public override void OutAShadySAssignmentExp(AShadySAssignmentExp node) { if (node.GetLocalDeclRight().Count == 1 && ((AALocalDeclRight) node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]).GetName() == null) { //Assignment expression //Cant have any [] or * after first lvalue if (node.GetPostPointers().Count > 0) { Token token; PShadyDynamicOps op = (PShadyDynamicOps)node.GetPostPointers()[0]; if (op is APointerShadyDynamicOps) token = ((APointerShadyDynamicOps) op).GetToken(); else token = ((AArrayShadyDynamicOps)op).GetToken(); errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(token, currentSourceFile, "Didn't expect " + token.Text + " there. Im very confused.")); } if (node.GetGenericToken() != null) errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(node.GetGenericToken(), "What the hell is this? I didn't see that coming. Or maybe I did.. But I don't like it!")); //an assignment can't be const); if (node.GetConst() != null) errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(node.GetConst(), currentSourceFile, "Unexpected const", false)); //An assignment must have a right side if (((AALocalDeclRight) node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]).GetInit() == null || ((AALocalDeclRight) node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]).GetAssignop() == null) { Token token = GetToken(node.GetLvalue()); errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(token, currentSourceFile, "Expected assignment", false)); node.Parent().RemoveChild(node); return; } ASAssignmentExp exp = new ASAssignmentExp( ((AALocalDeclRight) node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]).GetAssignop(), node.GetLvalue(), ((AALocalDeclRight) node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]).GetInit()); node.ReplaceBy(exp); exp.Apply(this); } else { //Local decl AMultiLocalDecl localDecl = new AMultiLocalDecl(node.GetConst(), LvalueToType(node.GetLvalue(), node.GetPostPointers(), node.GetGenericToken(), node.GetGenericTypes()), new ArrayList()); while (node.GetLocalDeclRight().Count > 0) { localDecl.GetLocalDeclRight().Add(node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]); } AExpStm expStm = Util.GetAncestor<AExpStm>(node); ALocalDeclStm localDeclStm = new ALocalDeclStm(expStm.GetToken(), localDecl); expStm.ReplaceBy(localDeclStm); localDeclStm.Apply(this); } }
public override void CaseAMethodDecl(AMethodDecl node) { if (firstMethodCall) StatementRemover.Parse(node); firstMethodCall = false; before.Clear(); after.Clear(); uses.Clear(); intersectingLocals.Clear(); definedLocals.Clear(); renamedLocals.Clear(); assigns.Clear(); changes = false; //Make uses setUses = true; base.CaseAMethodDecl(node); setUses = false; //Build a list of what's visible do { changes = false; base.CaseAMethodDecl(node); } while (changes); setSpans = true; base.CaseAMethodDecl(node); setSpans = false; //Join locals of same type, unless they are both parameters or they are listed as intersecting for (int i = 0; i < definedLocals.Count; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < definedLocals.Count; j++) { AALocalDecl decl1 = definedLocals[i]; AALocalDecl decl2 = definedLocals[j]; if (Util.TypeToString(decl1.GetType()) == Util.TypeToString(decl2.GetType()) && !intersectingLocals.Contains(new Pair(decl1, decl2))) { if (Util.GetAncestor<AABlock>(decl1) == null && Util.GetAncestor<AABlock>(decl2) == null) continue; AALocalDecl replacement = decl1; AALocalDecl replaced = decl2; //Dont replace the parameter if (Util.GetAncestor<AABlock>(replaced) == null) { replacement = decl2; replaced = decl1; i--; } j--; renamedLocals.Add(replaced, replacement); definedLocals.Remove(replaced); foreach (Pair pair in intersectingLocals) { if (pair.Local1 == replaced) pair.Local1 = replacement; if (pair.Local2 == replaced) pair.Local2 = replacement; } //Assign defaults if (replaced.GetInit() == null) { ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier(replaced.GetName().Text));[lvalue] = replaced;[lvalue] = replaced.GetType(); List<PStm> statements = AssignDefault(lvalue); PStm pStm = Util.GetAncestor<PStm>(replaced); AABlock pBlock = (AABlock) pStm.Parent(); foreach (PStm statement in statements) { pBlock.GetStatements().Insert(pBlock.