public List<NarratorItem> Parse(string file) { lines = File.ReadAllLines(file); items = new List<NarratorItem>(); narratorItem = null; index = 0; separators = 0; while (index < lines.Length) { if (lines[index].StartsWith(separator)) { ParseSeparators(); } else if (lines[index].EndsWith(":")) { ParseOptions(); } index++; if (index >= lines.Length) { break; } } lines = null; return items; }
private void ParseSeparators() { separators++; if (separators == 1) { index++; narratorItem = new NarratorItem(); narratorItem.Name = lines[index]; index++; } else if (separators == 2) { items.Add(narratorItem); separators = 0; // If we havent reached the end of the file, then adjust the index for the next item if (index + 1 < lines.Length) { index -= 2; } } }