1; Game.Rate.Elixir = 1; Game.Rate.Alchemyd = 1; Game.Rate.ETCd = 1; Game.Rate.Spawns = 1; Game.Systems.maxSlots = 100; } Systems.MsSQL.Connection(sqlConnect); // create servers try { net = new Systems.Server(); net.OnConnect += new Systems.Server.dConnect(_OnClientConnect); net.OnError += new Systems.Server.dError(_ServerError); Systems.ServerStartedTime = DateTime.Now; Systems.Client.OnReceiveData += new Systems.Client.dReceive(_OnReceiveData); Systems.Client.OnDisconnect += new Systems.Client.dDisconnect(_OnClientDisconnect); #region CommandServer StartUp cmd = new Systems.CommandServer(); cmd.OnCommandReceived += new Systems.CommandServer.dCommandReceived(_command); #endregion #region IPC Server StartUp Systems.IPC = new Servers.IPCServer(); Systems.IPC.OnReceive += new Servers.IPCServer.dOnReceive(_OnIPC); Systems.LoadServers("LoginServers.ini", 15779); #endregion } catch (Exception) { //Activity(err); } Game.Systems.CheckDirectories(); Game.File.FileLoad.Load(this); //Update serverlist info Game.Systems.clients.update += new EventHandler(Users.updateServerList); //Load random unique monsters. Random rand = new Random(); Game.GlobalUnique.StartTGUnique(rand.Next(10, 20) * 60000, 600); //Random spawn tiger girl Game.GlobalUnique.StartUriUnique(rand.Next(10, 20) * 60000, 600); //Random spawn urichi Game.GlobalUnique.StartIsyUnique(rand.Next(10, 20) * 60000, 600); //Random spawn isy Game.GlobalUnique.StartLordUnique(rand.Next(10, 20) * 60000, 600); //Random spawn lord yarkan Game.GlobalUnique.StartDemonUnique(rand.Next(10, 20) * 60000, 600); //Random spawn demon shaitan Game.GlobalUnique.StartCerbUnique(rand.Next(10, 20) * 60000, 600); //Random spawn cerberus Game.GlobalUnique.StartMedusa(rand.Next(10, 20) * 90000, 600); //Random spawn medusa Game.GlobalUnique.StartNeith(rand.Next(10, 20) * 90000, 600); //Random spawn neith //Game.GlobalUnique.StartSphinx (rand.Next(10, 20) * 90000, 600); //Random spawn medusa Game.GlobalUnique.StartIsis(rand.Next(10, 20) * 90000, 600); //Random spawn isis //Game.GlobalUnique.StartRoc (rand.Next(10, 20) * 90000, 600); //Random spawn roc Game.GlobalUnique.StartIvyUnique(rand.Next(10, 20) * 60000, 600); //Random spawn captain ivy // start listening servers cmd.Start("", iPortCmd); Systems.IPC.Start(sIpIPC, iPortIPC); net.Start(sIpServer, iPortServer); Systems.UpdateServerInfo(); // main loop lastPromote = DateTime.Now; Thread check = new Thread(run); check.Start(); while (check.IsAlive) { Thread.Sleep(10); if (lastPromote.AddSeconds(60) < DateTime.Now) { lastPromote = DateTime.Now; Systems.UpdateServerInfo(); } } Systems.UpdateServerInfo(0); net.ServerCheck(false); }
public static void ExecuteCommand(string aCommand, Socket aSocket) { try { if (aCommand != null) { string[] command = aCommand.Split(' '); if (command[0] == "/help") { if (aSocket == null) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine(" Ingame notice: Type 1 space then message."); Console.WriteLine(" //clear"); Console.WriteLine(" //repairitems"); Console.WriteLine(" //respawn_unique"); Console.WriteLine(" //shutdown"); Console.WriteLine(" //manager"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; } else { sendSocket(aSocket, "Ingame notice: Type 1 space then message." + Environment.NewLine); sendSocket(aSocket, " //clear = cleanup unused memory" + Environment.NewLine); sendSocket(aSocket, " //repairitems" + Environment.NewLine); sendSocket(aSocket, " //respawn_unique" + Environment.NewLine); sendSocket(aSocket, " //shutdown" + Environment.NewLine); } } else if (command[0] == "//clear") { System.GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(0, GCCollectionMode.Forced); sendSocket(aSocket, "done memory cleanup" + Environment.NewLine); } else if (command[0] == "//manager") { if (aSocket == null) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.Run(new Main()); } } else if (command[0] == "//shutdown") { byte waitTime = 5; if (command.Length > 1) { waitTime = System.Convert.ToByte(command[1]); } if (aSocket != null) { aSocket.