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), statement); } pBlock.RemoveChild(pStm); } else { //Make an assignment expression instead ALocalDeclStm declStm = (ALocalDeclStm)replaced.Parent(); ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue((TIdentifier)replaced.GetName().Clone());[lvalue] = replaced.GetType(); AAssignmentExp exp = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("=", lvalue.GetName().Line, lvalue.GetName().Pos), lvalue, replaced.GetInit()); AExpStm expStm = new AExpStm(declStm.GetToken(), exp); declStm.ReplaceBy(expStm);[lvalue] = replacement.GetType();[exp] = replacement.GetType();[lvalue] = replacement; } } } } //Unique names List<string> names = new List<string>(); //Avoid clash with methods/fields/structs names.AddRange( => declItem.Decl.GetName().Text)); names.AddRange( => declItem.Decl.GetName().Text)); names.AddRange( => declItem.Decl.GetName().Text)); foreach (AALocalDecl local in definedLocals) { string name = local.GetName().Text; int version = 1; while (names.Contains(name)) { version++; name = local.GetName().Text + version; } local.GetName().Text = name; names.Add(name); } //Move defined locals to the start of the method foreach (AALocalDecl formal in node.GetFormals()) { definedLocals.Remove(formal); } AABlock block = (AABlock)node.GetBlock(); for (int i = 0; i < block.GetStatements().Count; i++) { ALocalDeclStm stm; if (block.GetStatements()[i] is ALocalDeclStm) { stm = (ALocalDeclStm)block.GetStatements()[i]; definedLocals.Remove((AALocalDecl)stm.GetLocalDecl()); continue; } //Add the rest at i if (definedLocals.Count == 0) break; AALocalDecl decl = definedLocals[0]; definedLocals.RemoveAt(0); if (decl.GetInit() == null) { ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier(decl.GetName().Text));[lvalue] = decl;[lvalue] = decl.GetType(); List<PStm> statements = AssignDefault(lvalue); PStm pStm = Util.GetAncestor<PStm>(decl); AABlock pBlock = (AABlock) pStm.Parent(); foreach (PStm statement in statements) { pBlock.GetStatements().Insert(pBlock.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), statement); } pBlock.RemoveChild(pStm); } else { //Make an assignment expression before moving stm = (ALocalDeclStm)decl.Parent(); ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier(decl.GetName().Text));[lvalue] = decl.GetType(); AAssignmentExp exp = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), lvalue, decl.GetInit()); AExpStm expStm = new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), exp); stm.ReplaceBy(expStm);[lvalue] = decl.GetType();[exp] = decl.GetType();[lvalue] = decl; } stm = new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), decl); block.GetStatements().Insert(i, stm); } fixRefferences = true; base.CaseAMethodDecl(node); fixRefferences = false; //If we have an assignment to a local where the stored result is never used, remove the assignment //Since we changed some statements, rebuild stuff before.Clear(); after.Clear(); uses.Clear(); intersectingLocals.Clear(); definedLocals.Clear(); renamedLocals.Clear(); assigns.Clear(); changes = false; //Make uses setUses = true; base.CaseAMethodDecl(node); setUses = false; //Build a list of what's visible do { changes = false; base.CaseAMethodDecl(node); } while (changes); PStm[] stms = new PStm[before.Keys.Count]; before.Keys.CopyTo(stms, 0); foreach (PStm stm in stms) { if (assigns[stm] != null && //Assignment exp !after[stm].Contains(assigns[stm]) && //Assignment unused Util.GetAncestor<AMethodDecl>(assigns[stm]) != null && !