예제 #1
        private void Paste()
            if (_clipboard == null || _clipboard.Length == 0)


            List<DesignPart> pastedParts = new List<DesignPart>();
            List<UndoRedoAddRemove> undoItems = new List<UndoRedoAddRemove>();

            // Paste the parts
            foreach (DesignPart clipPart in _clipboard)
                // Clone it
                DesignPart part = clipPart.Clone();

                // Add it

                // Remember this part
                undoItems.Add(new UndoRedoAddRemove(true, part, _currentLayerIndex));

            // Store the undo items

            // Select the newly pasted parts
            _selectedParts = new SelectedParts(_viewport, _camera, _options);

            if (chkShowGuideLines.IsChecked.Value)
예제 #2
        private void grdViewPort_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
                if (_isDraggingSelectionBox)
                    #region Selection Box

                    // Release the mouse capture and stop tracking it.
                    _isDraggingSelectionBox = false;

                    // Hide the drag selection box.
                    selectionBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                    if (Math1D.IsNearZero(selectionBox.Width) || Math1D.IsNearZero(selectionBox.Height))
                        // This is a miss, because the only way to start a selction box is to not click on anything

                    Point mouseUpPos = e.GetPosition(grdViewPort);

                    // See if the part's centers are inside the rectangular solid.  This way they are required to drag the box at least half way thru the part, but minor
                    // touching will be ignored

                    // Cast 4 rays
                    Point topLeft = new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(selectionBox), Canvas.GetTop(selectionBox));
                    //Point bottomRight = new Point(Canvas.GetRight(selectionBox), Canvas.GetBottom(selectionBox));		// this is just returning NANs for bottom and right
                    Point bottomRight = new Point(topLeft.X + selectionBox.Width, topLeft.Y + selectionBox.Height);

                    var rayTopLeft = UtilityWPF.RayFromViewportPoint(_camera, _viewport, topLeft);
                    var rayTopRight = UtilityWPF.RayFromViewportPoint(_camera, _viewport, new Point(bottomRight.X, topLeft.Y));
                    var rayBottomLeft = UtilityWPF.RayFromViewportPoint(_camera, _viewport, new Point(topLeft.X, bottomRight.Y));
                    var rayBottomRight = UtilityWPF.RayFromViewportPoint(_camera, _viewport, bottomRight);

                    List<ITriangle> planes = new List<ITriangle>();		// visualizing this in sketchup is a life saver
                    planes.Add(new Triangle(rayTopLeft.Origin, rayTopRight.Origin, rayTopLeft.Origin + rayTopLeft.Direction));		// top
                    planes.Add(new Triangle(rayTopRight.Origin, rayBottomRight.Origin, rayTopRight.Origin + rayTopRight.Direction));		// right
                    planes.Add(new Triangle(rayBottomRight.Origin, rayBottomLeft.Origin, rayBottomRight.Origin + rayBottomRight.Direction));		// bottom
                    planes.Add(new Triangle(rayBottomLeft.Origin, rayTopLeft.Origin, rayBottomLeft.Origin + rayBottomLeft.Direction));		// left
                    planes.Add(new Triangle(rayTopLeft.Origin, rayBottomRight.Origin, rayTopRight.Origin));		// selection box

                    // Figure out which layers to look at
                    IEnumerable<DesignPart> candidates = null;
                    if (_isAllLayers)
                        candidates = _parts.SelectMany(o => o);
                        candidates = _parts[_currentLayerIndex];

                    // Find all the parts inside this rectangular cone
                    List<DesignPart> hitParts = candidates.Where(o => Math3D.IsInside_Planes(planes, o.Part3D.Position)).ToList();

                    if (_isCtrlDown && _selectedParts != null)
                        #region Ctrl+Select

                        if (hitParts.Count > 0)
                            // Any of the hit parts that are currently in the selection should be removed.  Any that aren't should be added
                            List<DesignPart> origSelectedParts = _selectedParts.GetParts().ToList();

                            foreach (DesignPart hitPart in hitParts)
                                if (origSelectedParts.Contains(hitPart))

                            if (_selectedParts.Count == 0)

                        #region Standard Select

                        ClearSelectedParts();		// doesn't matter if there was a selection or not.  A new one is needed

                        if (hitParts.Count > 0)
                            // Create a selection, and put the hit parts in it
                            _selectedParts = new SelectedParts(_viewport, _camera, _options);


                    // Update guidelines
                    if (_selectedParts != null && chkShowGuideLines.IsChecked.Value)

                else if (_isDraggingParts)
                    #region Finish moving selected parts

                    _isDraggingParts = false;

                    if (_selectedParts != null && _selectedParts.IsDraggingModifier)

                    if (_selectedParts != null && _isSelectionDragDirty)
                        // They moved the selection, so store it in the undo list

                        // Group the parts by layer
                        SortedList<int, List<DesignPart>> selectedPartsByLayer = GetPartsByLayer(_selectedParts.GetParts().ToList());

                        // Build the undo items
                        List<UndoRedoTransformChange> undoItems = new List<UndoRedoTransformChange>();
                        foreach (int layerIndex in selectedPartsByLayer.Keys)
                            undoItems.AddRange(selectedPartsByLayer[layerIndex].Select(o => new UndoRedoTransformChange(o.Part3D.Token, layerIndex)
                                Orientation = o.Part3D.Orientation,
                                Position = o.Part3D.Position,
                                Scale = o.Part3D.Scale


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), _msgboxCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
예제 #3
        private void SelectAllParts()
            ClearSelectedParts();		// doesn't matter if there was a selection or not.  A new one is needed

            if (!_isAllLayers && (_parts[_currentLayerIndex].Count == 0 || !((LayerRow)pnlLayers.Children[_currentLayerIndex + 1]).IsLayerVisible))
                // There are no parts in this layer

            // Create a selection, and put the hit parts in it
            _selectedParts = new SelectedParts(_viewport, _camera, _options);

            if (_isAllLayers)
                _selectedParts.AddRange(_parts.SelectMany(o => o));