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("SHUTDOWN_START" + Environment.NewLine)); } lock (Systems.clients) { Console.WriteLine("{0}stopping server and sending notice to clients ...", Game.Global.Product.Prefix); sendSocket(aSocket, "SHUTDOWN: stopping server and sending notice to clients ..." + Environment.NewLine); net.ServerCheck(true); net.Stop(); // disable any new connection try { Systems.SendAll(Packet.ChatPacket(7, 0, "The server is stopping, your information will be saved.", "")); Systems.SendAll(Packet.StartingLeaveGame(waitTime, 0)); } catch { } Thread.Sleep(waitTime); Console.WriteLine("@SHUTDOWN: logoff clients ..."); sendSocket(aSocket, "@SHUTDOWN: logoff clients ..." + Environment.NewLine); while (Systems.clients.Count > 0) { try { try { Systems.clients[0].Send(Packet.EndLeaveGame()); } catch { } //Ignore new character case (used for disconnect kick). Systems c = new Systems(); Systems.clients[0].Disconnect("normal"); } catch { } } } sendSocket(aSocket, "SHUTDOWN_END" + Environment.NewLine); cancelServer = true; Systems.UpdateServerInfo(0); //Environment.Exit(0); } else if (command[0] == "//repairitems") { int fixeditem = 0; Systems.MsSQL ms = new Systems.MsSQL("SELECT * FROM char_items"); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader = ms.Read()) { while (reader.Read()) { short amount = reader.GetInt16(7); if (amount < 1) { fixeditem++; amount = 1; Systems.MsSQL.InsertData("UPDATE char_items SET quantity='" + amount + "' WHERE itemnumber='" + "item" + reader.GetByte(5) + "' AND owner='" + reader.GetInt32(3) + "' AND itemid='" + reader.GetInt32(2) + "'"); } } } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.WriteLine("@Gameserver: Items Repaired: {0}", fixeditem); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; sendSocket(aSocket, String.Format("@Gameserver: Items Repaired: {0}", fixeditem) + Environment.NewLine); } else if (command[0] == "//respawn_unique") { Game.GlobalUnique.StartTGUnique(6000 * 10, 6000 * 10); Game.GlobalUnique.StartUriUnique(7000 * 10, 7000 * 10); Game.GlobalUnique.StartIsyUnique(8000 * 10, 8000 * 10); Game.GlobalUnique.StartLordUnique(9000 * 10, 9000 * 10); Game.GlobalUnique.StartDemonUnique(10000 * 10, 10000 * 10); Game.GlobalUnique.StartCerbUnique(11000 * 10, 11000 * 10); Game.GlobalUnique.StartIvyUnique(11000 * 10, 11000 * 10); //Game.GlobalUnique.StartRoc(11000 * 10, 11000 * 10); Game.GlobalUnique.StartMedusa(11000 * 10, 11000 * 10); Game.GlobalUnique.StartNeith(11000 * 10, 11000 * 10); //Game.GlobalUnique.StartSphinx(11000 * 10, 11000 * 10); Game.GlobalUnique.StartIsis(11000 * 10, 11000 * 10); sendSocket(aSocket, "done respawn" + Environment.NewLine); } else if (command[0] == "") { string information = aCommand; Game.Systems c = new Game.Systems(); Game.Systems.SendAll(c.sendnoticecon(7, 0, information, "")); Console.WriteLine("Notice: " + information); sendSocket(aSocket, "Sent Notice: " + information + Environment.NewLine); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Program.Main {0}", ex); } }