(stm is ALocalDeclStm))//It is to a local { stm.Apply(new MoveMethodDeclsOut(; stm.Parent().RemoveChild(stm); } } //Remove foo = foo; RemoveStupidAssignments assignmentRemover = new RemoveStupidAssignments(; node.Apply(assignmentRemover); //Remove unused local variables foreach (AALocalDecl local in definedLocals) { if (Util.GetAncestor<AAProgram>(local) != null && Util.GetAncestor<AABlock>(local) != null && ! => p.Value == local).Any(p => Util.GetAncestor<AAProgram>(p.Key) != null)) local.Parent().Parent().RemoveChild(local.Parent()); } if (assignmentRemover.RemovedOne) { CaseAMethodDecl(node); return; } //If an assignment to a variable is completely local, and that assignment is only used once, put the assignment where it is used //Since we changed some statements, rebuild stuff before.Clear(); after.Clear(); uses.Clear(); intersectingLocals.Clear(); definedLocals.Clear(); renamedLocals.Clear(); assigns.Clear(); changes = false; //Make uses setUses = true; base.CaseAMethodDecl(node); setUses = false; //Build a list of what's visible do { changes = false; base.CaseAMethodDecl(node); } while (changes); foreach (KeyValuePair<PStm, AALocalDecl> pair in assigns) { PStm assignStm = pair.Key; AALocalDecl assignVar = pair.Value; bool isLocal = Util.IsLocal(assignStm,; bool containsInvokeInPrevStm = false; if (assignVar != null && after[assignStm].Contains(assignVar)) { bool dontMove = false; //First, if there are any conditional parrent statement, where the variable is in live before the stm, then we can't move it PStm condParent = (PStm) Util.GetNearestAncestor(assignStm, typeof (AIfThenStm), typeof (AIfThenElseStm), typeof (AWhileStm)); while (condParent != null) { if (before[condParent].Contains(assignVar)) { dontMove = true; break; } condParent = (PStm)Util.GetNearestAncestor(condParent.Parent(), typeof(AIfThenStm), typeof(AIfThenElseStm), typeof(AWhileStm)); } PStm useStm = null; List<PStm> successors = GetSuccessor(assignStm); bool containsConditionalAssignments = false; while (successors.Count > 0) { if (successors.Count > 500) useStm = useStm; PStm successor = successors[0]; successors.RemoveAt(0); if (uses[successor].Contains(assignVar)) { if (useStm == null && !containsConditionalAssignments && !(successor is AWhileStm)) useStm = successor; else { dontMove = true; break; } } if (after[successor].Contains(assignVar) && !(assigns.ContainsKey(successor) && assigns[successor] == assignVar)) { List<PStm> newSuccessors = GetSuccessor(successor); foreach (PStm stm in newSuccessors) { if (!successors.Contains(stm)) successors.Add(stm); } } if (assigns.ContainsKey(successor) && uses[assignStm].Contains(assigns[successor])) { dontMove = true; break; } if (assigns.ContainsKey(successor) && assigns[successor] == assignVar) { condParent = (PStm)Util.GetNearestAncestor(successor, typeof(AIfThenStm), typeof(AIfThenElseStm), typeof(AWhileStm)); while (condParent != null) { if (!Util.IsAncestor(assignStm, condParent)) { containsConditionalAssignments = true; break; } condParent = (PStm)Util.GetNearestAncestor(condParent.Parent(), typeof(AIfThenStm), typeof(AIfThenElseStm), typeof(AWhileStm)); } //If we found a usage, and it is inside a while that the assignStm is not inside, but we are inside, don't move if (useStm != null) { AWhileStm whileParant = Util.GetAncestor<AWhileStm>(successor); while (whileParant != null) { if (Util.IsAncestor(useStm, whileParant) && !Util.IsAncestor(assignStm, whileParant)) { dontMove = true; break; } whileParant = Util.GetAncestor<AWhileStm>(whileParant.Parent()); } } } FindInvoke finder = new FindInvoke(); successor.Apply(finder); if (finder.ContainsInvoke && useStm == null) containsInvokeInPrevStm = true; } if (useStm != null && !dontMove) { //If assignStm is inside an if, and the use stm is not, and there is another assignment //to the same variable in an else block, then don't join AIfThenElseStm ifThenElse = Util.GetAncestor<AIfThenElseStm>(assignStm); while (ifThenElse != null) { if (!Util.IsAncestor(useStm, ifThenElse)) { ABlockStm otherBlock; if (Util.IsAncestor(assignStm, ifThenElse.GetThenBody())) otherBlock = (ABlockStm) ifThenElse.GetElseBody(); else otherBlock = (ABlockStm)ifThenElse.GetThenBody(); StmEnum enumerator = new StmEnum(otherBlock); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { PStm stm = (PStm) enumerator.Current; if (assigns.ContainsKey(stm) && assigns[stm] == assignVar) { dontMove = true; break; } } if (dontMove) break; } ifThenElse = Util.GetAncestor<AIfThenElseStm>(ifThenElse.Parent()); } //If the assignStm or useStm is inside a while, it could get complicated //if (Util.HasAncestor<AWhileStm>(assignStm) || Util.HasAncestor<AWhileStm>(useStm)) // dontMove = true; } if (useStm != null && dontMove == false && (isLocal || !containsInvokeInPrevStm)) { //Ensure that it is not used twice in this stm FindLvalue finder = new FindLvalue(assignVar,; useStm.Apply(finder); if (!finder.IsUsedTwice && (isLocal || !finder.HasPrevInvoke)) { PExp rightside; if (assignStm is ALocalDeclStm) { rightside = ((AALocalDecl)((ALocalDeclStm)assignStm).GetLocalDecl()).GetInit(); } else { rightside = ((AAssignmentExp)((AExpStm)assignStm).GetExp()).GetExp(); assignStm.Parent().RemoveChild(assignStm); } if (rightside != null) { finder.Lvalue.Parent().ReplaceBy(rightside); CaseAMethodDecl(node); return; } } } } } if (StatementRemover.Parse(node)) { CaseAMethodDecl(node); return; } firstMethodCall = true; }
public override void OutAIncDecExp(AIncDecExp node) { PIncDecOp op = node.GetIncDecOp(); if (!Util.HasAncestor<AABlock>(node)) { Token token = null; if (op is APostDecIncDecOp) token = ((APostDecIncDecOp) op).GetToken(); else if (op is APreDecIncDecOp) token = ((APreDecIncDecOp)op).GetToken(); else if (op is APostIncIncDecOp) token = ((APostIncIncDecOp)op).GetToken(); else if (op is APreIncIncDecOp) token = ((APreIncIncDecOp)op).GetToken(); errors.Add(new ErrorCollection.Error(token, LocRM.GetString("ErrorText114"))); throw new ParserException(token, "TypeChecking.OutAIncDecExp"); } bool plus = op is APreIncIncDecOp || op is APostIncIncDecOp; if (op is APreIncIncDecOp || op is APreDecIncDecOp || node.Parent() is AExpStm) {//++i, --i, i++; or i--; //Replace with assignment //<exp>++ => <exp> + 1 //(... foo = <exp> ...)++ => (... foo = <exp> ...) = (... foo ...) + 1 //(... foo++ ...)++ => (... foo++ ...) = (... foo ...) + 1 PLvalue clone = Util.MakeClone(node.GetLvalue(), data); clone.Apply(new AssignFixup(data)); PBinop binop; if (plus) { binop = new APlusBinop(new TPlus("+")); } else { binop = new AMinusBinop(new TMinus("-")); } ABinopExp addExp = new ABinopExp(new ALvalueExp(clone), binop, new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral("1"))); AAssignmentExp exp = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), node.GetLvalue(), addExp); node.ReplaceBy(exp); exp.Apply(this); return; } {//i++ or i-- //Make a new local so //int newLocal = i; //++i; //...newLocal...; PLvalue lvalueClone = Util.MakeClone(node.GetLvalue(), data); PExp exp = new ALvalueExp(Util.MakeClone(node.GetLvalue(), data)); data.ExpTypes[exp] = data.LvalueTypes[node.GetLvalue()]; AALocalDecl localDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, Util.MakeClone(data.LvalueTypes[node.GetLvalue()], data), new TIdentifier("incDecVar"), exp); ALocalDeclStm localDeclStm = new ALocalDeclStm(new TSemicolon(";"), localDecl); node.SetIncDecOp(plus ? (PIncDecOp) new APreIncIncDecOp(new TPlusPlus("++")) : new APreDecIncDecOp(new TMinusMinus("--"))); ALocalLvalue lvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier(localDecl.GetName().Text)); exp = new ALvalueExp(lvalue); data.ExpTypes[exp] = data.LvalueTypes[lvalue] = data.LvalueTypes[node.GetLvalue()]; data.LocalLinks[lvalue] = localDecl; PStm pStm = Util.GetAncestor<PStm>(node); node.ReplaceBy(exp); PStm nodeStm = new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), node); AABlock block = (AABlock) pStm.Parent(); block.GetStatements().Insert(block.