public override void AttackCommand(Entity target) { if (!motor.Reachable(target.position)) { return; } if ( == { foreach (var collector in target.GetComponents <ResourceCollectionPoint>()) { if (collector.resourceId == resourceId) { this.collector = collector; motor.Stop(); is_idle = false; moving_to_collector = true; } } } foreach (var resource in target.GetComponents <ResourceSource>()) { if (resource.resourceId == resourceId && !resource.occupied) { this.resource = resource; motor.Stop(); is_idle = false; moving_to_collector = false; } } }
public override void OnTick() { if (collector != null && !collector.entity.isAlive) { collector = null; } if (resource != null && !resource.entity.isAlive) { resource = null; } if (resource != null && resource.occupied) { resource = null; } if (is_idle) { return; } if (moving_to_collector) { if (collector == null) { // Find the nearest collector. var ent = World.current.entities .Where(e => == && e.GetComponents <ResourceCollectionPoint>().Any(s => s.resourceId == resourceId)) .OrderBy(e =>, e.position)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (ent != null) { collector = ent.GetComponents <ResourceCollectionPoint>().Where(s => s.resourceId == resourceId).FirstOrDefault(); } } if (collector == null) { motor.Stop(); is_idle = true; return; } var dist = DVector3(entity.position.x, 0, entity.position.z), new DVector3(collector.entity.position.x, 0, collector.entity.position.z)); if (dist < 3) { motor.Stop(); // At the dropoff, disgorge the tank contents. var transfered = DReal.Min(fill, fillRate * World.deltaTime); collector.Receive(transfered); fill -= transfered; } else { motor.MoveTo(collector.entity.position); } // If the tank is empty, move to the resource. if (fill <= 0) { moving_to_collector = false; motor.Stop(); } } else { if (resource != null && resource.remainingCount <= 0) { resource = null; } if (resource == null) { // Find the nearest resource. var ent = World.current.entities .Where(e => e.GetComponents <ResourceSource>().Any(s => s.resourceId == resourceId && s.remainingCount > 0 && !s.occupied)) .OrderBy(e =>, e.position)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (ent != null) { resource = ent.GetComponents <ResourceSource>().Where(s => s.resourceId == resourceId && s.remainingCount > 0 && !s.occupied).FirstOrDefault(); } } if (resource == null) { motor.Stop(); moving_to_collector = true; return; } var dist = DVector3(entity.position.x, 0, entity.position.z), new DVector3(resource.entity.position.x, 0, resource.entity.position.z)); if (dist < 3) { motor.Stop(); // At the pickup, fill the tank. var transfered = DReal.Min(capacity - fill, fillRate * World.deltaTime); fill += resource.Take(transfered); } else { motor.MoveTo(resource.entity.position); } // If the tank is full, move to the collector. if (fill >= capacity) { moving_to_collector = true; motor.Stop(); } } }
public Entity Instantiate(string prototypeName, int team, DVector3 position) { var proto = entityPrototypes[prototypeName]; var ent = new Entity(team, position, proto); foreach (var cproto in proto.components) { Component comp = null; if (cproto.kind == "Wizard") { comp = new Wizard(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "WizardTower") { comp = new WizardTower(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "BasicUnit") { comp = new BasicUnit(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "GroundMotor") { comp = new GroundMotor(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "AirMotor") { comp = new AirMotor(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "ResourceCollectionPoint") { comp = new ResourceCollectionPoint(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "ResourceHarvester") { comp = new ResourceHarvester(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "Truck") { comp = new Truck(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "MineTruck") { comp = new MineTruck(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "Mine") { comp = new Mine(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "Factory") { comp = new Factory(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "ResourceSource") { comp = new ResourceSource(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "ProjectileWeapon") { comp = new ProjectileWeapon(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "Projectile") { comp = new Projectile(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "Collider") { comp = new Collider(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "HitscanWeapon") { comp = new HitscanWeapon(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "Health") { comp = new Health(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "BuildRadius") { comp = new BuildRadius(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "Team") { comp = new Team(ent, cproto); } else if (cproto.kind == "ResourcePool") { comp = new ResourcePool(ent, cproto); } else { Logger.Log("Unknown component type {0}", cproto.kind); } ent.AddComponent(comp); } return(ent); }