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), localDeclStm); block.GetStatements().Insert(block.GetStatements().IndexOf(pStm), nodeStm); localDeclStm.Apply(this); nodeStm.Apply(this); exp.Apply(this); if (pStm is AWhileStm && Util.IsAncestor(exp, ((AWhileStm)pStm).GetCondition())) { AWhileStm aStm = (AWhileStm)pStm; //Insert // newLocal = i // ++i //Before each continue in the while, and at the end. //Add continue statement, if not present block = (AABlock)((ABlockStm)aStm.GetBody()).GetBlock(); if (block.GetStatements().Count == 0 || !(block.GetStatements()[block.GetStatements().Count - 1] is AContinueStm)) block.GetStatements().Add(new AContinueStm(new TContinue("continue"))); //Get all continue statements in the while ContinueFinder finder = new ContinueFinder(); block.Apply(finder); foreach (AContinueStm continueStm in finder.Continues) { PLvalue nodeLvalue1 = Util.MakeClone(lvalueClone, data); PExp nodeLvalue1Exp = new ALvalueExp(nodeLvalue1); PLvalue nodeLvalue2 = Util.MakeClone(lvalueClone, data); ALocalLvalue newLocalLvalue = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("newLocal")); data.LocalLinks[newLocalLvalue] = localDecl; AAssignmentExp assignment = new AAssignmentExp(new TAssign("="), newLocalLvalue, nodeLvalue1Exp); PStm assignmentStm = new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), assignment); AIncDecExp newIncDecExp = new AIncDecExp(nodeLvalue2, plus ? (PIncDecOp) new APreIncIncDecOp( new TPlusPlus("++")) : new APreDecIncDecOp( new TMinusMinus("--"))); PStm newIncDecExpStm = new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), newIncDecExp); block = (AABlock)continueStm.Parent(); block.GetStatements().Insert(block.GetStatements().IndexOf(continueStm), assignmentStm); block.GetStatements().Insert(block.GetStatements().IndexOf(continueStm), newIncDecExpStm); assignment.Apply(this); newIncDecExp.Apply(this); } } return; } }
public override void OutAShadySAssignmentExp(AShadySAssignmentExp node) { if (node.GetLocalDeclRight().Count == 1 && ((AALocalDeclRight) node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]).GetName() == null) { //Assignment expression //an assignment can't be const); //An assignment must have a right side if (((AALocalDeclRight) node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]).GetInit() == null || ((AALocalDeclRight) node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]).GetAssignop() == null) { node.Parent().RemoveChild(node); return; } ASAssignmentExp exp = new ASAssignmentExp( ((AALocalDeclRight) node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]).GetAssignop(), node.GetLvalue(), ((AALocalDeclRight) node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]).GetInit()); node.ReplaceBy(exp); exp.Apply(this); } else { //Local decl AMultiLocalDecl localDecl = new AMultiLocalDecl(node.GetConst(), LvalueToType(node.GetLvalue(), node.GetPostPointers(), node.GetGenericToken(), node.GetGenericTypes()), new ArrayList()); while (node.GetLocalDeclRight().Count > 0) { localDecl.GetLocalDeclRight().Add(node.GetLocalDeclRight()[0]); } AExpStm expStm = Util.GetAncestor<AExpStm>(node); ALocalDeclStm localDeclStm = new ALocalDeclStm(expStm.GetToken(), localDecl); expStm.ReplaceBy(localDeclStm); localDeclStm.Apply(this); } }